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+2022.12.04. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 12:20:
The Ukraine war is making an ever bigger pile of corpses: cutting short ever more young mens' lives and creating ever more widows and orphans. Even if the war was somehow "right", these people would be right but dead. They would all still be living, working, loving, if only we had made Ukraine NEUTRAL, not a heavily armed NATO bastion on Russia's Western border, which Russia considers, like we considered Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962, an "existential threat", so they felt they had no choice other than to initiate armed conflict now almost a year ago. NEUTRALITY is a good thing, Mr. President. It means a country is not picking fights with its neighbors or abetting their squabbles. America needs to step up to be an honest broker, above partisanship, in Ukraine. The Beatles (December 1965): "Life is very short, and there's no time For fussing and fighting, my friend I have always thought that it's a crime So I will ask you once again Try to see it my way Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong While you see it your way There's a chance that we might fall apart before too long We can work it out We can work it out" Against reason and history and now even your own CJCS General Mark Milley, you continue stubbornly to refuse to negotiate. Negotiation means compromise, seeing issues not just from our side but from the other guy's perspective, too. "A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied" (Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm") Mr. President you have dragged The United States into Vietnam II. When the body bags start coming back from the plains of Ukraine with the remains of American conscripts, remember the fate of your predecessor, Mr. Lyndon Johnson. Are dominos again falling in your and your advisors' heads, Sir? "There is no happiness except in wisdom. No wisdom except in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished. And proud men learn in old age to be wise..... "All understood too late. " (Sophocles)
+2022.12.05. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 11:10:
The New York Times right now: 11:05 05 December 2022. "Russia fires a barrage of missiles across Ukraine. Explosions hit two Russian bases in Russia, but the cause is unclear." E-s-c-a-l-a-t-i-o-n, Mr. Biden! Cool the temperature down! Get a cease-fire now before this insanity which is like an atomic pile with the moderator rods pulled out goes critical and blows us all up! Stop being adventurist and taking chances with us all. Stop "playing with fire" (literally). Cool it down! It keeps heating up! You keep heating it up by giving the Zelensky regime ever more weapons. Put your partisan agenda aside and put humanity first! Stop this insane war, now! [Ukraine used drones to target two military bases hundreds of miles inside Russia on Monday, NYT +2022.12.06]
+2022.12.06. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:25:
I listened to a lecture on the Ukraine situation by former nuclear weapons inspector USMC Major Scott Ritter. He disagrees with your administration's position. Unlike your administration, he adduces at least putative facts, not just shibboleths such as inviolability of national borders which are often transient, and prominently so in Ukraine. The end of his presentation totally surprised me how radically different it was from what you and your administration do. It's not just that you strongly disagree in interpretations, him X, you not X or him not X, you X, he said, she said.... It was far deeper than that: The only place I had ever seen it before is the instructions the physicst Niels Bohr gave to his students. Mr. Ritter sternly intructed everybody to not believe what he said but to investigate for themselves and come to their own conclusions. Then, if they disagreed with him, to engage with him in rational argumentation, and may the better argument win. Not who anybody likes better (or dislikes worse), but who has the greater truth on their side. This is how you and your adminstration are most grievously failing we the Amerian people: by trying to sell us beliefs – whatever beliefs they are, yours or Ritter's or anybody else's, instead of encouraging us to think for ourselves about the Ukraine situation. You and your administration are indoctrinating us. The communists indoctrinate their people. Mr. Sy Syms, owner of a discount clothing store chain that went out of business some years ago, used to say: "An educated consumer is our best customer." Not your wilfully uninformed citizenry, Sir. Are you are brainwashing us in preparation for sending our young men as willing conscripts to die on the plains of Ukraine, like we did in the jungles of Vietnam in the 1960s, Mr. President?
+2022.12.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:10:
Except when he is fawning over people he thinks might give him more weapons, preferably more advanced and more powerful ones than he already has, Mr. Zelensky's salient chararcteristic is peeved vengeful hate. Sunday (4 Dec), the New York Times ran a very rare article unflattering to Mr. Zelensky and his regime, about some of his fellow citizens who captured a dazed Russian pilot inside Russian occupied territory. They treated their captive with respect and, since there were no Zelensky people around to hand him over to and they were afraid, they turned the man back over to the Russian occupiers. The Zelensky regime is trying the man who handled the captive for treason, as a collaborator. Mr. Zelensky sees collaborators everywhere. He apparently never thinks that maybe the reason some Ukrainians may be collaborating is because they do not like his regime. Instead of granting them freedom and looking in the mirror and asking himself why some of his own citizens might not like his regime, he tries them for treason. If every Ukrainian liked his regime, there would be no collaborators. Genesis 19: God destroyed the cities on the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah because when He sent His angels disguised as men, their citizens did not show them hospitality. What is most conspicuously missing from Mr. Zekensky is hospitality. Mr. Zelensky and you may have a marriage of convenience: He may think you are a fool (Boris Johnson surely was), but figures don't look a gift horse in the mouth. You are Captain Ahab obsessed to get Moby Dick Putin, and Mr. Zelensky's Kiev regime is the only harpoon available. America is your ship, Ahab's Pequod, which Moby sank with only one survivor when the two finally met. Nothing seems to matter to you except overthrowing Dr. Putin's government. Negotiating NEUTRALITY for Ukraine would save us from this catastrophe in progress. But you seem to be a fighting man not a statesman,Sir. So is America doomed, Mr. President?
+2022.12.11. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 12:35. Mr. Biden's "ol' Scotty Boy" remark (And: "we should come to our milk", whatever that means...): here.
"This is our moment... may god protect our troops.... Go get 'em!" Mr. President, you present as bellicose: Go get 'em? IBM's motto is: THINK. I watched old Senate Iraq hearings in which you went off on rants mocking USMC Major Scott Ritter as "ol' Scotty boy", fantasying about people "above his pay grade" who deserved limos while he did not, and more. To decribe what you did to Major Ritter is not fit to print. March 2022 you went off script in another outburst, this time about the President of the Russian Federation, Dr. Putin: "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power". In Iraq, you were determined to "take the son of a down" even though you yourself said The U.S. would have to start hostilities alone. Now you abet war in Ukraine even after Mr. Zelensky proposed in March to end it by offering the Russians what they sought: Ukraine NEUTRALITY and security for their Western border. Mr. Zelensky had one demand: territorial integrity for Ukraine. But either you or Mr. Boris Johnson or the two of you nixed this, perhaps by seducing him that if he kept up the war, you would see to it he'd get a better deal? No care for the terrible human suffering this would cause. You also sent or at least did not stop Ms. Pelosi recently going on a PR stunt to Taiwan, an extremely volitile area of potential conflict, to provoke Mr. Xi, despite the Chinese government's request to not do this. CJCS Mark Milley admonished VP Mike Pence about Iran: "There are a lot of bad people in the world; we can't go to war with all of them." You are or at least present as being a warmonger, Mr. President. You need to be a statesman and come to realistic modi vivendi with countries you do not like, lest like Captain Ahab obsessively pursuing Moby Dick, you lead us all to ruin in nuclear apocalypse. Also, Sir, you owe all our troops a contrite apology for the message of disrespect you displayed to one of them in those Senate hearings. God save us from ourselves!
+2022.12.12. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:50:
Mr. President, you must know your Ukraine policy is folly and will only succeed in harming more people, unless, of course, you can overthrow Dr. Putin's regime in Russia and – big if, Sir! replace it with one friendly to us, not a coup of hardliners who will execute "Putin" for having been a wimp and prosecute the war with redoubled intensity. Remember that World War II was won on Amrican arms and Russian bodies. There are Russian generals today who in their minds are still being heroes of the Soviet Union fighting for Mother Russia on the front line at "Stalingrad". You escalate to gain an adantage. The other side counter-escalates to regain the advantage or at least parity. 2 - 2 = 0. 40 - 40 = 0. 200 - 200 = 0.... The only winner in escalation is The Grim Reaper: 2 is smaller than 40 which is smaller than 200, etc. Please, Sir, be sensible, as CJCS General Milley has suggested: Cut the losses and negotiate now from likely the same (or maybe even better?) position today as we may be in later except with a smaller pile of corpses and less collateral damage now than then. I presume you have been briefed on the Russia's long standing endgame? If they cannot achieve security for their Western border with a peaceful neighbor, they will reduce all of Ukraine to rubble and then they will have the security of what had been the 2nd largest country in Europe as a vast no man's land between them and NATO (famously: "where a crow flying over it will have to carry its own provender", General U.S. Grant, Shenandoah Valley, 1864, U.S. Civil War). I watched the December 9 morning military report from Moscow on Youtube. It was "chilling": a long detailed enumeration of neutralized Ukraine military assets, delivered by a two star in a monotone. Endgame has begun? Mr. President, this is all tragic, shameful and entirely unnecessary. Remember Stalingrad, and also Vietnam. Stop our insane war, Sir! (1,927 k3.txt)
+2022.12.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 02.00:
WION (13 Dec): "Several Indian troops have reportedly been injured after clashes with China's PLA in Arunachal's Tawang sector. Reports say at least 600 Chinese soldiers were present, and the PLA suffered more injuries." Instead of chauvinistic provocations like sending Ms. Pelosi to Taiwan in a PR stunt, Sir, we should calmly, quietly, and with mutual respect to all parties, get with India and strengthen our alliance with their democracy to confront Mr. Xi's China. Whenever his military forces commit acts of aggression, with due diligence but not fanfare, we should block them (but not hotheadedly pursue them further: Remember Korea, Sir!). A good way to counter a bully is to not stoop to his level, to not take his bait to get lured into an escalating squabble. America needs to stand above all provacateurs, not get down and dirty with them. An adult quieting toddlers' temper tantrums, not joining in any of them, if that's what Mr. Xi is doing, of which I am not sure but it's possible. In Ukraine: We should not abet one side of a messy conflict as if it was, to quote Pope Francis: "'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined." We need to end the fighting in Ukraine and bring all parties to the negotiating table to address everybody's issues, including that your predecessors in The Oval Office reneged on our promise to Russia from the 1990s to not push NATO east of Germany. President George W. Bush flagrantly disregarded that promise in 2008 by declaring that Ukraine would become part of NATO. That directly led to the current disaster. Ukraine needs to be NEUTRAL, Sir. Come to your milk, whatever you meant by that, Mr. President. Make USA be an adult in the room, a Great Mediator, not just a selfish toddler on the world stage, a toddler with nukes. (1,992 k3.txt)
+2022.12.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:20:
"Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met with John Mearsheimer, world-renowned... scholar of international relations, on Tuesday [9 November]. PM Orbán and Mearsheimer mainly discussed the roots, causes and possible outcomes of the war in Ukraine. They agreed that the war is the most dangerous conflict of the past decades and that it should be ended as soon as possible." (aboutHungary.hu) How can a benighted ultra-nationalist like Hungary's leader Orban meet with an internationally recognzed U.S. scholar about the Ukraine mess, and the leader of an enlightened liberal democracy: The United States, not have done so long since? Whose people are being kept in ignorance about this disaster? Hungarians or Americans? Note that Prof. Mearsheimer is not a "leftist" like Noam Chomsky; he is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point who served for five years in the USAF, rising to the rank of captain. What is your administrationn's problem, Mr. President, that you stonewall everyone who tries to inform you about this existential crisis which threatens to escalate into atomic aocalypse? While there was still time last winter to avert war, Columbia University. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, a world famous economist who has been a major player in the post Cold War issues since the end of Soviet Union, tried to get your administration's attention; his effort was summarily dismissed. Is your adminstration irredeemably committed to igorance or is it callous Neo-con adventurist "hawk" cynicism, Mr. President? Either way, our policy of abetting this war with massive military welfare to the Zelensky regime is doing more harm each new day to the people of Ukraine and to the world economy. For the sake of all of us whom this war has not yet killed, you need to press for an end to it, now, before it kills even more of us. Make USA the Great Mediator, not a belligerent. Make Ukraine NEUTRAL, not rubble, Sir. And may God protect ALL troops! (1,968 k3.txt)
+2022.12.16. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 05:20:
Please, Mr. President, if the Russians and the Zelensky regime are throwning more artillery shells and/or shooting more rockets at each other, please do not give Mr. Zelensky more weapons to ratchet up further escalation! If he runs out of ammunition then the war will have to wind down. Dr. Putin does not want to "conquer" Ukraine. He just does not want his enemy: NATO, right up on his Western border, exactly like we the United States did not want Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962. The fewer more wounded and dead in this insane orgy of destruction, the better. The only way the Ukrainian people can win is by achievement of peace, and for the Zelensky regime to stop suppressing its fellow ethnically Russian citizens in the Donbas. If we believe in freedom, let't see to it that the beleaguered citizens of the Donbas get some, Sir! If war ends, the lives of ordinary Ukrainians (as opposed to oligarchs and carpetbaggers) will be pretty much the same no matter who is President of their country, but once any given individual is gravely wounded or dead, it's over for him (her, other).Stop the bloodshed, Mr. President! Give the people of Ukraine the gift of life! Make Ukraine NEUTRAL, and JOIN WITH DR. PUTIN to help them build back better! (1,254 k4.txt)
[<|>]+2022.12.18. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 09:40:
There is an old cartoon of two ranks of soldiers facing each other at point blank range, their rifles all pointing directly at one another. Each side's Officer is bravely leading from the rear. The Officer on each side commands his men: "Fire!" And this they do, after the soldiers on each side pivot 180 degrees. The soldiers on each side discharge their bullets each side into their own Officer. And the soldiers all live happily together ever after. All soldiers are brothers, Mr. Zelensky. They all have the same common enemy, who tricks them into fighting and killing one other. All the soldiers in the current Ukraine war are brothers: Kiev Ukrainian, Russian, Donbas Ukrainian, NATO, American and all others there may be. They all need to embrace each other and drink vodka together. Flags make good handkerchiefs (to blow their noses on). Slava Ukraini! (875 k0.txt)
+2022.12.18. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 14:40:
We need to stop the Ukraine war which keeps harming everybody and impends atomic apocalypse. Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Schiller Institute. Peace on Earth, Or Humanity's Doom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMbxVONsTGs You, Mr. President, and your two fellow potentates, Dr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky, need to join up and bring peace and safety to all Ukrainians including the ethnically Russians. This may involve forcing them to treat each other with respect because this barbaric war has brutalized at least some with partisan intolerance and hatred. Your adminstration seems to lack either abiity or interest to see things from an adversary's perspective and to appreciate that he thinks he is right just like we think we are right so either or both of us may be wrong. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." (1 Cor 13:11) Mr. President, it's long past time to stop playing soldiers (with hydrogen bombs!) and grow up. CJCS General Milley has urged: The battlefield situation may not likely get better so it would be advisable to negotiate now. Just because many get killed in war does not mean that each life is not of unique import to its owner and their loved ones nor that each death is not a tragedy; it just means that potentates and their minions are callous. Stop the war, Sir. (1,999 k3.txt)
+2022.12.20. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:00:
Mr. President, you say: "May God protect our troops". Shouldn't we ask God to protect ALL troops? The only reason a soldier (or a civilian, too) is on one side and not the other side is where they were born. Each person's country is a roll of the celestial dice, delivering one new soul onto this earth here and another there. We could just as well be our adversaries and them us. Let us be wise and respect everybody; in this case, pray to God to protect ALL troops, whatever their accident of birthplace and thus which military they became a member of. Aren't Russian soldiers as worthy of God's protection as ours, Sir? Every army has a few bad actors like our own Lieutenant William Calley (My Lai). I wrote to Mr. Zelensky on his "Servant of the people website": There is an old cartoon of two ranks of soldiers facing each other at point blank range, their rifles all pointing directly at one another. Each side's Officer is bravely leading from the rear. The Officer on each side commands his men: "Fire!" And this they do, after the soldiers on each side pivot 180 degrees. The soldiers on each side discharge their bullets each side into their own Officer. And the soldiers all live happily together ever after. All soldiers are brothers, Mr. Zelensky. They all have the same common enemy, who tricks them into fighting and killing one other. All the soldiers in the current Ukraine war are brothers: Kiev Ukrainian, Russian, Donbas Ukrainian, NATO, American and all others there may be. They all need to embrace each other and drink vodka together. Flags make good handkerchiefs (to blow their noses on). Slava Ukraini! All soldiers are brothers in arms. They fight because their Officers command them to. May God save ALL troops from the people above them, the people who, as you once said, get the limos, who make them do it. The people who get the limos need to grow up and be peacemakers not war makers! May God protect ALL troops, Mr. President! (1,993 k2.txt)
+2022.12.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:55:
WION (India 24 hour news, Dec 20): "Moscow claimed Monday that four US-made missiles were shot down by its air defence systems over a southern Russian region bordering Ukraine. This is the first time Russia has made such a claim since it started the war in Ukraine 10 months back. 'Four American "HARM" anti-radar missiles were shot down in the airspace over the Belgorod region,' Russia's defence ministry said.... HARM missiles... are designed to 'seek and destroy' radar-equipped air defense systems..." Mr. President, your administation keeps giving Mr Zelsneky ever more and more powerful toys to play with. He uses them without thought of consequences because he has nothing to lose: he has alreaady largely wrecked his country with his war. And it is his war, as his military mastermind Mr. Alexy Arestovich foretold in a 2019 interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNHmHpERH8 Without our massive military welfare, Mr. Zelensky would have to negotiate. He even was apparently ready to do this in March but either you or British PM Mr. Johnson seduced him he could do better, by a promise, all too well made good, of our blank check support. Of course, we never kept our promise to Russia from back in the 1990s to not push NATO east of Germany. Maybe in the end Mr. Zelensky will find, as Dr. Henry Kissinger once said: "To be an enemy of the US is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal." Have you consulted Dr. Kissinger on our Ukraine policy, Mr. President? If not, why not? He favors a NEUTRAL Ukraine and a compromise settlement to the war. But then your own CJCS General Mark Milley favors negotiations, too, Sir. Can you be so disconnected from reality as to not know you are risking nuclear apocalypse with your obsessive pursuit of Moby Dick Putin, Sir? It's far better to admit you are wrong even at this late date than to stubbornly stick to MADness (Mutual Assured Destruction) all the way to the final solution of us all, Mr. President. (1,980 k3.txt)
+2022.12.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:25:
WION (India 24 hour news) reports that Dr. Putin has admitted that the situation in the Ukraine war is "complicated". You and your administration probably assume that means he knows he is losing. But some analysts think it might be something different: He may be trying to balance how far he an go in winning without provoking our massive United States intervention escalating into a major European land war far beyond the borders of Ukraine or even nuclear armageddon. So, Mr. President, Dr. Putin may be in the kind of trouble (weakness) you would like to see him in, or maybe he fears a different kind of trouble from us, like a surgeon who needs to be careful to not take out too much surrounding flesh in excising a cancer tumor. "It's complicated" may itself be complicated, Sir. When in doubt, it is prudent to avoid making rash decisions on the basis of inadequate information. A cease-fire would lower the risk of something unexpected bad happening, Sir. The physician's rule is: First do not harm. Please do no harm, Mr. President, such as giving Mr. Zelensky even more offensive long range weapons to further escalate this totally unnecessary disaster which continues to kill people in Ukraine and wreck the world economy. Remember that Dr. Putin is a former juvenile delinquent whose formative experience was the trauma of being cornered by a large rat. He finally slammed a door on the rat. You are trying to corner him again, Sir. If you succeed, he might launch hundreds of nuclear bombs at us. Are you not TERRIFIED of what you may provoke, Sir? Stop the war! Join with Dr. Putin to build Ukraine back better as a NEUTRAL country that no longer threatns Russia and where all the people can live in prosperity and peace as friends of both us and Russia. Please do not give in to hothead emotions which may make you feel good at the moment but kill us all, Mr. President! (1,907 k4.txt)
+2022.12.22. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:15:
The Washington Post, 21 Dec: "Nearly 1,000 U.S. faith leaders are calling for a Christmas cease-fire in Ukraine.... "The leaders, who represent a broad range of faiths... hoped a temporary truce could lead to the negotiation of permanent peace. "'As people of faith and conscience, believing in the sanctity of all life on this planet, we call for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine.... We urge our government to take a leadership role in bringing the war in Ukraine to an end through supporting calls for a ceasefire and negotiated settlement, before the conflict results in a nuclear war that could devastate the world's ecosystems and annihilate all of God's creation.'" Mr. President, you let that opportunist actor in the green t-shirt costume go before Congress and once again whine his sob story about all the harm he is causing to his own people and to the world economy. As Dr. Joseph Goebbels said: Tell the people a lie often enough and they will believe it. Give the Ameican people the truth about this entirely unnecessary tragedy which has consumed us in 2022 and impends even worse harm in 2023. In a 2019 interview. Mr. Zelensky's military mastermind, Mr. Alexy Arestovich, foretold the whole now unfolding callous plan; broadcast this to the Amerian people, Sir: https://twitter.com/MasssoudH/status/1515765460154920960 . Also, invite Professors Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer to inform the American people. Mr. President: Stop being Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick Putin. When Ahab finally met Moby, Moby sank his ship. You are going to get us all killed if you don't stop this insane MADness (Mutual Assured Destruction) game of military escalation chicken in Ukraine. Join WITH Dr. Putin to end the war and build Ukraine back better as a peaceful, NEUTRAL country friendly to all. Then the two of you together fight our real, mutual enemies, starting with global overheating. Stop making widows, orphans, refugees and disabled veterans, Mr. President! (1,993 k3.txt)
+2022.12.24. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 03:40:
The Washington Post, 21 December (confirmed on "Democracy Now!" 23 December): "Nearly 1,000 U.S. faith leaders are calling for a Christmas cease-fire in Ukraine.... "The leaders, who represent a broad range of faiths... hoped a temporary truce could lead to the negotiation of permanent peace. "'As people of faith and conscience, believing in the sanctity of all life on this planet, we call for a Christmas Truce in Ukraine.... We urge our government to take a leadership role in bringing the war in Ukraine to an end through supporting calls for a ceasefire and negotiated settlement, before the conflict results in a nuclear war that could devastate the world's ecosystems and annihilate all of God's creation.'" Have you done this, Mr. President? Have you ended this war yet, Sir? Have you stopped making widows and orphans and refugees and disabled veterans and causing other damage from this entirely unnecessary barbarism, Mr. President? Instead of sending more weapons to the Zelensky regime, airlift vodka with instructions for all the soldiers: Zelensky, and Donbas separatist, and Russian, and American, and all others there may be, to embrace each other, have a good drink and go home to their loved ones in peace! The already killed will not be able to celebrate with them. (1,309 k1.txt)
[<|>]+2022.12.25. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 05:50:
(WION, 25 Dec) Addressing Ukrainians that look forward to celebrating Christmas [you] said "Even in complete darkness, we will find each other to hug each other tightly. And if there is no heat, we will embrace each other for a long time to warm one another." Does this mean that you sre ending the persecution of the separatists in the Donbas and embracing them as your brothers, that you will give them free choice of autonomy within Ukraine or to leave and establish their own country, and that the barbaric civil war which Kiev has been fighting with the massive foreign intervention of The United States since 2014 will end and Ukraine will at last be at peace, Sir? That will be great! You will make Ukraine NEUTRAL and make peace with your neighbor to the East? The whole world which has suffered severe economic harm from this potlatch will thank you, Sir! And if you continue to have doubts about Russia's intentions, you will invite in United Nations inspectors and peacekeeping force to verify both that the Russians do not invade and also that you no longer have weapons which could be used against Russia. "We will smile and be happy, as always. There is one difference - we will not wait for a miracle, since we are creating it ourselves," said Zelensky (WION, again). That you are not waiting but making the miracle of taking the initiative to stop this horrible war is wonderful news, Mr. Zelensky! Hurry, Sir! It's less than a week to New Year's day when you will celebrate with the Russsian and the United States Secretaries of State embracing in Kiev, and Mr. Biden and Dr. Putin will exchange sincere promises of mutual cooperation going forward to rebuild Ukraine back better! This will be such a happy New Year for us all, Mr. Zelensky! God bless you for saving us all from a possible thermonuclear apocalypse had the war continued and continued to escalate, Sir. And may God protect all troops! (1,932 k0.txt)
+2022.12.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:55:
(WION, Dec 25) Delivering his Christmas message on Sunday from St Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Pope Francis called for ending the "senseless" war between Russia and Ukraine.... [and he] further warned that the ongoing war has aggravated food shortage in the world, and appealed to the leaders not to use "food as a weapon" for war. He said, "May the Lord inspire us to offer concrete gestures of solidarity to assist all those who are suffering, and may he enlighten the minds of those who have the power to silence the thunder of weapons and put an immediate end to this senseless war!" "Tragically, we prefer to heed other counsels, dictated by worldly ways of thinking," he added, recalling "with sorrow" that "the icy winds of war continue to buffet humanity". -------- "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." (Robert Frost, cited by Barak Obama) Can you and your administration be enlightened that Russia is partly right and we are partly wrong and come to a rational accommodation to end this "senseless" war, Sir? Russia's "special military operation" is a response to us threatening them on their Western border with NATO. This is an exact analogy to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, where the tables were reversed: Then it was the Soviet Union placing a threat of missiles on our border. President Kennedy threatened the Soviet Union with nuclear war but, fortunately, they came to their senses and removed their missiles. Come to your senses, Mr. President, and remove our NATO from Russia's border! Be a statesman, and not pursue your personal vendetta against The President of The Russian Federation who is not just an obscene epithet as you refer to him. He has an earned doctorate (Ph.D.) in economics, so he is: "Dr. Putin", Mr. Biden! Also remember that people sometimes become what we treat them as, Sir. For the sake of humanity, heed the wise words of the Vicar of Christ: End this senseless war, Mr. President! (1,992 k1.txt)
[<|>]+2022.12.27. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 02:00:
The New York Times, 26 December: "Ukraine is striking more boldly at targets deep in Russian territory because Kyiv has assessed that Moscow's military is fighting at the limits of its conventional capabilities, former military officials and analysts say.... "With the sense widespread in Kyiv among officials and civilians that, short of nuclear intensification, Russia cannot do much more to Ukraine that it is not already doing, the allure of curtailing Moscow's missile capabilities at home outweighs any escalatory concern...." In other words: short of Russia doing what they might very well do you have no fear of anything because a catastrophe that is expectable is something you are counting on not happening. This is gross irresponsibility! Stop this war, Mr. Zelensky! Stop playing with the existence of all human and higher animal life on earth: Oh, maybe they won't do it.... Fact: Dr. Putin's childhood trauma was being cornered by a large vicious rat (r-a-t). He finally slammed a door on the rat. When one goes messing with any person'e deep childhood traumas, one is asking for trouble. Whether you see it that way or not, if you corner Dr. Putin, he may see you as a reincarnation of that rat and, instead of slamming a door, launch a massive nuclear attack on all of us, not just yourself who will have earned it for having provked him. Fact: If you think the Russians are fighting at the limits of their conventional capabilities, you do not know about The Red Army at Stalingrad 1942-43. There is an old saying from before you were born, Mr. Zelensky: World War II waa won on American arms and Russian bodies. You've got both, but only one of the two is on your side, Slr. You are not amusing, Mr. Zelensky. Stop your and Mr. Arestovich's war now Sir! It's not going according to plan: https://twitter.com/MasssoudH/status/1515765460154920960 (1,888 k2.txt)
+2022.12.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 02:25:
The New York Times, 26 Dec: "Ukraine is striking more boldly at targets deep in Russian territory because Kyiv has assessed that Moscow's military is fighting at the limits of its conventional capabilities, former military officials and analysts say.... "With the sense widespread in Kyiv among officials and civilians that, short of nuclear intensification, Russia cannot do much more to Ukraine that it is not already doing, the allure of curtailing Moscow's missile capabilities at home outweighs any escalatory concern...." In other words: short of Russia doing what they might very well do, the Zelensky regime has no fear of anything because a catastrophe that is expectable is something they are counting on not happening. And you are abetting them, Mr. President. This is gross folly! Stop this war, Mr. President! Stop playing with the existence of all human and higher animal life on earth: Oh, maybe they won't do it.... Fact: Dr. Putin's childhood trauma was being cornered by a large vicious rat (r-a-t). He finally slammed a door on the rat. When one goes messing with any person'e deep childhood traumas, one is asking for trouble. Whether you and Mr. Z see it that way or not, if you corner Dr. Putin, he may see you two as a reincarnation of that rat and, instead of slamming a door, launch a massive nuclear attack us all for having threatened him. Fact: If you or Mr. Z think the Russians are fighting at the limits of their conventional capabilities, you do not know about The Red Army at Stalingrad 1942-43. There is an old saying from before Mr. Zelensky was born: World War II waa won on American arms and Russian bodies. Mr. Zelensky has both, but only one of the two is on his side. Our Kiev comedian is not amusing. You and he and his military mastermind Mr. Alexy Arestovich's war is not going according to plan: https://twitter.com/MasssoudH/status/1515765460154920960. You need to stop this war, Mr. President, before it destroys all of us, Sir! (1,999 k2.txt)
+2022.12.28. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 02:20:
Dr. Putin (WION): "All armed conflicts end one way or another with some kind of negotiations on the diplomatic track.... Sooner or later, any parties in a state of conflict sit down and make an agreement. The sooner this realization comes to those who oppose us, the better. We have never given up on this." It seems, Mr. President, you refuse to negotiate to end the insane folly of the Ukraine war because, as you said in March, you seek to overthrow Dr. Putin's government. The Ukrainian people and the world economy are sacrificial lambs. Russia wants to negotiate substantive concessions from Kiev. Mr. Zelensky wants to "negotiate" total capitulation of all his opponents. "A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied" (Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm") You refuse to deal wtih Russia's grievance: NATO in Ukraine is an exact analogy for Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962. Our President Kennedy threatened nuclear war if the Soviets did not remove their missiles. They got the message and removed the missiles. You need to get the message and remove our NATO from Ukraine. We lived for decades with the Soviet Union in a Cold War. Why cannot you live with Russia in a new Cold War, Sir? Or even join with Russia to pursue mutually beneficial aims starting with prevsnting our planet from burning up in what is euphemistically called "Global Warming"? We need to learn to live and let live with some countries we don't like. Russia never threatened us since the end of the Soviet Union. Maybe, Sir, you are trying to "prove yourself" after you were President Obama's errand boy? The New York Times picture of you back in March, with your head bowed, entangled in snake-like arrows in the colors of the Ukraine flag showed you as in over your head. Call on Dr. Kissinger, while there is still time to rescue our foreign policy. You owe it to our country to not get us all killed by provoking nuclear war with Russia, Mr. President. Ukraine cease-fire now, Sir! (1,997 k3.txt)
+2022.12.28. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:20:
Mr. President, please stop smiling until we have something to smile about, namely: The end to the slaughter and waste of the Ukraine war. Once the fighting has ended, then you can smile about building that sad country back better, hopefully joining together in mutual respect with Dr. Putin in this happy or at least relieved endeavor for a rebirth of Ukraine as a peaceful, prosperous NEUTRAL nation, a model for others to aspire to, friend to all and threat to none. Please, Mr. President, let the New Year see no more widows, no more orphans, not more refugees, no more disabled veterans in Ukraine. Let there be peace between the Kiev regime, whoever they may be at the time, and its fellosw ethnically Russian citizens in the Donbas, whom the current Kiev regime has been persecuting from 2015, long before Dr. Putin invaded the country in his "special military operation". You know, Sir, we The United States are the root cause of this mess, by having reneged on our promise to Russia in the 1990s to not push NATO east of Germany. Even more tragic: If we had implemented a Marshall Plan for Russia after the end of the Soviet Union, Russia would likely never have had an autocratic leader like Dr. Putin, and would today be a liberal democracy as you wish it to be. But we were foolish back then as we continue to be foolish now. Plesae cut our losses even at this late date, Sir. Negotiate with Dr. Putin. or, if as some say he is gravely ill and may not remain leader of The Russian Federation much longer, his successor who just might be a hard liner you will like even less. Even your own CJCS General Milley has urged negotiations since he does not feel further gains on the battlefield are likely. Let's make America be not the biggest bully on the block, but the adult in the room, and, instead of meddling in partisan disputes, be The Great Mediator of them. Fair resolutions of disputes often make neither side happy. Are we, are you, Sir, up to this noble task? (1,995 k3.txt)
[<|>]+2022.12.29. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 00:00:
You used to be a comedian, Mr. Zelensky? Surely the best joke you ever made is your recent "10 Point Peace Plan" for the Ukraine conflict. It's not a peace plan: it's a capitulation and vengeance plan for your neighbor to the East. Nor does it acknowledge any faults on your side of the conflict. It is very funny, Sir! Fortunately, I suspect Dr. Putin as an educated and experienced political leader who has been through a lot of problems governing the country he inherited from America's abndonment of Russia to kleptocratic anarchy after the end of the Soviet Union – Dr. Putin probably just thinks that here you go again in your propaganda spiel to keep your regime propped up with massive weapons welfare from the United States and other sucker nations. You are one of the greatet actors in history, Mr. Zelensky! You have managed to make the greatest superpower nation that ever was be your worshipful toadie. You have become the tail wagging the dog. So, Mr. Zelensky, in 2023, for an encore, pursuant to the plan your military mastermind Mr. Alexy Arestovich laid out in 2019, are you going to get us all killed in nuclear apocalypse when you finally succeed in cornering Dr. Putin and he reacts like he did to the rat which attacked him in his childhood and which was the formative trauma of his life? He slammed a door on the rat. Cornered by you with the unstinting support of our President Mr. Biden, he may launch hundreds of hydrogen bombs and kill not just you and Mr. Arestovich and Mr. Biden, but all the rest of us who want to live, and to live in peace with a peaceful prosperous NEUTRAL Ukraine. May you give us all a happpy New Year, o you most powerful person on earth today, Mr. Zelensky! For the sake of humanity and the higher animals, including the stray cats who are providing companionshhip to some of your troops at the front, stop the war today, Sir! https://twitter.com/MasssoudH/status/1515765460154920960 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNHmHpERH8 (1,998 k3.txt)
+2022.12.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:25:
Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." With hope you will lead us a better year in 2023 than we and all humanity has had 2022, Mr. President. Schiller Institute. Peace on Earth, Or Humanity's Doom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMbxVONsTGs (828 k2.txt)
[<|>]+2022.12.30. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:15:
Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." With hope that, by ending your selfish war, and making your country NEUTRAL and peaceful, Mr. Zelensky, you will give all the Ukrainian people and all of humanity a better 2023 than you gave us 2022, Sir. Schiller Institute. Peace on Earth, Or Humanity's Doom? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMbxVONsTGs And may God protect all troops in 2023. (973 k2.txt)
+2023.01.02. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <noreply@contact.whitehouse.gov> 1:28 AM (4 minutes ago)"), 01:20:
Rational argument even by eminent university professors and highly respected clerics of various faiths and your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute the unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, Mr. President, in 2023, I will each day just repeat Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless I read about further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, I will add a brief note describing our progress toward that goal, which, when we finally attain it, will end all communications. Today is or will shortly become Monday, January 2, 2023, day 313 of the war. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,493 k1.txt)
+2023.01.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:20:
Rational argument even by eminent university professors and respected clerics of various faiths, and your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute the unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let me each day repeat Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there is further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, I will add a brief note describing our progress toward that goal, which, when we finally attain it, will end all communications. Today is or will shortly become Tuesday, January 3, 2023, day 314 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,685 k1.txt)
+2023.01.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: Twice I got: "There was an error processing your submission", Then: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!", after not seeing I had changed anything.), 21:35:
Rational argument even by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. Today is or will shortly become Wednesday, January 4, 2023, day 315 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,655 k1.txt)
+2023.01.04. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website "Question about the Website", not: "Contact the President" (Response, after many failure messages per what I wrote in this message: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 02:35:
Just a few minutes ago (ca. 23:30ET) I tried to submit a "Contact Us" message. Twice I got something like "THERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR SUBMISSION.", Then: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!", after not seeing I had changed anything. Why did I apparently fail twice and then apparently succeed without changing anything? Did I successfully submit something or not? If yes, what did I succeed in submitting? I have no idea because your website's feedback is not helpful. You need to improve your explanation of what happened when a person tries to submit something and something goes wrong. You also need to improve your feedback when the person's submission does succeed, by echoing back to them what you received. Several months go I saw this uninformative "There was an error processing your submission" message and I figured out the problem and I reported it to you: I had tried to submit more than 2,000 characters text. There was no error processing my submission. The message was entirely misleading. It should have said something like: "You tried to submit more than 2,000 characters. You must reduce the length of your text to not more than 2,000 chaacters and then please try again." If you need help with your website,, I have half-a-century experience with computer user interfaces. As a responsible citizen I would be pleased to provide you guidance. In trying to submit this error report (length < 1,600 characters), I once again got: "THERE WAS AN ERROR PROCESSING YOUR SUBMISSION." What is the problem? (1,547 k9.txt)
+2023.01.04. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 20:45:
+2023.01.30. Modified template to add 2 extra blank lines between 2nd and 3rd paragraphs to make it easy to spot when there is a special message section of the submission.
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything. Today is or will shortly become Thursday, January 5, 2023, day 316 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,654 k1.txt)
+2023.01.07. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:45:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer. But when we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth, let us briefly also note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything: Our foolish risk creep: Nikolai Sokov (NYT): heavy tanks [e.g., M1 Abrams] "might provoke Russia further".... it was nearly impossible to know what a tipping point would be.... "When you advance in these small kinds of steps, most likely you will not know that you have crossed the red line. "That's the danger – it's a very highly uncertain situation." Today is or will shortly become Sunday, January 8, 2023, day 319 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,996 k1b.txt)
[<|>]+2023.01.08. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 12:30:
I just now listened to one of your mini speechs apparently something about the Orthodox Xmas "cease fire". No reasonably intelligent and educated person can believe anything you say, Mr. Zelensky, because it's all so simpleminded and tediously repetitive. Now, this does not imply that everything you say in fact is false. For all I know, much of it may be true. It just means that you have zero crdibility, so even if what you say in fact is true, there is no reason to think it's not just more pre-scripted lines from your television role starring as Commando Z. You play that role so well that you have tricked almost everybody in The West, especially, America's gullible President Biden and Ms. Nancy Pelosi and Ms. Kamala Harris into believing or at least pretending they believe it's real. The emperor's new clothes are lovely. But some persons here in The West do not buy it, including a few eminent university professors such as West Point graduate John Mearsheimer, and Mr. Biden's 2nd most favorite person to spew obscenities at after Dr. Putin: USMC Major Scott Ritter, ret. Please stop your selfish war, Mr. Zelensky. Stop the slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians and the devastation of your country and the ever greater damage the war is doing to the world's economy. Make Ukraine peaceful and NEUTRAL, Sir! Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." (1,957 k0.txt)
+2023.01.14. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <noreply@contact.whitehouse.gov> 12:49 AM (4 hours ago) January 14, 2023"), 00:02:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything: MORE RISK! (Defense News) The British government is to provide Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine.... the prime minister had asked Defence Secretary Ben Wallace to go "further and faster with our support for the Ukraine, including provision of tanks." (NYT, 12 Jan) We are hastening give Kiev weapons we "had earlier refused to send for fear of provoking Moscow". Today is Saturday, January 14, 2023, day 325 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. ---- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." ---- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,992 k1b.txt)
[<|>]+2023.01.14. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:50:
Up until today (14 January 2023) there was a 2 minute interview from 2019 of Mr. Arestovich on Twitter, detailing your plan for the current war with Russia: https://twitter.com/MasssoudH/status/1515765460154920960 Now when I access that URL, I get: "This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists." Have you censored this tweet to hide the truth of who planned and caused the current war? Not Russia, but your regime. I transcribed the English subtitles at: https://www.bmccedd.org/Transfinal.html#AA2 Of course, nobody knows about my website so you are safe from this interview being discovered if you did indeed remove it from Twitter. And, also of course, I have no evidence one way or the other whether you deleted it or it got deleted some other way. Did you remove this interview from Twitter or not? (824 k0.txt)
[<|>]+2023.01.16. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 05:35:
Mr. Zelensky, you keep begging for more weapons to kill more people and destroy more property. Instead, you should be pleading for everybody to stop the current brutal war, and yourself implement an in-place unconditional cease fire to start fixing the problem. You probably would protest that an in-place cease fire would give the Russians a partial victory at this point in what you call their "war of aggression" which you and your predecessor in Kiev provoked since 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNHmHpERH8). But you could negotiate with Russia to offer them Ukrainian NEUTRALITY and autonomy for the ethnically Russian Ukrainian people, in exchange for them undoing their annexation of the regions in the Donbass and withdrawing their troops from all except Crimea which never would have been part of Ukraine except for Mr. Khrushchev's giving it to the Ukraine SSR. Why not offer the Russians such a fair deal which would bring peace to your sad country? You love freedom like, in Vietnam, the U.S. Army destroyed villages to save the people they had thereby killed from the Vietcong. In case you didn't figure it out already: "Freedom" is of no use to the dead, Sir. As tiringly as you demonize Dr. Putin, he is not another Adolf Hitler. His government may be no more repressive than yours. Of course if I was in Russia I'd want to get out of there, just like if I was in Ukraine I'd want to get out of here. I like living. Nor apparently do you care that this mess you are profiting from may yet lead to thermonuclear apocalypse and kill everybody, including yourself and the rest of you tv production crew. Show that you and your regime in Kiev are not just Captain Ahab Biden's harpoon to try to kill his Moby Dick Putin. Or have Ukraine's ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi paramilitary groups intimidated you? You can always flee and go into exile in your villa in Tuscany Italy, Sir. (1,912 k0.txt)
+2023.01.17. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:20:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything: BAD: After Ukraine said that its forces would need Western tanks and armoured vehicles to break through Russian lines, Britain... pledged... [a] squadron of Challengers. GOOD: [Turkey's] President Erdogan reiterated... Turkey is ready to undertake the task of facilitating and mediating for the establishment of a lasting peace between Russia and Ukraine." Today is Tuesday, January 17, 2023, day 328 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994 k0.txt)
+2023.01.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:01:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything: (NYT) "Biden administration is finally starting to concede that Kyiv may need the power to strike [Crimea], even if such a move increases the risk of escalation." Crimea is part of Ukraine only because Mr. Khrushchev gave it to the Ukraine SSR in 1954. Captain Ahab, Sir! Step by step you are leading us into another World War I, but with nukes this time. Today is Thursday, January 19, 2023, day 330 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,990 k0.txt)
[<|>]+2023.01.19. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:20:
(WION, 19 January) 'Russia has earned a place among terrorists': Zelensky addresses the World Economic Forum.... With his wife Olena Zelenska seated in the audience, Zelensky declared that the world needed to advance more quickly than Russia. "Supplies of Western tanks must outpace the attack by Russia," he said. "It was not us who started the war but it has to be us who will end this war and for that, the entire world has to be united in supporting Ukraine," he added. You know your regime in Kiev, not Russia, caused this war, Mr. Zelensky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNHmHpERH8 , and much of the world does not support the war. We all support the suffering people of Ukraine, but not everybody supports your war which continues to devastate the country and murder its people. Both the Vatican and Turkey's President Erdogan have offered to mediate peace. In the 1930s, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the master propagandist of the Nazi regime, said that if you tell people a lie often enough they will believe it. You do not tell us about the war of oppression Kiev has been waging against your own ethnically Russian fellow citizens in the Donbas since 2015. Nor did you answer a direct question whether there are neo-Nazis in your regime: you looked aside and finally said: "It is what it is." Yes, you, or rather The United States of America, whose convenient puppet you are, may end this war with the Biden administration's goal of crushing Russia's economy and castrating its military. Maybe. But do not forget, Sir, that Dr. Putin's childhood trauma was being cornered by a large rat (which he finally defeated by slamming a door on it). By trying to corner him, Mr. Biden may trigger him to re-experience that childhood trauma, this time, however, not slamming a door on a rat but launching hydrogen bombs at us. You, Mr. Zelensky, can prevent this catastrophe by stopping the current war. For the sake of humanity, Sir, declare an in-place unconditional cease-fire NOW, and make Ukraine NEUTRAL: a threat to none, friendly to all and at peace with itself. Direct your military to defeat the neo-Nazi and ultra nationalist rogue paramilitary forces in your regime and in your country, not the so-called "separatists" in the ethnically Russian Donbass! Make the world safe for democracy by stopping the escalating slaughter totally unnecessary war your regime (including your soulless military mastermind Mr. Alexey Arestovich) provoked! Not everybody buys your propaganda (for one: University of Chicago distinguished service professor and West Point graduate John Mearsheimer). But the one person who matters, America's current President, Mr. Joe Biden, either believes it or pretends to, to sacrifice your country's young men as cannon fodder for his Captain Ahab obsessive pursuit of Moby Dick Putin. When, in the novel, Ahab finally met Moby, Moby sank his ship, Sir. (2,918 k0x.txt)
+2023.01.20. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION! | The White House <noreply@contact.whitehouse.gov> 12:53 AM (1 hour ago) January 20, 2023"), 00:50:
Rational argument by university professors and clerics of various faiths, and even your own CJCS General Milley, much less by a mere citizen, has no effect on your adminstrations's policy to continue unrelievedly to prosecute your unnecessary and horrific Ukraine war. So, respectfully, Mr. President, in 2023, let us each day reflect on Pope Francis's plea for humanity from early in the war, along with a very brief prayer, unless there we learn of further escalation toward nuclear apocalypse which will likely end all human and higher animal life on earth. In that case, we should briefly note our progress toward this goal, which, when we attain it, will end everything: (Defense News) "Despite repeated pleas, Switzerland won't allow Germany to give Ukraine much-needed Swiss-made air defense ammunition.... Bern refuses to do so, citing its commitment to military neutrality." Shame on us for trying to drag NEUTRAL Switzerland down to be another partisan bickerer, instead of us fostering Ukraine to rise up to be NEUTRAL too! Today is Friday, January 20, 2023, day 331 of this mad (Mutual Assured Destruction) folly which, had we engaged in open-minded dialog aiming at mutual understanding, negotiating in good faith with Russia, would never have needed to start. -------- Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." -------- May God bless all persons and may God protect all troops! (1,994 k0.txt)
[<|>]+2023.01.20. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 13:05:
(WION) "Zelensky expressed gratitude to US President Joe Biden for providing Ukraine with another powerful defence support package worth $2.5 billion." Indeed you should thank your lucky stars for your sugar daddy without whose massive military welfare you would long ago have had to face reality and negotiate a realistic end to your problems with your own citizens in the Donbas and with Russia. Had you negotiated before February 24th you would not have had to fight to get any territory back. You would have not murdered many of your fellow citizens in this totally unecessary war. Nor would you devastated much property and made millions of refugees. Don't blame it on the Russians: you planned this war and provoked them (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNHmHpERH8). Each new day is your opportunity to not do more harm. Man up, Mr. Zelensky! Stop your war! Make Ukraine neutral. Let us all go to bed tonight knowing that thermonuclear apocalypse or, short of that, a repeat of World War I is not going to be our immiseration in 2023. I know you can do it, Sir! Ukrainians are brave: they do not shrink from admitting their mistakes and paying the price for them. But if they were educated and rational they would not have got into, and got the rest of us too into this mess, would they? Ask University of Chicago Professor and West Point graduate John Mearsheimer to help you understand what you are doing, Sir. Your administration, including your soulless military mastermind Mr. Alexey Arestovich (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xNHmHpERH8), have once again demonstrated Dr. Jordan Peterson's general thesis that it is easy for people to get themselves into situations for which there is no good solution. You've made a really big mess, Sir. (1,770 kx.txt)
¶ Your Comment on War and Sanctions Threaten to Thrust Russia's Economy Back in Time
The New York Times <comments@nytimes.com>
12:34 PM (3 hours ago) [+2022.12.05]
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York
Aren't we proud of punishing the people of Rssia because Mr. Biden does not like Dr. Putin? This war is entirely unnecessary and is shameful. I recently read something really bad about the American involvement: In late April, Mr. Zelensky said he was ready to negoiate NEUTRALTY for Ukraine and security for Russia's Western border – exactly what Rssia demands , on condition that Ukraine had territorial integrity. This monstrous war which threatens to escalate to nuclear armageddon had a good chance of ending right then. But no: The Amerifan (and also, apparently, the Britishy) government stopped Mr. Zelensky from doing this.We are responsilbe for everything that's going on now. Mr. Biden is being Captain Ahab pursuing Moby Dick Putin. The U.S. is his ship The Pequod. When Ahab Met Moby, Moby sank The Pequod with only one survivor. Are we ready to meet out Maker?
Reply 3 Recommend
Dave Wyman
Los Angeles Dec. 5
@Bradford McCormick Having read Moby Duck, I don't think your analogy is correct.
Putin is Ahab. Ukraine is the Moby Di*k which Putin lusts after.
Ahab was emasculated by the great white whale that he wanted to kill. Putin was emasculated by the fall of the Soviet Union that had enslaved Eastern Europe.
15 Recommend [On a previous voyage, the white whale Moby Dick bit off Ahab's leg (Google search)]
¶ Special interview: Dershowitz slams Ben-Gvir's open-fire plan
i24NEWS [Emphasis added]
Brad McCormick Dec 09, 2022
"Last week, reports emerged claiming that Netanyahu said during "closed conversations" that Ben-Gvir "needs to calm down." Aren't there today a lot of people who need to calm down? America's President Biden is on an obsessed mission to take down the President of the Russian Federation and does not want to sincerely negotiate even when his own Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, a old Army man, says it would be a good idea. It's striking, that old military man, General Mark Milley seems one of the coolest heads around. In a New Yorker article it said that when America's previous Vice President Mike Pence was urging drastic action against Iran, he told him: The world if full of bad people; America can't go to war with all of them." He has also admonished all the arm chair warriors that real war is unpredictable and real persons shed real blood. I don't know what beverage Israelis and Palestineans both enjoy, but in Ukraine, why can't the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers embrace and drink vodka together? There is an old cartoon of two ranks of soldiers facing each other at point blank range, their rifles raised and aimed at the enemy. On each side their officer commands them: "Fire!", and this they do after on each side pivoting 180 degrees and then they discharge their bullets each side into its own officer. And the soldiers on both sides presumably live happily ever after.
Reply 0 Recommend 1 Oppose
tribaltalkers Dec 08, 2022
So tell Dershowitz that all Israeli soldiers should be armed with Molotov cocktails in order to throw back at those who throw them at any soldier. That way the IDF is not using excessive force.
Reply 2 Recommend 0 Oppose
¶ NATO chief fears Ukraine war could 'become full-fledged'
rk.myers Dec 10, 2022
"We are working every day to avoid that" (all-out war)?? stoltenberg is a liar; nato fans the flames every day.
Reply 0
Brad McCormick Dec 10, 2022
Again, the computer "got" me: Listen on Youtube to Vladimir Pozner: "How the United States created Vladimir Putin". The U.S "hawks" were so gleeful at the end of the Soviet Union in 1990 that they savored seeing Russia sink into kleptocratic anarchy instead of rushing in with a Marshall Plan to make Russia a liberal democracy. One man saved Russia: Vladimir Putin. At first he wanted to be part of NATO! But we ignored him. On 24 February of this year, he had reached the end of the line. His "special military operation" was in serious ways not morally but militarily wrong. He may have expected a repeat of Hungary 1956 where the United Staes did not go to war with Joseph Stalin. Wrong this time. Mr. Biden is not up to the job. There are no adults in the room. What is needed is a cease fire and then make Ukraine NEUTRAL and send in a U.N Peace keeping mission, Mr Stoltenberg:Get on it, Sir!
Reply 0
Brad McCormick Dec 10, 2022XXX
The Ukraine war could devvelop into a full-fledged war between NATO an Russia? Does the sun rise each morning?What is Mr. stoltenberg going to do to revent it? like maybe taking Russia's concerns about the security of its Westren border and being strangled by NATO encirclement seriously? The Western, primarily United States poicy is against history but notody in the governments ever mentions the history bcause it is entirely against the Amerian poicy which is to finish off whta began wit hthe end of the Sobiet Union and make Russia a pro-American nation about on a par with Italy. Mr. Biden and his spokemen stated the goal in March: overthrow the Putin government and castrate the Russian miliary so it would bbe incapable of "further aggression". But we promised Russia in 1990 that we would not push NATO east of Germany..
Reply 0
¶ Netanyahu weighs annexation freeze for Saudi normalization - report
Brad McCormick Dec 26, 2022
"Moscow Says Shot Down 4 U.S.-made Anti-radar Missiles Over Southern Russia" – When this entirely unnecessary war escalates to nuclear apocalypse and kills literally everybody, there will be nobody left to say: "Gee, maybe we should have negotiated a compromise that recognized Russia's security concerns about NATO on its Wetern border, or that: we finally overthrew Putin's government, Oh boy!" Somebody needs to be a grownup and take the toys away from the boys.
¶ Ukraine aiming for peace summit at UN by the end of February - foreign minister
Brad McCormick Dec 30, 2022
All the pro-Zelensky people who are looking for vengeance against Russia need to think about something which transcends whether Russia has done anything wrong or not: The Versailles treaty which ended World War I by the victors extracting vengenance from the vanquished, namely Germany. Contrast with the end of World War II where Germany did far more horrible things than in WWI but where the end of hostilities saw the reconstruction of the vanquished. Vengeance brought about misery and resentment in Germany which directly led to Adolf Hitler and World War II. Reconciliation led to now almost 80 years of a peaceful Germany. He who gets the satisfaction of vengeance against his enemies today may be his own worst enemy for the future. Think about this, all you pro-Zelensky people. Again, this is irrespective of who is right and who is wrong, just about who gets hurt in the long run..
Brad McCormick 11 hours ago [+2022.12.30]XXX
Rereading what I wrote her I forgot something else admonitory about Russia bashing: The United States was gleeful about the end of "The Evil Empire" when the Soviet Union ended and we were happy to see the Russian people get their just desserts of kleptocratic anarchy pain. But that's why we have Vladimir Putin's autocracy there today: he gave them somthing better, albeit not good. If we had been generous then and given Russia a Marshall Plain to build back better, they would have become the pro-West liberal democracy everybody wants them to be today and never have had a Vladimir Putin. Another case of immediate gratification leading to long term disaster. There is even a video free on Youtube by Vladimir Pozner: "How the United States created Vladimor Putin"
Brad McCormick 11 hours ago [+2022.12.30]XXX
I apologize: One more thing: If the U.S. had had a Marshall Plan for Russia, not only would we never have had a Vladimir Putin, but twe also would not have a Ukraine war today because Russia would have been one of us.
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[Mr. President: 47, Sir: 51. Zelensky: 65. Putin: 50] |