![[ GeorgeWBush4! ]](gif/garbageCan.gif) |
Do you agree with President Bush's anti-terrorism policy? |
| GeorgeWBush4.html ¢| 15,430:142. 10. 39+11.3:3 || Do you agree with President George W Bush's policies§concerning how America should deal with the new global terrorist threats (e.g., AlQaeda)? |
![[ GeorgeWBush2! ]](gif/garbageCan.gif) |
Does this man look in control of himself and/or the situation? |
| GeorgeWBush2.html ¢| 18,914:155. 5. 40+2.4:2 || George W. Bush. Does this man look like he is§in control of himself, or in control of the situation? Is he a loose cannon on the§deck of the Ship of State? |
![[ Doraemon! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Doraemon admonishing children to look both ways before crossing street |
| Doraemon.html ¢| 16,573:198. 10. 29+10.3:16 || Japanese cartoon cat Doraemon warns children to be careful crossing streets.§Doraemon is good child's guardian cat. More about Doraemon, Hello Kitty, 'Fortune Cat' ('Maneki Neko'), CC cloned cat.... |
![[ sq/HOlzerHOmage! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Artwork :: HOmage to Jenny HOlzer :: Buy art! (Hers?) |
| sq/HOlzerHOmage.html ¢| 6,944:189. 1. 10+9:5 || e-Artwork: Homage to Jenny Holzer,§world-famous cliche artist. Pay homage to Jenny Holzer: Buy art! (Hers, one would guess?) Ho! Ho!§Always remember: Only YOU can deconstruct postmodernism! |
![[ square-0! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #0: Cheap shot (.giffy) |
| square-0.html | 3,161:135. 2. 4+3.1:2 |4| e-Homage to the square #0: Cheap shot (.giffy). HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ square-1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #1: Into the light |
| square-1.html ¢| 4,379:130. 1. 3+3.1:2 |3| e-Homage to the square #1: Into the light. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ square-2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #2: Dark assertion |
| square-2.html | 3,875:130. 0. 2+3.1 |2| e-Homage to the square #2: Dark assertion. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ sq/sq-3.1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3.1: High fire (Variation #1) |
| sq/sq-3.1.html | 4,350:127. 0. 3+3.1 |3| e-Homage to the square #3.1: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ sq/sq-3.2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3.2: High fire (Variation #2) |
| sq/sq-3.2.html | 4,279:127. 0. 4+3.1 |4| e-Homage to the square #3.2: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ sq/sq-3.3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3.3: High fire (Variation #3) |
| sq/sq-3.3.html | 4,383:127. 0. 4+3.1 |4| e-Homage to the square #3.3: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ sq/sq-3.4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3.4: High fire (Variation #4) |
| sq/sq-3.4.html | 4,267:127. 0. 4+3.1 |4| e-Homage to the square #3.4: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ sq/sq-3.5! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3.5: High fire (Variation #5) |
| sq/sq-3.5.html | 4,383:127. 0. 4+3.1 |4| e-Homage to the square #3.5: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ sq/sq-3.6! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3.6: High fire (Variation #6) |
| sq/sq-3.6.html | 4,350:127. 0. 3+3.1 |3| e-Homage to the square #3.6: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ square-3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #3: High fire |
| square-3.html | 4,224:125. 0. 6+3.1 || e-Homage to the square #3: High fire. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ square-4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
e-Homage to the square #4: The blues |
| square-4.html | 3,959:125. 0. 4+3.1 |4| e-Homage to the square #4: The blues. HTML page§with form but no content. Part of a series of HTML pages after Joseph Albers. |
![[ winterLight! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Early winter late afternoon light, looking West :: Chappaqua, NY. 29Dec02 |
| winterLight.html | 5,577:159. 1. 11+6 || Chappaqua, New York: Early winter late afternoon light, looking West.§Clear luminousness of the sky, as if the crystalline light was produced by the sky itself |
![[ husserl_philcris! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Edmund Husserl: Philosophy and the Crisis of European Humanity (the "Vienna Lecture") |
| husserl_philcris.html ¢| 115,603:198. 2. 148+11:9 || Edmund Husserl 'Vienna Lecture' (10 May 1935): 'Philosophy and the Crisis of European Humanity'.§Inspiring statement of ideals of Universal Culture; life transformed by Transcendental Phenomenology. |
![[ sq/aging! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
An EKG - A Fall - A Colonoscopy :: Some experiences I have had in getting older |
| sq/aging.html ¢| 19,310:151. 3. 17+8.1:3 || Some experiences I have had in getting older. Be aware: When you have a colonoscopy,§make sure doctor checks for depressed as well as elevated lesions! |
![[ BWRaymond/index! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Elgin Railroad pocket watches |
| BWRaymond/index.html ¢| 7,712:120. 2. 10+10.1:2 || Elgin Railroad pocket watches. Picture of watch with Up/Down§indicator and marks when to Wind and where to Stop winding. |
![[ elkocean! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Elk, CA :: September afternoon light |
| elkocean.html | 4,357:34. 1. 10+8 || View of Pacific Ocean, at Elk, CA. |
![[ emilyd! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Emily Dickinson |
| emilyd.html | 20,797:200. 0. 10+5.1:11 || Sample encyclopedia article, marked up to§illustrate implementation of Vannevar Bush's Memex concept: Encyclopedia,§interactively available on one's personal computer, as Personal Knowledge Assistant. |
![[ emilyd4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Emily Dickinson page 'annotations' popup window |
| emilyd4.html | 10,291:107. 0. 0+1 |0| Emily Dickinson page 'annotations' popup window.§These would be indivbidual popups in a 'PDA encyclopedia'. |
![[ bruxelles! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Empire of Light (Brussels Belgium, July evening) |
| bruxelles.html ¢| 10,564:138. 5. 9+4.9:3 || Rene Magritte painting: 'Empire of Light'.§Shows what the light is really like in Brussels Belgium, on a clear July night, around 10:30PM. |
![[ eoti! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The End of the Internet :: Archived web page |
| eoti.html ¢| 11,821:164. 3. 17+5.2:8 || Facsilime reproduction of 'The End of the Internet' webpage:§http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm. Page ceased to exist before 13 Sep 2002, but it subsequently returned. |
![[ EnronCalifCrisis! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Enron and the 2000-01 California Energy Crisis |
| EnronCalifCrisis.html ¢| 17,588:194. 4. 33+5:8 || Enron role in the 2000-2001 California electric power crisis.§California Governor Gray Davis on how to try to prevent recurrences.§~ Deregulate yourself: Go to Enron ('Endless Possibilities'TM)! |
![[ EsGibt! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Es Gibt :: There is [whatever there is...].... |
| EsGibt.html ¢| 6,837:195. 7. 20+6 || Martin Heidegger: 'Es gibt' = 'There is'.§A cancer tumor is. Es gibt. The Mona Lisa is. Es gibt. This web page is. Es gibt.§Reality which transcends us just is what it is, without 'why'. Es gibt. |
![[ EsGibtExplained! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
"Es gibt" explained: "There is" [whatever].... |
| EsGibtExplained.html ¢| 22,352:177. 1. 66+10:2 || Explanation of Martin Heidegger's concept: 'Es gibt', or:§'There is [whatever]'. 'What gives?' 'It gives [Es gibt]' -- without reason, without why. It gives. There is. Es gibt. |
![[ moreStuff! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: More Stuff (p.2/5) |
| moreStuff.html ¢| 34,601:72. 5. 61+17.1:10+1 || More thoughts and images not otherwise classified. More stuff ('stuff'). |
![[ moreStuff2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Still More Stuff (p.3/5) |
| moreStuff2.html ¢| 35,611:80. 6. 68+15.1:2+1 || Yet more thoughts and images not otherwise classified. Yet more stuff ('stuff'). |
![[ stuff! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Stuff (p.1/5) |
| stuff.html ¢| 45,532:75. 6. 83+15.7:19+1 || Thoughts and images not otherwise classified. All sorts of stuff ('stuff'). |
![[ etc! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Thoughts + Images not otherwise classified (p.1/5) |
| etc.html ¢| 44,014:188. 14. 65+16.21:33 || Thoughts and images not§otherwise classified. Chernobyl. Murmansk. The Annunciation. Chadors, burqas, Bedouin women ululating.§Rene Magritte. Je me souviens.... Your contributions invited! |
![[ etc2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Thoughts + Images not otherwise classified (p.2/5) |
| etc2.html ¢| 42,999:188. 11. 56+17.2:16 || Thoughts and images not otherwise classified. 'Who?' Abel Gance's Napoleon. Cultural relativism.§Frank Lloyd Wright. Instant replay: New communication media.... Your contributions invited! |
![[ moreEtc! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Thoughts + Images not otherwise classified (p.3/5) |
| moreEtc.html ¢| 44,160:140. 3. 80+16.6:7 || Thoughts and images not§otherwise classified. Vision of the future (Hi-tech + deregulstion). Start making sense.§Your contributions invited! |
![[ moreEtc2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Thoughts + Images not otherwise classified (p.4/5) |
| moreEtc2.html ¢| 45,338:138. 8. 79+18.4:4+1 || Thoughts and images not otherwise classified. The emperor's clothes (old and new).§Let sleeping babies lie.... Your contributions invited! |
![[ moreEtc3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Thoughts + Images not otherwise classified (p.5/5) |
| moreEtc3.html ¢| 49,437:181. 3. 65+16.1:5+1 || Thoughts and images not otherwise classified.§Haste, Frustration make waste. How the Universe came to rest. Cam lock furniture fasteners. Amanda Lear.... Your contributions invited! |
![[ moreStuff4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Yes, Stuff keeps coming (p.5/5) |
| moreStuff4.html ¢| 35,110:79. 1. 50+17.2:5+1 || Yet more thoughts and images not otherwise classified. Yes, stuff keeps coming. |
![[ moreStuff3! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
ET CETERAs :: Yet Even More Stuff (p.4/5) |
| moreStuff3.html ¢| 30,627:133. 1. 41+15.5:6+1 || Yet more thoughts and images not otherwise classified ('stuff').§Faulty Xerox machine. Beeper madness. Pre-Euro Dutch bank notes.... |
![[ jpg/atget! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Eugene Atget, Coin de la Rue Valette et Pantheon (1925) |
| jpg/atget.html | 2,468:84. 2. 2+1:2 |2| Photograph by Eugene Atget. Paris street: Coin de la Rue Valette et Pantheon (1925). |
![[ VRMLworld! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Everyman (text for VRML rare book room simulation) |
| VRMLeveryman.html | 62,060:183. 0. 0+0 |0| Text of the Medieval§morality play: Everyman (1485). Text is from The Gutenberg Project.§This page is used in a VRML rare-book study space simulation I have developed on this website. |
![[ re-lorem_ipsum! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Exchange about 'lorem ipsum' between BMcC and www.concatenum.com |
| re-lorem_ipsum.html | 2,474:81. 2. 3+2:1 |3| Exchange about 'lorem ipsum dolor',§between Brad McCormick and www.concatenum.com |
![[ sq/marmoset! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Faces in the forest: Marmosets and tamarins :: Forest spirits |
| sq/marmoset.html ¢| 9,551:190. 9. 14+5:2 || Marmosets and tamarins: small primates with eerily human looking, mask-like faces.§What do they see when they look at us? Also: Forest spirits from Princess Mononoke. Faces in the forest.... |
![[ GO/blessing! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
The Feast of St. Francis :: The blessing of the pets.... |
| GO/blessing.html ¢| 10,448:73. 1. 8+9:3 || On the Feast of St. Francis, church holds 'Blessing of the pets' service. |
![[ sgtSlover! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
A few noteworthy words from an American soldier.... |
| sgtSlover.html | 9,278:83. 0. 1+5 |1| A soldier's statement, here reposted from a Washington§Post Newspaper online forum. |
![[ fools! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Five kinds of schooled fools (Stulti docti) |
| fools.html ¢| 19,021:198. 5. 42+16.5:4 || Brief taxonomy of types of educated fools. Schooled fools. Pictures from§Sebastian Brant's 'Ship of Fools' (1494). Reader fool. Moralist fool. Computer fool (homo technologicus). Administrator fool. |
![[ josefCat! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Folk art cat, by Josef |
| josefCat.html | 5,458:105. 3. 12+8:1 || Pictures of folk art carved wooden cat, by Cape Breton (Nova§Scotia, Canada) artist Josef (Joe McKinnon). |
![[ AmCulture! ]](gif/united_states.gif) |
Some folkways of American Life :: Add yours! |
| AmCulture.html ¢| 26,502:193. 9. 43+13.4:29 || List some of the folkways of American Culture, i.e.,§the particular ethnicity of middle-class U.S.A. Contrast to the§Universal Culture which arose in 'The West' beginning perhaps with Socrates. |
![[ quotes12! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Apr06 - Jun06 |
| quotes12.html ¢| 40,942:109. 3. 46+18.1:1 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes11! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Aug05 - Apr06 |
| quotes11.html ¢| 38,166:109. 2. 49+19:1 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ qtarchive1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Dec96 - Dec99 |
| qtarchive1.html | 51,840:79. 0. 32+15:5 || Snippets I have read which seem§to me worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes1! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Feb02 - Jun02 |
| quotes1.html ¢| 49,618:109. 3. 77+17.2:12 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes4! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Jan03 - May03 |
| quotes4.html ¢| 40,152:109. 3. 37+19.1:4 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes6! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Jul03 - Aug03 |
| quotes6.html ¢| 46,022:109. 1. 53+18.2:3 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes13! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Jul06+ |
| quotes13.html | 12,852:109. 1. 15+18:1 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Jun01 - Feb02 |
| quotes.html ¢| 45,156:109. 3. 57+16.2:25 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes2! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Jun02 - Sep02 |
| quotes2.html ¢| 46,089:109. 1. 53+16.3:8 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes5! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Jun03 - Jul03 |
| quotes5.html ¢| 47,024:109. 1. 39+19.4:4 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes8! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Mar04 - Nov04 |
| quotes8.html ¢| 42,663:109. 3. 40+18.2:8 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes10! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Mar05 - Jun05 |
| quotes10.html ¢| 37,407:109. 2. 46+17:7 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |
![[ quotes9! ]](GO/docimg.gif) |
Food for thoughts (and actions...) :: Nov04 - Mar05 |
| quotes9.html ¢| 39,372:109. 1. 44+17:7 || Quotations; thoughtworthy thoughts: Snippets I have read which seem§worth passing on and sharing with you.... |