Create your own cartoon!  [ Just do it! ]
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[ Cartoon with text erased so you can fill in your own words.... ]
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Image modified by BMcC, incl. blurb text erased.
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Create your own cartoon... By filling in the blanks! Make the characters say what you want them to say! (I'd like to learn what you came up with, if you'd care to share[ Email me! ]....) Just do it!

Go to Dilbert comics website.
Learn about CUBORO marble run toy.
Go/Return  to post-Postmodern artwork page (Under deconstruction!).
Go/Return  to Bill and Hillary Clinton political satire: Chappaqua virtual tour....
Go/Return  to U.S. Government sells NASA to Japanese cartoon publishers satire (+George W Bush gets canonized for it!).
Go/Return  to schooled fools (from Sebastian Brandt's Ship of Fools, 1494).
Go/Return to Mouse cartoons + more mice.
See two (2) great cat cartoons.
Meditate on cat litter box cleaning.
Start making sense!
Enjoy your obligatory pleasures!
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What do you think The Boss should be saying to HR Director Catbert, below?
[ What do you think The Boss should be saying to Catbert here? ]
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See my rescript of The Boss giving a performance review[ The Boss gives a performance review! ]
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Go to puns and riddles (Why not laugh?).
[ Watch out! ]Learn 2 dumb things I (BMcC) did.
Take a NYS DMV eye test!
See pocket watch from hell.
Visit Villa Pizza (with pepperoni and cheese...).
Read gibberish emails.
Play  with signifiers! ~ But be careful: Don't play in traffic (...if you know what I mean)!
[ ] Float away[ Float away into contemporary Japanese popular culture! ]
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Copyright © 1999-2002 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.,
Invenit et fecit. [ Email me! ]
27 April 2006 (2006-04-27 ISO 8601)
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[ Doraemon and Fortune Cat wish you good luck! ]
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[ Work with Robert Musil's 'Man Without Qualities' in an engineering office! ] [ ] [ Go to George W Bush! ] [ ] [ Learn about folkways of 21st century middle class Americans! ] [ ] [ Whatever happened to Chicken Little? ]
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[ Go to Baggage Claim! ]
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[ For the 21st century: Slow food! Slow reflection on all the fast things running around! ]
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[ In garlic we trust! Eat more garlic! ] [ ] [ What does this fish mean? Check it out! ]
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[ Watch out! ] [ ] [ A BRIGHT IDEA! Light in the darkness! ] 
[ Crescit eundo.... ]A classic Zap comix cartoon (ca. 1972).
A man goes into a cheap diner -- what we in America call a "greasy spoon". The man orders a hamburger.
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All utensils in the diner (knives, forks, etc.) attack the man to try to protect the poor defenseless innocent hamburger against threatened murder by mastication (being eaten).
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The utensils chase the man out the door, and he runs for his life! The man runs and runs, with the vigilante utensils in hot pursuit!
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As the utensils posse closes in on him...
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[ A BRIGHT IDEA! Light in the darkness! ] [ Crescit eundo.... ]...The man gets a bright idea (cartoon frame with light bulb above the man's head): The man runs back into the diner and orders ANOTHER HAMBURGER!
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[[ Learn about Ravel opera on this theme! ]Compare: Maurice Ravel's Opera: "L'Enfant et les Sortilèges" (See also, and).]
[ Notice what's hiding in plain sight! ] [ ] [ Why does everybody like cellphones? ] [ ] [ Don't click this link, or else you will go to AOL! ]
[ Palladio in America, 2004 :: Visit Villa Pizza ] [ ]
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In their November 17, 2003 issue, The New Yorker magazine ran its 5th annual "Cartoon Caption Contest". I sincerely believe that I never knew about their contest until I saw it on "The Back Page" of the 17Nov03 issue. I think my "Make your own cartoon" page was my own idea, based on thinking how one could change what the characters in a Dilbert cartoon say to each other. In any case, the only prizes I offer are chances for you to: (1) Share your cartoon with me, (2) Possibly have me post your cartoon on my website where very few persons will see it, and/or (3) For you to show your cartoon to other persons and maybe even get it published, yourself (I have never got any of my cartoons published). Just do it!
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You protest, dear reader, that you cannot draw. I can't draw, either. Verily, I say unto you: Cut and paste and reproduce [i.e., Xerox aka photocopy]! Let other people do the drawing for you (it's called: collage). Get your ideas out -- by any [semiotic] means necessary! [Don't forget: all existing symbolic forms make up a universal semiotic parts bin (aka smorgasbord) for your new creations! Take what you want; eat what you take!]
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