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If you were the janitor, what would you think about persons throwing used paper towels on restroom floor instead of disposing in trash receptacle?
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Vestibule between public corridor & Men's room
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Men's restroom
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Foreground: Door between vestibule & restroom, opened wide here.
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Middle distance: Vestibule (Approx. 3+1/2 by 6+1/2 feet).
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Background (in vestibule): Exit door from vestibule out to public corridor. Only right third of door visible here, incl. automatic closer (top) & 3 hinges.
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[ Mens room, 7th Floor, 44 S. Broadway, White Plains NY USA. Sun, 22May05 ]
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Note: Paper towel dispenser near exit. Also: Trash receptacle convenient to both dispenser & door.
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[ Where do you throw your used paper towels in the restroom? ] Notice: Used paper towels discarded on vestibule floor (lower left). If you had to clean this place, wouldn't you feel insulted by this? Persons who do this: Why don't you dispose your trash in the trash receptacle?
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[ Show details, please! ]
[ Where do you throw your used paper towels in the restroom? ] Notice: Used paper towels discarded on vestibule floor instead of in trash receptacle just inside restroom. [2 instances visible, above lower left, & detail photo: Click here[ See used paper towels on floor instead of in trash receptacle! ]] [fn.111[ Go to footnote! ]]
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Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)
Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matt 25:40)
[ Where do you throw your used paper towels in the restroom? ] Resolution: After I put a trash can in the vestibule (26May05), the paper towels seem all to be going in the can, and none on the floor -- whatever reason(s) persons were throwing them on the floor before.[fn.111[ Go to footnote! ]] Have a look[ See the new trash can in the vestibule! ]
02 June 06: Trashcan is still there & still collecting paper towels. Oct 06: Trashcan has been removed.
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Listen to the peremptory discourse of petty power.
[ << ]Return  to analysis of (offensive? rude? demeaning? "thoughtless"? arrogant?...) behavior documented above.
Compare how Christian Dior comported himself (Quote #35).

[ Go to: The duty of communicators! ]
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