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![[ Envelope with pointer diagram ]](jpg/schaff.jpg) |
Pointers. 25 Aug 82.
This was one of the first envelopes I made on the computer.
The recipient is a computer system programmer. The design of the
envelope is reminiscent of "control block diagrams" in IBM Operating
System reference manuals which the recipient used in his work
(See example). | |
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![[ Envelope with Golden Arches ]](jpg/MacD2.jpg) |
Hundreds Mailed. 12 Sep 88. A "play"
on the MacDonalds restaurant chain theme: "billions sold". | |
Click here for picture
of mid-1950s Ur-McDonalds hamburger restaurant. ~
Click here to see
unusual McDonalds in Québec City.
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Aside (10 Oct 2000):
Sign seen in a "h_ad shop" in Québec City: Text across the Golden
Arches replaced by "Mar_j_ana",
with caption underneath: "OVER ONE BILLION
ST_NED". [Ed. note: preceding text edited for Internet
family filtering programs.] | |
For more information about folkways of middle-class American life in the
early 21st century, please Click here. |
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![[ Back of Golden Arches envelope ]](jpg/MacBack2.jpg) |
Detail, from back of
envelope, showing documentation information: author, title, when and where made.
All my envelopes have this information
(see How To Make An Envelope for details),
although few integrate it with the envelope's theme, as here. | |
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![[ Envelope with Stars of David ]](jpg/stars.jpg) |
Stars of Redemption.
9-10 Dec 87. A Chanukah present. Reference is to Franz Rosenzweig's
book, The Star of Redemption. | |
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![[ Envelope that was part of an essay on my Envelope Art ]](jpg/TU6600Y.jpg) |
Cover Letter. 26 Feb 85.
Envelope that was part of the essay I wrote about my
Envelope Art, for my doctoral program Departmental Seminar (TU6600Y). |
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The envelope, after
having been mailed and received back, was affixed to
the front of the essay, to serve as the title page text
(in correct American Psychological Association format). | | |
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![[ Envelope with picture of Martin Luther ]](jpg/MLuther.jpg) |
'A Mighty Fortress...'.
19 Aug 84. A "play" on the theme of Martin Luther's well known hymn,
and the White Castle chain of hamburger
restaurants which were designed to look like white castles. | |
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