Table of Contents :: Brad McCormick's web site

 [ Go into the new Millennium! + See Mt. Etna! ]
 >  + + My home page + + [ > ] Intro!
 >  My Millennial year (2000-01) e-Greeting, for you!  [+ Mt. Ætna]
 >>  2001 (Stanley Kubrick versus Osama bin Laden)
 >  [ Detour ~ excursus (for philosophers) ]
 >   Q: Who am I?  (A: BMcC.)
 >>  This I Believe: "The net" [ > ] Intro (1 » 2)!
 >>>  Is the adventure of Universalizing Culture in "The West" over? [ > ] Intro!
 >  My father: Robert McCormick's life story
 >  Photo of me [BMcC] as a small boy :: The Sorrow and the Pity
 >>  Lingering effects of my childrearing: Dumb things I do today
 >>  Ancestry & aging: I "grow" older...
 >>  More about me (BMcC)...
 >  The next generation: "Voyage of the Mimi"
 >  What's here?
 >>  + + Graphical site map + +
 >>  What's new on this website?
 [ Go to Site Map! ]
 >>  In lieu of an alphabetic site index (à la Borges' Chinese encyclopedia)
 >>  Web history: What this website looked like July 1997
 >  Principles of good web design (+ Icon Gallery!)
[ Click me to visit website Icon Gallery! ]
 >  My résumé
 >  Ed.D. dissertation: "Communication: The social matrix of supervision of psychotherapy"
 >>  Proposal
 >>  Abstract / Full text: Table of Contents
 >>  Bibliography
 >  Afterword: Toward a place for study...
 >>  Five types of schooled fools (from Sebastian Brandt's Ship of Fools, 1494)
 >  Reminiscences: H.F. Broch de Rothermann ("Broch's son")
 >  Star and Bars. WWII engineering contribution by my uncle Isadore Znamirowski
 >  Quotes I like... [ > ] Index :: 16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
 >  Aphorisms for a human[e] world... 1-2-3
 >>  Computer aphorisms (and reminiscences: "Je me souviens")
 >  Haikus (or at least pseudo-Haikus)
 >  Puns & riddles... 1-2
 >>  Just So Stories
[ Leisure: Luxe, calme et volupte is the basis of culture! ] >  Leisure is the basis of culture [ > ] Intro (1 » 2)!
 >>  Philosophy & daily life: the vulnerability of the human spirit
 >>  E. Husserl lecture: Philosophy and the crisis of European humanity (1935)
 >  Civilization and its Discontents (excerpts + commentary)
 >>  Against ambivalence
 >>  The peremptory discourse of petty power
 >>>  Start making sense!
 >  Why a city can deserve to exist (Louis Kahn)
 >>  Building, dwelling, thinking (Bauen + Wohnen + Denken): My house
 >  Learn to eat well, enjoy & stay thin
  [ Have a leisured lunch at a French cafe! ]  [ Learn to eat well, enjoy and stay thin -- the French way! ]
 >  Communication: Essays & experiments
 >>  Mini essays: "Thoughts"
 >>>  Oedipus's tragedy was not inevitable (Oedipus rescripted)
 >>>>  Sentimentality » Waste: Famous O'Henry story revisited
 >>>>  A big SECRET about secrets [ > ] What secrets tell
 >>>>  Work on myth: Mining meaning (Every myth is a resource!)
 >>>>>  We need a better theology!
 >>>  Col. John Boyd on the theory of war (The OODA loop...)
 >>>>  The Annals of Aviation: The Fall of Icarus was preventable
 >>>  Recollections of Chapel
 >>>  Why I was deemed unfit to be trained as an architect by Yale University
 >>>  Are we free?
 >>>>  Gedankenexperiment: Are we causally determined?
 >>  More mini essays: McLuhanesque "probes"
 >>>  Individuality and society (Jan Szczepanski, 1981)
 >>>  The Museum of Modern Art :: Alma MoMA?
 >>>  Hubcap mentalité
[ Study American middle-class 21st century folkways! ] >>>>  More 21st century American middle-class folkways [ > ] Cameos
 >>>>  Can America become happy again by singing in the rain?
 >>>  Our century: "The Century of Barbed Wire"
 >>>>  "Trotsky in Copenhagen 1932" (Broken picture of a broken world)
 >>>  "I'm sorry, but the computer requires you to do it this way"
 >>>  Where the consumer is king defendant
 >>>  The civilizing process (Childrearing & Society)
 >>>  (Husserlian) "Bracketing" experience
 >>>>  The Annals of Virtual Reality
 >  A Role for General Encyclopedias in the Digital Age
 >  What does "Lorem ipsum dolor..." mean?
 >  The duty of communicators
 >>  A few noteworthy words from an American soldier...
 >  Russian nuclear submarine Kursk disaster (12Aug00)
 >  Yet another avoidable disaster: Concorde SST crash (25Jul00)
 >  "911": Suicide bombers destroy NYC World Trade Center towers
 >>>  What should we rebuild on the World Trade Center site?
 >>  How could "we" ever have anticipated such an "unthinkable" thing?
[ Go to: The duty of communicators! ]
 >>  How can America & "The West" fight the new global terrorism? [ > ] Intro!
 >  What monumental monuments are really monuments to
 >>  War and monumentality: National WWII Memorial (Spectral lines...)
 >  "War Seen From the Grassroot Perspective" (Hermann Friedrich Honold) [ > ] Intro!
 >  SARS (2003-04) + "Bird flu" [H5N1] (2005-)
 >  Proposal for: Social & economic renewal
[ Revisit The Tower of Babel: Build a human world! ] >>  Revisit The Tower of Babel (Technology & Society)
 >>$gt;  The Gift from the Machine (Technology & Society; 1980-85)
 >>>  "The Transparent Factory" (Germany, 2003)
 >  Let's go beyond postmodernism!
 >>  Background info about postmodernism [+ pictures!]
 >  "The Tragedy of the Commons" (Garrett Hardin, 1968)
 >  Alienation in contemporary Japanese life [[ > ]Float away...]
 >  Es gibt [ > ] explained... (+ "Darwin")
 >>  Increasing role of socially engineered chance in our lives
 >  Do you... Do I... Do we live in a cosmos?
 >  Introduction to SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
 >>  ...*Darwin Among the Machines* (Susanne Langer & SGML)
 >  Introduction to APL (A Programming Language)
[ Learn about SGML! ]
 >  Web art on this web site...
 >>  In hoc signo vinces [ > ] the art of True Belief
 >>  I.U.D.T.C.R. (cf. Marcel Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q.)
 >>  This is not a  [¿What?]
 >  Virtual exhibit: My envelope art
 >  Architectural design projects (HCDP 1981) [ > ] Intro!
 >>  Building to house a single rare book (The decline of The West...)
 >>  A psychotherapist's office (1992)
 >  Art history education, Abbot Suger, and the church of St. Denis
 >  Bizenware sake cup (Kakumi Seiho)
 >>  Japanese gardens (Daisen-in...)
 >>>  My (BMcC) garden inspired by Ise "Wedded rocks"
[ See more forest spirits! ] >>  FACE: 2 faced monk (ca. 1050CE)
 >>  FACES: Spirits of the forest...
 >>  Fujisan (Mt. Fuji views)
 >  Ash glaze vase (Malcolm Wright) + bowl with birds...
 >  Bizenware vase (Michael Marcus)
 >  Digital photographs (incl. Maine Coon cats)
 >>  Jethra (master cat)
 >>  Abiko (journeyman cat) :: "PTSD" kitty
 >>  Mirabile Misu kitten (+ Speculations on cats' lived experience)
 >>>  Litterbox meditations (The search for meaning in daily life)
 >>>  The blessing of the pets
[ Follow the cats trail! ]
 >  Mouse cartoons (1979) + more mice...
 >>  Doraemon (Japanese cartoon cat)
[ Go to French Canada! ] >  House in symmetrical repose (Nova Scotia)
 >  Streets, houses, walls, windows, doors... (Montréal & Québec City)
 >  A Post-Postmodern artwork (incl. "Slogan Jenny")
 >>>  How/Why do I (BMcC) differ from performance artist Laurie Anderson?
 >>  A post modern artwork (sculpture)
 >>  Airport baggage claim is a moving experience...
 >>>  Physiometrics of a shopping cart
 >>  Resize peasant shoes! (van Gogh, Heidegger, me, thee...)
[ Go to Baggage Claim! ]
[ << ]
 >  President & Mrs. Clinton's new home in Chappaqua, NY (Take virtual tour!)
[ Vote, now! ]  >  O! Say can you see... (re-counting votes in 2000 U.S. Presidential election)
 >>>  Vote! Participate in my opinion survey! Vote!
 >>  George W Bush ¿? 43rd President of the United States  1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-?-0
 >  Political satire: Bush hunts Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction
 >>  Bush privatizes NASA; Pope John Paul II canonizes him for it!
 >  Safeguard yourself! America's Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) defense
[ Moby Dick sinks the Pequod ]
 >   America: Running on empty [¿Out of gas?]
 >>  Deregulate yourself: Go to Enron!
 >>  Serenity
 >  Brief quotes on the meaning of time ("it's About time")
 >>  "Shipwreck with Spectator" (Life as a journey...)
 >>  The Summoning of Everyman (1485)
 >>>  ALBERT A VOLK A demolition contractor's grave site
 >>  Vision of the future (Hi-tech + deregulation)
 >  Current moon phase
[ What time does your computer think it is? Find out here! ] >  What time does your computer think it is?
 >>  Living in "Internet time"
 >>>  @SwatchBeat proposed universal time standard
 >  My experiences with mechanical wristwatches ("The Crown and the Cross")
 >  ET CETERAs :: Thoughts & images not otherwise classified...  1-2-3-4-5
 >>  "Stuff" & more Stuff  (1-2-3-4-5)...
 >  Dreams (+ reveries...)
 >  RYO: Create your own cartoon!
 >>  Play with signifiers!
 >  Play pattern-matching game! ("IQ Test")
 >>  Do you have what it takes to be a career diplomat?
 >>  Are you a prodigy?
[ A BRIGHT IDEA! Light in the darkness! ]
 >  Plus ultra: Links to other interesting WEB sites
 >>  My participation in NHK Internet atomic weapons forum (1997)
 >  Guestbook
 >>  Please Sign my guestbook!
 >  What is the purpose, use & value of this website?
 >>  [ Technical information about this website ]
 >>  Dig deeper: Website analytical table of contents
 >  How my computer handled "Y2k" date rollover
 >  Curta (mechanical calculator)
   vspace=1 border=0>
[ The constellation Sagittarius. Read Hegel's opinion about the starry heavens! ]
 >  © Copyright notice + Conditions of use
 >  Acknowledgements
 >  The Internet: A warning!
 >  The End of the Internet
 >>  Moving on...
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Copyright © 1998-2005 Brad McCormick, Ed.D. [ Email me! ]
17 January 2009 (2009-01-17 ISO 8601)
[ Read brief quotes about the meaning of time! ]
 [ That someday is today, in Montenegro.... ]
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