Neocon University, class of 2022-23 Home of the Hegemons "Pax Americana" | |
Class clown | Boris Johnson |
Brown noser | Volodymyr Zelenskyy |
Valedictorian | Anthony Blinken |
Special needs student | Joe Biden |
Mascot (cat to kick) | Vladimir Putin, Ph.D. |
Return to previous page (#8) of Zelensky War comments [>]
+2023.06.24. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 13:00. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Dear Mr. Zelensky, When you run out of weapons you will have to come to your senses. Aren't you angry with yourself that you let yourself be seduced by Messrs. Biden and Johnson back at the end of March 2022 to not accept the deal with Russia which then Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had worked up? It would have been much better for you than what you will be able to get now. Aren't you even more angry with yourself for having let yourself originally be seduced by the ill-starred fantasy of Ukraine-in-NATO? Had you negotiated NEUTRALITY for Ukraine with Russia before 24 February 2022, you could have had it all: Peace and prosperity instead of death and devastation. You need to study the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in The Book of Genesis in the Bible. God destroyed the cities on the plain (read: Ukraine) because when He sent His angels disguised as men, the people did not show them hopitality. Russia's "special military operation" is the price you are paying for not having shown hospitality to your own ethnicaly Russian fellow citizens. Issue an immediate in-place ceasefire for all your forces. Grant freedom to your ethniclly Russian fellow citizens. Renounce intention to join NATO. Make Ukraine neutral. Make frieds with Dr Putin. Then the Ukrainian people can live and enjoy peace and prosperity, and the whole world need no longer fear this mess escalating further into global thermonuclear war which could end all human and higher animal life. Thank you. (1,501 kx.txt)
+2023.06.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***The Wathington Post (06/01): "President Biden's decision last month... marked another crossing of a Russian red line that Vladimir Putin has said would transform the war and draw Washington and Moscow into direct conflict." Dr. Putin has so far been patient with your provocative adventurism. Grow up and stop it before it's too late. Negotiate now, Mr. President! Today is Sunday, June 25, 2023, day 487 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)
+2023.06.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:27 AM (49 minutes ago) June 26, 2023"), 00:25:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***You are a Christian, Mr. President. You know the story in Genesis: God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities on the plain, because their people did not show hospitality to his angels when he sent them disguised as men. Russia's "special military operation" is the Kiev regime's punishment for not having shown hospitality to Ukraine's ethnically Russian citizens. Today is Monday, June 26, 2023, day 488 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.06.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:08 AM (5 minutes ago) June 27, 2023"), 01:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***The Wathington Post (06/01): "President Biden's decision last month... marked another crossing of a Russian red line that Vladimir Putin has said would transform the war and draw Washington and Moscow into direct conflict." Dr. Putin has so far been patient with your adventurism. Be responsible. Negotiate and make peace now before it's too late, Mr. President! Today is Tuesday, June 27, 2023, day 489 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
+2023.06.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The U.S. Department of State website (Response: "Your message has been received. Please allow 3-5 days to receive a response. Thank you."), 09:10:
Secretary of State Blinken on CNN: "We've seen this aggression against Ukraina become a strategic failure across the board. Russia is weaker economically, militarily, its standing around the world has plummeted. It's managed to get Europeans off of Russian energy. It's managed to unite and strengthen NATO with new menbers and a stronger alliance. It's managed to alienate a firm Russia and unite Ukraine in ways it's never been before. This [presumably: the Prigozhin mutiny] is just an added chapter to a very, very bad book that Putin has written for Russia. Judge Napolitano on "Judging Freedom": "He has to know that none of that is accurate." Colonel Douglas Macregor: "No. No. In fact Russian society is more cohesive now than perhaps it's been in decades and the Russian military is larger and more powerful and the will to win is stronger than it's ever been and I really wish we had similar cohesion here in The United States. So now that's utter nonsense but what would you expect the man to say? No one in Washington is going to step forward and say we made a terrible mistake and we created a monster far greater and more powerful than the one we thought we were defeating." Question: How can you, the Biden adminstration, keep spouting high-school level flag-waving propaganda? Apparently apocryphal from Dr.Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister, the answer is: "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State." You need to call in knowlegedble and rational persons like Colonel Mcgregor, and Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs to turn our Ukraine policy in a constructive direction. Or do you know this and are just cynically pursuing a neoconservative agenda which does more harm to our country and to the rest of the world each new day, and is plausibly leading to nuclear war and the end to human and higher-animal life on earth? Pope Francis back in Spring 2022: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had arranged, between Mr. Zelensky and Dr. Putin, a negotiated settlement to this shameful mess, at the end of March 2022. But you, the Biden adiminiatration and Mr. Johnson in Britain, killed it. This is YOUR war ever since then. You need to stop what even Dr. Henry kissinger has called an insanity, now. Stop the big lie. End the war. Make peace with Russia and make Ukraine neutral. I would be pleased to be of assistance to you in straightening out this shameful folly, this disastrous mess which had its origin in the last century, when we renegged on our promise to not push NATO east of Germany. But instead of fixing the problem you inherited, your administration has unstintingly doubled down on and exacerbated it. May God bless ALL people and may God protect ALL troops. Thank you. Bradford McCormick. Ed.D. (3,807 kw.txt)
[<|>]+2023.06.27. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 14:10. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Mr. Zelensky, apparently your current "offensive" is getting nowhere anywhere and just consuming your resources. isn't it time for you to face reality? Isn't it time stop wishing: "What would I like?" and ask instead: "What is the best deal I can get?" It looks like you can't have Crimea wich was only part of Ukraine because Mr. Khrushchev gave it to the Ukraine SSR. You can't ethnically cleanse the Donbas, but need to give your ethnically Russian fellow citizens freedom. Hasn't that always been the honorable thing to do anyway? You can't join NATO because that is an existential threat to Russia, but why did you ever want to? You need to become a neutral country like Austria, but wouldn't that be good? When you end the war you will stop the bloodshed and devastation. Your people can live not die. You can become a member of the European Economic Comunity (EEC). Your people can have civil rights and economic prosperity. Since you are the servant of the people, won't you be doing good for them this way? The people of Africa and the rest of the developing world will rejoice for an end to the economic hardship this war is causing their countries. All of us will be able to go to sleep better at night no longer fearing escalation of this mess into nuclear war and the possible end of human and higher-animal life on earth. Pope Francis: "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Paths of glory lead but to the grave. Choose life, Mr. Zelensky! Stop this war and negotiate the best deal with Russia you can get. Then shake hands with Dr. Putin and become friends or at leaat live and let live in mutual respect. Thank you. (2,086 kw.txt)
Russian area of control +2023.06.26
+2023.06.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:35 AM (3 minutes ago) June 30, 2023"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Listening to Scott Ritter on YouTube: Ad: "Hey, folks..." donate to my reelection and get a chance to meet us. Mrs. Biden adds: It's a limited time offer. How huckster corny can you get? Maybe the American people are that gullible? Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works (Matt 5:16), Sir! Today is Friday, June 30, 2023, day 492 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.03. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 12:45. Also emailed to
Please, Mr. Zelensky, plead with Dr. Putin to let you go back and sign the peace agreement you were going to sign 29 March 2022! Tell him you sincerely regret having had your head turned by Messrs. Biden and Johnson's Faustian promise to give you endless weapons if you would just continue the war so they could weaken his country. Assure him that you will now be a responsible partner in making peace. Stop the waste! Stop the slaughter! Stop the war! (452 kx.txt)
+2023.07.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 11:13 PM (3 minutes ago) July 3, 2023"), 23:05:
I was going to write to you about the Ukraine war but if Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs cannot get your attention, I can't either. Instead I am writing to you about something you should want to to help with for wave-the-flag reasons. You only give me 1,999 characters for a sales pitch. I have the unknown story of the "Star and bars" insignia on all U.S. military aircraft since 1943. It's the second American flag, lierally flown all over the world. For 30 years I have been trying to get "traction" for this story but I do not know how. I have documentation that includes a 4 page handwriten affidavit from Petty Officer First Class Isadore Znamirowski who designed it in 1943. When he was alive he kept trying to get attention for this story but no luck. I am contiuing for him since he died some years ago. I want to get this story publicized for our military men and women so that each day when they suit up or otherwise prepare their planes, helicopers, etc, they will have richer knowledge of the proud heritage of the emblem they see everywhere, including on the B-21 Spirit and Air Force One.... I submitted this material in the U.S. Naval Aviation Archive, Pensacola Florida but that's just paper in a file box which likely nobody will ever see. I am now 76 years old so I will be gone soon enough and the story, the history, will die with me unless somebody helps. i did recently share it in an interviw with Colonel Timothy M. Baer, Deputy Director United States Army Heritage and Education Center, Carlisle Pennsylvania, but it's not his job. Have I made myself clear: It's the story of a patriotic icon next in line after Old Glory and nobody knows it. This is not about anything conroversial. It's bye, bye Miss American pie if nobody picks up the football and runs with it. Will you help me help our country? I am available 24/7/365.25. Bradford McCormick, Ed.D. 19 Stanwood Road, Mount Kisco NY 10549. (1,974 kw.txt)
+2023.07.05. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:47 AM (0 minutes ago) July 5, 2023"), 01:40:
"We must never forget the scale of the human tragedy that is playing out in Ukraine. And whatever trap Western leaders place themselves in, in March or April of last year, when they recklessly and irresponsibly gave Ukraine that blank check which said if you walk away from these negotiations we will give you whatever you need to defeat the Russians on the battlefield, the time has come to be straightforward with the Ukrainians and to tell them that this is no longer possible, and also to be straightforward with Western publics, and to acknowledge the realities that Ukraine is not winning this war and that there is no route for Ukraine to win this war and that both in order to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe and a greater debacle which might not happen tomorrow or next week or next month or in six months time but which is now clearly on the horizon, to avoid another aid debacle, a political, a geopolitical debacle, it is time to call a stop now and to begin negotiations immediately." (Alexander Mercouris, 3 July 2023, 28:40) (1,092 k-Mercouris.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.07. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 22:15. Also emailed to
Mr. Zelensky, your obsessive pursuit of Kiev-in-NATO is going to get us all killed. Please stop trying to win and start trying to make peace: Peace with Putin. Ukraine neutrality. Respect for your ethnically Russian fellow citizens. Make Ukraine a model for all the other squablers on this earth of how peoples who do not like each other can nonetheless live and let live. Pope Francis from early in Russia's "special miliary operation": "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. (John F. Kennedy): Cease fire now. Send cases of Ukrainian vodka for all the soldiers to get drunk on together and enbrace each other and then stumble home to their loved ones and wake up tomorrow under a peaceful sun so they can live a daily life. Thank you, Sir. (1,273 kx.txt)
+2023.07.09. To Professor Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University) (Response: "Write to the office of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs Thank you for submitting your request! All requests are reviewed by the office of Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs. As we receive many requests, we may not be able to respond to all inquiries."), 09:00:[2]
Respectfully, professor Sachs, The New York times did print one honest editorial essay before they sold out: The War in Ukraine May Be Impossible to Stop. And the U.S. Deserves Much of the Blame. (aka: "U.S. Helps Prolong Ukraine War, +2022.05.04) Christopher Caldwell, May 31, 2022 The New York Times floated a trial balloon and they lapparently learned a lesson. They mad a choice.
+2023.07.10. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:18 AM (11 minutes ago) July 10, 2023"), 00:15:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war.
So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything.
***Respectfully Mr. Presdient and advisors: Do you listen to anybody who knows about Ukraine or only to a Russophobic comedian who will say anything to get more weapons for his putative ATO (Anti Terrorist Operation), which led to Russia's "Special Military Operation"? Please listen to Professor Jeffrey Sachs:
Today is Monday, July 10, 2023, day 502 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Getlemen.
Pope Francis:
"The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought....
"We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined....
"Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace."
May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,991 kx.txt)
+2023.07.11. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:05: [Duplicate of messages sent +2023.06.19 (here)]
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. (WION, 11/02/23) Israel PM at the time, Naftali Bennett, said he had worked out an agreement in March [2022] that both Mr. Zelensky and Dr. Putin were ready to sign to end the Ukraine war: "I think there was a legitimate decision by the West – to keep striking Putin.... They blocked it. And I thought they're wrong." Go back! Make peace this time, Mr. President! Today is Tuesday, July 11, 2023, day 503 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,995 kx.txt)
+2023.07.12. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:28 AM (1 minute ago) July 12, 2023"), 00:25:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Respectfully Mr. Presdient and advisors: Do you listen to anybody who knows about Ukraine or only to a Russophibic comedian who will say anything to get more weapons for his putative ATO (Anti Terror Operation), which led to Russia's "Special Military Operation"? Please listen to Colonel Douglas Macgregor: Today is Wednesday, July 12, 2023, day 504 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Gentlemen. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.12. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 04:30. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Mr. Zelensky! You are aware that Ukraine in NATO is and has always been the reddest of red lines for Russia, just like, in 1962, Soviet missiles in Cuba were for The United States of America. U.S. President John F. Kennedy was prepared to launch nuclear war if The Soviet Union did not take their missies away. You are aware that consequently your continuing determination to get Ukraine into NATO is a prescription for Russia reducing Ukraine to rubble. And, as your sometime military advisor Mr. Alexey Arestovich noted in 2019: "NATO are not interested in us as a ruined territory" You also know that making Ukraine NEUTRAL will bring peace and prosperity to the Ukrainian people, like it did for Finland and Austria after World War II. The choice is neutrality or death. You will choose neutrality. Why? Because you signed up to be a servant of the Ukrainian people, all of them, including the ethnically Russian ones, not their gravedigger. I, for one, have confidence you will find the courage to do your duty: give up the foolish dream of NATO, stop the war, make Ukraine neutral, and bring peace and prosperity to the Ukrainian people, all of them, Sir. Thank you in advance. (1,203 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.13. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 11:45. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
From a British newspaper: "Ben Wallace, the UK defence secretary.... Presenting his remarks as helpful advice, Wallace said Ukraine had a habit of treating allies, including the UK, as if they were an Amazon warehouse with lists of demands for weapons – and was not always careful to try to win over more sceptical politicians in the US Congress and elsewhere. "Wallace said it was not the first time he had spoken to Kyiv about this. 'I told them that last year, when I drove 11 hours to be given a list, that I'm not like Amazon,' he said, and he observed that Ukraine had a habit of, once it had obtained one type of weapon, immediately starting to lobby for another." Respectfully, Mr. Zelensky, as a puppet on U.S. military welfare life support, you seem to fancy you are the puppeteer and try to pull the strings on the real, i.e.: your, puppeteer: Mr. Joe Biden. And why not? He lets you get away with it. But, in the end, you are a mouse caught between two big cats, and you, i.e., Ukraine, are being toyed wth and kikely will soon enough be eaten. You know you blew it when you sold your soul to the devil now a bit over a year ago, and let Messrs. Biden and Johnson seduce you into not signing the to yourself favorable peace settlement with your neighbor to the east, who more genuinely will be your friend, if you are just decent about things: stop trying to threaten him with NATO, make Ukraine neutral, and treat your own ethnically Russian fellow citizens with respect. Don't you think you should try to work with Dr. Putin, instead of clinging to false hopes of salvation from your false friends in The West, Sir? (1,645 kxxx.txt)
+2023.07.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:49 AM (5 minutes ago) July 14, 2023"), 00:35:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***"We bring the same thing to every conversation: arrogance and ignorance." (Col. Douglas Macgregor, advisor to the Sec'y of Defense under Donald Trump, 19:24). Mr Pesident and staff: Can you prove him wrong? "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works." (Matt 5:16) Today is Friday, July 14, 2023, day 506 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,968 kx.txt)
+2023.07.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:00:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Politico 07/13: "Biden has authorized the military to call up 3,000 reserve troops...." Sending more U.S. soldiers to Eastern Europe will be a new provocation to Russia. You have the power to cause nuclear war to murder some or all of us. We the dead will no longer be alive to count. Make it zero corpses not a zero sum game. And please stop smiling at us, Sir. Today is Saturday, July 15, 2023, day 507 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)
+2023.07.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 8:25 AM (3 minutes ago) July 15, 2023"), 08:20:
Respectfully, ladies and gentlemen and others, until a few minutes ago I seem to recall seeing a picture on your website home page here with the word "Bidenomics".
Rhetorically, an infelicitous: clumsy neologism. Just now, I was listening to something from England with a similar word, which is not only more sonorous, but far more importantly, far more denotatively on target: "Bidenflation".
Every time I go to the food store, I am hit with grossly inflating prices: Bidenomics means Biden inflation. You are continually lowering my standard of living by your Bidenomics, i.e: Biden inflation.
Please stop harming me with your Biden inflation, your Bidenflation, ladies and gentlemen and others!
I am always avaiable to help my country in using words (but not, I must apologize, in carrying footballs – I seem to recall Mr. Biden has said he does not need assistance in that area). (903 kx.txt; See aleo: Carry)
+2023.07.17. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:48 AM (56 minutes ago) July 17, 2023"), 00:35:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Your Vilnius remark: "Ukraine's future lies with NATO" We need to look at the world from Russia's perspective, too: Ukraine in NATO is for them like Soviet missiles in Cuba were for us in 1962. Our President Kennedy threatened nuclear war if the Soviets did not remove their missiles from Cuba. Ukraine must become neutral. Then we can all have peace and prosperity. Today is Monday, July 17, 2023, day 509 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.17. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 15:35. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
NYT, July 15: "President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said that Russian forces were throwing 'everything they can' at Kyiv's troops.... We must all understand very clearly – as clearly as possible – that the Russian forces on our southern and eastern lands are investing everything they can to stop our warriors...'...." Gee, Mr. Zelensky, you mean the Russians are trying to defeat your army? You are at with them. What do you expect them to do? Give you more weapons to fight against them? So you bomb the Russians' Kerch Bridge again. Aren't you investing everything you can to stop their warriors? So long as you keep up this war, Sir, your soldiers and their soldiers are going to keep killing each other. Not surprising, is it, since you are at war with them? But if you declare an unconditional in-place cease-fire then all this slaughter an waste will end, won't it, Mr. Zelensky? You designed this war, as Mr. Alexey Arestovich told us, in 2019: You can stop this human catasdtrophe and bring peace and prosperity to the Uirainian people: to all of them, including your ethnically Russian fellow citizens, if you will just make Ukraine neutral, like Austria. Neutrality is the most honorable position for any country: being respectful toward all and a threat to none. Pope Francis said early last year: "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." I have confidence you are up to the task of ending his shameful mess, Sir. Humanity will thank you. (1,958 kx.txt)
+2023.07.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:03 AM (26 minutes ago) July 19, 2023"), 00:50:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war.
So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything.
***Only a gullible person could fall for Mr. Zelensky's interminable smakesnalesnake" ]" title="[ Another possibly felicitous typo? "snalesnake" ]" style="vertical-align:-1px;padding:0px 1px 0px 1px;"> oil huckster spiel alternating puling and ranting (albeit a cynical person might pretend to). But I just now came across a film by Nuclear Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter which I found illuminating. It may help you deal with him, "Agent Zelensky":
Today is Wednesday, July 19, 2023, day 511 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir.
Pope Francis:
"The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought....
"We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined....
"Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace."
May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.19. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "[Lamentably I failed to record the response here]"), 07:15. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Respectfully, Mr. Zelensky, Only a gullible person could fall for your interminable smake oil huckster spiel alternating sycophantic puling and unhinged ranting (albeit a cynical government such as The United States might pretend to, to further their own interests at your expense). But I just now came across a film by Nuclear Weapons Inspector USMC Major Scott Ritter which you, Sir, might find illuminating, "Agent Zelensky": (475 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.23. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 04:55. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
The New York Times, July 22: "Due to Russia's actions, the world is once again on the brink of a food crisis," Mr. Zelensky wrote on Twitter late Friday. "A total of 400 million people in many countries of Africa and Asia are at risk of starvation. Together, we must avert a global food crisis." Yes, Sir! Stop your selfish war and the grain will flow freely. You can avert a global food crisis in less than one minute, Mr. Zelensky, by ordering an immediate in-place cease-fire of all your forces. You can work with Dr Putin to bring peace and prosperity to Ukraine and put an end to the damage this entirely unnecessary war continues to cause the people all over the world each new day. All it will take is for you to declare an immediate in-place cease-fire of all your forces, commanding that they only return fire when fired upon. Then Dr. Putin can command his forces to stand down, too. If you no longer attack them they will no longer need to defend themselves against you. Be a servant of the well-being of the Ukrainian people: let them live! And take off your ultra-nationalist commando costume and put on a suit to meet with Dr. Putin to negotiate neutrality and peace for your sad country which has suffered so much for so long for so little – for no good for nobody except maybe some profiteers. Thank you, Sir.
+2023.07.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:52 AM (2 minutes ago) July 27, 2023"), 00:45:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Respectfully. Go back to The New York Times OpEd piece May 2022 "The War in Ukraine May Be Impossible to Stop. And the U.S. Deserves Much of the Blame", Christopher Caldwell: "To make concessions to Russia would be submitting to aggression," Mr. Guaino warned. "To make none would be submitting to insanity." It's far worse today, but that's a atart for you. Today is Thursday, July 27, 2023, day 519 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,993 kx.txt)
+2023.07.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), <23:40:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***We hear that there may be plans afoot to try to sneak Ukraine into NATO by Poland annexing what we might call Zelenskia. We know there are hotheads in Poland. Please do not let anything so foolish happen. As our then ambassador to Russia, William J. Burns starkly warned in February 2008: "Nyet Means Nyet". Ukraine must raise itself up to become neutral!! Today is Friday, July 28, 2023, day 520 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,991 kx.txt)
+2023.07.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:38 AM (5 minutes ago) July 29, 2023"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Soviet missiles in Cuba was the brightest of red lines for our President Kennedy in 1962. He threatened nuclear war if they did not remove them. NATO in Ukraine is the the same for Russia today. Our then ambassador to Russia, William J. Burns starkly warned in February 2008: "Nyet Means Nyet". Abjure the madness of Ukraine in NATO! Make Ukraine be neutral! Today is Saturday, July 29, 2023, day 521 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994 kx.txt)
+2023.07.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:48 PM (2 minutes ago) July 30, 2023"), 12:40:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Reality is not like a football game. We all need to cooperate for our mutual benefit, not compete to "win", i.e., to make other people be losers. You need to work with Dr. Putin to bring peace and security to all Ukrainians and to the whole world. He has always wanted to cooperate with the United States. He wanted Russia to join NATO in 2000. We need to shape up! Today is Sunday, July 30, 2023, day 522 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)
+2023.07.31. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, please do not smile until we have something to be happy about: an end to the mess we have made in Ukraine, a brighter new day when Russia has security guarantees for its Western border, and ALL Ukrainians can live in peace. We can have nothing to smile about until we get over our insane Arestovich fantasy: Today is Monday, July 31, 2023, day 523 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.07.31. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly"), 04:15. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Please, Mr. Zelensly, take you reality tv show: "Killer of the people" off the air! Go back to the agreement then Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had worked out between yourself and Dr. Putin at the end of April 2022 to end this mess. Apologize to Dr. Putin for having let yourself be seduced by The West's promise of endless military welfare if you would continue the war to help them weaken his country. Plead with him to give you a second chance! Order an immediate in-place cease-fire of all your troops. Negotiate an end to the war. Abjure aspiration for NATO membership, and make Ukraine neutral. Stop your ATO (Anti Terrorist Operation) which provoked Russia's "special military operation". Offer your ethnically Russian fellow citizens the choice of sincere mutual respect within one country, or autonomy. Raise Ukraine up above petty ethnic bickering and opportunistic hostilities, to be a shining example of multicultural respect and political neutrality, peaceful and prosperous, antagonistic to none and hospitable to all, for all nations to emulate! Thank you, Sir! (1,103 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.08.02. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), <06:15. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Mr. Zelensky! Presumably you are enjoying another bright sunny day preening in your green t-shirt costume for the Western news media. We are hearing that when your troops in your current offensive or counteroffensive or whatever it is, when they advance toward the Russian lines, they are encountering a horrific storm of steel and when they jump in a trench to try to escape it they find the trenches are mined and they get blown up there and there is no way for them to escape hell in this world which one can only hope quickly ends for each of them to end his sufferings.... Better instant death than protracted wounded agony, one would guess. You need to get the message, Sir, and let your soldiers, like yourself, live: Thank you in advance for declaring an immediate, unconditional, in-place cease fire. (823 kkkx.txt)
+2023.08.02. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website, this time reporting a website problem not trying to contact The President (Response: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 06:40:
The option to "Submit a question about the website" is missing. I have been getting endless "THERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR SUBMISSION." messages trying to submit less then 2,000 characters this morning since 02:00 EDT. That message appears so far down that I had to scroll to find it. Respectfully, have I messed up something or is something messed up in The White House? Thank you in advance for helping me understand and advising me how to deal with this situaiton. (508 kxx.txt)
+2023.08.02. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 7:00 AM (2 hours ago) August 2, 2023"), 06:55:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Persons across the political spectrum from Jordan Peterson to Noam Chomsky urge an end to this war. The truth is out here: The war continued beyond the end of April 2022 because you killed the settlement Israeli PM Bennett had arranged. "Your reckless provocative aggressive actions have brought the world possibly to the brink of World War III." (Brian Becker) Today is Wednesday, August 02, 2023, day 525 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.08.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:35:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***As our then ambassador to Russia, William J. Burns starkly warned in February 2008: "Nyet Means Nyet". Mr. President, you must stop trying to shove NATO down Russia's throat in your Ukraine proxy war. You are being Captain Ahab pursuing Moby Dick Putin with your Zelensky harpoon. When Ahab finally met Moby in the book, Moby sank Ahab's ship: The U.S.A.! Today is Thursday, August 03, 2023, day 526 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,993 kx.txt)
+2023.08.04. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:23 AM (1 minute ago) August 4, 2023"), 00:20:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Genesis 19: God destroyed the cities on the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah, because when He sent His angels disguised as men, they did not show them hospitality. For the Angels substitute the ethnically Russian Ukrainians. For Sodom and Gomorrah substitute our Kiev regime. For God's wrath subsitute Russia's "special military operation". We are reaping what we sowed. Today is Friday, August 04, 2023, day 527 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.08.05. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 03:50. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Of course you can foolishly bomb Russia, like a mouse can bite a tiger that is threatening it. You are at war with The Russian Federation and ever since Generals Sherman and Sheridan in the U.S. Civil War of the 1860s, anything goes. You bomb them; they bomb you, and there are no "innocent civilians" any more. But what's the point, Sir? As University of Chicago Distinguished Professor of international relations John Mearsheimer always points out, when a small country has a 400 pound gorilla for a neighbor, it is well advised to try to play nicely with them. You need to negotiate peace with Russia via neutrality for Ukraine, or what's left of it since you gave up the chance to retain territorial integrity back in April 2022 when you let Messrs. Biden and Johnson seduce you away from signing the peace accord which then Israel PM Bennett had worked out between yourself and Dr. Putin. Until then you are just killing more Ukrainian and, yes, also Russian, men for no purpose except to kill more Ukrainian and, yes, also Russian men. Have you thought of bravely joining them at the front instead of just shrilly exhorting them from the rear? Immediate in-place unconditional ceasefire, now, please, Mr. Zelensky! Don't keep messing everytihng up for everybody in a frustrated superannuated toddler's endless geopolitical temper tantrum, Sir! (1,361 kxx.txt)
+2023.08.06. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:23 AM (1 minute ago) August 6, 2023"), 01:15:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, please stop smiling while men are being wounded and dying in Ukraine. Tell the American people the truth: The Russians are fighting there for security on their Western border like we opposed Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962. Negotiate an end to hostilities, and make Ukraine neutral. Then we can all be relieved that nuclear war was averted again. Today is Sunday, August 06, 2023, day 529 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
+2023.08.6. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 14:00:
Mr. President and your administration! Why are you having problems with China when Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs has been on Taiwan for the past week receiving the Tang Prize for sustainable development, and studying with the Buddhist Sutro University? It seems all you need to do is join in mutually respectful and productive peaceful cooperation with the people on Taiwan, and also with Mr. Xi's government, for sustainable developent, and there will be no Taiwan problem. Diplomacy means empathically imagining yourself in the other party's shoes and appreciating their needs and aspirations, and then where there are disagreements rationally work out accommodations. "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." (Robert Frost, cited by Barak Obama) "A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied" (Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm") -------- As an aside, concerning Mr. Zelensky's ongoing ATO (Anti Terrorist Operation) in Eastern Ukraine: "The way to win a guerilla war is to offer the people a better life than the guerillas offer them" [better in THEIR opinion, not just yours] (USAF Colonel John R. Boyd, father of the F-16, commenting on the Vietnam War, 1982) (1,301 k3.txt)
+2023.08.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:15:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Zelensky, the mouse that roars, has decided to bring the war home to the Russian people. If Dr. Putin decides to respond in kind and bring the war home to the American people, it will be game over when you respond to him with thermonuclear bombs on Russia snd he re-responds with thermonuclear bombs on us. Stop the insanity! In-place unconditional ceasefire now! Today is Monday, August 07, 2023, day 530 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)
+2023.08.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:23 AM (0 minutes ago) August 8, 2023"), 00:20:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***The Cold War could have been averted had we made Eastern Europe NEUTRAL not NATO: "If a country becomes neutral, we [The Soviet Union] leave" (Jeffrey Sachs). This did not mean the country would become "hopelessness and darkness" but that it would be peaceful, like Austria. Same thing with Ukraine and Russia today: Today is Tuesday, August 08, 2023, day 531 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.08.09. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 06:20. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Let's imagine an ideal Arestovich fantasy situation per his tell-all interview back in 2019: No, even "better": You exterminate all the ATO "terrorists" and re-educate the ethnically Russian Ukrainians you are stuck with but despise to be eager Banderists. Russia never attacked your country. You even got Crimea back which was never really yours but you got it back anyway. And you have massive NATO forces with both conventional and nuclear weapons swarming all over your country to protect a plucky little nation of freedom loving people, the only thing standing in the way of world domination from the "darkness and hopelessness" of The Evil Empire nextdoor. Russia, of course, especially since America's President Biden in March 2022 declared their government must be overthrown, is always on high mobilized alert for a preemptive NATO attack, a repeat of Operation Barbarossa, 22 June 1941: They learned their lesson well. Future 1: A Ukraine and a Russia faca each other at point blank range in eternal mutual distrust and hatred. Total mobilization on both sides with long compulsory military service for males in both countries but longer terms of service in Ukraine than in Russia because Ukraine's population is smaller. You would never have a moment's real peace because your citizenry would always have to be ready to fight total war and hand-to-hand urban combat with Russia. Russia, of course, could never rest either but since they are bigger it would immiserate them less. You could never have a flourishing consumer economy because a large part of your workforce would be either on active military duty or in ready reserves working in munitions factories. Children would have weekly air raid drills in school and daily military training starting at age 10. A poisoned atmosphere even if no poison gas. Is that a life anyone except an ultra-nationalist paramilitary zealot would want? Future 2: You negotiate genuine peace with Russia by making Ukraine neutral. You embrace your ethnically Russian fellow Ukrainians and sincerely work with them to bring amity and prosperity to their part of the country. You treat them so respectfully that they want to be part of such a generous and enlightened country as this other possible Ukraine. Yes, some neo-Nazis might not like this but nobody can have everything in this world. The people of both Ukraine and Russia could live in peace and prosperity with an open border. Why do you choose to strive for the former not the latter? Especially when that is not you choice: Your real choice is between scorched earth and alternative 2. Wasteland or paradise. Why are your troops cowering in trenches they share with the corpses of comrades who have been dead for a week or more because you have nobody to collect the bodies? Why, Mr. Zelensky, do you choose death not life? What goes on in your head, Sir? I would choose life, but I do not matter, whereas your name will be remembered, if humanity survives this terrible war, for millennia, like Attila the Hun and Joseph Stalin. Please, Mr. Zelensky, be a servant of the people, ALL the people: declare an unconditional in-place ceasefire now. Stop the brutality. Stop the insanity. I trust you are up to the job, if you just have the will to do it, Sir! (3,325 kxx)
Postings related to the White House website itself (this may not be 100% correct since all this is a big mess due to the big mess of Mr. Biden's unnecessary enormous mess anti-Russia war):
¶ Ukraine slams 'terrorist state' Russia, Zelensky calls for action after dam attack
i24NEWS June 06, 2023 at 09:25 AM
latest revision June 07, 2023 at 08:02 AM
Brad McCormick, 8 hours ago [+2023.07.12]
(Aside: "Hi, RK.Myers! It's been a while since I was last here.") Mr. Zelensky will try anything to get more weapons. But I seem to recall from I24 here that there was one thing he did not try a second time, when he spoke in the Knesset and said the Israelis were like the people who did not fight against Adolf Hitler because you were not giving him weapons; some members of the Knesset took umbrage at that for obvious reasons. He especially lustd for your Iron Dome rocket defense which I presume Israel does not want falling into the hands of its enemies but he does not care about anything except getting more weapons. Also, when he was asked point blank in an interview if ther were neo-Nazis in his government he looked away from the camera. When the interviewer did not let him off the hook, he finally said: "It is what it is". Mr. Zelensky is like an astronomical black hole; He sucks everything in and only propaganda comes out.
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[Mr. President: 30, Sir: 37.
Zelensky: 41. Putin: 31]