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Legend:   Name  counted?|  pageLen:descLen.  #intImages.  #intLinks+#templateIntLinks.#intAbslinks?:#extLinks?  #forms? |invalid?#links<6?| description [§='\n']
 [ GO/VillaPizza! ]   Palladio in Chappaqua 2004: Villa Pizza (with pepperoni and cheese)
   GO/VillaPizza.html  ¢| 6,958:161. 2. 8+6:2 ||  Radical remodelling of 1920's neo-Classical mansion§into a Kitsch Palladio-esque villa. Reminiscent of a pizza with pepperoni and cheese. Chappaqua NY USA, 2004.
 [ panorama-1! ] Panorama SGML Viewer Announcement
[ Learn more about SGML! ]panorama-1.html  ¢| 17,329:197. 6. 21+5:5 ||  Yuri Rubinsky announces§free Panorama SGML Viewer for the World Wide Web (reprint from comp.text.sgml,§17 May 1995). Synex Information AB 19 October 1994 press release. Product logo ('splash page')
 [ GO/oikos! ] Parable of a kitten :: The individual and society....
GO/oikos.html  ¢| 9,152:68. 1. 9+11 ||  Some thoughts about the relation between the individual and society.
 [ parable! ] A Parable?
parable.html  ¢| 12,229:61. 5. 22+5:3 ||  True report of my renewing my driver's license, October 2002.
 [ jpg/ParishHall! ] Parish Hall of Church of St. John and St. Mary, Chappaqua, NY :: Double exposure....
jpg/ParishHall.html  ¢| 4,754:156. 2. 7+2:1 ||  Parish Hall of Church of St. John and St. Mary, Chappaqua, NY.§Double exposure photograph taken from my living room window, just as Sunday Mass letting out.
 [ 5015/TheGenevaSeal! ] Patek Philippe and The Geneva Seal
5015/TheGenevaSeal.html  ¢| 6,023:82. 8. 7+2:1 ||  Information about Patek Philippe's commitment to the standards of The Geneva Seal.
 [ 240/index! ] Patek Philippe calibre 240 watch movement
240/index.html  ¢| 19,974:93. 13. 19+10.2:6 ||  Picture essay on Patek Philippe calibre 240 watch movement.§Criteria of fine watch finishing.
 [ 5015/series! ] Patek Philippe ref. 5015/5054/5055/5085/3712 series watches
5015/series.html  ¢| 8,693:162. 7. 12+3:4 ||  Patek Philippe ref. 5015, 5054, 5055, 5057, 5085, 3712 complicated wristwatches.§Inspired asymmetric dial design with power reserve, moon phase and small seconds.
 [ 5015/5054-watchtext! ] Patek Philippe Ref. 5054 - Moon, date and power reserve indicator: How it works
5015/5054-watchtext.html   | 5,555:70. 1. 2+2:1 |2|  Reference 5054 - Moon, date and power reserve indicator: how it works.
 [ 5015/index! ] Patek Philippe ref. 5054 men's complicated wristwatch.
5015/index.html  ¢| 18,362:92. 11. 27+8.4:7 ||  Patek Philippe§reference number 5054 men's complicated wristwatch. Description and pictures.
 [ 5066-1A/index! ] Patek Philippe | Aquanaut: 5066/1A
5066-1A/index.html  ¢| 12,234:67. 13. 11+4:7 ||  Patek Philippe Aquanaut ref. 5066/1A wristwatch: Info and pictures.
 [ GO/power! ] The peremptory discourse of petty power: "Only if you want to!"
GO/power.html  ¢| 26,251:195. 2. 49+11.3 ||  Discourse between persons in position§of petty power (parent, teacher, boss), and persons over whom they have that power (child, student, employee).§Do what I demand you do 'Only if you want to!'
 [ NYTpermission! ] Permission to use The New York Times logo
[ Go into the new Millennium! ]NYTpermission.html   | 9,802:127. 9. 4+3:8 |4|  Letter from The New York Times, granting me§permission to use their logo in my: quotes.html and: qtarchive1.html website pages.
 [ GO/mensRoom! ] Persons throw paper towels on restroom floor instead of disposing in proper receptacle. Why?
[ Where do your throw your used paper towels in the restroon? ]GO/mensRoom.html  ¢| 13,587:147. 1. 23+7.4 ||  Persons throw paper towels on restroom floor instead of disposing in proper receptacle.§Why? If you were the janitor, how would this make you feel?
 [ HusserlQuote! ] Philosophy and daily life: The vulnerability of the human spirit
HusserlQuote.html  ¢| 15,560:197. 4. 26+10:1 ||  Human life vulnerable to loss of meaning.§Adversity inimical to cultural achievement. Realization of philosophy is safe, secure community,§in which daily life free for philosophizing social praxis.
 [ GO/BMcC! ] Photo of BMcC
GO/BMcC.html  ¢| 8,121:34. 1. 17+6 ||  Photograph of BMcC, February 2005.
 [ AbiWounds! ] Photos documenting Abiko's wounds, 09 May 2002
AbiWounds.html   | 5,671:108. 2. 3+5.1:1 |3|  Pictures documenting wounds Abiko Maine Coon cat suffered§night of 08-09 May 2002, in basement of our house.
 [ playOfSignifiers! ] Play With Signifiers! ~ THINK (Play of Signifiers)
playOfSignifiers.html  ¢| 17,508:193. 6. 50+14.2:3 ||  This page plays with signifiers: Andrea Palladio meets David Hume. THINK.§Get fun out of your culture's folkways (ethnic symbols). Is the adventure of Universalizing culture in 'The West' over?
 [ lindquiststudios! ] Please visit Lindquist Studios website (fine wood work)
lindquiststudios.html   | 2,337:124. 1. 2+2:2 |2|  Wood sculpture by Mark Lindquist§(Height: 10-1/8in, Diameter: 6-3/8in). Click on picture to go to Lindquist Studios website!
 [ plumbing! ] Plumbing as Art :: Robert Musil and The Man Without Qualities
plumbing.html  ¢| 9,703:191. 2. 17+10.2:1 ||  Photograph of hot water furnace with copper§pipes to heating system orderly arranged. Quality worthy of Robert Musil's 'The man without qualities'.§Also: Pocket watch for him (IWC ref. 5215).
 [ elsewheres! ] Plus ultra :: Links to other interesting websites....
elsewheres.html  ¢| 37,098:171. 13. 24+15.2:48+1 ||  Links to interesting sites on the World Wide Web. Some of Brad McCormick's§favorites: Giovanni de Dondi's clock, Antikythera mechanism, Kenji, Engineering ethics, more....
 [ montereyLighthouse! ] Point Pinos Light ~ Lighthouse at Monterey, CA
montereyLighthouse.html  ¢| 5,539:80. 1. 8+12:1 ||  Point Pinos Light: Lighthouse. Monterey, California. Photo: late September 1998.
 [ williams! ] Porcelain Vase, by Gerry Williams
williams.html  ¢| 4,980:45. 3. 8+8:1 ||  Porcelain Vase, by Gerry Williams (ca. 1971).
 [ postmodernart! ] Post-Postmodernist Web Page w/ Faux Jenny Holzer Slogan Jenny
postmodernart.html  ¢| 23,727:195. 13. 46+17.7:12 ||  Critical engagement with postmodernism.§Faux Jenny Holzer cliche engine. We have never yet really been modern, so§what comes after post-modernity? How do I differ from Laurie Anderson? More pomo.
 [ GO/Flagged! ] President Bush adopted an optimistic but somber tone in his speech on the Iraq war at the Ronald Reagan Building in December...
GO/Flagged.html  ¢| 6,440:172. 2. 15+4 ||  Bush has a program, but he's increasingly seen as unable to deliver.§The 'war president' aura has crumbled. War talk of decades-long struggles seems unlikely to revive him.
 [ sq/erasmus! ] The proper activity of a human person....
sq/erasmus.html  ¢| 5,360:183. 1. 10+2:1 ||  The proper activity of a human person§is self-directed study in the collegial good company of good, peer friends.§Our lineage: Erasmus and Rabelais, more than Descartes or Galileo....
 [ puns! ] + Puns and Riddles +
puns.html  ¢| 38,462:163. 5. 55+8.8:22 ||  Puns and riddles I (BMcC) thought up. Some politically incorrect.§Some childlikely innocuous. Some philosophical. Some 'dumb'. Share your puns and riddles with me!
 [ Safeguard! ] Pyramid scheme :: U.S. Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Defense System....
Safeguard.html  ¢| 17,292:152. 7. 28+4.2:10 ||  Mothballed Safeguard anti-ballistic missile (ABM)§defense system base, Nekoma, N.D. 2001, George W Bush wants more of this, to protect U.S. from rogues.
 [ questions! ] Questions [mostly political...] :: Add yours!
questions.html  ¢| 18,910:193. 4. 34+13.1:4 ||  Questions hopefully about important political and other current issues,§and hopefully that have some constructive value. Please tell me what you think! Please add your own questions! Thank you.
 [ quotesToc1! ] Quotes I like :: I N D E X / Table of Contents (pp.1-6, Dec96-Jan03)
quotesToc1.html   | 42,706:162. 4. 184+13:3 ||  Table of contents to quotes pages. I have§collected over 200 quotes here in past 8 years. Remember! 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good'. (1Thes.5:21)
 [ quotesToc! ] Quotes I like :: I N D E X / Table of Contents (pp.7-14, Jan03+)
quotesToc.html  ¢| 38,168:162. 4. 162+14:1 ||  Table of contents to quotes pages. I have§collected over 200 quotes here in past 8 years. Remember! 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good'. (1Thes.5:21)
 [ theleme! ] Rabelais' Abbey of Thélème
theleme.html  ¢| 39,421:141. 5. 30+11.5:4 ||  Dr. Francois Rabelais' Abbey of Theleme, from _Gargantua and Pantagruel_.§Picture of Dr. Rabelais, from sign outside restaurant, Quebec City.
 [ VRMLworld! ] Rare Book Library
VRMLworld.html  ¢| 1,023:176. 0. 0+0 |0|  VRML world simulating study of§a rare book in a special room devoted solely to that book. (Your web browser§needs VRML + JavaScript + HTML frames for this application to work.)
 [ chapel! ] Recollections of Chapel
chapel.html  ¢| 18,712:110. 3. 24+16:5 ||  Recollections of prep-school Chapel services§at St. Paul's School for Boys, Brooklandville Maryland (1959-64).
 [ danae! ] Rembrandt's Danae
danae.html  ¢| 2,847:148. 2. 3+1:1 |3|  Rembrandt's 'Danae' (from The Web Museum, Paris). Contrast§classical Greek impregnation a mortal woman by a deity, and the Christian 'Annunciation'.
 [ sq/cycle! ] Remember, reflect, refine, renew!
sq/cycle.html  ¢| 14,046:198. 3. 29+10.1:2 ||  Reflectively reappropriate§experience to ever further deepen, strengthen, enrich our world of daily life.§'Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.' (1Thes 5:21) Ever anew self-transcendence.
 [ resume! ] Resume :: Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
resume.html  ¢| 18,377:142. 2. 21+11.3:2 ||  I seek a position where my talents and skills will§flourish in opening up potentials of your organization, and in contributing to our society.
 [ robert! ] Robert McCormick
robert.html  ¢| 26,409:157. 3. 48+10:4 ||  My father's life story. Sections: (1) Death of a Paint Sales Manager.§(2) War and Peace. (3) Profits and Persons. (4) The Sorrow and the Pity. (5) The 'Net'.
 [ GO/Robert_B29! ] Robert McCormick and other members of B-29 crew he was part of
GO/Robert_B29.html  ¢| 6,991:158. 4. 13+5:2 ||  Robert McCormick and other members of§B-29 Superfortress bomber crew he was part of (1945). He was a gunner, and, apparently, an enlisted man, not an officer.
 [ electure! ] A Role for General Encyclopedias in the Digital Age
electure.html  ¢| 28,997:134. 1. 20+9:1 ||  Explore uses for general encyclopedias§in our age of networked personal computing. Learn from earlier communication media innovations.
 [ 5015/flash! ] <= Rotate Patek Philippe 5054YG =>
5015/flash.html   | 1,597:81. 0. 0+0 |X0|  Macromedia Flash 360 degree rotation view of Patek Philippe ref. 5054 wristwatch.
 [ 5066-1A/flash! ] <= Rotate Patek Philippe 5066/1A =>
5066-1A/flash.html   | 1,609:93. 0. 0+0 |X0|  Macromedia Flash 360 degree rotation view of Patek Philippe Aquanaut ref. 5066/1A wristwatch.
 [ kursk! ] Russian nuclear submarine Kursk disaster
kursk.html  ¢| 24,700:197. 3. 11+6:14 ||  12 August 2000, two explosions sank Russian nuclear submarine Kursk§ca. 350 feet at bottom of Baltic Sea. All§118 on board died. Cost-cutting may have been cause; politics may have hindered rescue.
 [ RYO_cartoon! ] RYO :: Make your own cartoon! ~ Just do it!
RYO_cartoon.html  ¢| 19,821:163. 4. 55+14:6 ||  Template for you to make your own cartoon by filling in what the§characters say to each other. You write the script! You call the shots! Tell it like it is! Enjoy!
 [ welcome! ] <!-- RYO Web Portal :: Author's Entrance :: BMcC Cloud9 Web Site -->
myentry.html  ¢| 28,336:194. 7. 17+5.5:16+2 ||  Nothing secret here. 'Service entrance' (self-Web Portal?) for me to enter site without incrementing§access counters, quickly see if anybody has written in guestbook, etc. Welcome! Roll our own!
 [ historic/Bradsmap-1997! ] --- S i t e M a p ---
historic/Bradsmap-1997.html   | 11,957:79. 2. 17+1.1+2 ||  Historic web page: Visual site map for this website, as it looked in July 1997.
 [ SARS! ] SARS :: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARS.html  ¢| 24,147:160. 4. 19+8.2:11 ||  Thoughts about SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.§Help prevent spread of infectious diseases by avoiding crowds, etc. Also: N5N1 Bird Flu; H1N1 Swine Flu.
 [ hadot! ] School of Athens: Philosophy Should Be a Way of Life
hadot.html  ¢| 16,192:197. 2. 18+9:2 ||  Pierre Hadot: relation of philosophy to living. Raphael painting 'The School of Athens':§Plato and Aristotle at center stage, but not center of attention: Each person must think for him or herself.
 [ sebmorning! ] Sebastapol, CA :: September morning light
sebmorning.html   | 4,282:88. 1. 8+8 ||  Sebastapol, California. Photograph: September morning§light penetrating hillside forest.
 [ WhatIsSGML! ] SGML document introducing you to SGML
WhatIsSGML.html  ¢| 33,922:68. 2. 27+8.6:6 ||  Introductory overview of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
 [ yuriObit1! ] SGML || Obituary: Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996), The Globe and Mail
yuriObit1.html  ¢| 7,983:125. 1. 10+1:7 ||  Obituary: Yuri Rubinsky (1952-1996) [The Globe and Mail].§Yuri co-founded SoftQuad Corp., and designed Panorama SGML browser.
 [ ShoppingCart! ] Shop Until You Drop....
ShoppingCart.html   | 2,867:110. 0. 6+0 ||  We paved over the earth, and drove around.... We§stopped and shopped at every store we found along the way....
 [ GO/19Playhouse! ] Shrine to the spirit of dwelling? (Child's playhouse in front yard of new house)
GO/19Playhouse.html  ¢| 6,590:81. 1. 2+11.3 |2|  Child's playhouse in§front yard of new house. A shrine to the spirit of dwelling?
 [ GO/down! ] Sic semper tyrannis! :: 'The people' topple statues of hated leaders
GO/down.html  ¢| 6,159:94. 4. 6+5 ||  Statues of hated leaders being pulled down: Lenin, Josef Stalin, Saddam Hussein, George W Bush
 [ sq/astaire! ] Singing in the rain: 1940's American Popular Culture
sq/astaire.html  ¢| 12,318:117. 7. 17+12:2 ||  1940's American Popular Culture: Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby.§We we happy because we are singing in the rain, still?
 [ GO/sippyCup! ] Sippy cups are from hell
GO/sippyCup.html  ¢| 6,591:87. 2. 4+5 |4|  Toddler's sippy cups are -- with exceptions -- frustrating for the adult. Example here.
 [ sq-bh! ] SoftQuad divests itself of Panorama product line
sq-bh.html   | 9,003:83. 2. 14+9:2 ||  Where did the§SoftQuad Panorama SGML viewer Netscape plug-in evaluation version go?
 [ stalag! ] The Sorrow and the Pity
stalag.html  ¢| 15,445:183. 3. 49+8:1 ||  Waste. Abwelt (defective world).§Documentation of a childrearing and the childhood it§produced. I celebrate my 5th birthday in my high-chair. A more constructive alternative is shown.
 [ GO/theater! ] Spectator :: participant
GO/theater.html  ¢| 2,513:124. 1. 0+5 |0|  To what extent and in what ways am I / are you a§spectator and to what extent and in what ways am I / are you a participant?
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Copyright © 1998-2006 Brad McCormick, Ed.D.
bradmcc@cloud9.net [ Email me! ]
19 December 2011
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