Go to more recent entries
[442] 2005.07.24 @ 12:01:22 UTC
From: Mark Watson (N Reo Str)
Congratulations on the new layout.
[Ed. note: What new layout?]
Keep it up to date as a celebrity :)
[441] 2005.07.23 @ 01:54:02 UTC
From: giorlette amindi brianna (giorlette11ru@yahoo.com)
hello im so glad to do a cartoon enjoy it if you could see it.
hello this is a good to do a cartoon for you guy's.
I hope you enjoy your cartoon.
[440] 2005.07.16 @ 21:25:24 UTC
From: James Beckett (1060 Washington Ave.)
really good one, but i would stick more with updating and fresh data. this will help a lot to play.
[439] 2005.07.15 @ 17:40:37 UTC
From: John Thomas (scorpion3000@gmail.com)
Impressive resume and I liked the piece on terrorism.
[438] 2005.07.13 @ 12:44:30 UTC
From: Samanta (asda@kde.co)
Hi Alll! Nice! Very nice!
[437] 2005.07.13 @ 12:29:30 UTC
From: Sarah (zold@bl.org)
The best! Cool resourse ! ! !
[436] 2005.07.13 @ 12:07:14 UTC
From: Whill (dfd@lkl.de)
These cool site! :-)
[435 -- 08Feb06 note: I noticed this is
a duplicate entry # -- human error: a result of me entering the sequence numbers manually]
2005.07.02 @ 01:01:37 UTC
From: Patrick (patrickzhang@hotmail.com)
Give me a blank bubble Calvin and Hobbes comics
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [435] 2005.06.28 @ 21:54:05 UTC
[15 subsequent postings from mugu, mmugu, magas, UZOAGBA and one from Mgbada Joe not added.
Some possibly fakes?]
[434] 2005.06.27 @ 20:55:20 UTC
From: Susan (sos@sos.com)
Greetings from Canada! Cool site, Brad! I'll be back -- with friends!
Sue ...
[433] 2005.06.25 @ 18:07:41 UTC
From: [Ed. Note: Name withheld]
I am a fan of Toyota Corolla. I had a bad accident with my last Corolly; right now I have only a Starlet, but 2 of my 3 daughters do have a Corolla older models than you have. They run great and need not much of maintenance. In October of this year we are looking for another Corolla, similar like yours. Good luck for your future.
[432] 2005.06.25 @ 15:29:53 UTC
From: Gary Roselles (rosell19@enetis.net)
Great stuff. Thanks!
[431] 2005.06.20 @ 19:20:41 UTC
From: Lucrecia (LDuran@qestrel.com)
I like your discussion on supervisees in your thesis. We refer to them as bottoms. If they were not, they would be tops. Funny thing is this, the tops in real life pay to be bottoms for fun. I like being a bottom. Its a British thing. Great sum of work. Ta Ta.
[430] 2005.06.13 @ 18:29:39 UTC
From: abab aqbab (cd@ef.com)
I just saw your post about the rudeness of people throwing their paper towels on the floor near the door of the bathroom.
Likely, they're not trying to be rude, but are just using the paper towels to open the door on the way out. They do this to avoid gripping the same handle that has been gripped by dozens of hand non-washers throughout the day.
[At least one other person told me the same: see
paragraph #2 in Footnote #111. Since I put a trash can there,
the problem has largely gone away.]
[429] 2005.06.10 @ 13:18:40 UTC
From: henry (henry@klutzhall.net) [×2]
I can't list the dumb things I do, or even narrow the field down to the last, or even, most archtypal dumb thing--although yesterday, at my second session with an alexander technique teacher who will, if all goes as it very likely won't, help teach me to stand, and move in a way that doesn't cause my shoulders to hurt like hell.
I was lying on the floor, with a ball under my shoulder, and purportedly moving my arm VVVEerrrry Slllooowwly back and down. I was pursuing this course wih an amount of solemnity I wish I could muster in many situations--except that slightly, as I was slightly more than half way through, I noticed this rather long misshapen object in the sky over my head wavering unsteadily. This apparition seemed so preposterous, so uncalled for, and so peculiarly reminiscent of a pasty balloon, escaped before having been fully inflated, that I began laughing uncontrollably.
My new teacher hastened to assure me that "laughter is good"--after replacing the original horror & confusion with which she reacted, with a friendly centered demeanor.
She is a very very nice and helpful woman--and I only hope I can achieve permanent seriousness beginning with my next visit.
Ed note: I believe Rene Magritte did some paintings of
unusual things in the sky, including one with turds for clouds. |
[428] 2005.06.08 @ 19:09:39 UTC
From: Gio (ghgrassi@hotmail.com)
Your website is very nice. I love your country and want to go on holiday there.
Thanks for your good information site!
This is mine: www.home.versatel.nl/ghgrassi/
[427] 2005.06.08 @ 12:22:56 UTC
From: Angus (angus_hinderem@yahoo.com.au)
hi, it was interesting reading your website.
[426] 2005.06.04 @ 00:08:43 UTC
From: kylie (Kmw@comcat.net)
[425] 2005.06.02 @ 22:21:44 UTC
From: Rachel (chipsndip762@yahoo.com)
Nice site!
[424] 2005.05.27 @ 19:31:32 UTC
From: Eduardo Renta (info@eduardorenta.com)
Great site!!!!!!! Keep it up.
Eduardo Renta
[423] 2005.05.24 @ 23:12:31 UTC
From: nicolas (nicolaslaporta@hotmail.com)
i want to make my own cartoons
[422] 2005.05.21 @ 22:59:16 UTC
From: mikebeehive@lycos.com (mikebeehive@lycos.com)
Good site good graphics
[421] 2005.05.18 @ 23:40:39 UTC
From: Bev Schneider (bschneider@qmrplastics.com)
It looks like you put a lot of hard work into your site! Great job! Will be back soon!
[420] 2005.06.01 @ 17:08:33 UTC
From: Paul m Mcfadden (mikemac@wamego.net) [×2]
i like you all
[419] 2005.05.17 @ 22:44:41 UTC
From: The Co-Pilot Online Magazine (thecopilotmagazine@gmail.com)
www.thecopilot.net wants you to know that you are the frigging raddest dude on the block. Keep rockin' like the mac daddy that you are. For more good stuff, check out The Co-Pilot Online Magazine.
[418] 2005.05.11 @ 16:11:55 UTC
From: McCain (mccain.s.wedges@gmail.com)
great site, good work
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [417] 2005.05.11 @ 12:16:03 UTC
From: mugu (mugu@africa.com) [One (three?) subsequent postings
from mugu (aka "Una Guy", "Uzoagba"?) not added. Also: "Mugu" is the name for a
province of Nepal; is that relevant?]
i don deyoooooooooooooooooooo
[416] 2005.05.11 @ 08:09:49 UTC
From: poc (poc@manx.net)
hi there mate
[415] 2005.05.09 @ 15:55:23 UTC
From: Mike (msmyth9876@hotmail.co.uk)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris dictum diam sit amet mauris. Integer wisi risus,
venenatis ut, aliquet et, cursus vel, quam. In pellentesque lobortis augue. Proin pellentesque libero vitae elit.
Quisque molestie. Praesent magna tellus, venenatis in, iaculis ut, feugiat eu, augue. Aenean sagittis arcu.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi posuere. Suspendisse imperdiet pede quis magna.
Quisque laoreet risus sit amet risus. Etiam elementum viverra nisl. Vestibulum consequat rhoncus purus.
Morbi dui arcu, tristique ut, laoreet non, convallis euismod, turpis. Cras id mauris. Curabitur sit amet wisi.
Proin non diam. Phasellus at sem vel dolor malesuada rhoncus. Vivamus in metus. Pellentesque ornare.
[414] 2005.05.08 @ 17:24:03 UTC
From: jon.henessey@gmail.com (jon.henessey@gmail.com)
Great Site
[413] 2005.05.08 @ 00:51:44 UTC
From: Renato (rlanzieri@isbt.com.br)
Hi, I'm brazilian, very cool your website, please visit mine!!
[412] 2005.05.07 @ 21:26:35 UTC
From: Jason Kuan (misterbrown@thekeyboard.com)
Very enlightening speech. Keep it up
[411] 2005.05.03 @ 22:17:08 UTC
From: Joe Klank (saynotowiser@gmail.com)
Nice site, but the text is too small.
[410] 2005.05.02 @ 22:51:39 UTC
From: George Kaplan (rflibrary@emailaccount.com)
hey all - love the site! looks like you put a ton of work into it! will be back! :)
[409] 2005.05.01 @ 21:29:53 UTC
From: Dolores (dddm42@optonline.net)
Hello, I am a college student researching billboard art and by women artists and
I found your untitled billboard, 1982 Abuse of power comes as no surprise
and I wondered what inspired you to make this billboard? Did you do other billboards?
What is the driving force behind your art? How much of your art is questioning society's view of women?
I would be thrilled to hear your opion on any of these question. Thanks and have a great day!
[408] 2005.04.30 @ 10:21:46 UTC
From: Sifar (zero@cibol.net)
good work friend, loved the content.
Cibol Web
[407] 2005.04.28 @ 20:03:12 UTC
From: esee (xzbf@sdkg.com)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Im sorry ): but team @€r0 youst haxxed your gestbook :p
next time try dont open your book4html
[406] 2005.04.26 @ 11:31:02 UTC
From: Roger (rog@mail.com)
Nice website...i really like the design.
by the way: Ever heard of savebenny.com? Please folks, protest against
this act of cruelty to animals.
[405] 2005.04.26 @ 02:31:45 UTC
From: Scott Lauren (laurenscott@xoomail.com)
I believe you have a very impressive educational background. The site is really well designed..
[404] 2005.04.21 @ 00:27:14 UTC
From: andrew lombardy (lombardy@sbcglobal.net)
i would love to make cartoons
[403] 2005.04.20 @ 10:34:25 UTC
From: juliohernandezdelacruz@yahoo.co.uk (juliohernandezdelacruz@yahoo.co.uk)
[402] 2005.04.20 @ 03:38:54 UTC
From: Paul Zysman, ILSC (http://paul-zysman.blogspot.com/?aa@aa.aa)
Nice site. Check out mine!
Paul Zysman, ILSC
[401] 2005.04.19 @ 06:02:12 UTC
From: Cindy Wolf (cwolfe@qestrel.com)
I really like you webpage and especially your silver Toyota.
[400] 2005.04.17 @ 23:11:22 UTC
From: luc (Beaucourt.luc@gmail.com)
wonderfull site you have here
kind regards Luc
[399] 2005.04.14 @ 14:08:01 UTC
From: Goodguest (movieguestbook.com@yahoo.com)
Thank you so much for your hard but very interesting work! This is the greatest Fansite I've seen. Really!
[398] 2005.04.13 @ 15:42:29 UTC
From: Harry K. (HarryKnutts@gmail.com)
Thanks for creating such an informative site!
[397] 2005.04.13 @ 00:02:02 UTC
From: don (mrleonardbent@yahoo.co.uk )
[396] 2005.04.12 @ 06:04:29 UTC
From: Wolle (hamwa-nich@web.de)
Congratulation for your website.
[395] 2005.04.11 @ 15:35:03 UTC
From: steve (stevetriangle@gmail.com) [×2]
Great site! Seriously, how could you not love it?
[394] 2005.04.11 @ 05:55:42 UTC
From: george (george.ammar@gmail.com)
Great job, I've really enjoyed it!
[393] 2005.04.09 @ 23:47:21 UTC
From: Brandon Buttes (brandon.buttes@gmail.com)
Great site! Keep up the good work...
[392] 2005.04.09 @ 09:04:27 UTC
From: Tom (webmaster@look4movies.com)
Great site! I really enjoyed your website. It has lot's of good information. I'll be back very soon to see any update!!!
[391] 2005.04.07 @ 03:45:28 UTC
From: twpyhr (fnr4@hu8.com)
t h x
[390] 2005.04.07 @ 02:53:13 UTC
From: [Ed. Note: Name withheld]
Your site was a lot of help. Thank you
The voices are gone now.
[389] 2005.04.01 @ 09:25:50 UTC
From: clyde (clydeoris@walla.com)
nice site. liked the content. not the blue text on gray background though - maybe change that. Clyde
[388] 2005.03.30 @ 07:15:10 UTC
From: Jack Altricks (jackaltricks@walla.com)
Like the site, would visit from time time to time to see how active the site is.
[387] 2005.03.29 @ 23:07:00 UTC
From: Marty (stv@submissions.net)
wearetheinvisibleones wearetheinvisibleones
[386] 2005.03.28 @ 19:57:16 UTC
From: Dixie (goodbye_meester_bond@yahoo.com)
Nice site
[385] 2005.03.26 @ 08:31:01 UTC
From: Denny (dennydenny@hotmail.com)
nice site. well laid out
[384] 2005.03.25 @ 10:09:47 UTC
From: Dewy (jner7@yahoo.co.kr)
[383] 2005.03.24 @ 20:00:06 UTC
From: norm (npeterson@saintly.com)
Nice site
[382] 2005.03.24 @ 12:04:26 UTC
GOOD WEBSITE. SEE MY WEB SITE: languageteaching.en101.com
[381] 2005.03.23 @ 14:51:44 UTC
From: E Walton (waltonelizabethj@hotmail.com)
a grrrrreat site
[380] 2005.03.22 @ 09:27:48 UTC
From: Micke Sundby (mickesundby@hotmail.com)
Nice page
[379] 2005.03.20 @ 23:06:09 UTC
From: DanieLDau (manne17j@aol.com)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
can i have some SPAM?
-· manne17j@aol.com
[378] 2005.03.14 @ 08:00:06 UTC
From: Graham Marshall (info@marshallart.com.au)
Great site good work
[377] 2005.03.10 @ 21:56:22 UTC
From: yemi gregory (yemken4life@yahoo.com)
I dont realy see the meaning of APL, LOGO, PL2, CTT, ADA, JAVA, PILOT under the programming langauge.
[376] 2005.03.09 @ 23:21:52 UTC
From: BSP Gallery Bookshop old and rare books (rare_books_at_bspgallery@oldbooks.com)
I liked your site, really informative website, some good links too.
BSP Gallery Bookshop old and rare... BOOKS AND MEMORABILIA....
first editions, Pacificana,... antiques,... Australian....
[375] 2005.03.09 @ 17:48:22 UTC
From: Ilike (mrbukkakke@gmail.com)
Cool site
[374] 2005.03.09 @ 09:16:00 UTC
From: Perkmeister (roger.perkins@med.govt.nz)
Great site Brad!
[373] 2005.03.07 @ 16:31:57 UTC
From: rich (richard7845a@yahoo.fr)
Here I am falling into the "nice site" trap!
I realize that just typing in some platitude is not very satisfying to read.
I did spend quite a while reading this site with interest ..
but I have to agree with a comment elsewhere on this page
that refers to the what appears to be convoluted approach to site navigation.
However, after a while I got used to it and didn't even notice it. Altogether, well done!
[372] 2005.03.07 @ 16:19:56 UTC
From: rich ( richard7845a@yahoo.fr)
[371] 2005.03.06 @ 20:04:25 UTC
From: George Formby (scamit10@yahoo.com)
Wow, really nice guestbook
As of 06 March 2005, in addition to many
commercial postings looking for free advertising, it now seems
some persons are submitting multiple "Nice site" entries under different names, so that
it looks like several persons have made entries when in fact only one person has made duplicate entries all
saying the same thing under different names. |
[370] 2005.03.06 @ 18:49:20 UTC
From: nk126 (nk@threebase.com)
hey. nice.
[369] 2005.03.05 @ 14:07:23 UTC
From: didi (didi@rkcfan.nl)
love your site!
[368] 2005.03.04 @ 23:12:52 UTC
From: harriet (h_potter@cheerful.com)
great site
[367] 2005.03.04 @ 22:54:53 UTC
From: amanda hugankiss (amanda.hugankiss@safe-mail.net)
Your website is to hard for me to follow.
I read that you spend alot of time on it... So you might fidn your way around yourself easily. But I can't.
[366] 2005.03.04 @ 20:42:44 UTC
From: jimmy chamberline (k030190k@yahoo.co.uk)
great site
[365] 2005.03.04 @ 19:47:41 UTC
From: Gillian (gillian_anderson1979@yahoo.com)
nice work
[364] 2005.03.04 @ 19:36:14 UTC
From: steve purina (s.purina@netzoola.com)
nice site
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [363] 2005.03.04 @ 17:27:18 UTC
From: showboy (maga@mugu.com) [Three (8?) subsequent postings
from "Mr.Mugu Obinna", "UZOAGBA OWERRI ABA"(?) et alias(?) not added.]
pls keep offoooo
[362] 2005.03.04 @ 08:12:22 UTC
From: Dan cunningham (danielc703@aol.com)
hello I have inherited a Waltham Premier Maximus pocket watch, ca. 1908 and was wondering the value it is in fair to good shape.thanks
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [361] 2005.03.04 @ 08:07:00 UTC
From: Vincent Chan (xdistract-vin@yahoo.com)
[Is this entry from mugu, or just somebody's comment about mugu?]
[360] 2005.03.03 @ 19:27:38 UTC
From: Cameron Patterson (cameron_patterson@mailbox2000.com)
Nice work, keep up the great job
[359] 2005.03.03 @ 11:13:20 UTC
From: amir hosseini (amir77232004@yahoo.com)
hello my dear
god blase america and american soldgers and mr. president g.w.bush.
my name is amir i am from iran and i live in netherlands and dutch citizen,
i had very dificall situation iran with streng moslems , because i had to scaped from iran,
i live since 1994 in netherlands/zwolle.
i think american way( mr. president way ) is only war to freedom and democracy in the world.
american soldgers fight for our freedom, god blase him.
i want to do something for freedom in the world, i want fighting at terrorism, i am ready to do anything for,
in iran, iraq, afganistan or anather place in the world.
that is my dream and wish because i know this people thay are very dangerus people.
please send me more information about it, what can i do or why can i ask for more information.
thank you
amir hosseini....
[358] 2005.03.03 @ 03:20:05 UTC
From: Harold Brochmann (brochmann@saltspring.com)
I favour Nevil Shute's "Multiple Vote" system as described in "on the Beach".
The fact is that some people's opinions are of "higher quality" (for lack of a btter term) than other's.
If you feel strongly that I'm wrong about this, I'm prepared to debate it. :-)
[357] 2005.03.02 @ 16:39:32 UTC
From: Arnold (aj-rimmer@hotmail.co.uk)
Great site
[356] 2005.03.02 @ 13:15:59 UTC
From: John White (windows_helpline@btinternet.com)
Windows Helpline - A website that explains in Plain English, how to use Windows. It explains by example, using Pictures and Text. For more information please visit the Windows Helpline website:
[355] 2005.03.02 @ 06:19:31 UTC
From: Willie Johnson (WillieJohnson11@aol.com)
Very Interesting Site. Professionally made, very enjoyable.
[354] 2005.03.01 @ 12:57:28 UTC
From: Giggle Mc Fiddle (sc_rules@hotmail.com)
Your website is great
[353] 2005.02.27 @ 04:26:58 UTC
From: John Davenport (johndav4@hotmail.com)
USMC airforce something or rather KICK butt. johndav4@hotmail.com
[352] 2005.02.26 @ 05:26:58 UTC
From: Mr. Christian (mr_christian_office@yahoo.com)
Very nice site. Thank you.
[351] 2005.02.24 @ 00:24:28 UTC
From: Fred Wertz (frederick.wertz@wpafb.af.mil)
Hello, I'm not sure how current the info on the site is, but I remember using the original
SoftQuad Panorama.
I support a US Air Force project digitizing technical data. We have come up short in locating a quality SGML viewer for the tech data. Does your product pick up where Panorama left off. There doesn't seem to be a suitable product anywhere that can be found to meet our program's needs. I'm hoping that your viewer has advanced the capabilities that Panorama use to do. Thanks for listening. If you have something good, I would appreciate a return email so that we might discuss further.
[350] 2005.02.23 @ 11:00:50 UTC
From: Herby (Allgaeuhaus@hotmail.com)
Very interesting
[349] 2005.02.22 @ 01:31:31 UTC
From: richard (richardsfriends@gmail.com)
vist my web site..
[348] 2005.02.21 @ 19:38:26 UTC
From: bataattila@hotmail.com (bataattila@hotmail.com)
Hi ur page rockz!!!
[347] 2005.02.20 @ 15:19:23 UTC
From: Donald (dontrump01@yahoo.com)
interesting tidbits of information there.. nice site
[346] 2005.02.19 @ 20:36:23 UTC
From: becca (beccasmith15@hotmail.com)
[345] 2005.02.17 @ 23:03:42 UTC
From: Harold (hmanass@fastmail.com.au)
Great site.
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [344] 2005.02.16 @ 08:34:42 UTC
From: EZEGO (maga@maga.com)
[Alias Mugu?]
i love this site guyssssssssssss
[343] 2005.02.15 @ 18:10:24 UTC
From: www.changuita.org (changuita(at)@gnook.org)
I liked the enter sign, very cute.
I am not particularly fond of gray but its a nice website.
Also there is a little too much stuff so one can get confused but great site keep it up.
[342] 2005.02.14 @ 06:06:50 UTC
From: Barrister Steve (steve_j_corso@yahoo.com)
Think APL died an ugly death but it was great while it lasted
[341] 2005.02.13 @ 16:40:39 UTC
From: seymour butts (seymourbutts@europe.com)
superb site
[340] 2005.02.13 @ 05:15:14 UTC
From: Math Maniac (maniac@mathmaniac.com)
[339] 2005.02.10 @ 07:01:19 UTC
From: Barry Hudson (my00wrx@hotmail.com)
Good Site.
[338] 2005.02.09 @ 15:05:52 UTC
From: Jose M. Silveira (jsilveira@nyc.rr.com)
I worked for IBM for 37 years and probably 15 of them working with APL.
Whatever you say about this great language, is not enough. I loved it and still think is the best
programing language I ever worked with!
Now I am retired and was wondering if there is work out there for
someone with APL knowledge. Can you please give some advise? Thanks very much.
[337] 2005.02.09 @ 01:54:21 UTC
From: Larry (ljp2102@msn.com)
Great site!
[336] 2005.02.06 @ 18:30:29 UTC
From: Bracketts McTaffy (fatcolin66@hotmail.com)
acely super
[335] 2005.02.04 @ 19:43:41 UTC
From: charles neely (gell7@yahoo.com)
just surf on in it cool man
a yank from the states
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [334] 2005.02.04 @ 12:58:25 UTC
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
[333] 2005.02.03 @ 11:02:58 UTC
From: gilbert (westmart@emirates.net.ae)
nice and cool!
[332] 2005.02.02 @ 22:11:05 UTC
From: Jennifer Martino (gkjfrd@Hkfw.com)
thanks, jenn martino
[331] 2005.01.28 @ 18:29:42 UTC
From: Geoff (gmvidal@sadelcom.co.za)
Good & interesting site
[330] 2005.01.27 @ 22:13:03 UTC
From: Phil (phil.mccrackein@gmail.com)
I just wanted to see if this website is still alive
[329] 2005.01.26 @ 14:34:25 UTC
From: Sophie Thomas (bradmcc@cloud9.net)
how does it work?
[328] 2005.01.25 @ 09:32:15 UTC
From: roshan (roshan2hunk@hotmail.com)
Wow your website is realy enjoyable i liked it
[327] 2005.01.23 @ 22:20:26 UTC
From: Marc (x@x.com)
The yellow cat is Doraemon little sister.
[326] 2005.01.23 @ 13:08:30 UTC
From: Forex trading (search@se.com)
I like the web site. also I like meeting other site visitors. Thanx. www.thor.prohosting.com/eforex/
[325] 2005.01.23 @ 01:53:58 UTC
From: Donald (donaldblumburg@yahoo.com)
nice page ya'll, keep it real eh!
[324] 2005.01.19 @ 03:02:01 UTC
From: Raymon Scott (nospam@nospam.com)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Hey, my name is ·a href="www.raymonscott.com"·Raymon Scott·/a· and I stumbled across your website in a completely random manner, so I thought I would sign your guestbook and say hello!
Well hello :)
[323] 2005.01.18 @ 20:32:08 UTC
From: Eze Mgbada (eze@mgbada.com)
A very nice site keep it up.
[322] 2005.01.17 @ 18:12:08 UTC
From: bob (validemail@address.com)
I like gummi bears.
Do you like gummi bears?
That's why I like gummi bears
Is that why you like gummi bears, too?
[321] 2005.01.16 @ 11:25:29 UTC
From: RUDi (spam@doopie.de)
Nice site, really helped, check out mine too, maybe we can become partner sites:
RUDi ebaums world
Funny PiCS and ViDS
All at www.doopie.de
[320] 2005.01.15 @ 22:53:07 UTC
From: Jean-Louis FOULLEY (jean-louis.foulley@jouy.inra.fr)
Is there a new primitive to compute quasi-random numbers.
The Multiplicative Linear Congruential Generator is a
little bit outdated now!
[319] 2005.01.15 @ 16:31:50 UTC
From: Chantal (volker.kuenne@deutschesee.de)
You have a very nice website !
[318] 2005.01.13 @ 17:24:16 UTC
From: adrienne (marketing@medical-flights.com)
your dissertation is amazing!!!
[317] 2005.01.12 @ 17:37:17 UTC
From: J LeRoy (jlevisleroy@hotmail.com)
I hate it. I love it.
[316] 2005.01.11 @ 19:20:07 UTC
From: lard (scotty_stevensonuk@yahoo.com)
nice site enjoyed the stay thanks
[315] 2005.01.11 @ 16:07:13 UTC
From: Matt Taylor (matt.taylor6@orange.net)
I think I can speak on behalf of the majority of the population of Great Britain
when I say that I find it remarkable that a so called "civilised" and "free" country would willingly
elect such a greedy, selfish, incompetent warmonger as a president.
Congratulations to any of you who actually managed to vote against Bush
despite apparent cases of election rigging.
Hopefully, despite absurd amounts of propaganda being thrown at you on through the media
and pro war/America nonsense, the US population are beginning to discover that
the only helping Bush is doing is helping himself to Iraqi oil reserves.
The Iraqi population are now at constant threat from ill-informed US forces
and Bush's so called "democracy" still attempts to pull the wool over
your eyes and take you for a bunch of idiots.
We are not in support of our government for its interference in Iraq;
obtain the facts (not just what your government wants you to hear) and
you might find that Bush's intentions are not quite what you thought they were.
[314] 2005.01.07 @ 03:58:20 UTC
From: Dana (dana@harvestcapital.ca)
Hi! Interesting web site. I was looking for information on the "one person one vote concept". Anyway keep up the good work.
[313] 2005.01.04 @ 16:57:10 UTC
From: [name withheld by poster's request]
Dear Mr. McCormick,
I am inquiring to the copyright issues on use of the picture of the
asteroid hitting earth
[Ed. Note: This is a NASA photo].
I have see this picture on a number of websites and am trying to locate the appropriate party to
inquire the possibility of using the picture in a product flyer or advertisement.
Thank you and I look forward to your reply.
Kind Regards[....]
[312] 2005.01.03 @ 16:50:29 UTC
From: Jennifer Martinez (jennifer_martinez@mailbox4free.com)
nice work
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