Note: Donald J. Trump may find material on this webpage sacrilegious. It expresses my (BMcC)
aminosity toward a certain kind of Christian orthodoxy, and also my revulsion against Dulce et Decorum est pro Patria Mori, i.e.
people being conned into dying for jingoistic symbols, such as a Children's Crusade
to coerce children to attend schools in person during Covid-19 pandemic, so that
their parents can get back to working to elevate the USA GNP number → what nobel laureate in economics
Paul Krugman, in a New York Times newspaper OpEd piece, called: "dying for the Dow."
USA Needs a "Pussy Riot" band to sing in a church: "Virgin Mary, Mother of God, put Putin Donald J. Trump away!" Is he playing a cynical role or is he clinically psychotic? The doctors
at St. Elizabeth's Hospital (Washington, DC) could tell us. As of 10 Sep 2020, Donald J. Trump seems desperately in need of either: (1) Arraignment in court, or (2) A psychiatric evaluation, or (3), as has been suggested: Resigning so Vice President Mike Pence can assume the Presidency and pardon him.
![[ ]](sp.gif)
I believe my right to express my opinions here is protected by
the First Amendment to The United States Constitution, because I am not advocating violence, such as
in my (BMcC) opinion is incited by Donald J. Trump (cf: "MAGA", which, I believe, in the Yoruba language native to Nigerian Internet phishers, means: fool).
Anent: "food for powder": Males are expendable (conscript 'em or get 'em to
volunteer, → and send 'em to the front to be "food for powder"!). Females are
more valuable because they
are factories to re-produce the nation. No babies, no nation. No nation, nobody for the Leader to lead [to sacrifice/slaughter].
One male can inseminate 20 females (20 babies); 1 female and only 1 baby, no matter how many males. Females are
a potential bottleneck in the system (∴ "conservatives" are against birth-control and abortion, at least for
females not in their immediate family or families of their close friends!). Obvious, but bears(sic) repeating. Attention all conscriptable males: Where are your bone spurs in your heels? Compare Donald J. Trump with history's most famous unseparated Siamese twins, the RonaldNancy Reagan, sometime Arschloch des Abendlandes and leader of a Scheißewelt.
Donald J. Trump is a sore loser. He is "white trash".
