![[ mimi/RedJumper! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (12) |
| mimi/RedJumper.html | 3,490:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/consulate! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (13) |
| mimi/consulate.html | 3,490:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/consulate2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (14) |
| mimi/consulate2.html | 3,493:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/consulate3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (15) |
| mimi/consulate3.html | 3,493:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/consulate4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (16) |
| mimi/consulate4.html | 3,493:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/3babies! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (2) |
| mimi/3babies.html | 3,484:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnFloor! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (3) |
| mimi/JinLingOnFloor.html | 3,505:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnFloor2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (4) |
| mimi/JinLingOnFloor2.html | 3,507:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnFloor3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (5) |
| mimi/JinLingOnFloor3.html | 3,507:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnBedWithCup! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (6) |
| mimi/JinLingOnBedWithCup.html | 3,519:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnBed! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (7 |
| mimi/JinLingOnBed.html | 3,498:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnBed2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (8) |
| mimi/JinLingOnBed2.html | 3,502:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ mimi/JinLingOnBed3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (9) |
| mimi/JinLingOnBed3.html | 3,501:12. 1. 19+2 || Mimi picture |
![[ myth! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mining meaning: Every myth (and 'belief') is a resource |
| myth.html ¢| 36,836:200. 6. 66+16.2:1 || Relation of myth to modern life.§Every myth ('belief') offers ideas for us to see what use we can make of. Study other persons' and our own beliefs§as a kind of 'mining', but for meanings, not metals. |
![[ sq/Misu0401! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu at age 5 years |
| sq/Misu0401.html ¢| 6,331:133. 3. 11+5 || Portrait of Misu at age 5 years, resting, spaced out, on top of§upended sofa.Also: A tisket, a tasket, Misu in yet another basket.... |
![[ misu5! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu cat, looking out from "kitty bunker" |
| misu5.html | 7,430:128. 2. 16+8.1 || Picture of Misu (Maine Coon cat), at about 2 years old, in the§'kitty bunker' behind our kitchen cabinets. Also: Misu in prison. |
![[ misu4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu cat, resting in mail basket |
| misu4.html | 4,185:103. 1. 14+8 || Picture of Misu (Maine Coon cat), at about 23 weeks old, in her§favorite resting place: our mail inbox. |
![[ misu2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu cat, resting on sofa |
| misu2.html ¢| 4,975:56. 1. 15+8 || Picture of Misu (Maine Coon cat), at about 17 weeks old. |
![[ misu3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu in your face! ~ More pictures of Misu Cat |
| misu3.html | 4,953:93. 2. 14+7 || More pictures of Misu (Maine Coon cat), at about 17 weeks old. Includes: 'Misu in your face!' |
![[ misu1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu kitten :: Mirabile Misu! |
| misu1.html ¢| 14,672:137. 4. 30+9.6:3 || Meet Misu, new Maine Coon cat we got, at age 12 weeks, §on March 31, 1999! Also: Speculations about the nature of cats' lived experience. |
![[ jpg/MisusPerch! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu Maine Coon cat perched atop living room Coat-rack |
| jpg/MisusPerch.html | 4,981:80. 2. 6+3 || Picture of Misu Maine Coon cat perched atop living room Coat-rack, January 2000. |
![[ GO/catenary! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu resting :: Split level + catenary Misu (May 2005) |
| GO/catenary.html ¢| 9,219:63. 5. 10+5 || Misu Maine Coon cat resting in split-level + catenary position. |
![[ misu9! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu's new favorite basket (January, 2000) |
| misu9.html | 2,961:109. 1. 4+2 |4| Picture of Misu Maine Coon cat, at age 1 year, in her new favorite basket.§Misu likes to nest[le] in baskets. |
![[ misu7x! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu, Backlit full-face portraits, with gold and silver aura :: Golden kitty |
| misu7x.html | 8,434:139. 4. 14+8.2 || Pictures of Misu (Maine Coon cat), a little over one year old, backlit, §surrounded by (1) golden aura, (2) silver aura and (3) no aura.... |
![[ misu7! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Misu, perched atop coat rack in living room... |
| misu7.html ¢| 15,953:146. 2. 30+10.7 || Picture of Misu (Maine Coon cat), a little over one year old, perched§atop coat rack in living room: 'On top of Mt. Misu, all covered with fur...' |
![[ jpg/ClintonCam! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mobile news truck in Chappaqua Grand Union parking lot |
| jpg/ClintonCam.html | 2,812:190. 2. 4+2 |4| Mobile news truck in Chappaqua Grand Union parking lot§with large satellite link upload antenna dish on top, beaming§to the world, news of the Clintons visiting their new New York residence. |
![[ danese! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
MoMA Design :: Danese perpetual calendars |
| danese.html ¢| 15,418:199. 6. 16+12:8 || The Museum of Modern Art§(New York) exhibited Enzo Mari Danese (Milano) perpetual calendar incorrectly in 4th floor Design§Gallery, as if Staff who hung it did not understand it, or just didn't care. |
![[ mondrEaan! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
mondrEaan artwork (Peregrinatio in stabilitate) 1/2 |
| mondrEaan.html ¢| 6,942:136. 0. 6+2:2 || HTML page modelled on Piet Mondriaan paintings; form no content.§Peregrinatio in stabilitate (Action without motion). Polychrome version |
![[ gif/mondrEaan_b! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
mondrEaan artwork (Peregrinatio in stabilitate) 2/2 |
| gif/mondrEaan_b.html | 6,073:193. 0. 6+2 || HTML page modelled on Piet Mondriaan paintings; form no content.§Peregrinatio in stabilitate (Action without motion). Monochrome version with blue afterimages§after looking at ../mondrEaan.html |
![[ monterey! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Monterey, CA; Late September, 1998 |
| monterey.html | 4,371:41. 1. 11+8 || View of Monterey Bay, Monterey California |
![[ moon/moons! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Moon phases.... |
| moon/moons.html ¢| 12,817:124. 33. 8+8.1:4 || Current moon phase. Pictures of all moon phases.§Links to U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) homepage, and USNO moon phase table. |
![[ GO/TwilightNH! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Moon seen thru new house foyer window, 29 Oct 06 ca. 17:26. |
| GO/TwilightNH.html ¢| 2,679:59. 1. 2+2 |2| Moon seen thru new house foyer window, 29 Oct 06 ca. 17:26. |
![[ GO/mme! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
More about me (BMcC) |
| GO/mme.html ¢| 23,498:105. 3. 40+10:6 || Autobiographical info that may have interest for others.§Exercising. Catastrophising. Waking up early.... |
![[ qtarchive2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
More food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Dec99 - May01 |
| qtarchive2.html | 43,844:89. 2. 50+15.1:11 || (More...) snippets I have read which seem§to me worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ morePuns! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
+ More Puns and Riddles! + |
| morePuns.html ¢| 33,979:168. 5. 75+15.4:20 || More puns and riddles I (BMcC) thought up. Some politically incorrect.§Some childlikely innocuous. Some philosophical. Some 'dumb'. Share your puns and riddles with me! |
![[ cindyMole! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The most beauteous mole in the world |
| cindyMole.html ¢| 8,918:194. 2. 3+9.1:4 |3| Closeup photo of supermodel Cindy Crawford's famous 'beauty mark'§(mole, nevus, birthmark) near upper right corner of her mouth. Have you checked your whole body for§potentially cancerous moles? |
![[ GO/MisuChu! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Moving Day: Given another chance to get out, Misu stays in |
| GO/MisuChu.html ¢| 9,627:166. 1. 10+2.1 || Given another chance to get out,§with the all the doors open and no one watching, Misu stays in, whether by§intent or good fortune -- i.e., fortune good for me, BMcC. |
![[ sq/MovingOn! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Moving on.... |
| sq/MovingOn.html ¢| 6,445:99. 3. 8+6.1:2 || ARTEX art shipping company uses Japanese§'knotted letter' symbol I (BMcC) have used since ca. 1987. |
![[ KeioFujicam! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mt. Fuji :: Views from Keio University Mt. Fuji webcam + 'Light on the Net' |
| KeioFujicam.html ¢| 8,432:122. 13. 14+4:2 || 10 Views of Mt. Fuji from Keio University Mt. Fuji webcam. This§web camera is no longer operating. Also: Light on the Net. |
![[ jpg/FujiView! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mt. Fuji views :: First light, 08 Nov 2000 (more...) |
| jpg/FujiView.html ¢| 10,073:107. 1. 11+1.50 || Picture of Mt. Fuji, in the first light before§dawn, Wednesday, 08 November 2000. Many more Mt. Fuji views. |
![[ car! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
My car: 2003 Toyota Corolla LE |
| car.html ¢| 8,422:120. 8. 10+5:8 || Pictures of my new car: 2003 Toyota§Corolla LE. 5-speed manual transmission. Remote entry system. 'Lunar mist' paint.... |
![[ jpg/MyHouse! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
My House as seen by The Virgin Mary + Frank Gehry remodelling proposal |
| jpg/MyHouse.html ¢| 11,273:174. 3. 21+5.2 || My house, Chappaqua NY, as seen from §Parish Hall of Church of St. John and St. Mary.§Remodelling design submission from world's most important living architect: Frank Gehry. |
![[ what! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Mystery picture #2: What is it? |
| what.html ¢| 5,611:145. 4. 9+5 || Mystery picture. What do you think it is? It is§not from Hieronymous Bosch's 'Garden of Earthly Delights', even though it looks like it could be. |
![[ nasa! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) privatized.... |
| nasa.html ¢| 13,611:200. 4. 22+11.3:5 || Political satire: 15 Sep 2001 New Republican President sell§US Space Agency NASA to Japanese manga publishers, reduce government size.§Pope John Paul II canonize George W Bush for privatizing Heavens. |
![[ nwwIIm! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
National World War II Memorial :: Washington DC (2001) |
| nwwIIm.html ¢| 6,123:168. 7. 11+6:4 || National World War II Memorial project, The Mall, Washington DC, 2001.§1930s faux-classical Neo-Bureaucracy architecture style, a la FDR, Mussolini, Albert Speer et al. |
![[ future! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The Nature of the Future <=> The Future of Nature |
| future.html ¢| 12,858:188. 5. 8+12.4:6 || Nature transformed by 'eco-friendly' technology:§windmill farms generating electricity. Teletubbies and 'The Prisoner'.§Must the pacification of nature result in banalizing our life world? |
![[ jpg/MontrealStreet! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
New France architecture :: Montreal |
| jpg/MontrealStreet.html | 2,717:166. 3. 2+0.2 |2| Picture of building wall, with two windows,§from a Montreal street, in a design reminiscent of France. Also: door in wall; reflection§in windows above different door. |
![[ jpg/QuebecCityHouses! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
New France architecture :: Quebec City, row of houses |
| jpg/QuebecCityHouses.html ¢| 7,238:76. 2. 11+11.2:2 || Picture of row of houses, on a street in Quebec City, reminiscent of France. |
![[ NHK_pen! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
NHK Internet Global Court: 'Nuclear Arms and the Human Race' (1997) |
| NHK_pen.html ¢| 44,532:196. 4. 22+17:35 || I received a lacquer Cross pen from§Japanese television network, NHK, for participating in NHK's Internet 'Global Court'§on atomic weapons: 'Nuclear Arms and the Human Race' Internet forum (1997). |
![[ NotaDoorFromMonticello! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Not a door from Monticello (or Villa Pisani a Bagnolo). Please enter anyway! |
| NotaDoorFromMonticello.html ¢| 5,428:194. 2. 4+2.5 |4| Not a door from Jefferson's Monticello or Palladio's Villa Pisani a Bagnolo. Please enter anyway!§Study, reflect, cultivate arts and sciences. May your visit here contribute to these felicities! |
![[ xmlstuff! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Some notes on the history of XML |
| xmlstuff.html ¢| 35,956:98. 2. 20+11 || Some notes on the history of XML.§Why is XML becoming a big deal when SGML never really caught on? |
![[ survey! ]](gif/vote.gif) |
O p i n i o n S u r v e y :: What do you think? |
| survey.html | 7,837:91. 2. 8+15:1+1 || Opinion survey. What do you think about computer-aided voting?§Register your opinion, here! |
![[ gif/OSayCanUSee! ]](gif/vote.gif) |
O! say can you see? (Hand recounting Florida votes, Nov. 2000) |
| gif/OSayCanUSee.html ¢| 20,896:131. 8. 38+8.8:3 || George W Bush or Al Gore? Florida election official tries to§see which presidential candidate a Nov 7, 2000 election ballot is for. |
![[ ObjektiveGeist! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Objectivated Spirit (Objektive Geist) |
| ObjektiveGeist.html ¢| 21,094:154. 4. 45+17:2 || Reflections on relation between this website, and§my 'life of the mind'. Philosophy and daily life. You are invited to contribute to this work. Thank you. |
![[ GO/target! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
On target :: How to protect ourselves from new global terrorism? |
| GO/target.html ¢| 5,571:77. 4. 10+5.1 || Web artwork. On target :: How to protect ourselves from new global§terrorism? |
![[ duty! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
On watch: The piety of communication |
| duty.html ¢| 14,410:190. 1. 19+6:11 || Honor persons who use communication to protect us from harm and§to come to our aid! Ships' telegraph operators. 911 dispatchers. Air traffic controllers. EMT medics....§Lux mentis lux orbis. |
![[ historic/duty-1997! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
On watch: The piety of communication (June 1997 version) |
| historic/duty-1997.html | 3,798:57. 1. 5+1.1 |5| The duty of communicators. Historical web page from 1997. |
![[ GO/outOfGas! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Out of gas |
| GO/outOfGas.html ¢| 2,978:148. 2. 2+2 |2| When will America run out of gas? Why aren't we acting to§prepare for the end of plentiful oil so that it won't be so painful when the gas runs out? |
![[ rocketAttack! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Palestinian militants killed by Israeli rocket attacks |
| rocketAttack.html ¢| 13,134:111. 4. 17+10.3:3 || Palestinian militants killed by Israeli rocket attacks.§Abu Ali Mustafa, 27Aug01. Sheik Salah Shehada, 23Jul02. |