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![[ Parking garage access card-controlled entry gate ]](parkingates.jpg) |
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Where I work,
I park in a garage that has gate with a
pivoted wood bar that swings up when you swipe a valid card thru a card reader,
and then the gate swings back down after you drive thru (like in the picture,
above ).
I have never tested to see how long one has after swiping one's card, to get
thru the gate without the gate coming down and hitting the roof of one's car. |
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![[ Stuff happens to us.... ]](warn.gif) |
One morning, as I arrived to the garage entrance, I found the gate
flapping up and down, probably as fast as it could,
without stopping: Up, down, up, down.... Entering my badge in
the card reader did not affect the gate's behavior. |
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Not thinking rationally, fearing I would not be
able to get in the garage (there is nowhere else to park),
I decided to make a run for it: I trusted my timing
intuition, put my car in gear and pressed the accelerator
![[ See what happened when I made a run for it! ]](../gif/next2a.gif) |
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...And, sheerly by luck, I got
thru without the gate hitting my car. [I have no idea how
I would have coped had I not been lucky and the gate had damaged my car --
especially since I'm already paying a very high auto insurance rate due to
several recent minor accidents.] |
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A few minutes later I watched another person drive up to the
still frantically oscillating gate. He backed up and went
around the building to another entrance. |
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I lucked out in an irrational emotional
state; the other person did the rational thing and got
what he wanted without taking unnecessary risk. |
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I hope I have learned a lesson -- even though
I was lucky and didn't "have to pay for" my stupidity. |
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Copyright © 2003 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net ![[ Email me! ]](../gif/email2me.gif)
26 April 2008 (2008-04-26 ISO 8601)
v02.08 | |
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Read how I keep putting my foot in my mouth
(lingering effects of my childrearing).
See example of my poor self-esteem.
Yet more dumb things I've done in frustration....
Lockout! (29 April 2005) |
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![[ Come in this door! (Lockout!) ]](../gif/door2.gif) |
Different kind of parking lot misadventure....
E-mail me dumb things you've done.
Take a NYS DMV eye test!
Think about life as a journey.
Are you a prodigy?
Test your pattern-matching ability (IQ).
Been smart? Reward yourself with Tiffany wheels! |
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A couple weeks earlier,
my wife had sent me into Mt. Kisco to pick up some take out food.
The restaurant was located on the main street. My wife [sensibly!] suggested
I should park in the back. But I wasn't sure I wouldn't have to pay
to park there, and, as I was driving past the restaurant, I noticed
a "perfect" space on the other side of the street, I did a U-turn, and
before I was fully parked, the cop was asking for my license and registration....
(Read about:
Yet another parking space I shouldn't have tried to get into ) |
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![[ This way to the egress! ]](../gif/leave.jpg) |
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