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The World of KENJI. Lovely site dedicated to Japanese author
of fables and children's books. Quality material for "little ones"
as well as (and to share with) grownups. (Note: Picture at right, from "The World of Kenji", drawn by
Samiro Yunoki, as an illustration for Kenji's
"The Restaurant of Many Orders".)
Also: read
a transcript of e-mail correspondence between myself and the site editor. |
![[ Go to World of Kenji Miyazawa! ]](gif/card5.gif) |
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Paris: Urban Sanitation Before the 20th Century. Well researched and beautifully presented
site about a prima facie ugly subject. Includes photographs by Nadar and Atget, etc.
| ![[ Go to Paris Sanitation History site! ]](jpg/parismap.jpg) |
[22Apr01. Sadly, this site appears to no longer exist.
But parts of it may still be seen at the
Internet Archive, See below.] |
Notes: (1) There is a fine website devoted to
photodocumentation of public urinals in The United States of America and all over the world:
http://www.urinal.net/. Should you find anything on this website
even minutely offensive, I urge you to try to become muchly offended by the
existence of the objects it documents. Thank you.
(2) See how persons discard used paper towels on the floor instead of in the
trash receptacle in the Men's room where I work:
Click here![[ See paper towels thrown on restroom floor! ]](gif/rchr.gif) |
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Ethics Center for Engineering and Science. Information and
references on ethics in technological work, including
"Roger Boisjoly on the Challenger Disaster": a case study of one
engineer's attempt to prevent the disaster, with
study questions for us readers to consider what we would have done in Boisjoly's place. Also:
Online Help-Line
for engineers facing ethical issues in their work.
Online Help-Line for engineers facing ethical
issues in their work. |
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Col. John R. Boyd invented modern theory of
aerial combat. Boyd's ideas, based on Sun-Tzu ("The great general
wins without fighting"...), are summarized in his
"OODA loop" model of our insertion in life: Observation, Orientation, Decision,
Action. Learn about Col. Boyd's military theories, and their application to
business and other areas of life. |
Strassmann, Inc. Intelligent observations
about a wide range of information systems issues and personnel policies by
an ex-CIO of Xerox and US Department of Defense.
| |
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Qualitative Research in Information Systems. Project to
apply information systems technology to humanistic culture. Pedagogical information
about qualitative research methodologies. Links to other resources on the WEB.
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MIT to make nearly all course materials available free on the World Wide Web.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is to be commended for its
initiative to put all its course material on the Internet.
MIT's reasons are also in a constructive direction: They note that this material is no substitute for the
in-person interactions which are integral to an MIT education, nor will it be part of
any "distance learning" "for credit" MIT study program. They hope the material shall serve
as resources for individuals and other educational institutions, and to stimulate further
creative initiatives in education.
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War Seen from the Grassroot Perspective. A soldier's story about
his experience of war and the conclusions he has drawn therefrom. Powerful and thought-provoking.
(This URL has disappeared: Click here,
to read a copy I saved, which I have now posted, here on my website.)
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The Tragedy of the Commons. Classic essay on problem of
protecting common goods (earth, air, water...) from devastation by private interests,
esp.: unconstrained human reproduction (global overpopulation). (Link
used to be to Jay Hanson's tellingly named
website: http://www.dieoff.com/.)
commons.html (http://www.dieoff.com/page95.htm)
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The Power of Nightmares. In the past, politicians promised to create a better world....
[T]heir power and authority came from the optimistic visions they offered to their people.
Those dreams failed. And today, people have lost faith in ideologies. Increasingly, politicians are seen simply as managers of public life.
But now, they have discovered a new role that restores their power and authority. Instead of delivering dreams,
politicians now promise to protect us from nightmares... dreadful dangers that we
cannot see and do not understand. And the greatest danger of all is international terrorism.
A powerful and sinister network, with sleeper cells in countries across the world. A threat that needs to be fought by a war on terror.
But much of this threat is a fantasy, which has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians.
It's a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services, and the international media.
This is a series of films about how and why that fantasy was created, and who it benefits.
At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neoconservatives, and the radical Islamists....
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/video1037.htm |
Note: I have mirrored the transcripts of these shows, in case/for when their
original web location [at left...] disappears, at: GO/nightmares1.html.
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Ghost town (Chernobyl). Tour "Ghost town" area around Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where "In the night of 25 to 26 April 1986,
the explosion of the reactor in Chernobyl, the greatest industrial disaster in the history of humankind,
released one hundred times more radiation than the atom bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
(quote from: http://www.chernobyl.com/) [Sign at right is
Pripyat, a town built for Chernobyl workers, 2.5 km from the power station.]
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The Fabulous Ruins of Detroit. Tour landmark buildings of Detroit (Michigan), and
their demolition. Excellent pictures and informative text.
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Vision of the Future. Philips Electronics WEB site explores a wide range of applications
of computer technology to enhance daily life. Site itself it well-designed, and the
content seriously addresses possibilities of better living through new-technology products.
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A hundred highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Beautiful pictures, with annotation,
from rare books. A fine example of a WEB site with substantive content and
esthetic grace, achieved with simple technical means.
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Omniview Home of PhotoBubbles. Download browser plugin to view 360 degree panoramas.
Site also contains links to other WEB sites where you can view actual "photobubbles",
including, e.g., a beautiful view
of Carnegie Hall. (Note: In June
1997, Omniview became Ipix.)
http://www.ipix.com/ (If
this fails, try the old URL: http://www.omniview.com/)
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Third Voice. Web browser add-on lets you
add annotations to any page on the Internet. Other people with Third Voice software
installed can read your annotations, and you can read theirs.
This is a significant step toward making the Internet be a universal hyperlinked
information repository, as envisioned by Vannevar Bush in his 1947 Atlantic Magazine article
("As We May Think"), Ted Nelson's Xanadu project, etc. Try it!
[Note: This service was discontinued as of 02Apr01.]
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