18 August 1999.
Misu resting in our mail in-basket. Her favorite resting place -- sandwiched
between car insurance binders and bank statements. Misu's idea of Winnicott's
"holding environment"....
January 2000, Misu found a new favorite basket.
Click here to see....
Return to "You've got mail!" (Another Misu-in-a-basket photo). See Misu resting in split-level + catenary position (May 2005). See Misu in yet another basket (March 2004)....
Return to still more photos of Misu: "Misu in your face...." Go to photo of Misu in "kitty bunker". Go to Misu perched atop coat rack in living room:
On top of Mt. Misu.... Return to photo of Misu resting on sofa.
Return to first page of Misu photos. Return to Essays page.
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