Go to more recent entries
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [202] 2003.06.25 @ 01:23:24 UTC
(See? #195)
[201] 2003.06.16 @ 22:21:22 UTC
From: john vitz bruce (vitz_4ever@yahoo.com)
hi!... what's a nice web!...may ask your heartly favor to send me APL statement which is one of the higher level language....okay!
[200] 2003.06.16 @ 12:09:16 UTC
(See also #188?)
From: fuat yürüdü (fuat@salla.com.tr)
Istanbul Antik Hotel 4 Stars Design Hotel in Old City Center with Free Airport-Hotel Transfer....
Living Istanbul's magic by travelling in the history will be a great experience with Antik Hotel.
This is an encellent site site design is perfect....
[Ed. note: much more commercial text snipped.] |
[199] 2003.06.03 @ 05:39:22 UTC
From: Heidi Latlippe-Moody (mbaonpeleliu@yahoo.com)
I am following the dedication of the memorial closely. My father, is a WWII vet.
He is 76 now. I plan on traveling from San Diego, to Maine, to take him to the dedication ceremony.
My husband is active duty navy, and will be on deployment at that time.
Our son's and I look forward to the honor of taking Dad to this memorial site.
[198] 2003.05.02 @ 13:57:40 GMT
From: flores (flores@regalosflores.com.ar)
Nice page, I spend some time watching it. i'll be back soon.
Flores http://www.regalosflores.com.ar.
[197] 2003.03.19 @ 19:26:29 GMT
From: Marshall Waddell (cd001611@mindspring.com)
What a find. This is among the things I love about the Internet, the
serendipitous gems one comes across, like this. Though I will
continue my search for drafting table design plans (which led me
here [as the saying goes, when you reach a fork in the road, take
it]), I have enjoyed reading and viewing your work, and am
bookmarking your site. Cheers.
[196] 2003.03.19 @ 07:24:22 GMT
From: [deleted at sender's request, because they were getting a lot of spam]
Hi! You have most adorable cat pictures on your site. I have also a cat called Misu.
Here in Finland it's actually one of the most common cat names....
My Misu looks a bit like yours, same colours but her fur is shorter;
she's an ordinary country(?) cat. Misu sends lots of greetings to her American "cousin" - mew!!!
[195] 2003.03.16 @ 17:16:21 GMT
(See also #185,
#202? "Mugu" seems to have
left me 14 or 15 subsequent msgs, thru: 11Sep04, which I did not add here, except for
#234, and the questionable: #202.
Next Mugu received after those: 12Nov04
(#285) ~ Click the
maroon cycle icons
to traverse the entire Mugu trail.... Also: "Mugu" is the name for a
province of Nepal; is that relevant?
Please see Entry #529 for what may be the answer to this puzzle.) |
From: mugu (mugu@mugu.com)
i don land ooo[...]ooo
[194] 2003.03.01 @ 18:37:44 GMT
From: obinna (bombomuk@hotmail.com)
thanks guys
[193] 2003.03.01 @ 17:22:38 GMT
From: Ray Harrell (mcore@nyc.rr.com)
Good job.
[192] 2003.02.27 @ 01:17:31 GMT
From: Dave (dave@dave.net)
Great Site!
Buy V**gra online and order at cheap mail order prices.
[Most of this entry clipped for obvious reasons]
[191] 2003.02.22 @ 21:23:08 GMT
From: ..... (xxx@xxx.com)
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/not_so_different/
FoodForSpammers.htm"> </a> Cool page. I threw up some spam-bot bait too just in case a spammer passes through.
[190] 2003.02.22 @ 20:15:20 GMT
From: keith (keiththebeast@yahoo.co.uk)
i am english,i turn the tv on every other day & the world is the same
terrorist doing this terrorist doing that killing the people whilst they have there grudges
against the goverments,,,so yet again we ALL suffer so may people saying NO WAR and others
saying COME ON KICK ASS,well my view is... i hear people ever day talking about terrorist
i say why didnt the goverments get sadam hussien... in 1991
when they knew of his abillity to dominate the lands,all the people saying "NO WAR" ok
fine but if the goverments did nothing then whats going to happen in another ten years,he
then will have ulltmate force,bin laden i think you have to look deeply at the issue(Sept 11)i
understand (Not agree) why he did it but why why why must the normal people die......
i think very soon they are gonna hit a few targets in england....
destroy the sources of water,electricity
then you start to get a marshal law they would be an outcry,think about it whos gonna win
becuse WE wont we dont have any "Safehouses" like mr blair/bush all they can do is react
with weapons so we are gonna have a very large and very evil time in the next 10 years
its gonna be big so keep me posted you know my email,
a average man in a dangerous world
[189] 2003.02.20 @ 17:11:10 GMT
From: Private Krankenversicherung Vergleich ( holger@private-krankenversicherung-leistungen.de )
Nice page, a lot of good informations -;)
please visit also my page Private Krankenversicherung Vergleich
[188] 2003.01.09 @ 16:20:02 GMT
(See also #200?)
From: sener karaca (info@olbitur.com)
information over istanbul and all istanbul hotels reservation historic hotels old city hotels taksim hotels daily city tours
[Ed. note: much more commercial text snipped.]
[187] 2003.01.04 @ 15:08:30 GMT
From: tce (gxtm@yahoo.com)
the minds of emotional people can bond with anything except the truth-just
like an insect can land anywhere but on a flame.
It's impossible to stand still in the empty doorway of truth.
[186] 2003.01.02 @ 10:33:05 GMT
From: Mark (mark@indark.com)
Great website guys!
Mark, www.designgalaxy.net - best website templates, logos, corporate identity and more!
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [185] 2002.12.22 @ 18:18:31 GMT
(See also #195)
From: mugu (mugu@bangi.com)
mugu keep ofooooooooo
[184] 2002.12.13 @ 03:15:43 GMT
From: Marco Romano (mromano3@nycap.rr.com)
i think we should all lobby for cheaper (less expensive) wine prices, particularly red wine.
i vote for valedepenas, toro, rioja, utiel-requena, ribera del duero from
spain. actually, some of these wines are still some of the best reds on the market,
as are some of the douro's (riserva's)& alentejo's from portugal. since 9/11/01,
this is important for those of us who wish to get beyond homeland security and all that it connotes.
people don't have any fun anymore. they worry about this & that. what the hell are we living for anyway?
[183] 2002.11.06 @ 02:46:52 GMT
From: Marco Romano (mromano3@nycap.rr.com)
What do you think of Carl Jung and/or Archetypal Psychology?
You never mention it. The sob, James Hillman? I know Thomas Moore has made some money off his take on
archetypal psychology.
[Ed. note: Did a SpamBot penetrate my guestbook?] |
![[ ]](sp.gif) |
[182] 2002.10.21 @ 01:47:42 GMT
From: Webmaestro (global5000@theglobe.com)
Very nice website. Please visit URGENT my website!!! :)
| |
[181] 2002.09.29 @ 03:02:01 GMT
From: Your Superior (bretonsound@hotmail.com)
You are an idiot
[180] 2002.09.26 @ 10:30:13 GMT
From: Joshua Bris (ant@templatemonser.com)
Thank you for the resources.
Keep up the good work!
[179] 2002.09.21 @ 19:23:23 GMT
From: Lenore Rosenbaum (papoobeads@aol.com)
I am fascinated by your website and certianly the stuff about the Japanese pottery.
i know about bizen ware and know another american potter,
Jeff Shapiro, who lived and worked in japan who makes totally exquisite pieces.
I am so excited about going to Japan as i adore the culture and the aesthetic.
have several books to read before we go.
this is a trip sponsored by the american Craft Museum which focuses on the artisen and craftment of japan.
will keep you posted.
thanks for the look
Regards to Lisa and
[178] 2002.09.16 @ 00:23:45 GMT
From: Calisha (calisha8@netscape.net)
You could win a free game or other things like a free website of your own so come on down to www.Brainiackids.com
[177] 2002.08.28 @ 17:59:16 GMT
From: Jasna Dasovic (jasna.dasovic@zg.hinet.hr)
I was searching for some info on the abbey church of St.-Denis for my Art History exam
when I came upon your site.
I find it very inspiring, and feel it will take me ages to fully explore it (if it is possible at all).
It feels very much like reading a private diary.
[176] 2002.08.12 @ 22:34:05 GMT
From: Daniel Pasche (dp@danielpasche.de)
I found your Website when I was searching for the meaning of the
I am a 25year old and I come from Germany (just wanted to mention that).
I study multimedia production which ofcourse involves webdesign
and I'm really tired of the contentlesnes of the average private homepage.
I spent a few hours exploring your work and I surely will continue tomorrow.
"was glänzt ist für den Augenblick geboren;
das Echte bleibt der Nachwelt unverloren" J.W.Goethe, Faust
[175] 2002.07.05 @ 02:19:35 GMT
From: Karen Watters Cole (klwatters52@attbi.com)
Brad, followed your Futureworks links to your website and was delighted to learn that you lived in/visited Japan in the 80s.
I lived in Kobe from 1963-1970, child of missionary parents, and student at Canadian Academy,
then ontop of Maya-san but today in one of the manmande port islands in the middle of the bay.
I have not vistied there since 1978, but have family members and friends who are there more often than I.
I am taking a JP conversation class to refresh my textbook japanese and unlearn some bad linguistic habits
learned as a teen in the 60s.
[174] 2002.07.03 @ 21:00:42 GMT
From: Joe Mc Cormack (josephmccormack@hotmail.com)
I came across your Web Page when surfing for 'McCormack' home pages.
It's not an uncommon name but thankfully, it's not 'Smith'( a quality name, but numerous).
I like your way of thinking. I would like to make some points but I really have to read
more of your articles. I am adding your site to my 'favourites'.
Thanks for a constructive and interesting web page.
Joe Mc Cormack
[173] 2002.06.29 @ 15:44:31 GMT
From: Valentine E Spreitzer Jr (Val1009@aol.com)
6/29/02. Pleasently surprized by an intelligent homepage.
Found it on a New York Times Forum as I was reading remarks in Corporate Scandals and Investor Confidence
(A Moderated Forum). I am a retired Male Caterpillar Inc employee for the past 10 years and
receive social security and medicare from the USA government. But I have, and wish to keep, my active mind.
[172] 2002.06.26 @ 08:48:45 GMT
From: Sinisa Maricic (smaritch@rocketmail.com)
My congratulations to both of you for "transplanting" the little Chinese beauty into you home.
And my very best wishes for her growing-up.
(I am 76, male, a retired scientist and grandfather /from Croatia/).
[171] 2002.06.22 @ 10:59:55 GMT
From: Seppo Lahikainen (www.seppo.lahikainen@kolumbus.fi)
I found your incredible site accidentally by seeking links with my secret key
for knowing everything (as Husserl says).
The only significant reference was to your dissertation.
I have not yet read it, but your ideas (and career) have remarkable similarities with mine.
Best regards from Helsinki, Finland. Seppo L.
[170] 2002.05.30 @ 13:09:09 GMT
From: Mark Romano (mromano3@nycap.rr.com)
"...what a responsibility we bear, in this fat country of ours!
Think what America could mean to the world. Then see what it is.
What a breed might have been produced. But look at us-at you , at me. Read the paper if you bear to."
Saul Bellow
[169] 2002.05.23 @ 03:14:08 GMT
From: Koya Azumi (azumi.k@mh.scn-net.ne.jp)
Somehow I was led into reading about your assignment to create a student dorm room.
It was interesting and enjoyable to read. Am impressed by your vigor for life.
[168] 2002.05.21 @ 13:27:12 GMT
From: Mark Romano (mromano3@nycap.rr.com)
I saw the recluse Loren Ipsum at MacDonald's the other day!
He hasn't changed a bit, maybe a little older looking.
Your site would take a few lifetimes to really appreciate.
A phenomenal work of art-in-progress!
[167] 2002.05.14 @ 23:47:28 GMT
From: Linda kays (amapapa@juno.com)
There is a thread,a bond, that exists between a loved cat and its person
if the cat has managed to locate its proper home.
This thread continues after the death of that cat.
Our beloved Cousin David, who had finally found his true home with us,
passed away last year from pyloric stenosis.
The day before he died he, too, reached out to me despite his ilness,
purred, placed his paw in my hand, with his eyes the slits of perfect contentment.
The next day he was gone. We may not understand what transpires between cat and person but that is OK.
The cat does. Linda
[166] 2002.05.15 @ 00:09:46 GMT
From: Mark Romano (mromano3@nycap.rr.com)
"if you see a fork in the road, take it" is the name of yogi berra's new book, i believe.
[165] 2002.05.03 @ 03:21:54 GMT
From: Curtis D. Thomson (curtisdthomson@yahoo.com)
Should of checked out your happy home here along time ago.
Never completed college... absorbing this site will be a fine supplement.
Well done, Brad.
[164] 2002.04.16 @ 01:24:48 GMT
From: victor (pusscatdoo@hotmail.com)
I found your site when I was looking for cat pics. Nice site but you do need more photos of your cats.
I hope you and your family are doing well, best wishes Victor.
[163] 2002.04.10 @ 16:30:11 GMT
From: Sharon (sstratton@tassnet.net)
Just wanted you to know that I visited your website and that Jesus Christ died for you that you might receive forgivenes for your sins.
He also died so you would receive this forgiveness and live with him in heaven.
Jesus still saves and you don't have to clean yourself up come to him as you are and he will save you.
[162] 2002.02.01 @ 22:20:03 GMT
From: Gene Gallagher (gallaghergene@yahoo.com)
Hello -
I got here via search for Susanne Langer
(to verify name for ref to psychiatrist friend/confidant re SL's definition of sign and symbol,
as the distinction between animal and human languages...that is,
sign exists alone in present/animal language....and symbol (together with sign) in timebinding
pastpresentfuture/human language.
Peace and Quiet,
[161] 2001.11.03 @ 18:50:23 GMT
From: Allison (petesmind@hotmail.com)
I found your page looking for new Jenny Holzer links. Sorry you are so bitter about her.
[160] 2001.09.24 @ 03:38:30 GMT
From: Kris O'Connor (dancingfish26@hotmail.com)
can you give a summary of the plays-- do you have some on the site? i am having troubles understading
"The Summoning of Everyman".
[159] 2001.08.16 @ 16:39:43 GMT
From: Jane Carruth (jcarruth@grolier.com)
Hi! Karen told me that she wrote in your guest book and
that you wrote back saying "hello." So, I'm saying hello
in return.
How's the job going? Faces change here but the silliness
remains the same. Ah, for early retirement.
Your cats are wonderful!! We just got two Bengal kittens.
I think I'm waaaaaaay too old for three month old kittens.
They are much faster than I am.
Oh well, back to work. Actually, I'm going to check out
the mouse hole...
[158] 2001.08.08 @ 14:46:22 GMT
From: Emilia (esmith00@grolier.com)
I always think of you and hope you're doing well.
You were an inspiration regarding structure and logic
in developing a product, this is well reflected in your
Thank you.
Hope you and Lisa are well and also the "fluffies"
[157] 2001.08.07 @ 17:17:20 GMT
From: Karen Calise (kcalise@grolier.com)
Dear Brad,
I often visit your website to view your updates and pictures.
I was amused by a previous guest's email, specifically Alissa-the-graphic-designer.
In my opinion, I visit your site often BECAUSE it is such a pleasant place to click and rest.
I hope you are well.
[156] 2001.08.06 @ 09:07:19 GMT
From: nyleg (r.gelyn@eudoramail.com )
hi1 i've been read your article and it was good!
just wanna say good luck to your work and keep it up man!!!!!!
[155] 2001.06.20 @ 01:53:58 GMT
(See also #220, #204)
From: Cleophas Revelation (videos@holy-secrets.com)
Your viewers may need the information below. Thank you!
LOOK: Holy Secrets plus Forbidden Knowledge revealed to Seekers of truth concerning:
Yahweh, Elohim, Yeshua, "The end times", The real "Jehovah", "Sun-day exposed",
"Messianics", "Noachides", "Netzarim", "Nazarenes", "Esoteric", "Secrets of the Great Pyramid",
"Malakim"[...], "666", ", "Heaven's Gate", "Ancient Wisdom", The Talmud exposed-shocking!, "The Unknown", " HaShem",
"Sabbath", "Shabat", discover the hidden secrets of the world[...], hundreds more fascinating "forbidden" subjects!
Results of 40 years of relentless research[...]. Thank you.
See: www.holy-secrets.com[...]
See also: www.webruler.com/torah
[154] 2001.06.05 @ 03:07:25 GMT
From: flea (flea555@hotmail.com)
hi again. i was just searching for mail art sites
and here you are again. this site is 4 years in the making.
your right about the postmarks.
[153] 2001.05.04 @ 14:41:48 GMT
From: rev. dave bühler (Sources@aol.com)
wicked cool site!
i can send ya lotsa great quotes!
howsabout an e0book of quotations?
ima philosopher
providence college ri
[152] 2001.04.08 @ 23:42:47 GMT
From: Gene Osborn (mosborn@cin.net)
Absolutely beautiful photos!
[151] 2001.04.01 @ 19:07:03 GMT
From: Russell W. Barnes (rwbarnes@globalnet.co.uk)
Reciprocal visit; Nice site!
[150] 2001.02.08 @ 15:48:09 GMT
From: alissa (rathernot@bespammed.com)
interesting site i've stumbled upon. i just need to make one comment on your ideas of website design . . .
while your website is very organized and categorized, i couldn't help feeling lost or
even dizzy at the amount of information presented. as a shameless plug for graphic designers
(of which i am one) a good website requires not only good organization with easy navigation,
but a visually stimulating format, which does not overwhelm the user,
but rather allows them the ability to see where they are and where they want to go at all times.
i applaud your hard work and extensive knowledge that is showcased on this site.
i would not have arrived here (nor stayed) if i was not interested in what you had to say.
but let me make a plea for the right half of the brain. both are necessary when creating a well designed website.
[149] 2001.01.09 @ 18:53:31 GMT
From: Shayna Prentice (saltalamacchia@juno.com)
···While scouting around for information about Bizen Pottery,
I came upon your intriguing site! Looking forward to further exploring it... Your
Japanese Bizen cup is a treasure as are the
Cobblestones and your Drinking Glass...
Thank You···
[148] 2001.01.01 @ 22:58:39 GMT
From: Name withheld
I live in... metro area and... need to know if there are any private institutions...
could be admitted... stabilized with... meds before... discharge?
![[ ]](sp.gif) |
[Ed. note: I am not a licensed mental health practitioner. Therefore I
am not able to give professional mental health advice. I hope nothing on
my website misled the person who submitted the above note
to think otherwise. I wish them the best!] |
| |
[147] 2000.12.26 @ 15:21:02 GMT
From: annalisa anselmi (annalisa.ans@libero.it)
I'm looking for books about "Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum"
[146] 2000.12.14 @ 02:23:23 GMT
From: Josh Moger (jamoge@wm.edu)
Hmmm... like a game of telephone. I got to this page from the URL
hand-written in my copy of "Civilization and Its Discontents".
I suppose you must have had the book before I purchased it for this semester. |
![[ ]](sp.gif) |
| |
[145] 2000.11.25 @ 17:51:24 GMT
From: Jose Gonzalez-Romo (jose_gonzalez_romo@hotmail.com)
[144] 2000.11.13 @ 15:51:53 GMT
From: LH1 (LH1@smarts.com)
Hey I liked the photos good composition.
Try some Black and white photos sometime. I think you'll like
the results.
[143] 2000.11.13 @ 00:26:36 GMT
From: Joan Wiener (lcw106005@aol.com)
You are orbiting about an inch above my head...
and brain... and I never exactly considered myself sub-standard.....
Even if I had completed law school, the technology era would still have been beyond me.
Women should stick to laundry, cooking, or being in the US Senate...
and hiring other persons to run their computers.
You have to know, I am still not allowed to change light bulbs in my household...
so computer literacy has to be on Mars.
Power to the People!
[142] 2000.11.02 @ 21:21:09 GMT
From: Tim Tyler (timtyler@mcn.org)
We have some very strange connections - H.B. Davis
(a relative was an officer there), prep schools (McDonogh),
Westchester County (Katonah), IBM (including Yorktown Heights),
I find your Web Page fascinating and will e-mail you later.
Tim Tyler
The Sea Ranch, CA
[141] 2000.11.01 @ 00:00:51 GMT
From: mario (info@time-bay.com)
mario was here
[140] 2000.10.17 @ 19:01:05 GMT
From: khin ni ni thein (nin@ihe.nl)
i often repeated your quotations. thanks.
just like one of Galileo's... and ...extended.
ni ni
[139] 2000.10.13 @ 09:30:57 GMT
From: Frank Christensen (fsc@db.dk)
Just got curious after reading your accurate Dretske review at amazon.
It's nice to see that others out there resist universal quantification
[138] 2000.10.09 @ 17:27:40 GMT
From: Cavett Robert (cavett@aol.com)
I have very much enjoyed your Web Site, and your thoughtful postings in Patek TZ.
[137] 2000.09.23 @ 21:59:08 GMT
From: Guillaume Granier (guillaume.granier@wanadoo.fr)
Nice site Brad! So many things in it...will come back to read more!
Be seeing you!
[136] 2000.09.08 @ 11:17:29 GMT
From: Emira Tanovic-Mikulec (socmed@smartnet.ba)
Stability pact and Balcan and Bosnia what paradigma is it
For what
for learn
For experiment
for humanity
or for nothing
[135] 2000.08.26 @ 06:35:44 GMT
From: Henry Ting (hting@apple.com)
I'll get back to you after reading through the articles.
To start, I think our philosophical thoughts in life are similar.
I always go by the principle that an individual makes a difference.
[134] 2000.07.20 @ 13:33:50 GMT
From: Eric Mariacher (emariacher@netcourrier.com)
Bravo for xml in html demo, that's the 1st one I see
(I've been trying to find one for 2 days at sun, ibm...).
I'm trying to replicate it on
my computer, but only xmlisland, css and xml/xsl page
are working. The one with DTD say:
"Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations. Line 1, Position 11 ".
Your help would be appreciated...
Thanks in advance.
Eric Mariacher
[133] 2000.07.17 @ 18:38:47 GMT
From: Hebe (Marie) Comerford (HebeComerford@aol.com.uk)
Very interested in your posting on the Science as Culture website.
I'm an art psychotherapist (trained as a sculptor) currently working in British
public health system (adult acute psychiatry) writing doctorate 'in my spare time'
(looking at issues of reification raised in your posting). Look forward to responding properly in a few days.
Best wishes
[132] 2000.05.22 @ 03:53:26 GMT
From: KEN KETTERER (kenketterer@cs.com)
[131] 2000.05.19 @ 19:41:37 GMT
From: dontwanttotalk (dontwanttotalk@dontwanttotalk.com)
I think your father was a hero who chose
to sacrifice much personal pleasure to work in order that his children could grow,
prosper and contribute. His work contribution, efficiently distirbuting paint long lasting paint at
reasonable prices, certainly improved the durability of housing and other things humans need,
but all the appearance of things - something only the very rich could afford in olden days.
I am proud of him, and my Dad, who did all this without complaint, and, by the way,
paid a huge sacrifice to destroy ruthless dictatorships in Japan, Germany and Italy.
I thank your father for what he did and remember his spirit fondly.
[130] 2000.04.05 @ 22:46:43 GMT
From: Mark keeler (mark@shaktisoft.com)
Christ is the only way!
[129] 2000.03.07 @ 19:28:52 GMT
From: Douglasn Sloan (dms39@columbia.edu)
See my return message to your original email.
[128] 2000.02.29 @ 04:37:42 GMT
From: tom worthen (tworthen@home.com)
I like the way you think. Found your writing in alt.horology.
[127] 2000.02.25 @ 13:56:46 GMT
From: Jerry van Beers (jikje@xs4all.nl)
Hello Brad,
you signed my guestbook of the
Robert Musil site, so I had to pay you a visit.
I must say that your site is much more philosophical than mine, quite interesting.
And now I see why you mention Husserl's book as your favourite.
Best wishes,
[126] 2000.02.24 @ 15:18:51 GMT
From: Liren (letitia98@yahoo.com)
Interesting website. Good luck!
[125] 2000.02.19 @ 18:03:04 GMT
From: John McCaffrey (jm33@ukc.ac.uk)
Hi Brad, just letting you know I've been here!
[124] 2000.02.13 @ 20:46:02 GMT
From: Patrick Farzaroli (patrick@farzaroli.net)
I am the recipient of a forwarded humorous image you sent to one of your email friends.
I took a few minutes to look at your website. I find it fascinating that in all the
technologically well-designed information you have no information on or photographs of
family and further that you indicate that you don't identify with your name,
but rather with a meaningless symbol that you designed.
[123] 2000.01.18 @ 01:17:02 GMT
From: Michael Goldhaber (mgoldh@well.com)
Out of curiosity after reading your latest post on STS list, I tried
your site. Too extensive to read now, but most impressively laid out.
i'm wondering whether you've written explcitly on the connection between the
technologies that enable this site and your vision of.the Husserlian project
best, Michael
[122] 1999.12.23 @ 02:39:35 GMT
From: Lisa Harris (lisanet@hotmail.com)
Dear Brad,
i just poped in to have a look at your site after you responded to my post
the other day - but I can see I will have to come back and visit with
the luxury of time to further my education. Thanks for your contributions all round.
Regards...Lisa Harris
[121] 1999.12.20 @ 05:53:56 GMT
From: Katwal Mahendra (euro@mos.com.np)
Nepal,Euro Treks & Expedition PVT LTD
[120] 1999.12.09 @ 06:52:29 GMT
From: Carlos Gonzales (carlosque@hotmail.com)
It's too deep for me. But i'll try to understand it.
[119] 1999.11.29 @ 20:32:12 GMT
From: Nicholas Bodley (nbodley@alumni.princeton.edu)
Some of the most-sophisticated use of HTML I've ever seen.
I use Lynx almost exclusively, and it worked well.
The page-download time being displayed so it can be read in
Lynx is a neat hack. The HTML source for this site looks like a dilly!
Intro to SGML is something I must return to.
You intermix technology and humanistics in a very interesting and apparently worthwhile way.
This is one of the more-memorable Web sites I've seen.
[118] 1999.11.17 @ 13:50:24 GMT
[117] 1999.11.14 @ 22:46:40 GMT
From: Jim Raney (jraney@seanet.com)
I enjoyed your well designed site. I am looking for stuff on validation of psychoanalysis.
Still looking. JOR
[116] 1999.11.14 @ 04:21:54 GMT
From: George Hasty (ghasty@io.com)
Thanks for the opportunity of sharing in your/our world-as-meant.
[115] 1999.11.03 @ 21:44:30 GMT
From: Fede (fsavona@tiscalinet.it)
thanks for your suggestion
[114] 1999.10.20 @ 23:51:48 GMT
From: Jon Ketchum (jketc85682@aol.com)
Dear Brad,
I just read the introduction to your
dissertation, and plan to read
more. I was going to try to respond to your husserl-dialognet postings
to date, and found I wasn't yet ready. You need a much more
existential response than the one I just sent Serge. I can't manage
that piecemeal; I have to look back over my entire resources, and
also get to know you a bit better through your dissertation, which
promisses to be very interesting.
More later,
Kindest regards,
[113] 1999.10.04 @ 03:08:22 GMT
From: Lizzy Zooza (jenGF@aol.com)
Whatever, I was triying to look for some benjal cat NOT some
stupid thing like a guest book. bithes
[112] 1999.10.02 @ 04:01:53 GMT
From: Doug Keachie (Keachie@swland.org)
I've enjoyed your posts to the tech list, and your site is most interesting.
I especially like your tale of the
3D drawing and architecture school.
Classic techno obsolesence story.
[111] 1999.09.27 @ 19:44:32 GMT
From: G Benoit (gbenoit@pop.uky.edu)
Interesting dissertation topic. Seems partially related to my own in comm. action between people who sense relational status inequalities and the effect that has on communications and interpretation. Good luck!
[110] 1999.09.27 @ 05:19:51 GMT
From: Mike Spencer ()
Thanks for the enlightenment on
"Lorem ipsum..."
I stumbled over this on a steel service center
corporate website. My latin is minimal but there were
clearlt nonsense bits and I couldn'r make anything of it
at all. Noone at the company replied to my inquiry,
Now I know!
Nice little cultural artifact.
- Mike
[109] 1999.09.24 @ 06:13:21 GMT
From: Don Palladino (samudino@email.msn.com)
Hi Brad,
I stumbled upon your site with the google.com search engine when I was performing a search on
self psychology; there I found your reference to Kohut. I've already been at your site almost an hour.
You've certainly given me quite a bit of intellectual food for thought. Not only that, I found your
whole site--the way it was set up, its content, the range of your interests--quite beatiuful and
fascinating. My primary interests are not as wide as your own. Mainly they are in self psychology,
poetry, and pastoral psychology et al... This is my avocation; professionally, I am a Home Health
Aide and mainly work in the Cerebral Palsy community. I've not really been formally trained at a
particular instituation; idealistically I can say that's because I believe in freedom:
"Free should the scholar be, brave and free. Free even to the definition of freedom,
'without any hindrance that does not arise out of his own constitution."(Emerson) But its
probably more truthful to say that I've sabatouged most of my educational endeavours. But
as I enter my 31 year, I'm being seduced into thinking otherwise. Anyway, you've certainly
set some seeds in me regarding further research avenues I'd like to explore, as well as a web
page style I'd like to someday emulate (as of yet, I'm untrained in these matters).
Thanks so much for sharing your homepage.
Sincerely, Donald Palladino
If your interested in what led me to your site, you can check out some of my ideas at
www.selfpsychology.org. In
the bulliten board section, see my thread: Poetry and self psychology:
Anyone Else Interested? if you're at all interested.
[108] 1999.09.06 @ 05:10:03 GMT
From: George Schrader (schrader@digitalexp.com)
You replied to an e-mail posting of mine "Sustainable transport".
Thought I would visit your site to gather some insight on where you are coming from.
We appear to have conflicting opinions as to transport's influence on developing
a sustainable society. Interesting! Hope to hear from you in the future.
[107] 1999.08.30 @ 06:31:55 GMT
From: Tommy Jonsson (tommy.jonsson@torsby.se)
Good morning!
Your writings ought to be connected to those by Barron Burrow
(look up his name at Alta Vista for instance, or see his Psychophysical
theory of Everything), and to Cornelius Castoriadis. Sensitive matters.
I will look more closely into your dissertation, too.
At all events, this site is worthwhile. Thank you!
[106] 1999.08.17 @ 00:23:39 GMT
From: Winner (winnerej@aol.com)
Checking Castoriadis on your recommendation via newsgroup;
so it made sense to visit your accomplishment here;
interesting site, readable, appealing, user-friendly. - W.
[105] 1999.07.27 @ 12:34:00 GMT
From: malcolm wright (tpkrd@sover.net)
It was nice to see that small pot from long ago
[Ed. note: Click
here to see this piece].
I have a small site at:
[104] 1999.07.02 @ 00:45:59 GMT
From: paul stegman (spwilly@earthlink.net)
enjoyed photos
[103] 1999.06.27 @ 12:46:36 GMT
From: Wesley S. Burt (wesburt@aol.com)
Your web site is an excellent work of scholarship, but it remains incomplete
without conceptual framework similar to the system diagrams
at URL http://www.freespeech.org/darves/.
Thanks for the opportunity to visit,
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