"America is at war." These are the first words of the Bush administration's
new national security strategy....
That America is at war in Iraq is certainly true, although it's not the war the administration prepared for.
Nor is it a war like any other. It's been accompanied by tax cuts; national sacrifice is not the theme of the hour;
small-town America and smaller-salary America have borne the brunt.
But the war that President George W. Bush goes on to outline in the strategy,
a revised version of the 2002 document whose emphasis on the supremacy of American power and
the right to strike pre-emptively caused global unease, is not merely the Mesopotamian mess.
No, this war is of greater scope. "The United States is in the early years of a long struggle,
similar to what our country faced in the early years of the Cold War," the document says.
"The 20th century witnessed the triumph of freedom over the threats of fascism and communism.
Yet a new totalitarian ideology now threatens, an ideology grounded not in secular philosophy
but in the perversion of a proud religion." |
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Roger Cohen, "'War' as Epithet: Sound of Clay Feet Cracking",
International Herald Tribune, NYT on the Web, 18Mar06. Photo at top: "Smoke rises above Baghdad from a car bomb explosion [18Mar06] that wounded two people",
CNN.com, 18Mar06. |