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Legend:   Name  counted?|  pageLen:descLen.  #intImages.  #intLinks+#templateIntLinks.#intAbslinks?:#extLinks?  #forms? |invalid?#links<6?| description [§='\n']
 [ GO/SpecHouse_25Nov04! ]   In passing: Driving by the Spec House, 25 November 2004....
   GO/SpecHouse_25Nov04.html   | 2,340:181. 1. 2+2 |2|  Unsold spec (built on speculation) house I see each day on my way to and from work.§NYT 'house of the day', 31Jan04. 'They' keep changing it to make it less unsellable....
 [ luck! ] Increasing role of socially engineered chance in our lives
luck.html  ¢| 21,680:190. 2. 21+11 ||  Lotteries used to allocate goods. Tax code§expects us to foresee medical expenses instead of deducting them. Is socially§engineered chance best we can do, with modern computer systems, etc.?
 [ individuality! ] Individuality and Society (Jan Szczepanski)
individuality.html  ¢| 18,917:194. 1. 29+14 ||  Polish sociologist Jan Szczepanski contrasts§individuality, individualism, collectivism. Offers vision of constructive§relation between individual and society, thru cultivating creative process.
 [ VRMLworld! ] Instructions for using VRML "Rare book room"
VRMLctl.html   | 3,213:49. 0. 3+11 |3|  Instructions for using Rare Book Room VRML world.
 [ jpg/Ii! ] Inuit sculpture
jpg/Ii.html  ¢| 6,571:125. 4. 7+5.1:6 ||  Inuit sculpture I purchased in Quebec City (Sep 2000?).§Go to Independent Inuit Video-making: Igloolik Isuma Productions Inc.
 [ lavventura! ] Is the adventure of Universalizing Culture over?
lavventura.html  ¢| 35,002:197. 6. 79+12:3 ||  Self-reflective, self-accountable Universal Culture, freed from§uncritically accepted belief (tradition, ethnicity), arose in Greece 2500 years ago.§Is the adventure of Universalizing Culture over?
 [ isadore2! ] Isadore Znamirowski statement about 'Star and Bars' U.S.A. aircraft marking
[ Learn how the Star acquired Bars and saved lives! ]isadore2.html  ¢| 13,177:198. 4. 3+5.3 |3|  World War II. How tell American from Japanese fighter planes in combat? Both had§circle markings. U.S. pilots misidentified, shot down U.S. planes. Isadore Znamirowski solved problem: Star and Bars.
 [ GO/attire! ] Islamic women's attire: Hijab, khimar, chador, niqab, burqa...
GO/attire.html  ¢| 2,553:100. 3. 3+2 |3|  Taxonomy of Islamic women's attire, from least to most§veiling: Hijab, khimar, chador, niqab, burqa.
 [ island! ] Island of the shades(?) :: The Dead Shall Be Raised
island.html  ¢| 7,511:199. 1. 5+8.3 |5|  Island in Kensico resevoir, Westchester Cty NY,§early morning fog. Recall Arnold Bocklin painting: 'The isle of the dead'.§Epigraph over entrance to New Haven CT cemetery: 'The Dead Shall Be Raised'.
 [ MustafasOffice! ] Israeli rocket attack kills Palestinean militant leader Abu Ali Mustafa
MustafasOffice.html   | 4,124:172. 3. 4+1 |4|  Abu Ali Mustafa's office, after Israeli rocket entered window and exploded,§killing Mustafa, secretary-general of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, inside.
 [ jlc_SunMoonReverso! ] Jaeger-LeCoultre Sun Moon Reverso wristwatch
jlc_SunMoonReverso.html   | 5,875:176. 3. 7+1:2 ||  Jaeger-LeCoultre Sun Moon Reverso handwind wristwatch,§with Power-Reserve (Up/Down) and moon phase complication. Interesting dial design. Also: Interesting Breguet dial design.
 [ GO/japanFantasyNS4! ] Japan 'superflat' fantasy (Netscape 4 version) :: Float away...
GO/japanFantasyNS4.html  ¢| 13,245:174. 4. 28+5.1:2 ||  Variation on a Takashi Muramaki 'superflat' fantasy (Cover picture NYT§Sunday magazine, 03Apr05). Alienation in contemporary Japan. Float away... (Special Netscape 4 version)
 [ GO/japanFantasy! ] Japan 'superflat' fantasy :: Float away...
GO/japanFantasy.html  ¢| 13,734:145. 3. 30+5.1:2 ||  Variation on a Takashi Muramaki 'superflat' fantasy (Cover picture NYT§Sunday magazine, 03Apr05). Alienation in contemporary Japan. Float away...
 [ sq/japalienation! ] Japanese youth commit Internet-mediated suicide in current demoralizing economic reality. More...
sq/japalienation.html  ¢| 19,352:168. 5. 10+7:4 ||  Demoralizing economic reality recent years result in Japanese§killing themselves + other dysfunctions. Young persons becoming shut-ins; Kireru. Japan's new homeless....
 [ jethras! ] Jethra cat, hiding under fringe of living room sofa
jethras.html  ¢| 5,747:182. 2. 7+8 ||  Jethra was a very good cat. She had a sweet disposition,§and liked to eat plastic (which she would then throw up on the carpet...). Jethra died§from kidney failure, 31 December 1999.
 [ jethra! ] Jethra cat, outside, wanting to be let back inside
jethra.html   | 5,017:184. 3. 9+8 ||  Jethra liked to go outside to lie in the§sun, chase small rodents, etc. Because she was declawed and our back yard§fenced in, she could not escape, so it was safe to let her out there.
 [ jpg/index! ] Jpeg image directory
jpg/index.html  ¢| 5,440:109. 1. 3+15 |3|  Directory of .jpg images. Please view images in context,§on the web pages where I use them. Enjoy! Thank you.
 [ GO/juryDuty05! ] Jury duty, 2005
GO/juryDuty05.html  ¢| 19,619:165. 1. 10+12:2 ||  My (BMcC) experience being summoned for jury duty, 2005.§Never summoned before. Eager to do jury duty, but resent hassle of travel from Chappaqua to lower Manhattan.
 [ JustSoStories! ] + Just So Stories +
JustSoStories.html  ¢| 37,519:199. 7. 78+13.3:6 ||  Why things are the way they are:§George W Bush. Newtonian physics. Sir Walter Raleigh. Utility de-privatization.§ETS. Alexander the Great. BO. Arrid Total antiperspirant/deodorant. Chicken Little....
 [ km! ] The Katonah Museum or Art
km.html   | 3,169:77. 1. 8+3:1 ||  Photograph of The Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah New York USA. November 1999.
 [ L.H.O.O.Q! ] L.H.O.O.Q.
L.H.O.O.Q.html  ¢| 3,993:128. 2. 5+0:2 |5|  The annals of endocrinology: Marcel Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. (Leonardo da Vinci's§Mona Lisa with facial hair: goatee and moustache).
 [ GO/ws! ] Le Cube d'Un
GO/ws.html  ¢| 5,974:129. 2. 24+2.1 ||  Good things I cannot live in reality I try to live in fantasy and to§infuse the life a do live in reality with the fantasy of....
 [ culture! ] Leisure is the basis of culture
culture.html  ¢| 21,450:184. 3. 57+14:4 ||  Commentary on essay by Josef Pieper: 'Leisure: The Basis of Culture'.§Walter Ong's experience as a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford CA. Etc.
 [ Justine! ] Leisure: luxe, calme et volupte is the basis of culture
Justine.html  ¢| 5,470:46. 1. 9+2:2 ||  Photo of cover of Marquis de Sade's _Justine_.
 [ trotsky! ] Leon Trotsky lecturing in Copenhagen (27 Nov 1932)
trotsky.html  ¢| 7,629:191. 3. 8+4:2 ||  Photograph by Robert Capa: Leon Trotsky lecturing in Copenhagen, 27 Nov 1932.§A defining image of the 20th century: Broken picture of a broken man lecturing broken dreams of a broken century.
 [ signgb! ] Let me know what you think about what you've found in my website!
signgb.html  ¢| 3,281:195. 1. 1+4 |1|  Let me know what you think about my website.§Sign my guestbook. Or send me email! Let me know what you think. But, please,§spammers pick on someone your own size like Microsoft or NSA. Thank you.
 [ sq/computerIdeas! ] Let's make computers and computer programmers more useful
sq/computerIdeas.html  ¢| 26,054:70. 6. 20+8.3:1 ||  Suggestions for making computers and computer programmers more useful.
 [ sq/shipwreck! ] Life as a Journey :: "Shipwreck with Spectator"
sq/shipwreck.html  ¢| 18,990:124. 2. 30+9.1 ||  Metaphor of life as a journey. Excerpts from + thoughts about Hans Blumenberg essay:§'Shipwreck with Spectator' (1979/1997).
 [ jpg/Kahn_Salk! ] Light: Louis Kahn's Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA
jpg/Kahn_Salk.html  ¢| 16,748:176. 2. 48+12:3 ||  Art photograph of Louis Kahn's Salk Institute for Biological Studies,§La Jolla, CA. Meaning of a city is creative life opportunitues, not just packing a lot of people together.
 [ litterbox! ] Litter box meditations
litterbox.html  ¢| 11,206:138. 4. 25+8:7 ||  Thoughts about cleaning cats' litter box.§Kitty literacy. Tao of literbox scooping. In lieu of a sand garden like Ryoanji or Daisen-in....
 [ clinton_4! ] Local employment opportunities, Chappaqua NY
clinton_4.html   | 7,949:128. 4. 26+10 ||  Political satire about Bill and Hillary Clinton's new home§in Chappaqua, New York. (Page 4 of 4: Local employment opportunities)
 [ GO/lockout! ] Lockout! ~ Going out to pick up the paper, I lock myself out of the house
GO/lockout.html  ¢| 7,523:119. 1. 9+5 ||  Going out to pick up the newspaper from the driveway,§I shut the front door behind me and lock myself out of the house.
 [ 5066-1A/gl_archive1! ] Log time gained/lost by my Glashütte 1845 and Patek 5066/1A watches (p.1/2)
5066-1A/gl_archive1.html   | 69,489:154. 0. 7+8 ||  Log weekly time gained/lost by my §Glashuette Original 1845 Up/Down, and my Patek§Philippe 5066/1A wristwatch, compared to Internet standard time signals.
 [ 5066-1A/gl! ] Log time gained/lost by my Glashütte 1845 and Patek 5066/1A watches (p.2/2)
5066-1A/gl.html   | 40,087:153. 0. 8+8 ||  Log weekly time gained/lost by my§Glashuette Original 1845 Up/Down, and my Patek§Philippe 5066/1A wristwatch, compared to Internet standard time signals.
 [ sq/wrightBowl! ] Malcolm Wright :: Stoneware bowl with bird design (ca. 1972)
sq/wrightBowl.html  ¢| 4,588:70. 2. 4+5 |4|  Malcolm Wright: wood-fired Stoneware bowl with bird design (ca. 1972).
 [ labyrinth! ] Meditation labyrinth
labyrinth.html  ¢| 54,298:78. 3. 8+4:2 ||  Meditation labyrinth, Chartres cathedral.§HTML 3.2 meditation labyrinth, here.
 [ TheMessenger! ] The Messenger :: Je me souviens :: I remember
TheMessenger.html  ¢| 6,978:184. 3. 17+3:3 ||  Communication. The trauma one fears at an adult was§likely already experienced in early childhood, but has been forgotten (repressed).§Remember. Bear witness. Je me souviens. Remember!
 [ GO/CHAD! ] Miami, Florida USA 2004 Modern architecture with a 1940's French chandelier
GO/CHAD.html  ¢| 6,901:75. 1. 9+5:1 ||  Miami, Florida USA 2004 Modern architecture with a 1940's French chandelier
 [ mice! ] MICE :: Mouse cartoons and more mice...
mice.html  ¢| 16,496:184. 7. 29+11:13 ||  Mouse cartoons + real mouse for reference.§Mouse story: Margaret Thatcher makes Albert the laborarory rat lab Director.§Doraemon, Danger Mouse, Paul's Rat Page, Krazy Kat, Mt. Fuji....
 [ mimi/index! ] Mimi
mimi/index.html   | 1,752:95. 1. 4+0 |4|  Mimi photograph (August, 2002). Sliding§down playground slide. Click to see more Mimi pictures!
 [ mimi/glm! ] Mimi (9 March 2003)
mimi/glm.html   | 1,848:99. 1. 4+0 |4|  Mimi photograph (March 9, 2003). Lunch§after Mimi's 'baby naming'. Click to see more Mimi pictures!
 [ sq/Mimi0312! ] Mimi at age 2 years 8 months
sq/Mimi0312.html  ¢| 3,749:41. 1. 2+5 |2|  Portrait of Mimi at age 2 years 8 months.
 [ mimi/junePictures! ] Mimi pictures (late May - early June 2002)
mimi/junePictures.html  ¢| 5,841:79. 4. 13+3 ||  Mimi pictures from late May - early June 2002.§Ginger cat. Grandmother Abby....
 [ mimi/portrait01! ] Mimi pictures from 31 March 2002 Easter brunch @ Erica's.... (1)
mimi/portrait01.html   | 2,192:12. 1. 8+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/portrait02! ] Mimi pictures from 31 March 2002 Easter brunch @ Erica's.... (2)
mimi/portrait02.html   | 2,192:12. 1. 8+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/bottle01! ] Mimi pictures from 31 March 2002 Easter brunch @ Erica's.... (3)
mimi/bottle01.html   | 2,187:12. 1. 8+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/food01! ] Mimi pictures from 31 March 2002 Easter brunch @ Erica's.... (4)
mimi/food01.html   | 2,182:12. 1. 8+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/food02! ] Mimi pictures from 31 March 2002 Easter brunch @ Erica's.... (5)
mimi/food02.html   | 2,180:12. 1. 8+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/looking01! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (1)
mimi/looking01.html   | 2,401:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/reaching01! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (2)
mimi/reaching01.html   | 2,405:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/chopsticks01! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (3)
mimi/chopsticks01.html   | 2,411:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/chopsticks02! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (4)
mimi/chopsticks02.html   | 2,410:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/feeding01! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (5)
mimi/feeding01.html   | 2,401:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/feeding02! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (6)
mimi/feeding02.html   | 2,402:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/feeding03! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (7)
mimi/feeding03.html   | 2,401:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/feeding04! ] Mimi pictures from Chappaqua - 23 March 2002 (8)
mimi/feeding04.html   | 2,401:12. 1. 11+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/2babies! ] Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (1)
mimi/2babies.html   | 3,483:12. 1. 19+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/JinLingOnBed4! ] Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (10)
mimi/JinLingOnBed4.html   | 3,502:12. 1. 19+2 ||  Mimi picture
 [ mimi/inStroller! ] Mimi pictures from China - March 2002 (11)
mimi/inStroller.html   | 3,493:12. 1. 19+2 ||  Mimi picture
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19 December 2011
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