Symbol of a symbol, image of an image....

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[ Notre Dame, Paris -- damaged by millennium storms ]
Detail photograph of damage to Notre Dame cathedral, Paris, from 2 freak storms, with winds over 90 mph, that hit the Continent, with almost no warning, between Xmas and New Year's Eve, 1999 -- just before the end of the millennium.
Top of spire at left has been broken off; top of spire at center is broken but still hanging on.... Thus, the last days of the millennium witnessed damage to some of the great accomplishments of its early years.
[ ] [ Hurricane Frances topples steeple into roof of its church, Florida, 2004 ]
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Sep 2004: Hurricane Frances topples steeple of Florida USA church into its church's roof.
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Copyright © 1999,2004 Brad McCormick, Ed.D. [ Email me! ]
08 May 2006CE (2006-05-08 ISO 8601)
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