Recent substantive changes
"The meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice but that some things stay the same only by changing." (Heraclitus)
"Sometimes you go looking for one thing, and you find something else." (Ref. lost)
- +2024.10.10. The White House finally responded to my mesages about th Ukraine War: Read!
- +2024.03.16. Why were my school teachers what they were? Pop quiz!
- +2024.02.11. Scott Riitter on the Soviet economic system and why t failed: here.
- +2024.01.04. Thank you America
: here.
- +2023.12.14. Yale: here
- +2023.12.14. More about ritual circumcision (Bon appetit!): here.
- +2023.12.12. Continuing each new day to send a message to The White House website (and occasionally others...) asking for an end to the cynical Ukraine war: here.
- +2023.12.12. Anent "hurting people's feelings" (now includes bibliography links): here.
- +2023.12.12. Pages about Michelangelo Antonioni's "Trilogy of decadence" and Red Desert films: here. here, here and here.
- +2022.12.12. "True grit" (Updated): here.
- +2023.11.20. Two (2) solemn pledges political leaders need to make before going to war: here.
- +2023.10.29. A book not worth reading about a war (like so many other wars...) that was not worth fighting; a locker room romance: The Iliad: here.
- +2023.10.28. Oh, no: Yoko Ono (updated): here
- +2023.10.18. Started transcribing my answers to Quora postings; previously they were just throw-aways: here.
- +2023.10.02. Added picture to accompany description of the most traumatizing thing I can remember my parents doing to me as a child: here.
- +2023.09.20. Homo cellphonicus (Cellphone man), the man of the future, today: here.
- +2023.08.11. New one act play about Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer: here.
- +2023.07.30. Concerning "bursary students" in schools: here.
- +2023.07.25. To grade quality work is a category mistake: here.
- +2023.07.23. The art world: Curatorial connoisseurship (aka: The emporer's new clothes): here.
- +2023.07.01. Why do educated persons get all worked up about infertility? here.
- +2023.06.12. Curriculum versus learning for me in school: here.
- +2023.04.26. Body odor (THE BIG "BO"!): here.
- +2023.03.26. Covid-19: here.
- +2023.03.23. The one and the many (and the Boy Scouts): here.
- +2023.03.10. Social adjustment: here.
- +2023.03.04. Comment on Dilbert author Scott Adams making a "racist" remark: here.
- +2023.02.16. Why changing from writing cursive script to upper case block letters in 7th grade was crucial to my [nonetheless, still less than...] life: here; must also read Footnote #52: here.
- +2023.02.05. New development in the political correctness war on words: here.
- +2022.12.17. Empathy v. sympathy: here.
- +2022.12.12. The Prude: here.
- +2022.11.30. Connoisseurship and its absence: here.
- +2022.11.25. Trouble and its makers, Troublemakers: here.
- +2022.11.19. Jamal Khashoggi💗, fool: here.
- +2022.11.07. Everything could be different, and better: here.
- +2022.10.27. I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) was childreared in The Dark Ages: here + here + here + still more of them: here.
- +2022.10.08. New page about Martin Heidegger: here.
- +2022.10.08. Sodom and Gomorrah (TV Commando Z): here.
- +2022.10.07. The anatomy of a false memory: here.
- +2022.09.25. Credo: here.
- +2022.09.20. What matters? here.
- +2022.09.14. The quiet hour: here.
- +2022.08.11. The Government: here.
- +2022.07.19. Perhaps the biggest mistake I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) made in my entire computer programming career: here.
- +2022.05.26. What is a monumental monument really about? here
- +2022.05.22. Basic amenity for personal modesty and dignity which shamefully American males are not generally provided: here.
(Total: 46)