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[ I was thinking maybe I wanted a bigger backyard and.... ]
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[ Americans shop at Wal-Mart thus enabling Wal-Mart to drive local retailers out of business. ] [ ] [ Americans still watch a lot of TV, even though they now have computers, cellphones... ]
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[ Americans spend a lot of time and energy playing the stock market ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ Americans drive large SUVs to the supermarket, take their kids to dance class, etc. ] [ ] [ Americans use PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) to have ever more complex lives ]
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[ Fortunately, Americans have anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs to help them tolerate and even enjoy their life ]
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[ American are getting ever more obese ] [ ] [ American love their cars. They spend a lot of time in traffic jams ]
[ Americans now drink Starbucks designer hand-crafted coffee drinks instead of Chase and Sanborn, Maxwell House, Nescafe... ]
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[ New home somewhere in Western United States ]
[ Americans like to attend professional football games ] [ ] [ Americans love being bitten by mosquitos (aka being outdoors esp. summer evenings) ]
[ ]
[ Americans like to attend professional sports games ] [ ] [ American cars are American cars ]
[ Americans like to golf, and to live next to the greens ] [ Senior citizens enjoying well-funded retirement ]
[ American teenagers like to cosmetically mutilate their bodies ] [ ]
[ Americans love to eat charred food ]
[ Personal computers are ubiquitous, but one still has to type most text on a keyboard instead of voice recognition or neural connection ]
[ Americans take a lot of classes and Americans take a lot of tests ] [ ] [ Americans cast their ballots in local, state and national elections ]
[ Americans like to get away from their lives -- even if it's just to a sunburn ]
[ ] [ ]
[ 21st Century American dream house: A brand-new cozy suburban McMansion ] [ 21st Century American dream house: A brand-new cozy suburban McMansion -- in Armonk? Greenwich? Commute to work in 'The City' on Metro Moth? ]
[ 21st Century American dream house: A brand-new cozy suburban McMansion ] [ 21st Century American dream house: A brand-new cozy suburban McMansion ]
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[ Bedroom? Hotel room? Hospice room? Americans live a lot in anonymous spaces, not fully places ] [ ] [ Celebrities (Michael Jackson) ]
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[ Unsold house built 'on spec' (speculation...), I see each day on my way to and from work! ]
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[ See the Open House! ]Look! Open house, today!
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Note: Click each image for brief commentary....
 [ Email me! ]  E-mail me your cameos of 21st century American middle-class folkways.
See  unsold "spec" (built on speculation...) house I see rotting each day on my way to and from work[ Learn more about this unsold house built on speculation! ]
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Compare  above images with those of 1940's American middle-class life (Singing in the rain...)[ Compare with 1940's American middle-class folkways! ]
How about strapless dresses & pillarless coupes?
[ Return enumeration of 21st century American middle-class folkways! ]Return  to folkways of 21st century American middle-class life.
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[ Go to: The duty of communicators! ]
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Copyright © 2003 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
02 May 2006 (2006-05-02 ISO 8601)
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[ ] [ Paradise ] [ ]
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Paradise, for the Mercury Grand Marquis / Lincoln Town Car driving, easy listening music listening, Manhattan and martini cocktail drinking, Surf 'n Turf eating, gold Rolex wearing... set: Florida (aka: "Fla" -- rhymes with "Ahhh...").
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[ Americans in Paradise on earth, or as close as one can get... ] [ ] Baseball Commissioner and sometime Yale University President, Bart Giamatti, said that a baseball stadium is a simulacrum of Paradise (a classical Persian walled garden).
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[ Go to McDonalds! But to eat? ]
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[ ] [ ] [ HTML 3.2 Checked! Test me! ]
[ What are cellphones doing to us? ]
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[ Go to The White House! ]
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[ Dog bring NYT to its master ]
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[ Where is AOL man going to? ] [ ] [ This way to the egress! ]
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[ Learn to eat well, enjoy and stay thin -- the French way! ] [ ] [ Have a leisured lunch at a French cafe! ] [ Have a leisured lunch at a French cafe! ]
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