"Every sentence that I utter should be regarded by you not as an assertion
but as a question." --Niels Bohr![[ Always reflect yet one more time! ]](sq/small_cycle.gif) |
is more to the surface than meets the eye." --Aaron Beck |
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (1 Thes. 5:21)![[ Always reflect yet one more time! ]](sq/small_cycle.gif) |
Pg |
Seq | Date |
Description |
6 |
143 |
24Jan03 |
Bush's "style" rubs Europeans wrong way. |
142 |
15Jan03 |
Chimay beer philosophy (Belgian beer brewed by monks). |
141 |
11Jan03 |
Daniel Schorr asks if Bush could not go to war against Iraq
after all his fanfare. |
140 |
04Jan03 |
Frank Gehry on pro bono work (WTC design competition). |
139 |
02Jan03 |
Conflict between safety and cost cutting, in North Sea shipping accidents. |
138 |
05Jan02 |
Respecting the elderly's sexuality at the Hebrew Home for the
Aged, Riverdale NY. |
137 |
13May02 |
Humility in a hero from Doolitle raid on Japan (18 April 1942). |
136 |
28Feb02 |
Israelis' feelings (pro and con) about "settlements" in the West Bank. |
135 |
31May02 |
Potential for personal computer files as cultural archives. |
134 |
29Dec02 |
Thoughts on "tolerance". |
133 |
09Dec02 |
David Sarnoff, on corporate management and personal anxiety. |
132 |
04Dec02 |
Justification for democracy. |
131 |
30Nov02 |
The importance of the victor helping the vanquished reconstruct
after war. |
130 |
20Nov02 |
George W Bush's phrase: "a coalition of the willing". |
129 |
06Nov02 |
Some thoughts on the narrow margin of victory in November 2000
U.S. presidential election. |
128 |
05Nov02 |
Example from ancient philosophy of unselfishness rigorously
applied. |
127 |
01Oct02 |
Osama bin Laden wants the U.S. to invade Iraq. |
5 |
126 |
29Sep02 |
Japanese children losing respect for their elders. |
125 |
28Sep02 |
Japanese perspective on Pearl Harbor. |
124 |
22Sep02 |
American engineers impressed by Soviet rockets less exotic and finicky, but nonetheless better performing than American
designs. |
123 |
21Sep02 |
Man versus computer in chess. |
122 |
20Sep02 |
Bush asks Congress: "Don't tie my hands" about possible Iraq war. |
121 |
05Sep02 |
Bush seeks broad powers to fight terrorism. Also: Bush's "trifecta" joke. |
120 |
05Sep02 |
Consequences for Germany of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder not joining Bush's
"coalition of the willing". |
119 |
28Aug02 |
Bush demands exemption of Americans from international law. |
118 |
21Aug02 |
Desirability of gradual reform in authoritarian countries. |
117 |
27Jul02 |
Negligence causes disaster at Ukraine air show. |
116 |
21Jul02 |
Role of regulation in free markets. |
115 |
16Jul02 |
Quote about lights going out for European civilization. |
114 |
13Jul02 |
Alien species threaten local ecosystems (northern snakehead fish
in Maryland). |
113 |
07Jul02 |
John Adams quote about hierarchy of professions. |
112 |
30Jun02 |
Luciaon Pavoratti snubs fans. |
111 |
27Jun02 |
Bush criticizes court ruling barring "under God" from Pledge of Allegiance. |
110 |
27Jun02 |
Bush administration tells Palestineans there will be consequences if they re-elect Arafat
instead of making the right decision. |
4 |
109 |
26Jun02 |
Bush administration and American's civil liberties. |
108 |
14Jun02 |
Downside dangers of restricting medical residents' work week to 80 hours. |
107 |
12Jun02 |
State of capitalism in Poland. |
106 |
07Jun02 |
![[ Watch out! ]](sq/warn.gif) Please
read: Future "911" suicide bomber Mohammad Atta inverview with
U.S. Department of Agriculture official, Johnell Bryant. Why didn't she/"we" pick up on the warning
signs? |
Also (Contrast:): U.S. immigration officer who did pick up on warning signals. |
105 |
07Jun02 |
Global warming. |
102 |
03May02 |
Our 24-7 society: Making life more stressful than necessary. |
101 |
24Apr02 |
Homosexuality in Roman Catholic seminaries. |
100 |
20Apr02 |
Results of terrorist attack (using a dinghy) on U.S. Aegis destroyer Cole. |
99 |
10Apr02 |
Relation between sexuality (esp. sexual repression) and aggression. Talibans, bonobos, etc. |
97 |
15Mar02 |
Free market economy and worker wellbeing. |
95 |
26Feb02 |
How computer spreadsheet programs (Visicalc, Excel...) inspired abuses by
business executives. |
94 |
26Feb02 |
Need for "nation building" in Afghanistan. |
93 |
26Feb02 |
U.S. workers lose jobs as companies move to countries where they can make things cheaper.
"Life Savers" example. |
92 |
26Feb02 |
Current recession is different from previous recessions because some of the
principals may spend time in prison. |
3 |
91 |
21Feb02 |
Security fosters creativity and productive accomplishment (Ace Insurance). |
90 |
25Jan02 |
Relative importance of individuals and institutions. |
89 |
21Jan02 |
How the rich are different: They know when to leave. |
88 |
14Jan02 |
Enron scandal. |
87 |
17Nov01 |
Multiculturalism, the war on terror, and Americans' appreciation of other cultures. |
86 |
18Oct01 |
Reflections on "911" (David Kelly, "When Innocents are the Enemy"). |
85 |
06Oct01 |
How did Mohammad Atta become an AlQaeda suicide bomber? |
84 |
05Sep01 |
Natural gifts versus artificial enhancers, in athletic competition and other areas of life. |
83 |
25Aug01 |
Dr. Rebecca Gomperts efforts to make abortion safe and legal in "traditional" countries. |
82 |
12Aug01 |
Bush's big tax cut. |
81 |
04Aug01 |
Americans lose retirement security; retirees have to go back to work due to loss in value
of 401(k) plans. |
80 |
25Jul01 |
Bush on need to keep control of greenhouse gases compatible with economic growth. |
79 |
21Jul01 |
Lifestyle of Pre-columbian Mayan court scribes: perks and punishments. |
78 |
14Jul01 |
Julia Kristeva urges importance of individuality, and that "group identity" is a dead end. |
77 |
11Jul01 |
OK to use Princess Diana on margarine package, but not in highway safety
public service ad. |
76 |
03Jul01 |
New diseases could attack us at any time. Need to be vigilant. |
75 |
16Jun01 |
Liberal Egyptian intellectual persecuted as example for others. |
74 |
07Jun01 |
Women as computer programmers and managers. Value of women's "people skills" to
manipulate others. |
2 |
73 |
07May01 |
Rust never sleeps. |
72 |
07May01 |
Lawrence Welk quote about "life". |
71 |
24Apr01 |
U.S. consumers' willingness to pay some but not a lot more for products where workers get treated decently. |
70 |
17Apr01 |
Every Wall Street trader is trying to make enough money to get out (their "number"). |
69 |
16Apr01 |
Students used to accept however schools treated them.
Now, student pressures force Harvard Law and other schools to treat students better. |
68 |
08Apr01 |
The Vatican (Pope Pius XII) and the Nazis. |
67 |
30Mar01 |
Technical competence does not imply wisdom in application. |
66 |
28Mar01 |
"Where words go to die" -- George W Bush's lips. |
65 |
18Mar01 |
Islamic fundamentalists (e.g., the Taliban) primary target is not us, but liberalized
and unobservant Muslims. |
64 |
15Mar01 |
"Speak up!" U.S. military attempt to encourage subordinates to warn their superiors, when the
latter seem to be screwing up. |
63 |
13Mar01 |
Michelangelo Antonioni on daily life, and effects of material need versus wealth. |
62 |
17Feb01 |
Thoughts about "culture wars". |
61 |
16Dec00 |
Islam rejects "tolerance". |
60 |
28Sep00 |
Example of humanity of Pope John XXIII. |
59 |
17Sep00 |
Some thoughts about craftsmanship (watchmaker Abraham-Louis Breguet). |
58 |
17Sep00 |
American versus Brazilian taste in women's breast sizes. Gourmets versus gourmands. |
57 |
13Sep00 |
Athletes willing to risk early death from performance enhancing drugs. |
56 |
19Aug00 |
New global economy of unregulated free-trade leads to revival of piracy on the high seas. |
55 |
16Aug00 |
Russian nuclear submarine Kursk disaster. |
54 |
12Aug00 |
Life-altering potential of conversation. |
53 |
18Mar00 |
"Hazing": initiation rites, repressed homosexual feelings, etc. |
52 |
12Mar00 |
How new cosmological discoveries (e.g., "dark matter") make persons feel about "life". |
51 |
05Mar00 |
Authoritarian character of many workplaces in U.S. "democracy". |
50 |
16Feb00 |
Lack of commitment to quality in contemporary U.S. workplace. |
49 |
13Feb00 |
During Nazi regime, many Germans helped jews at little personal risk. |
48 |
11Feb00 |
What is "objectivity"? |
47 |
26Jan00 |
Dr. Steven Weinberg questions God's rightness (e.g., telling Abraham to kill Isaac). |
46 |
14Dec99 |
What Adolf Loos might have said about postmodernism. |
45 |
11Dec99 |
Vitality in old age (American primitive artist Aaron Birnbaum, 1895-1998). |
1 |
44 |
05Dec99 |
How to promote social and personal good: By telling people to resist temptation? Or
by designing social structures where doing right is easy? |
43 |
22Nov99 |
Important aspect of being a professional is ability to judge how good your work is. |
42 |
28Sep99 |
World War II era male life goals and their promised payoffs have not worked out for baby boomer men. |
41 |
15Jul99 |
A facilitating environment makes it genuinely OK to try but fail. |
40 |
21Apr99 |
Repetitive work really does stifle the mind. |
39 |
23Jan99 |
Art cannot help us understand oppressive life situations (Primo Levi). |
38 |
18Oct98 |
"Conservatives" seek market freedom and elimination of social safety net to
"free" persons to be more dependent on traditional family form of life
and thus reduce personal self-expression. |
37 |
10Oct98 |
Conservatives persecution of Bill Clinton. |
36 |
01Aug98 |
Persons without power may need to "lie" to protect themselves from unjust power. |
35 |
11Jul98 |
Christian Dior showed appreciation for what his employees were doing for him. |
34 |
27Jun98 |
Story how in WWII one Nazi official helped one jewish person escape. |
33 |
31May98 |
Pierre Payle's definition of a "true protestant". |
32 |
30May98 |
The Internet seen as an experiment in anarchy. |
31 |
27May98 |
In his old age, Galileo, who had vastly expanded persons' sense of the vastness of the universe,
found his personal life space shrunk to the size of his body by going blind. |
30 |
20May98 |
Relation of objective knowledge to human life and relationships. |
29 |
20May98 |
"Wintel logic": Make computer applications more complex so users will need to buy
new more powerful computer hardware. |
28 |
27Apr98 |
Woody Guthrie on one person using another's creative work to create something new themselves. |
27 |
12Apr98 |
Japan suffering from insufficient competitive spirit: Need to create more losers. |
26 |
02Apr98 |
Problem solving techniques only help after we have figured out what the problems are. |
25 |
29Mar98 |
Shiite Muslim clergy obligated not obey others blindly but always make their own judgment. |
24 |
24Jan98 |
Example of damage done by slighting the work to please the boss. |
23 |
17Jan98 |
Constructive role of "mess" in neatly ordered workplaces. |
22 |
06Sep97 |
Importance of having "slack" in systems to help cope with unexpected problems.
"Slack" not wasteful. |
21 |
15Aug97 |
Temporary ("flexible") workers should be paid a premium to compensate for not having
job security. |
20 |
12Jul97 |
Elie Wiesel says not to compare sufferings, but that all suffering is "intolerable". |
19 |
12Jul97 |
What Adam Smith really said about the "invisible hand" of the market. |
18 |
06Jul97 |
Effectiveness of different teaching techniques. |
17 |
06Jul97 |
Doctors warn: Shaking hands can transmit diseases. Wash your hands often. |
16 |
26Jun97 |
Egyptian court voids law prohibiting ritual female genital mutilation. |
15 |
07Jun97 |
French Prime Minister warns uncontrolled "market forces" threaten civilization. |
14 |
07Jun97 |
Nike (sports shoes) acknowledges inspiration of fascist esthetics. |
13 |
02Jun97 |
French reject American-led agenda of subordinating human welfare to market exigencies. |
12 |
29May97 |
There is more than enough work for everybody in our hi-tech society, if caring for
persons and caring for the natural and built environment are counted. |
11 |
12May97 |
Gary Kasparov feels grandmasters should be able to consult computers during
championship chess matches to help avoid stupid mistakes, and free the human person to be creative. |
10 |
01May97 |
Wole Soyinka, African Nobel laureate writer, finds his "roots" in his mind, not in ancestral soil. |
9 |
21Apr97 |
Utility of escapist fantasy for living in an oppressive society (North Korea). |
8 |
10Apr97 |
Individual realizes how insignificant he is (Frank McCourt). |
7 |
09Apr07 |
Ideology and corruption go together in social systems. |
6 |
28Mar97 |
Beware that mere passage of time can erode your hopes in life
(Cat Stevens song lyrics). |
5 |
10Feb97 |
Persons become more dangerous in a group (filming of "Lord of the Flies"). |
4 |
06Feb97 |
Toy recalled because it chewed fingers and hair of children who played with it. |
3 |
25Jan97 |
Effect of adversity on persons' dispositions. |
2 |
16Jan97 |
Our technical abilities to do things has outstripped our wisdom knowing what we should do. |
1 |
29Dec96 |
Mentioning over and over bad things that happened is OK; forgetting them is not OK. |
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mind some quote which is significant to you, I'd appreciate if you'd share it with me:
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