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[ Where are Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction? ]
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[ Moby Dick sinks the Pequod ]
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Foreign Policy Troika
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George W Bush 1st term (2001-04)
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[ See Ms. Rice in action as Bush 2nd term Secretary of State! ]
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[ See how Bush treated his 1st term Secretary of State, Colin Powell! ]
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Left: Condoleezza Rice. National Security Advisor. Theoretician of new American Imperium.
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"Dr. Condoleezza Rice is an honest, fabulous person. And America is lucky to have her service. Period." (George W Bush, Press conference, 30Jul03, 10:33EDT)
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She once had a Chevron oil tanker named after her when she served on the company's board of directors. (NY Daily News, 03Apr04)
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Center: Colin Powell. Secretary of State. Realistic, moderate, multilateralist retired Army 4-star General. ([ See example how powerless Secretary of State Powell is! ]Has no real power.) [ ]
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[ ] Right: George W Bush. President. Obsessed by idea that Saddam Hussein once "tried to kill my dad".[fn.63[ Go to footnote! ]]
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Ratio: President Bush is to Captain Ahab, as Saddam Hussein is to Moby Dick?
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Admire ingenious Bush diplomatic ploy against France, Germany and Belgium for their not joining his "coalition of the willing" to attack Iraq (Early Feb. 03).
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Discover how just one bullet could have avoided the U.S. 2003 invasion of Iraq!

Copyright © 2002-2005 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
19 March 2006 (2006-03-19 ISO 8601)
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[ King Dubya and Czar Putain in St. Petersberg redux ]
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[ ] post-Cold War world order:
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American King George II and Russian Czar Vladimir "in the majestic setting of the Catherine Palace outside St. Petersburg" [NYT, 22Nov02] -- prev: Leningrad....
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Guilty Odessa mis-steps?
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"...[T]he expansion of NATO... to include seven... former Communist countries [Lithuania, Romania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Bulgaria] should be welcomed by the Russian people." (George W Bush, quoted in Elisabeth Bumiller and Patrick E. Tyler, "Putin Questions U.S. Terror Allies", NYT, 23Nov02, p.A1,10)
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Convince yourself that Russia should welcome America's interventions in former Communist bloc states [ Convince yourself that America poses no threat to Russian interests! ] 

[ Return to Secretary of State Powell! ]"Mr. Bush told Mr. Woodward that he did not ask [Secretary of State Powell's] opinion on whether to go to war [with Iraq] because he thought he knew what that opinion would be: 'no.'" (Steven R. Weisman, "Airing of Powell's Misgivings Tests Ties in the Cabinet", NYT on the Web, 19Apr04)
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[ Go to Site Map! ] [ ] [ Return to America hits the trifecta! ] [ ]
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[ Go to the White House! ]
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[ South Korean response to 2002 American foreign policy ]
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Cold War ally South Korea sentiment about U.S. 2002 foreign policy (NYT, 22Dec02, p.WK4. Reuters photo).[fn.64[ Go to footnote! ]]
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 GWB: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - [7] - 8 - 9 - ? - 0 [ Return to George W Bush! ]
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