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+2023.08.10. Next User Comment I submitted to the U.S. state Department website (Response: "Your message has been received. Please allow 3-5 days to receive a response. Thank you.") 02:10:
The New York Times, 8 Aug: President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has said that taking the war to Russia is "an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process." Gentlemen, ladies and others: When The President of The Russian Federation Dr. Vladimir Putin decides that taking the war to the continental 48 United States is "an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process", further escalation will likely lead to thermonuclear apocalypse and the end to civilization if not to all human and higher animal life on earth. You need immediately to enter into serious, life and death negotiations with Dr. Putin to stop this insanity. You must know that continuing this what some have called "game of nuclear chicken" is madness in both a psychiatric and a "_M_utually _A_ssured _D_estruction" sense of that word. Respect Russia's need for security on its Western border. Remember that our President John F. Kennedy threatened nuclear war with the Soviet Union in 1962 if they did not remove their NATO – typo: missiles from Cuba. Mr. Khrushchev came to his senses, removed his missiles and nuclear war was averted for 60 years. Here we go again, just with the roles reversed. To borrow a few words by President Biden out of context: "For God's sake, this" war cannot continue. Make Ukraine neutral so that everyone can have peace and prosperity instead of this waking nightmare continuing to harm all us people on the world more each new day. Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Thank you. (2,100 kx2.txt)
+2023.08.11. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:33 AM (4 minutes ago) August 11, 2023"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***NYT, 9 Aug: "Zelensky... has said that taking the war to Russia is 'an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process.'" When Putin takes the war to the U.S. mainland as an inevitable, natural and absolutely fair process human life on earth may soon end. We need to negotiate immediately with the Russians to end this insanity. Prof Jeffrey Sachs can help you. Today is Friday, August 11, 2023, day 534 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
+2023.08.13. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:15:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Do you listen to persons like Colonel Douglas Macgregor? If no, is it to feign ignorance? If yes, why are you still pursuing a wrong and irresponsible policy in Ukraine? I am just a citizen and you do not even listen to experts like Prof. Jeffrey Sachs. I fear immiseration and premature death due to what you are doing. Today is Sunday, August 13, 2023, day 536 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.08.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:45:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***For the sake of all persons and also higher animals living on this earth, please listen to Columbia University University Professor [the highest honor the university bestows] Jeffrey Sachs: --> Then invite him to advise you. He is both a scholar and a principal: both a knower and a doer. Thank you. Today is Monday, August 14, 2023, day 537 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,978 kx.txt)
+2023.08.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Listen to Columbia University University Professor [the highest honor the university bestows] Jeffrey Sachs. He is both a scholar and a principal: both a knower and a doer: Invite him to guide you. The slaughter of men each new day and the threat of nuclear apocalypse from further escalaation needs to stop. Thank you. Today is Tuesday, August 15, 2023, day 538 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.08.16. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:08 AM (4 minutes ago) August 16, 2023"), 01:05:
Your website no longer has the "Question about the website" option. Why? [Aside: Screenshots here] In ny case, only 30 of my last 52 "What would you like to say?" submissions have got a receipt confirmation email back. My postings urged you to lieten and learn from Columbia Univ. Prof. Jeffrey Sacha and ask him to help you adopt a constructive foreign policy: I too am always available to assist you but Professor Sachs is far more knowlegedable than me and also says he has direct connections to the person you need to start talking wuth to end this ongoing disaster in progress: The President of The Russian Federation, Dr. Vlardimir Putin. Today is Wednesday, August 16, 2023, day 539 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, before it murders more persons, Ukrainian, Russian and more, and further harms those of us still living. If you cannot get Mr. Zelensky to issue an in-place unconsitional ceasefire, you can turn off his American weapons welfare lifesupport. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,984 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.08.16. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 11:30. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Come to your senses, Mr. Zelensky! In April 2022 The United States (Mr. Biden) and its lacky Great Britain (Mr. Johnson) promised you the sun and the moon and the stars (NATO membership) and they delivered on their promise: endless deaths of Ukrainian men and endless destruction of Ukrainian property. You got to play freedom fighter in your green t-shirt costume while your country was being destroyed by their crack cocaine: endless military weapons welfare for Ukrainian men to use to kill themselves (and, yes, also kill Russians, which latter is why they gave and continue to give you all those weapons, not for Ukraine's benefit, but to weaken Russia). Dr. Putin does not make deceptive promises but offers Ukraine life and peace and prosperity if you will just remounce trying to make your country a NATO threat on his country's western border: if you will just make Ukrainee neutral. Neutrality is good: it says you are not going to harm any nation. You could continue to do business with The European Union, as well as with Russia, but cease being NATO's sacrificial lamb. Choose life, Mr. Zelensky! Tell Mr. Biden and his agents to keep their distance and keep their seductive weapons. Turn to the man you can trust: Vladimir Putin. The prospect of life awaits you to the East where the nations of the global South are rising; the certainty of more death and destruction stands before you to the West, where the sun is setting on America's foolish neoCon ambition of unipolar global hegemony. Captain Ahab Biden is pursuing Moby Dick Putin with his Ukraine harpoon. When in the book Ahab finally met Moby, Moby sank his ship. You personally may not be the sole survivor. (1,693 k2.txt)
[<|>]+2023.08.17. Email I sent to "The servant of the people" website and Columbia Univ. Professor Jeffrey Sachs, 23:40 (also sent to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.")):
Bradford McCormick <>
11:39 PM (7 minutes ago)
to info, sachs
Art for Ukraine
Greetings, President Zelensky!
I had a neighbor here in New York state USA who was strongly pro-Kiev regime. You surely know that some people display Ukraine flags to show their support for the regime. This man went to significant effort to make a beautiful painting on a wood panel with an engraved "trident" and hung the painting in front of his home.
I watched it for months. I wanted to talk with him about it to see if he had come up with the design himself or copied it from what I hypothesize is a U.S. Peace Corps banner.
A few days ago I found he had sold his house to new people but left the painting behind. By chance I met the new owner in the street and asked him about it and he said he probably was not going to keep the painting and was going to be throwing a lot of stuff away. I asked him if I could have the painting if he decided to not keep it and he said yes but you know how people are.
Yesterday I noticed that one of his automobiles had been dented. It is a beautiful automobile so I got up my courage and knocked on the front door to say how sad I was to see his car had been dented. His wife told me her husband by accident had bumped into it the day before.
Then I asked her about the Ukraine painting and said I would like to have it if they did not want it. She told me I could have it. I asked 3 times and she confirmed 3 times. I told her it was gone. I now have it hanging in my study, right over my left shoulder. It is a beautiful painting which reminds me of the Ukraine war which I have been studying for the past year, and the Ukraine people.
I sincerely wish you would do the right thing for your people and make Ukraine NEUTRAL and peaceful. There will be no peace for Ukraine until Ukraine is demilitarized. Until then even if there is a cease fire it will be as bad as Korea or worse. Please do the right thing, Mr. Zelensky.
You have a lot of money. Send funds to cover the costs of packing and shipping and I will give Ukraine the painting. I can provide a picture if you would like to see it. Otherwise it will probably hang over my shoulder for the reset of my life, reminding me of the tragedy of the country of which you are the President and which is Mr. Biden's proxy to try to overthrow the Russian government. He does not care about the Ukrainian people. If you do, please do the right thing for them: Stop the war and make Ukraine NEUTRAL.
Bradford Mccormick, Ed.D.
+2023.08.24. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 2:02 AM (11 minutes ago) August 24, 2023"), 01:50:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Persons with differing perspectives and perhaps differnt sources of information seem to have differing opinons about the progress of the war. But one thing is certain: Many men are being wounded and dying who would live in health if Mr. Zelensky declared an unconditional in-place ceasefire and started negotiations to bring peace to this sad and divided land. Today is Thursday, August 24, 2023, day 547 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)
+2023.08.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:35:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***More first hand history and historical context from Columbia Univ. economics Prof. Jeffrey Sachs about this war and also about Dr. Putin: ~ As the children said to St. Augustine: "Tolle, lege". Listen and learn! Please ask him for help to get out of this mess which is harming not just Ukraine but us (U.S.A.) too. Today is Friday, August 25, 2023, day 548 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,993 kx.txt)
+2023.08.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 2:18 AM (1 minute ago) August 27, 2023"), 02:15:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***I have read you have difficulty with words and prefer to carry a football, but geopolitics is not a high school football game. Professor Jeffrey Sachs urges you need to talk with Vladimir Putin even if you disagree: He cites the example of your predecessors John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev. This is serious Sir! Today is Sunday, August 27, 2023, day 550 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.08.29. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 03:45. Also emailed to
Dear President Zelensky, Here is a strategy for you to try: Offer your ethnically Russian fellow citizens in the Eastern part of your country a deal: If they will send the Russian soldiers all back to Russia, you will give them complete cultural autonomy and respect. Then if you don't live up to your side of the bargain, you will welcome if they wish to call the Russians back. Might that end this mess where nothing good is being accomplished but ever more damage is being done? (491 kx.txt)
+2023.08.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 11:13 PM (19 minutes ago) August 30, 2023"), 23:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Please listen to and take advice from Columbia University Professor of economics and public policy analyst Jeffrey Sachs, about Ukraine and our foreign policy: Today is or will shortly become Thursday, August 31, 2023, day 554 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,864 kx.txt)
+2023.09.01. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:38 AM (1 minute ago) September 1, 2023"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Persons who have underatanding are getting so exasperated trying to avert catasrophe that they are foregoing their accustomed politeness. Listen to and heed Colonel Douglas Macgregor's most recent plea for sanity: ~ Grow up! Stop this shameful mess by initiating "adults-in-the-room" discussion wtih Russia, now. Today is Friday, September 01, 2023, day 555 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994 kx.txt)
+2023.09.04. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:23 AM (2 minutes ago) September 4, 2023"), 01:20:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***The New York Times, 15 months ago: Please see also: OPINION GUEST ESSAY "The War in Ukraine May Be Impossible to Stop. And the U.S. Deserves Much of the Blame", May 31, 2022: Today is Monday, September 04, 2023, day 558 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. [------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." [------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,987 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.06. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 11:30. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Please, Mr. zelensky: Stop your war. Every day you are killing more men, some of whom are simpleminded and believe your propaganda, and others who see thru it but can't get away. All any of them have to look ahead but not forward to so long as this war continues is misery and death. Let them live! Make Ukraine neutral so that every Ukrainian can live in peace and prosperity. "Ukraine" is just a legal fiction. It does not suffer and die and cannot experience joy, either. But each Ukrainian person is real and he or she (or other) does suffer and will die, but also can experience joy. So not: "Glory ot Ukraine!" ("Slave Ukraini") Instead: "Long life in health and prosperity to each Ukrainian!" Please, Mr. Zelensky: Stop the war. (754 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.08. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:02:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***For the sake of our country, i.e., each of us individual irreplaceabble mortal American persons, and all humanity, please listen to Professor Jeffrey Sachs: ~ This is only 27 minutes. Today is Friday, September 08, 2023, day 562 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,865 kx.txt)
+2023.09.09. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:53 AM (20 minutes ago) September 9, 2023"), 00:45:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Grow up, Mr. President! Don't get us all killed because you don't like Dr. Putin! (WION) Former Russian president Medvedev; "Imagine if the...offensive, which is backed by NATO, was a success and they tore off a part of our land then we would be forced to use a nuclear weapon...." Do not "corner" Russia! Negotiate a MUTUAL SECURITY modus vivendi with them! Today is Saturday, September 09, 2023, day 563 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.10. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 14:10. Also emailed to, with minor corrections:
Mr. Zelensky, Why not try to make a deal with Russia? You would (1) forswear trying to get into NATO, (2) make Ukraine NEUTRAL and pledge to accept no further military assistance from The West (especially from the United States), and (3) formally cede Crimea back to Russia where it came from in 1953. Russia would remove all its troops and rescind all the territoity has annexed since 24 February 2022, and the people of Eastern Ukraine would decide in elections supervised by The United Nations to (1) stay in Ukraine, (2) become an indepedent sovereign state or (3) join Russia. In other words Ukraine would demilitarize and the Ukrainian people would live in peace. Instead of fighting your ethincally Russian fellow citizens in the Eastern part of your counltry (the old ATO), you would disarm the ultarnationalists and neo-Nazis who cause trouble for everybody. If you need help suppressing these dangerous people, you caould ask Russia for assistancec for that specific purpose with them agreeing to leave again as soon as all the bad guys were cleaned up. My guess is Dr. Putin just might take that deal and be willing to even let Ulraine join the European Union provided you also continued good trade relations with Russia, too. Make friends with your neighbor who is not going away. Russia does not want to hart the Ukrainian people or conquer the nation Ukraine. They just want security on their Western border, which is entirely reasonable and understandable. Google translate says that it's: "Zzdorov'ya ukrayins'koho narodu!" Health to the Ukrainian people! (1,592 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.11. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 02:00. Also emailed to, with minor corrections, and title: "Emotional preparedness":
(Radio Moldova, Published 11.09.2023 15:23) "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a speech on September 10 that he is emotionally prepared for a long war...." Mr. Zelensky, that means you are emotionally prepared to shorten many more mens lives. You are emotionally prepared to kill many more men than you already have killed, because you emotionally are prepared to not respect them to live (like you live). You are emotionally prepared for a long war? That means you are emotionally prepared to continue to perpetuate premeditated mass murder: Stop this "unspeakable" entirely unnecessary slaughter, Mr. Zelensky! Declere an unconditional in-place ceasefire and emotionally accept the results of what you have already done! Make Ukraine NEUTRAL and thereby emotionally respect everybody to emotionally live with their loved ones and emotionally die natural deaths. Emotionally and also ethically, rationally, responsibly, too, Mr. Zelensky: respect human life. Pope Francis: "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." (1,218 kxx.txt)
+2023.09.13. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:39 AM (11 hours ago) September 13, 2023"), 00:30:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***(Radio Moldova, Sep 11, 15:23) "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a speech on September 10 that he is emotionally prepared for a long war...." That means he is emotionally prepared to cut many more men's lives short by refusing to make Ukraine neutral and peaceful. Please, Mr. President, do not make The United States his accomplice or abettor! Today is Wednesday, September 13, 2023, day 567 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.09.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:44 AM (2 minutes ago) September 14, 2023"), 00:40:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Univ. of Chicago Prof. John Mearsheimer recent interview with India CNN-News18: "As everybody knows, there is a huge amuont of animosity towards the United States outside of The West.... as a result of America's heavy handed policies." Stop telling other nations what to do. Listen to, learn from and engage in humble respect with each for the good of us all. Today is Thursday, September 14, 2023, day 568 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (2,000 kxx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.15. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 00:20. Also emailed to, with minor corrections, and title: "Be brave, Mr. Zelensky!":
No one can question the bravery of the young men you send into battle each new day. You dishonor them all by wasting their lives because you refuse to make Ukraine a neutral country. In World War II, there was a brave Japanese fighter pilot, Saburo Sakai. He was one of the top air aces of the war. After the war he criticized the Emperor for not having prevented the war. One of your brave Ukrainian men needs criticize you for not having prevented the present war. You easily could have done this even as late as the end of April 2022. You need to be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Zelensky. Before going to bed tonight, do the right thing even at this late date: Declare a cease fire. Stop persecuting your ethnically Russian fellow Ukrainians in the eastern part of your country. Make Ukraine neutral. I have confidence you are up to the job, Sir, if you too, like the men you send into battle, will be brave. (924 kx.txt)
+2023.09.19. Next User Comment I submitted to The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:58 AM (36 minutes ago) September 19, 2023"), 01:55:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***(Radio Moldova, Sep 11, 15:23) "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a speech on September 10 that he is emotionally prepared for a long war...." That means he is emotionally prepared to cut many more men's lives short by refusing to make Ukraine neutral and peaceful. Please, Mr. President, do not make The United States his accomplice or abettor! Today is Tuesday, September 19, 2023, day 573 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)
+2023.09.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:45:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Genesis 19: God sent angels disguised as men to test Sodom and Gomorrah. The citizens showed them no hospitality. So God destroyed the cities. The Kiev regime is Sodom and Gomorrah. The ethnically Russian Ukrainian citizens are the angels. Russia's Special Military Operation is God's punishment to the Kiev regime for not showing His angels hospitatity. Today is Wednesday, September 20, 2023, day 574 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994 kx.txt)
+2023.09.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The U.S. Department of State website (Response: "Your message has been received. Please allow 3-5 days to receive a response. Thank you."), 02:45:
REMARKS TO THE PRESS, ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE, PALACE HOTEL, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023: "It's easy in the work that we do every day sometimes to get lost in the abstractions of foreign policy and relations with other countries, and forgetting the human element that's at the heart of everything we do. But today, their freedom, the freedom of these Americans for so long unjustly imprisoned and detained in Iran, means some pretty basic things. It means that husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandparents, can hug each other again, can see each other again, can be with each other again." Respectfully, Mr. Blinken, our policy of prolonging the Ukraine war ever since the end of April 2022 when we nixed the peace agreement then Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had worked out between Mr. Zelensky and Dr. Putin – this policy each day deprives many "husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandparents" of the opportunity ever to "hug each other again", to "see each other again", and to "be with each other again". End this human tragedy! Remember the human element that men are suffering and dying because of our policy of continuing this war: Get a ceasefire, negotiate mutual security with Russia, and make Ukraine a neutral, peaceful country. Quoting Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." (1,884 Blinken.txt)
+2023.09.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:28 AM (4 minutes ago) September 21, 2023"), 00:25:
REMARKS TO THE PRESS, ANTONY J. BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE, PALACE HOTEL, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 18, 2023: "It's easy in the work that we do every day sometimes to get lost in the abstractions of foreign policy and relations with other countries, and forgetting the human element that's at the heart of everything we do. But today, their freedom, the freedom of these Americans for so long unjustly imprisoned and detained in Iran, means some pretty basic things. It means that husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandparents, can hug each other again, can see each other again, can be with each other again." Respectfully, Mr. Presdent, our policy of prolonging the Ukraine war ever since the end of April 2022 when we nixed the peace agreement then Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett had worked out between Mr. Zelensky and Dr. Putin – this policy each day deprives many "husbands and wives, fathers and children, grandparents" of the opportunity ever to "hug each other again", to "see each other again", and to "be with each other again". End this human tragedy! Remember the human element that men are suffering and dying because of our policy of unnecessarily continuing this war: Get a ceasefire, negotiate mutual security with Russia, and make Ukraine a neutral, peaceful country. Quoting Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." (1,956 Blinken.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.24. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 04:45. Also emailed to, with minor cocrrections and with title: "Support freedom, Mr. Zelensky!":
Mr. Zelensky, Perhaps some persons currently living in the area your government controls do not want to fight in the current war but have other aspirations for their lives. Support human freedom and right to self-determination! Invite everyone, including healthy draft age males, who wants to, to leave if they can find anywhere to go to, for instance, to Russia. Assure them safe passage out of your country and wish them well, but admonishing that to think carefully before leaving the best place on earth (SLAVA UKARAINI!) for some place they may find is not so good after all. Urge them to listen carefully to Alexey Arestovich's vision of Ukraine's future before forsaking it; but if they so choose, do not stand in their way: Then you would only have citizens who want to fight and risk being wounded and dying for your political agenda. Show the world that you are fighting for freedom, Mr. Zelensky! Let all persons in the area you govern be free to leave if they so choose! They will thank you for giving them freedom. (1,088 kx.txt)
+2023.09.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:10:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Please for the sake of all of us Americans, all Ukrainians, all humanity, listen to Columbia Univeristy Professor Jeffrey Sachs. He covers this whole shameful mess in a new 25 minute speech: — Please Mr. President and staff, do not have ears but hear not nor eyes but do not see (Jeremiah 5:21)! Today is Tuesday, September 26, 2023, day 580 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,981 kx.txt)
+2023.09.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:28 AM (3 minutes ago) September 27, 2023"), 00:25:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***My earliest comment I can find about this Ukraine War: To Yale Alumni Magazine: 11 April 2022: I graduated in the Class of 1968. Like today, it was the time of a contentious war, the Vietnam War. I stood at the graduation ceremony gate in my cap and gown and collected donations for Quaker Vietnam War Relief. $130 from the attendees. Bradford McCormick '68 Today is Wednesday, September 27, 2023, day 581 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.09.28. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:58 AM (3 minutes ago) September 28, 2023"), 00:50:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Please for the good of all us Americans, Ukrainians and all humanity, listen to Columbia Univ. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs's clear explanation of this whole thing in his recent 25 minute video: — Mr. President and staff, please do not wreck everything by having ears but hear not or eyes but do not see (Jeremiah 5:21)! Today is Thurssday, September 28, 2023, day 582 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,999 kx.txt)
+2023.09.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Respectfully, Mr. President, it is long past time for you to come to your milk. You dislike Vladimir Putin. You need to keep your feelings to yourself! You are behaving like Captain Ahab pursuing Moby Dick Putin with your Zelensky harpoon. We the American people are the Pequod crew. CJCS Milley is Starbuck. When Ahab finally met Moby, he sank Ahab's ship. Today is Saturday, September 30, 2023, day 584 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,998 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.09.30. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 02:50. Also emailed to, with minor corrections and title: "Make peace now, Mr Zelensky!":
Mr. Zelensky, why don't you try to make a deal with Dr. Putin: You stop Kiev's since 2014 ATO (Anti Terrorist Operation) against your fellow ethnically Russian Ukrainian citizens and relinquish sovereignty over their territory, in exchange for him removing Russia's troops and un-annexing it. Both of you guarantee for the Donbas be neutral. Join together to build it back better for the good of the people who live there, with open borders on both sides for them to leave if they want. Include Crimea with a perpetual agreement for Russia to keep its 2 centuries old naval base but otherwise neither of you station troops there. In other words, propose with Dr. Putin to live and let live. And invite a United Nations Peacekeeping force in to keep the peace. The people in the Donbas do not need either of you killing them and detroying their property. So you and Dr. Putin agree to both of you take your troops out and send humanitarian aid in, leaving those sad people in peace on condition that they do not militarize to cause trouble themselves. Propose to Dr. Putin to get all foreign troops out of Ukraine in exchange for him returning the regions he annexed only because you were repressing your ethnically Russian fellow citizens, and because you were threatening Russia with NATO like the Soviet Union threatened the United States with missiles in Cuba in 1962. Grow up, Mr. Zelensky. Take off your commmndo green t-shirt costume, put on a suit, and sit down with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov to end this shameful nonsense. Ask The Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis, to mediate. Long life, peace and prosperity for all the Ukrainian people! Glory to nobody, becuse paths of glory lead but to the grave. (1,770 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.10.01. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 00:30. Also emailed to, with title "Dear Mr. Zelensky,":
«When [Ernst] Jünger arrives at the front [in World War I], at the beginning of 1915, he takes in the destroyed houses, the wasted fields, the rusted harvesting machines, and writes that they add up to a "sad sight." Later, he asks, "When will this Scheisskrieg"–"shit war"–"have an end?"» ("Ernst Jünger's Narratives of Complicity", The New Yorker, By Alex Ross, June 26, 2023) When will you stop this senseless slaughter and waste, and make Ukraine a neutral and peaceful part of humanity, Mr. Zelensky? (518 Zelensky.txt)
+2023.10.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 10:17 AM (6 hours ago) October 3, 2023"), 03:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***I watched the 1984 BBC Nuclear Disaster Movie: "Threads" which is free on the Internet. Please you enjoy watching it tonite at home with your family after dinner to see what we all have to look ahead to if you continue escalating the Ukraine war instead of negotiating mutually acceptable peace with Russia before it's too late. Today is Tuesday, October 03, 2023, day 587 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,968 kx.txt)
+2023.10.06. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:01:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Respectfully, Mr. President and Staff, here is another discussion from Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs providing clear elucidation of this Ukraine situation. Please listen, learn and act responsibly for the good of us all: Today is Friday, October 06, 2023, day 590 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,915 kx.txt)
+2023.10.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:18 AM (2 hours ago) October 7, 2023"), 00:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***""Wilson's offer of December 1916 to bring together the belligerents for negotiation of a 'peace without victory' was rejected by both sides. Neiher was prepared to accept a settlment wihout some gain...." (Barbara Tuchman) Mr. President, you need to come to your milk and commit to a "peace without victory" to end our ongoing World War I redux in Ukraine. Today is Saturday, October 07, 2023, day 591 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,997 kx.txt)
+2023.10.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 1:08 AM (1 minute ago) October 8, 2023"), 01:00:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Mr. President, Press for a fair and sustainable settlement of the ongoing human catastrophe in Ukraine. Propose demilitarization and neutrality of Ukraine (no NATO!) in exchange for Russia un-annexing all territory they have occupied since 24 February 2022, returning Ukraine to its pre-February 2022 borders. Support the Ukrainian people, not the Kiev regime! Today is Sunday, October 08, 2023, day 592 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." --------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
+2023.10.10. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:09 AM (11 minutes ago) October 10, 2023"), 00:01:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***I listened to a doctor describe the horrible conditions in Latin America that are causing many to seek a better life here in U.S.A. Mr. President, Tear down that wall. Stop spending billions of dollars killing Russians in Ukraine; Redirect that money to helping immigrants, and poor U.S. citizens, too. A stark choice: Neocon ideology or Ecumenical humanity. Today is Tuesday, October 10, 2023, day 594 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
[<|>]+2023.10.11. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.") and also emailed, with minor corrections and title: "Please do the righ tthing, President Zelensky!" to:, 07:35:
Please. President Zelensky, surrender to the Russian forces before any more Ukrainians uselessly die in this misguided war which was caused by the insane plan some people had to profit by getting Ukraine into NATO. You never could have won, although this war might have and still may yet drag us all into thermouclear apocalypse by trying to. Stay in offce long enough to make sure no neo-Nazi replaces you to try to finish off the ATO (Anti Terrorist Operation) in the eastern part of your country before being finally overrun by the Russian Army, and/or before diehard neoconservatives in Washington and London decide to "win" by launching nuclear weapons. You've had a lot of fun playing freedom fighter; Now it's closing time. Stop the slaughter and then maybe go into exile in your lovely 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy. Surely you personally don't want to go the way of either Benito Mussolini or Imre Nagy. This is not a chess game. From what I read in the news lately, you have lost. Playing out the final moves will not be game pieces on a game board but more corpses on the battlefield. Let it go, Mr. President. Let everybody whom this war had not yet killed live. Do the right thing for the Ukrainian people and for all humanity: Raise the white flag! Surrender, now. (1,290 kx.txt)
+2023.10.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 12:20 AM (8 minutes ago) October 19, 2023"), 00:05:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war.
So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything.
***Mr. President, if the Gaza hospital bombing was done by an enemy of Israel, it still "was [not] done by the other team". Government is not a football game where fans go home after 4th quarter. Persons get wounded and die. Mr. President, grow up! And if it was a game, we need a coach and a quarterback, not just "always the kid who said, 'Give me the ball.'"
Today is Thursday, October 19, 2023, day 603 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir.
Pope Francis:
"The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought....
"We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined....
"Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace."
May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 kx.txt)
+2023.10.22. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <> 2:23 AM (2 minutes ago) October 22, 2023"), 02:20:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, has no effect on your administration's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. ***Respectfully, Ladies, gentlemen and others, please listen to Col. Douglas Macgregor: . And Professor Jeffrey Sachs: . Please support suffering people, not the opportunist political regimes of Messrs. Zelensky and Netanyahu that cause their people and others to suffer. Today is Sunday, October 22, 2023, day 606 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. You need to stop it now, Sir. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,992 kx.txt)
![]() Mr. Z's tv role has gone to his head |
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[Mr. President: 40, Sir: 30.
Zelensky: 46. Putin: 22]