Go to more recent entries
[311] 2004.12.31 @ 09:09:53 UTC
From: Aneesa (aneesa@alent.co.sz)
[310] 2004.12.27 @ 20:10:56 UTC
From: Chris Williams (chriswilliams@london.com)
Cool siteb dudes
[309] 2004.12.22 @ 14:05:19 UTC
From: Stephane Perrot (stephane.perrot@c-s.fr)
Always nice to hear from some of the beautiful things
that were invented in the past, if only to help us remember that not all cools things are recent (who said on the contrary ?)
If only we had been exposed to APL at school, instead of being stuck with that monolithic Pascal !
Keep up the good work of maintaining the flame...
[308] 2004.12.21 @ 23:47:11 UTC
From: [Ed. Note: Name withheld]
Hey, love it! God is so cool! I have several, I collect them!
I'm so rich I don't know what to do with all of this money, being a mildly retarded yet very successful businessman and all.
If only there were a good investment, preferrably overseas, that would allow me to accumulate even greater riches without the need to deal with my government! Maybe a good churc, then I wouldn't even need the money back! I'd love to help spread the word with my money!!!
- [Ed. Note: Name withheld]
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [307] 2004.12.20 @ 21:33:03 UTC
From: mugu (mugu@himugu.com)
[More Mugu: Above?, above,
below. Ed. questions: (1) Whatcha think, Mugu?
Mugu's answer: #363?
(2) What about entry #361?]
nicez site mugu
[306] 2004.12.15 @ 17:35:04 UTC
From: [Ed. Note: Name withheld]
Brad, I am the Senior Systems Administrator here at the [...] Highway Patrol.
Please give me an email so I can ask you about your "pattern recognition ability" java applet. Thanks.
[305] 2004.12.11 @ 20:55:34 UTC
From: Paul Iddon·a href=http://www.magitones.co (paullondon_99@yahoo.co.uk)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Excellent site, packed with top info, well designed and set out, will be back ! Hope you keep developing this site.
[304] 2004.12.10 @ 21:03:37 UTC
From: Aunty Mapuana (auntymapuana@yahoo.com)
I am trying to get as many people to sign my guestbook as well...and also,
I am trying to get the message out that during this time of year, families are crazy
and we are expected to be nice to people who we don't see all year, people who may be nasty
to you all year long, and for those of you who have always felt alone in a crowd of faces
that look a little like your own, I added my personal holiday greetings to my website
especially FOR YOU. I know what it feels like to be the black sheep and the
orphan with too much extended family.
I hope that you will visit me and when you do please sign my guestbook, okay?
[303] 2004.12.08 @ 20:14:10 UTC
From: david (dvd_mntn@hayoo.com)
read it
[302] 2004.12.06 @ 07:49:53 UTC
From: [name withheld by poster's request, after I told them this website does not sell anything]
I saw a Very classy MOMA Perpetual Calendar #64295A in an airline catalogue.
It was under the Hammacher Schlemmer headline but distinctly said MOMA. $34.95. It was minimal -
a black circle with a red balancing bar.
Do you still have these? I would like to purchase some for Christmas gifts. Thank you
[name withheld by poster's request]
As of 05 December 2004, this guestbook has been continuously
active eight years. |
[301] 2004.12.04 @ 08:23:49 UTC
From: David Dickher (david.dickher@xpectmore.com)
Just surfing through. Quite a few very interesting things on your site. Thanks for putting it together!
[300] 2004.12.01 @ 19:00:35 UTC
From: abbas abbas (futurehint@yahoo.com)
thanks for your efforts
[299] 2004.11.29 @ 13:10:37 UTC
From: demon_deathstrike@hotmail.com (demon_deathstrike@hotmail.com)
[298] 2004.11.27 @ 20:53:25 UTC
From: Lowe Ryder (lowrider@skyhook.ath.cx)
Great Stuff !
[297] 2004.11.25 @ 07:22:23 UTC
From: Jan Peters (jan.peters@gmail.com)
Nice page! Please visit my website http://www-clmc.usc.edu/~jrpeters/pmwiki/
[296] 2004.11.24 @ 11:48:19 UTC
From: philip wagenaar (philip_wagenaar@hotmail.com)
:-) Hi from the netherlands! www.wagenaar.123.nl
[295] 2004.11.24 @ 05:03:45 UTC
From: Matt. (matt@ferndigital.com)
I have falled in love with this car.. and you one is particularly beautiful.
[294] 2004.11.23 @ 14:24:09 UTC
From: Mike (Mike@aol.com)
Nice Site!
[293] 2004.11.18 @ 16:17:51 UTC
From: Luis M. Aguilar V (aguilarluis@prodigy.net.mx)
Dear Brad:
I read with great interest your page dealing with Broch and his son.
The great fact of your having a relationship with his son, really sheds light on those of us
that have been digging and learning about this great thinker, writter, and philosopher of life.
I came across Herman Broch upon reading a book written by a mexican author Jose María Perez Gay
who writes about the Lost Empire, refering to the Austrian Hungarian Empire that became extint
on the death of Joseph Francis, its last emperator. In the book, he talks about Herman Broch and his life,
until his death in USA. I became intrigued and somehow I was invaded by a feeling of awe;
reading about him produced a thrilling effect, that has perdured untill now.
I would like very much to read "The sleepwalkers", but unfortunately this book in unavailable in Mexico.
I thank you for your great page, and hope that it will remain on the web,
every day better that yesterday. I could say "not yet but yet already".
Luis M. Aguilar V.
Saltillo, Coahuila
[292] 2004.11.17 @ 03:05:53 UTC
From: Rachel mauger (RachelMicah2002@yahoo.com)
Of course I agree what President Bush is doing. I totally agree with Bush, are nation shouldn't be afraid and
back down under preasure. I think people are stupid for thinking that Bush is going to mess up everything,
he's just doing the right thing and caring for everyone in the world.
Were the one's to got attacked on September 11, and we were not just going to sit down and do nothing about it
and let them attack us more. Thats my opinion on this subject.
[291] 2004.11.16 @ 18:39:45 UTC
From: goudet Nussar (futurehint@yahoo.com)
You have a very interesting site...
[290] 2004.11.16 @ 03:20:09 UTC
From: Tahirih (TahirihStyles@aol.com)
Loved the trip!! The information is interesting and I had a ball with all of the links!!
I felt like Alice in Wonderland! Does AOL mind people using their little man as for link effects? You did a great job. |
![[ ]](sp.gif) |
Ed. note: I was an AOL subscriber for a while back around 1984-85. I couldn't
figure out how to do much with it, so I didn't keep with it for very long. | |
[289] 2004.11.15 @ 18:31:19 UTC
From: ()
Moin Wenn der Tag immer mit Eurer super gestaltetetn und informativen HP anfangen koennte,
waere ich mehr als gluecklich. Von nun an werdet Ihr einen treuen Besucher mehr haben.
Macht nur weiterso, ich werde auch meinen Freunden von Euch erzaehlen. MFG
[288] 2004.11.15 @ 11:21:01 UTC
From: Danielle (danni_v_3@yahoo.co.uk)
nice site try mine
[287] 2004.11.14 @ 00:15:34 UTC
From: H.L. (hollywood@hollywoodliberal.com)
Hi, Great Site, Check out my website, its an Liberal Political site from Hollywood.
We are dedicated to ending the Republican stranglehold on this country,
by exposing the truth. Not what the so called Liberal Media, tells us
is the truth. Dump Bush. Redo The election without the Computerized Voting
Read about how I got arrested at the Republican National Convention in NY City
on August 28, 2004 plus lots of other great information, and humor
[286] 2004.11.13 @ 15:27:52 UTC
From: Steffan (jonmar@tenbit.pl)
Nice layout you have here, I enjoyed my visit, I wish you all the best with it in the future.
Whenever you have time, feel free to stop by my site to buy a gift for your loved ones. Until then keep up your good work.
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) [285] 2004.11.12 @ 09:33:54 UTC
From: mugu (mugu@mugu.com) [See: Later and Earlier
Another mugu received: 24Nov04.]
i love this siteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee[...]
[284] 2004.11.11 @ 23:02:14 UTC
From: Destiny (high_supply@msn.com)
I was just searchin tthe web and found your site...um have a sweet day and feel free to add me if you have MSN :)
[283] 2004.11.08 @ 06:54:00 UTC
From: Jane (mellodies@aol.com)
What spiritual trends do you think will accompany post post-modernism?
Everything is becoming more pluralistic, but I wonder what is next?!
[282] 2004.11.05 @ 08:44:45 UTC
From: http://www.online-generic-meridia.com (KeatonNash@yahoo.com)
Management is nothing more than motivating other people.
- Keaton
[281] 2004.10.30 @ 16:13:55 UTC
From: ()
Hallo Leute! Google sei Dank, dass ich auf diese sehr informative und gut gestaltete
HP gelandet bin. Sehr Uebersichtlich und hilfreich. froehlich Liebe Gruesse aus Bremerhaven sendet Franz
[280] 2004.10.29 @ 10:25:46 UTC
From: enge (bonafinim@cad.it)
may i have a help?
i have a program(pgm1) that invoke another program(pgm2).
i need to know in pgm2 which program called it. (that is "pgm1").
how can i know it from a control block of mvs data areas?
(cobol code)
[279] 2004.10.28 @ 15:22:54 UTC
From: Denise (coca-cola@textilecity.net)
[278] 2004.10.28 @ 13:40:09 UTC
From: Lawrence (ltuzio@o2.co.uk)
Hello all I am trying to set up my own website but I need your help, if you could send me Pictures of yourselves, jokes, animations anything really clean or dirty it all helps to ltuzio@o2.co.uk it would be much appriciated, thank you very much!!!
[277] 2004.10.28 @ 08:03:25 UTC
From: henry chu (peter@hotmail.com)
great site! check out mine.
[276] 2004.10.28 @ 00:16:07 UTC
From: Melvin Goldstein (bonum@physicsfoibles.com)
Entropy - Uncertainty - Incompleteness - Chaos
The book "Physics Foibles" by Melvin Goldstein probes concepts everyone interested in the sciences should know. What is Entropy? What is Godel Incompleteness? What is Heisenberg Uncertainty? What is Chaos Theory? Do we live in a deterministic world? Can a super computer determine what happens next? What do these foibles portend for the Theory of Everything?
Click on the following to view more details:
[275] 2004.10.25 @ 22:11:42 UTC
From: PID (Projectindenial@operationintrinsicgrass.us)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
·h3· Was I here? Are html tages allowed? ·/h3·
·xmtp· ·/body·
[274] 2004.10.23 @ 14:56:30 UTC
From: Serguei Loukianov (simon45918062@hotmail.com)
Great site!
Hi, very good site, keep it up!
Project Internet Collaboration
Homepage simonr.narod.ru/
[273] 2004.10.22 @ 12:32:13 UTC
From: ginger (ginger_alex@gmx.net)
Hello, nice website!
[272] 2004.10.22 @ 12:32:41 UTC
From: joe (spammy_joe1@web.de)
Hi, very good site, keep it up!
[271] 2004.10.20 @ 23:54:16 UTC
[270] 2004.10.20 @ 05:20:23 UTC
From: Yvette (Y@net.net)
Hi Brad. Pretty neat website with so a variety of interesting information on it.
I enjoyed browsing around..especially looking at the pics of the Clinton's house. Keep up the good work!
Come by and check out my website at: ami.coms.ph
[269] 2004.10.18 @ 14:19:12 UTC
From: SALVATORE DI GIOVANNA (salvatoredigiovanna@yahoo.fr)
Really nice work, I enjoyed my visit, and will
do so again in the near future. I wish you all the
best with it. If you ever have time,
check my website out. Hope to see you there.
[268] 2004.10.17 @ 16:20:47 UTC
From: charlie (1@yahell.zzn.com)
hey check out my site i just checked yours our LOL Charlie
[267] 2004.10.15 @ 14:34:31 UTC
From: Stephanie Bottitta (webmaster@sbottitta.com)
Good night, you've got a lot of content. Navigation is a little confusing, but I really did enjoy reading through your very wide-ranging material. Good luck in all your endeavors, and stay young.
[266] 2004.10.11 @ 16:37:33 UTC
From: david (david8959333j@yahoo.com)
hi guys! nice site. You should check out mine too at www.exclusivefreegames.com/. I hope you drop by sometime and sign my guestbook too!
[265] 2004.10.10 @ 13:47:52 UTC
From: ddJ (deed@web.de)
www.gott-jesus-wahrheit.com for more Infos
Babylon system Error 666
[264] 2004.10.08 @ 17:31:22 UTC
From: ·a href="http://www.bluepinto.com"·Blue Pinto·/a· (blue_pinto@yahoo.com)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Great site. I like the old school gray background. Very retro.
[263] 2004.10.08 @ 18:15:31 UTC
From: Elizabeth DeGiorgio (degiorge@mccc.edu)
Fabulous thinker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[262] 2004.10.05 @ 17:25:30 UTC
From: Max (Max@hotmail.com)
tres bon site, bien concu et tres interessant!!!!
encore bravo et bonne continuation
Dur dur la traduction!!!LOL
Max, www.nero-gratuit.com
[261] 2004.09.20 @ 12:43:08 UTC
From: Miss F Belvoir (fannybelvoir@hotmail.com)
Enjoyed my visit to this really good site
[260] 2004.09.19 @ 14:22:37 UTC
From: Claude Girardin, General Manager Waltham International SA (c.girardin@waltham.ch)
I appreciated ready your answer to the query Was Waltham ever Swiss, posted on alt.horology.
The original company, Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Mass. U.S.A. (AWWCo) founded our company
Waltham International SA (WISA) in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1954. The purpose was to supply all
the movement parts & watch parts, which were not available in U.S.A. in order to adjust their offer
to the new demands of the market. Upon the demise of AWWCo in 1957, an new distribution company was set up in Chicago,
which provided the U.S. market with Swiss Made Waltham watches until sometime in the Seventees,
when the Japanese competition forced the Chicago company into bankruptcy.
Henceforth, WISA concentrated all its efforts mainly to the Japanese market.
Due to a twist of history, whereas the rights to the TM Waltham belong to WISA in all other watch countries,
the rights in U.S.A. and Canada belong to an American company, which manufacture their Waltham watches under
our licence in China, for distribution exclusively in U.S.A. & Canada. In our website, you can check the on our side,
we are pursuing the tradition of excellency established by the U.S. Waltham founderes and forefathers.
Please note that we provide to Waltham antique watch collectors a serial numbers search engine:
Appreciating your interest and interesting homepage.
Best regards
Claude Girardin
General Manager
Waltham International SA
Champs-Montants 16 B / P.O. BOX 432
CH-2074 Marin/Neuchâtel
[259] 2004.09.16 @ 15:25:36 UTC
From: Keeble Walker (Whiteqqqiii@hotmail.com)
[258] 2004.09.09 @ 05:54:15 UTC
From: http://two.guestbook.de/backward.cgi?X=93968 (mephisto@yahoo.com)
please help my cause......I want to save the world
[257] 2004.09.05 @ 04:40:28 UTC
[256] 2004.09.03 @ 13:20:08 UTC
From: sukdon mi (sukmi01@speedymail.org)
Good good site
[255] 2004.09.02 @ 10:24:20 UTC
From: yotz (sales@nord-vi.com)
i liked your site, it is cool and different, thumbs up
come and visit mine!
[254] 2004.08.26 @ 06:37:35 UTC
From: Marti (puddleofgoo@dios.ii)
Beautiful site. Just beautiful.
[253] 2004.08.16 @ 17:23:17 UTC
From: Roxanne (rharrel@siu.edu)
Brad: I stumbled upon your website literally by 'accident', but as the saying goes, it appears I've fallen into blissful confusion and cannot seem to stop looking it over. Its odd...there seems to be NO symetrical "organization" to these pages, yet I never really quite feel "lost"? The appeal, in fact, is so overwhelming, that I'm considering attempting something similar myself --- perhaps you have some suggestions for me. I've developed several websites in the past, but the feel of this site is quite intruiging and different. Any comments would be appreciated :)
[252] 2004.08.09 @ 18:25:35 UTC
From: Johan abini (jabini@srgate.com)
Nice ..keep it up
Johan abini
[251] 2004.08.08 @ 20:09:51 UTC
From: Ian Andrew (jerusalemgifts@lycos.com)
Great site you have ...Keep up the good work...While I am here may I also suggest you have a
browse of our site The Jerusalem Gift Shop www.thejerusalemgiftshop.com
for Religious Christian - Jewish Gifts from the Holy Land.
Handmade by Israeli Artists for Christian - Jewish holidays, unique Israeli Art.
May God bless you're supporting Israel in these days
2004.08.08. More than forty-six (46) submissions of advertisements
for home loans, prescription medicines, casinos, mobile phones, "adult" and other commercial websites, etc. not added; I've stopped counting....
I also get completely "blank" submissions (no name, no address, no text), which I don't add or count. See also:
"mugu " submissions. |
[250] 2004.07.28 @ 12:59:03 UTC
From: Will Baker (wbaker@together.com)
I enjoyed the visit-good stuff.
[249] 2004.07.20 @ 15:08:17 UTC
From: Warren (volker.kuenne@deutschesee.de)
I find your site very interesting and informative. Please watch out. It seems that
there are a few jerks who are currently spamming masses of guestbooks with links leading to sites that offer
[illegal pornography]
[248] 2004.07.20 @ 05:40:32 UTC
From: Webmaestro (webmaestro@ivillage.com)
Very nice and useful website. Please visit my website!!! :)
[247] 2004.07.13 @ 14:10:14 UTC
From: 3rd Eye Technologies (3rdeye@hotmail.com)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Great site, and cool guestbook :-)
·h1··a href="www.3rd-eye.info
title="vehicle tracking in the uk"·vehicle tracking·/a··/h1·
[246] 2004.07.12 @ 16:46:17 UTC
From: Vasillac Foto (bolsheviskiy@commiebastards.ru)
He went into the fast lane as soon as he got on the freeway, right
in front of a school bus full of stupid, retarded little third graders.
He floored it just as he opened the sunroof all the way. The rich man
went flying backwards. He pulled over to to the side of the road to
watch what had happened:
The body had crashed through the flat square windshield of the
elementary school bus, showering all the little kids with gore. Then the
bus had swerved into the next lane, flipping up over a car. It had
landed upside down, sliding out of control on its top. The engine had
exploded when it hit the heavy barrier a the side of the road. The upper
body of the rich man had come rolling over in the other lanes, getting
flattened by passing dump trucks and buses. The lower body was still
inside the overturned school bus.
He got back in the car and started laughing hysterically because
the surviving blood-drenched little kids were screaming and crying. He
took off down the highway towards his house, still laughing hysterically.
[245] 2004.06.10 @ 07:12:40 UTC
From: joe (joebd3@hotmail.com)
[244] 2004.06.02 @ 21:46:13 UTC
From: Livermore Realty (PalomoRealty@satrax.us.com)
I love the picture of the church door mail slot!
Who would have thought to take a picture of it like that! Check out my site at PalomoRealty.com.
[243] 2004.06.01 @ 22:04:38 UTC
From: sven white (bbsupdee13@yahoo.com)
dude check my site out www.svensworld.tk
[242] 2004.05.31 @ 20:24:37 UTC
From: ·a href="http://www.meolita.com/"·Mel·/a· (Mel@msn.com)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Great site!
[241] 2004.05.25 @ 14:48:35 UTC
From: Jimmy Timmins (me@newtolinux.org.uk)
Nice site.
[240] 2004.05.24 @ 12:44:15 UTC
From: Sylvia (sylviasaint@breathe.com) [08Jan05 note: Someone emailed me that this is the name of a famous
porn star; I had not guessed this.]
Great Site!
[239] 2004.05.21 @ 16:35:42 UTC
From: tommy (dam@web.de)
Hallo, das ist ja eine interessante Homepage. Glückwunsch an alle die dabei mitgewirkt haben.
[238] 2004.05.21 @ 07:08:23 UTC
From: Frances Michael (Sain@tMicha.net)
Nice site, well presented. Keep up the good work!
[237] 2004.05.20 @ 07:43:15 UTC
From: skarecrow (skare@skare.net)
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
·script language="javascript"·
Alert("OMG EARTH QUAKE!!!!!!!")
[236] 2004.05.14 @ 17:10:48 UTC
From: asaba owerri (homeboy_owerri_asaba@yahoo.com)
I love this page. It looks really nice. Keep it up.
[235] 2004.05.09 @ 18:35:29 UTC
From: Mark (wilson@manchesterunited.co.uk)
Great website and keep up the good work!
I'm glad I found this site because it gives me the chance to tell you all about my website I have just created.
www.freewebs.com/maltamad!/ It's about the small island of Malta and offers all of the usefull information
you need to know about the island. Even if you are not interested I would be greatfull if anyone would visit
because I am not getting many visitors....
[Lots more snipped. Ed.]
![[ Go to Mugu central! ]](gif/rchr.gif) From: DR.RICHARD (MAGA@MUGU.NET)
[233] 2004.05.09 @ 00:50:13 UTC
From: remco (remco@aol.com)
great site and outstanding webdesign!
[232] 2004.05.08 @ 01:59:20 UTC
From: 重庆@ (bill@msn.com)
Very nice site! Keep on work!
[231] 2004.05.06 @ 16:59:28 UTC
From: claire (lll@aol.com)
Hiya! great site! please visit mine sometime - www.efunstuff.tk!
[230] 2004.05.03 @ 23:42:03 UTC
From: John Caramba (JCaramba@hotmail.com)
Nice job Brad
[229] 2004.04.20 @ 20:36:49 UTC
From: Connor Morgan (connor_morgan@dnsconsole.com)
Your insightful writings have given me some food for thought. Thank you for making it available.
[228] 2004.04.20 @ 14:32:34 UTC
From: [Name withheld] from Saudi Arabia
After reading what written in these sites ,u going to think carefully about ur life
really ..it changed my life ...at the beginning it wasn't effecting on me but now i think its the truth
its the only truth..if u don't believe me just read ..and iam sure that u r going to compelete reading these
amazing articles to the end ..i swear :)
if u don't have time just read the first lines or add the site in ur favorite then check them later
it deserves reading it ..its really good .
[227] 2004.04.18 @ 13:04:59 UTC
From: Tom Hayes (signup@thomasjhayes.com)
nie site
[226] 2004.04.14 @ 08:57:55 UTC
[4 submissions from person who asks not to appear here.]
From: [Name and Address withheld]
Please do not mistake me for a [Description withheld].
[225] 2004.04.08 @ 02:39:17 UTC
From: k.d. (kryten_droid@yahoo.com)
paging.. micheal porbeni...are you there?
[224] 2004.04.04 @ 18:39:20 UTC
From: www.internetnewsdaily.com (internetnewsdaily@yahoo.com)
God Bless
[223] 2004.03.02 @ 13:45:12 UTC
From: K Holden (glowcactus@yahoo.co.uk)
Good site
[222] 2004.02.24 @ 11:31:17 UTC
From: lucas (kangur@iespana.es)
you probably know this site but for those who don't :
ciao bambino
[221] 2004.01.31 @ 11:09:46 UTC
From: Justas Marius (jogle@mail.lt)
Nice page. Keep working on it. Best templates online - www.anytemplates.com
[220] 2004.01.18 @ 04:21:19 UTC
(See also #204, #155)
From: Claude Revelation (videos@holy-secrets.com)
Yahweh is a LIAR:
Thank you.
[219] 2004.01.08 @ 16:34:58 UTC
[218] 2004.01.01 @ 02:02:08 UTC
From: Mr Smithee (dukechamber@justice.com)
Lovely site, keep up the good work.
[217] 2003.12.27 @ 07:23:07 UTC
[216] 2003.12.20 @ 06:09:55 UTC
From: Kinzer (Kinzer@gmx.net)
I liked your site very much !
[215] 2003.12.18 @ 19:08:05 UTC
From: Dennis L. Smith (psmith@nobertplating.com)
I think this good for all of the vets!!
[214] 2003.12.06 @ 19:49:53 UTC
From: Antonio (ximox@ximox.com)
An amazing site. Reminded me of a place I had found years ago, Fravia's site.
The same kind of brilliant content without all the annoying flash effects that make
every site an annoying experience nowadays. You might want to check this out:
Take care and thanks for taking the time to write and share all this.
[213] 2003.11.10 @ 02:20:40 UTC
From: Rose (rosebud_44@netzero.com)
I am absolutley astoinded.
[212] 2003.10.01 @ 22:27:26 UTC
[211] 2003.09.30 @ 22:18:31 UTC
From: Darrell Little (darrelllittle23@yahoo.com)
Even though I am 37 years old, I feel I owe those of you who served in the greatest war ever so much.
You can never be praised enough for what you did by defeating the Axis of Evil.
I know a lot of you do not like to be considered heros but you are;
especially those who did not come back home. You are truly "America's Greatest Generation!!!!!
[210] 2003.09.27 @ 06:04:23 UTC
From: Heidi Latlippe-Moody (moodimus@hotmail.com)
My 14 year old son and I will be at the dedication of
the WWII memorial next May.
We will travel from San Diego to East coast, pick up my father and drive to DC.
My husband is due to return from a 9 mos deployment on the USS Peleliu in early May.
[209] 2003.09.22 @ 12:52:37 UTC
From: Layola (info@muff.de)
eure Homepage ist sehr informativ gemacht, auch wenn ich zuerst mit der Navigation nicht klar kam.
Wie schafft ihr es bloß, immer so aktuell zu bleiben? Muß doch ein Riesenaufwand sein, oder?
Viele Grüsse, Layola
[208] 2003.09.02 @ 15:43:05 UTC
From: Gabe (Root@Justaphreak.com)
Wow this is a nice site ;)
[207] 2003.08.06 @ 11:39:26 UTC
From: bob (viis@mailcity.com)
Great I was looking for an information from your site thanx
[206] 2003.07.30 @ 06:51:22 UTC
From: Jonna (jazmina73@hotmail.com)
Please go and check your e-mail. I've been trying to reach you but nothing has happened. I was wondering if your e-mail address is valid?
[Reply: I hope it is:
[205] 2003.07.29 @ 19:35:23 UTC
From: gluetrapped@yahoo.com (gluetrapped@yahoo.com)
Well compiled site.
[204] 2003.07.09 @ 21:09:44 UTC
(See also #220, #155)
From: Claude Revelation (videos@holy-secrets.com)
Your readers may desire to learn HOLY SECRETS and FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE concerning Yahweh, Yahshua, and much more, at: www.holy-secrets.com
Thank you.
[203] 2003.07.01 @ 15:33:27 UTC
From: ()
(One or more dangerous characters translated to dots)
Hi! http://www.yahoo.com is our great site. (·a href="http://yahoo.com"·yahoo·/a·) visit·span style="color:red"· yahoo ·/span·now
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