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[ ] [ Islands in Western Sea, approaching Incheon, Korea ] [ ] Water -- The Arrival
"Steel-blue and light, ruffled by a soft, scarcely perceptible cross-wind, the waves of the Adriatic streamed against the imperial squadron as it steered toward the harbor of Brundisium, the flat hills of the Calabrian coast coming gradually nearer on the left. And here, as the sunny yet deathly loneliness of the sea changed with the peaceful stir of friendly human activity where the channel, softly enhanced by the proximity of human life and human living, was populated by all sorts of craft -- by some that were also approaching the harbor, by others heading out to sea... -- here the water had become mirror-smooth; mother-of-pearl spread over the open shell of heaven, evening came on, and the pungence of wood fires was carried from the hearths whenever a sound of life... was blown over from the shore...."

Hermann Broch
The Death of Virgil
Pantheon Books, 1949, p.11
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[ ] [ Water - The Arrival ]Asiana flight 302, from Hong Kong to Seoul Korea,
descending toward landing at Incheon International Airport,
Friday 15 March 2002.
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