This page honors all the telegraph, ham radio and radar operators,
lighthouse keepers, and others, whose vigilance helps secure for our life the
safe material foundation upon which we can erect a spiritual world.
I thank them for listening and watching, that our
cries for help may be heard, and the forces which would beset us be detected.
This page also honors
all those who await their alert, to come to our aid and deliver us from evil:
firemen, coastguardsmen, emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and others. |
"Sadly, in
1995 the United States Coast Guard stopped routinely using the morse code to converse with ships at sea. This ended a long
tradition. Morse code however will always remain a viable means of providing highly reliable communications during
difficult communications conditions."
(Morse Code Home Page. Also:
Go here)
The Morse Code Home Page no longer exists. Please see: here.
" have substituted for the magical
communion of species and the confusion of distinct orders a spiritual relation in which beings remain
at their post but communicate among themselves will have been the
imperishable merit of the 'admirable Greek people,' and the very institution of
(Emmanuel Levinas, Totality and Infinity, p. 48) |
Like all innovation, recent advances in personal emergency locator beacons
(e.g., OnStar: "You're never alone or without help",
and the Breitling emergency wristwatch --
don't get lost without one!), open new possibilities of personal and social life,
both welcome and unwelcome (both 'good" and 'bad', etc.). However, I believe these technologies
can effect significant improvement for all persons, by eliminating,
once and for all, the possibility that a person, finding themselves "in trouble" --
shall ever again call for help and their call not be heard. To remove this possibility from
life seems to me a genuinely constructive step along the path toward a fully human[e]
social world, in which, without fail, as Hermann Broch wrote in The
Sleepwalkers: |
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"....From our bitterest and profoundest darkness
the cry of succour comes to the helpless, there sounds the voice... that binds our
loneliness to all other lonelinesses... raised high over the clamour of the non-existent;
it is the voice of man and
of the tribes of men, the voice of comfort and hope and immediate love: 'Do thyself no
harm! For we are all here!'" (p. 648) | |
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In the bombings, 11Sep01,
of the World Trade Center (NYC)
and the The Pentagon, where terrorists flew commercial airliners into the buildings
as kamikazes, some of the passengers were able to use their cell phones to
have a few last words with loved ones. News passengers on a fourth hijacked plane received by cell-phone,
about the WTC and Pentagon events, may have motivated them to fight their hijackers
and cause their plane to crash in uninhabited rural area instead of its intended
target.[fn.37c ] |
![[ ]](sp.gif) |
Such "tragedies showcase the extraordinary rewards of the
communications revolution. Yet never have the limits of communication been
more stark. One person is inside a burning building and one is outside. Their
voices may meet in the digital void, but they can't pull each other to safety
across it."(Jennifer Egan, "Elements of Tragedy: The technology", NYT Sunday Magazine, 23Sep01) |
There are other heroes of communication
whom I have not mentioned. For example, long-haul truck drivers -- including those who
drive the winter ice roads over frozen lakes
to supply the Canadian northern territories each winter --, who convey among us the "things" without
the communication / circulation of which our cultural world would be confined to the narrow
subsistence routines of village life. |