![[ aphorisms! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
SUCCINCTNESSes :: Aphorisms for a human[e] world (p.1/3) |
| aphorisms.html ¢| 50,028:195. 2. 124+19.6:8 || Aphorisms Brad McCormick invented. Inspire joyous form of life worth living!§Point out bad things in our life we may not even notice. What do you think? Let me know! Share your aphorisms with me! |
![[ aphorisms2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
SUCCINCTNESSes :: More Aphorisms for a human[e] world (P.2/3) |
| aphorisms2.html ¢| 45,069:200. 1. 93+16.4:5 || More aphorisms Brad McCormick invented. Inspire joyous form of life worth living!§Point out bad things in our life we may not even notice. What do you think? Let me know! Share your aphorisms with me! |
![[ aphorisms3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
SUCCINCTNESSes :: More Aphorisms for a human[e] world (P.3/3) |
| aphorisms3.html ¢| 28,634:200. 2. 83+15.4:2 || More aphorisms Brad McCormick invented. Inspire joyous form of life worth living!§Point out bad things in our life we may not even notice. What do you think? Let me know! Share your aphorisms with me! |
![[ PR20020709! ]](gif/garbageCan.gif) |
??? :: Summary: a New Ethic of Corporate Responsibility (Text Only) |
| PR20020709.html ¢| 27,407:199. 5. 22+5:57 || Press Release released by Bush Administration, 09 July 2002, with typographical errors.§How did it get out to the public (including a link on The New York Times homepage) without anybody catching it? |
![[ everyman! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The Summoning of Everyman |
| everyman.html ¢| 72,596:106. 2. 63+17.1:3 || Text of the Medieval morality play: Everyman (1485).§Not a guided tour. Prepare for [y]our future, now.... |
![[ sq/splitDecision! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
! Supreme Court :: Split decision ! 5-4 Bush v Gore ! |
| sq/splitDecision.html ¢| 7,618:166. 2. 6+6:2 || E-artwork about the makeup of the United§States Supreme Court in first term of George W Bush ('43') presidency. 5-4 vote gave George W Bush§Nov 2000 election victory! |
![[ internetTime! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
SWATCH Internet Time: What Swatch beat does your computer think it is? |
| internetTime.html ¢| 13,999:191. 3. 19+10.1:5 || SWATCH proposed universal time standard: @Swatch Beats, replaces§Universal Coordinated Time (UTC; GMT). Java 1.1+ Applet shows current SWATCH beat.§What does it mean to live in Internet time? |
![[ NotreDame! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Symbol of a symbol, image of an image.... |
| NotreDame.html | 3,782:161. 2. 3+2 |3| Photograph of damage to Notre Dame cathedral, due to severe§end of millennium (late Dec. 1999) storms. Also: Hurricane Frances 2004 damage to Florida USA church. |
![[ sitetoc! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
TABLE OF CONTENTS :: Brad McCormick's web site |
| sitetoc.html ¢| 54,232:156. 7. 444+39.2:2 || Table of Contents: Brad McCormick's website. 'Backs up' Visual Site Map.§More complete information what's here. Site navigation aid. Welcome! Please browse! |
![[ sq/10C! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Ten guidelines for living [Under construction] |
| sq/10C.html ¢| 14,941:151. 2. 25+13:6 || 10 guidelines for living for contemporary§educated persons. Urged as improvement over Old Testament biblical§10 Commandments which Y-w-h gave to Moses. |
![[ ThisIBelieve! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
This I Believe ("The Net") |
| ThisIBelieve.html ¢| 25,151:72. 3. 73+14 || Attempt to state my basic beliefs simply and briefly. This I believe.... |
![[ nodogon! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
This is not a Dogon mask. What is it? |
| nodogon.html ¢| 4,560:143. 2. 8+4:2 || Mystery picture. What do you think it is? It is not a Dogon mask.§Picture of Dogon mask, for comparison. Also: Link to another mystery picture. |
![[ GO/paperTowels! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
This is not a trash receptacle (aka trash can, waste basket...) |
| GO/paperTowels.html | 4,314:162. 1. 6+2.3 || Vestibule into the men's restroom is not a trash receptacle.§Why do some persons throw their used paper towels on the floor when a trash receptacle is convenient? |
![[ thoughtExperiment! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
A Thought Experiment: Are we (metaphysically, i.e., physics-ly) free? |
| thoughtExperiment.html ¢| 26,530:170. 3. 15+12:4 || A test to which any 'theory of everything' needs to be subjected:§Can the behavior of ourselves and other persons with whom we are socially engaged as peers be predicted? |
![[ thoughts! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Thoughts |
| thoughts.html ¢| 41,223:190. 3. 90+33:12 || Oedipus tragedy and Icarus fall§avoidable. John Boyd OODA loop theory of war. Why I was not admitted to Yale M.Arch.§program. St.Paul's school Chapel services. Sentimentality makes waste.... |
![[ misu4a! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
A tisket, a tasket, a Misu in a basket.... |
| misu4a.html | 4,734:107. 1. 13+8 || Picture of Misu (Maine Coon cat), at about 7 months old, in her§favorite resting place: our mail in-basket. |
![[ TalibanLullabye! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Tora Bora, Bora :: A Taliban Lullaby |
| TalibanLullabye.html ¢| 11,864:151. 2. 21+8.2:2 || Apocryphal Taliban lullaby: Tora Bora, Bora....§Tora Bora, Afghanistan. Hideout of Taliban and Al Qaeda forces after United States§invasion, Fall 2001. |
![[ babelsig! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The Tower of Babel + SGML, Uraniborg, Thélème.... |
| babelsig.html ¢| 21,233:199. 5. 57+11:4 || Interpret story of the Tower of Babel, as§humanity's first attempt to enter as peers into universal dialog with all other§rational beings whom there may be (e.g., G-d). The Internet as modern analog. |
![[ GO/japanStreet! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Traditional Japanese street.... |
| GO/japanStreet.html ¢| 4,163:70. 1. 8+2 || Picture of a traditional Japanese street, in winter. Peace. Community. |
![[ commons! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin (1968) |
| commons.html ¢| 54,851:61. 1. 33+11:2 || Garrett Hardin's classic essay: 'The Tragedy of the Commons'. |
![[ sq/dumb! ]](sq/warn.gif) |
Two (2) Dumb things I did |
| sq/dumb.html ¢| 11,335:175. 2. 18+10.1 || Sometimes one does something dumb, and one 'pays the price'.§Other times, one lucks out.§Can we learn from our mistakes even when we 'get away without having to pay for' them? |
![[ GeorgeWBush5! ]](gif/garbageCan.gif) |
U.S. making good progress in Iraq (early August 2003; late April 2004; November 2004) |
| GeorgeWBush5.html ¢| 23,804:172. 7. 31+10.8:3 || George W Bush says United States making good progress in Iraq (August 2003; April 2004).§'...Nobody does it half as good as you; Dubya, Dubya, darlin', you're the best....' |
![[ GO/rice_050421! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
U.S. policy in Belarus not in any way anti-Russian! (21Apr05) |
| GO/rice_050421.html ¢| 12,051:159. 3. 20+9 || (1) U.S. policy in Belarus not in any way anti-Russian.§(2) U.S. encourages and supports dissidents trying to overthrow current Belarus pro-Russian government. |
![[ gkwtags! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Unknown HTML tag test page |
| gkwtags.html ¢| 13,394:143. 2. 17+10.2:1 |X| HTML page with extra markup tags not defined in HTML spec.§I wrote this before I found out some big commercial websites use this trick already. |
![[ sq/OnSpec! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Unsold spec (built on speculation) house. ('House of the day') |
| sq/OnSpec.html ¢| 10,742:165. 3. 7+5.3 || Unsold spec (built on speculation) house I see each day on my way to and from work,§rotting on its not yet landscaped lot. NYT 'house of the day', 31Jan04. |
![[ webindx_intr! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Untitled Document (from National Cancer Institute) |
| webindx_intr.html | 3,270:156. 1. 2+0 |2| Test page which accidentally got published§on National Cancer Institute web site. Example of use of 'Lorem ipsum...' as filler text in web page development. |
![[ Ur-McD! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Ur-McDonalds hamburger fast-food restaurant |
| Ur-McD.html ¢| 6,438:140. 5. 6+5.1:5 || Picture of mid-1950s McDonalds fast food hamburger restaurant,§before the individual golden arches coalesced into double (i.e.: 'M') arches. |
![[ GO/VetVisit! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Vet visit 2006: I mindlessly leave my sweater and cellphone in the vet's office.... |
| GO/VetVisit.html ¢| 10,787:142. 0. 4+11 |4| I forget my sweater and cellphone at the veterinary clinic§when I take the cats for their annual checkup. Will I get the forgotten items back? |
![[ Bradsmap! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
<!-- Visual S i t e M a p :: Brad McCormick's website --> |
| Bradsmap.html ¢| 42,881:198. 2. 103+35:5+2 || Visual map of Brad McCormick's website.§The site has outgrown the map, so there are annotations and ad hoc appendages.§Clicking on map's background area takes you to more complete Table of Contents. |
![[ sq/Mimi030222! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Voyage of the Mimi |
| sq/Mimi030222.html ¢| 22,622:121. 3. 21+15.8:7 || Every day, Mimi, like most persons,§undertakes journeys between different worlds, due to her daily routine being 'split'. |
![[ ExplorerRebuttal2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Walt Odets' Rolex Explorer I Review... again |
| ExplorerRebuttal2.html ¢| 10,362:74. 1. 4+9:4 |4| Responses to Walt Odets' Horologium review of Rolex Explorer I wristwatch. |
![[ Grassroot! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
War Seen from the Grassroot Perspective |
| Grassroot.html ¢| 137,838:138. 0. 22+6 || War Seen from the Grassroot Perspective. Essay by Hermann Friedrich Honold,§ex-combattant, German soldier in World War II. Hermann Honold. |
![[ sq/War! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
War Seen from the Grassroot Perspective :: Introduction--> |
| sq/War.html ¢| 6,170:194. 1. 14+5 || 'You, too, will have the wrong enemy and will wage the wrong wars. Not because§there are men worse than others, but because war is bad.' Essay on war, by Hermann Friedrich Honold, ex-combattant. |
![[ internetWarning! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
A Warning about The Internet |
| internetWarning.html ¢| 15,852:130. 1:2. 9+9:2 || The Internet, far§more immediately than other communication media innovations, constantly presents a§sinister danger to each user. |
![[ 5015/Q5054! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The Watch That Got Away |
| 5015/Q5054.html ¢| 18,345:200. 1. 13+8:2 || One person's experience with Patek Philippe SA and§The Henri Stern Watch Agency ca. 2000-2001. Story of an apparently unique ref. 5054. Also: Story§of clerical laziness. Photo of sloppy Patek anglage. |
![[ Water-TheArrival! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Water -- The Arrival |
| Water-TheArrival.html ¢| 5,158:196. 2. 4+3 |4| Asiana flight 302, from Hong Kong to Seoul Korea,§descending toward landing at Incheon International Airport, Friday 15 March 2002.§Opening lines from Hermann Broch's novel, 'The Death of Virgil'. |
![[ sq/sword! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The waves in the steel :: Japanese swords + Hermann Broch's _ The Death of Virgil_ |
| sq/sword.html ¢| 7,222:191. 2. 13+6.1 || Envelope I mailed to Hermann Broch's son (H.F. Broch de Rothermann) after§seeing swords in Tokyo National Museum, and being reminded of opening words of Hermann Broch's 'The Death of Virgil'. |
![[ myWebArt! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Web art on Brad McCormick's web site |
| myWebArt.html ¢| 36,036:140. 2. 154+17.6:1 || Web art on Brad McCormick's web site. Catalog listing Internet related§art on this website. Website as a whole is an artwork. e-Art here.... |
![[ titles1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.1/8 |
| titles1.html ¢| 46,735:170. 1. 67+17.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.1/8. |
![[ titles2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.2/8 |
| titles2.html | 49,745:170. 1. 65+22.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.2/8. |
![[ titles3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.3/8 |
| titles3.html | 46,652:170. 1. 68+17.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.3/8. |
![[ titles4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.4/8 |
| titles4.html | 47,091:170. 1. 65+20.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.4/8. |
![[ titles5! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.5/8 |
| titles5.html | 44,758:170. 1. 66+19.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.5/8. |
![[ titles6! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.6/8 |
| titles6.html | 44,300:170. 1. 66+18.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.6/8. |
![[ titles7! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.7/8 |
| titles7.html | 46,732:170. 1. 67+20.1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.7/8. |
![[ titles8! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website page inventory (Analytical Table of Contents) :: p.8/8 |
| titles8.html ¢| 52,647:170. 1. 70+22.1+1 || Inventory 478 HTML pages on this website; list titles, description META tag content;§generated by Perl script 'titles.pl', version: 2009-12-24, v74.14 on: Dell530. p.8/8. |
![[ workspace! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Website technical information |
| workspace.html ¢| 27,283:131. 20. 44+12.1:47 || Technical information about Brad McCormick's website.§Right vs wrong way to code HTML. Links to website development resources. Etc. |
![[ lcp/apogee1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Welcome to Apogee Design (Lisa Pelton handmade jewelry) |
| lcp/apogee1.html ¢| 3,463:56. 1. 0+0:3 |X0| Apogee Design handmade jewelry, by Lisa Pelton. Welcome! |
![[ ComeIn! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Welcome to Brad McCormick's website! Come in! |
| ComeIn.html ¢| 5,181:140. 2. 5+4 |5| Welcome to Brad McCormick's Cloud9 website.§Please come in! (Picture of 'Enter' sign at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen mausoleum memorial, Nanjing, China.) |
![[ clinton_1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
+ + Welcome to Chappaqua, Bill and Hillary! + + |
| clinton_1.html ¢| 8,375:123. 4. 13+8.3:13 || Political satire about Bill and Hillary Clinton's new home in§Chappaqua, New York. Take the virtual tour! See for yourself! |
![[ sq/Serenity! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What do we win and lose by competing vs cooperating? |
| sq/Serenity.html ¢| 18,906:200. 1. 28+9:1 || A reason The West is in trouble is that we use up much of our energy fighting§each other instead of fighting our real enemies in Nature. Persons should always cooperate, never compete with each other. |
![[ lorem_ipsum! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What does 'lorem ipsum dolor' mean? |
| lorem_ipsum.html ¢| 15,889:151. 1. 25+13:5 || One occasionally finds the pseudo-Latin: 'Lorem ipsum dolor...'§on a web page. Printers have long used this for dummy text; now web developers do, too. |
![[ CadillETC! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What does ETC mean on the trunk of a Cadillac? |
| CadillETC.html | 9,478:107. 4. 6+8:8 || What does ETC lettering mean on the trunk of a Cadillac?§Links to OnStar and Cadillac night vision feature. |
![[ purpose! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What is the purpose, use and value of this website? |
| purpose.html ¢| 17,773:116. 1. 30+24:4 || Dike vs techne. Expression vs accomplishment. The immediate self-involvement§of speaking vs the hope to be heard.... |
![[ bracketing! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What is this an intance of? |
| bracketing.html ¢| 16,778:57. 2. 37+15.1:1 || Edmund Husserl'c concept of 'bracketing' our experiences. |
![[ monumentality! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What Monumentality is really about |
| monumentality.html ¢| 15,604:193. 6. 21+6.3:5 || Monumental monuments are not really about the§people or values they nominally commemorate. They are about the Power that is capable of §using: using up, so many people to raise such an edifice. |
![[ 3-in-1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What oil company was incorporated by the First Council of Nicea (AD325)? |
| 3-in-1.html ¢| 15,241:180. 6. 15+9.4:3 || What oil company was incorporated by the First Council of Nicea (AD325)?§What became of Dr. Caligari's descendants? Why do you need to stoop to enter Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin? |
![[ clock! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What Time Does Your Computer Think It Is? |
| clock.html ¢| 18,319:190. 8. 30+8.1:46 || Java applet clock tells what time user's computer thinks it is (requires Java 1.1+).§Internet horology links: U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO), Patek Philippe, A. Lange, Omega, Rolex, Swatch... |
![[ GO/itsADeal! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
What's the opposite of a lockout? Successful labor-management agreement :: Its a deal! |
| GO/itsADeal.html ¢| 6,387:76. 1. 9+6 || Example of successful labor-management agreement,§averting potential layoff. |
![[ GO/unsupported! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
When style trumps structure, by removing support... |
| GO/unsupported.html ¢| 4,240:115. 4. 6+2 || When style trumps structure, by removing support:§pillarless ('hardtop') automobiles and strapless women's dresses. |
![[ toWhere! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Where are we going? |
| toWhere.html ¢| 5,558:110. 5. 9+3:2 || Where are we going?§Is the adventure of self-accountable Universalizing emancipatory Culture in The West over? |
![[ ideas! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
¿Why didn't I think of that? ("Obvious" ideas I missed) |
| ideas.html ¢| 18,092:144. 2. 22+15 || List of some powerful, important, elegantly simple,§i.e. 'obvious' ideas I failed to recognize until I read about somebody else discovered them. |
![[ wright! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Wood Fired Ash Glaze Vase, by Malcolm Wright |
| wright.html ¢| 6,860:56. 5. 11+8:1 || Wood fired ash glaze vase, by Malcolm Wright (ca. 1971). |
![[ isadore! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
WWII air combat user interface design problem: Friend or Foe? |
| isadore.html ¢| 16,655:198. 6. 11+11:6 || World War II. How tell American from Japanese fighter planes in combat? Both had§circle markings. U.S. pilots misidentified, shot down U.S. planes. Isadore Znamirowski solved problem: Star and Bars. |
![[ postmodernart2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
You are here |
| postmodernart2.html ¢| 11,565:116. 4. 17+10:6 || Photographs of a Brancusi-esque sculpture.§Brief statement about the meaning of Modernity. And some other things.... |