![[ Go to: The duty of communicators! ]](gif/lighthousea.gif) |
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"Another commander, Hajji Zaher, said...
he had pleaded with Special Forces officers to block
the trails to Pakistan. 'The Americans would not listen, even when I told them that one word with me was worth more than $1
million of their high technology.... Their attitude was, "We must kill the enemy, but we must remain
absolutely safe." This is crazy. If they had been willing to take casualties to capture Osama then, perhaps they'd have to take
fewer casualties now.'" (John F. Burns, "10 Month Afghan Mystery: Is bin Laden Dead or Alive",
NYT, 30Sep02, p.A15) |
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[As of -- we still don't know where Osama bin Laden is, or
whether he is alive or dead....] |
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![[ Diana could have survived -- if she had her seat belt on! ]](jpg/diCrash.jpg) |
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Always wear your seat belt. (Picture of
Mercedes-Benz automobile in which British Princess Diana was killed in a Paris car crash, 31Aug97.
The Princess was not wearing her seat belt. Even though it was a head-on collision,
and her bodyguard was sitting in the front, whereas she was sitting in the rear, he survived because
he was wearing his seat belt. |
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Note: Diana's signature was approved
to appear on Flora margarine tubs,
but not in Royal Automobile Club public service ads urging persons to use their
seat belts: Learn more. | |