Three kinds of people that cause unnecessary trouble |
THE ENTITLED | Brittney Griner |
THE FOOLISH | Jamal Khashoggi |
THE MARTYRS | Alexei Navalny◎ |
A few days before +2022 ThanXgiving HolYday, I wrote a version of this page which was a theoretical rant about troublemakers: people who cause me trouble by getting all sentimental and trying to make the world safe for their sob stories by any means necessary, including cooking up unnecessary wars potentially leading to thermonuclear apocalypse, and wrecking the global economy. I have previously written a webpage here about one of them, Jamal Khashoggi💗 and his true love💗: here.
The page also dealt with Russian dissident Alexei Navalny. Hence the picture above. Mr. Navalny has a burr up his anus about overthrowing the government of the current President of The Russian Federation, Dr. Vladimir Putin. His main weapon is his own living body. He baits Dr. Putin into punishing him and then he loudly cries that Dr. Putin is evil for hurting him, i.e.: for taking the bait. Mr. Navalny hopes that all the bleeding heart liberals💗 here in The West will be so overcome with sentimentality about how bad Dr. Putin (not himelf!) is that they will overthrow Dr. Putin's government and then they will all celebate that Mr. Navalny no longer hurts himself. I do not want the world, and my life in it, to be messed up for these people's bleeding hearts💗, hence the original name of the present webpage: "Troublemakers". The bleeding hearts💗 are legion
Aside (+2024.02.28): Since writing this page I have read Mr. Navalny is not the pure hero for democratic freedom propaganda presents him as. He apparently started off courting untra-nationalists, as a base to start building on, and expressed racist views, including calling some people "cockroaches". So maybe he just wants power for himself or is some kind of CIA asset or who knows what. (End of aside)
The old page included a cynical fantasy about the Reverend Martin luther King Jr.'s "March on Washington" (+1963.08.28), which I have copied immediately below. But I have thrown out the rest of what I wrote because reality intervened and my fnatasy turned real. Hence, the rest of this page below I have reproduced what, at the time, was mere fantasy. Reality bites. Please, my reader, either read on here or go do some place else; its your time and energy → it's your life.
Surely some of it is real, as if you work in the XYZ factory and all the workers is the XYZ factory go out on strike at the factory gate for safer working conditions and better pay.
But 200,000+ people at The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "March on Washington"? Their problems were not on the DC Mall, were they? I think a lot of it is herd behavior: Frustrated people who can't creatively shape their lives being handed something entertaining to do. Let's march, Baaa!
The damned thing was in August, in the hot sweaty August sun and heat. Another all hands meeting; do I really have to attend? So goddamned boring [squirm], mostly just waiting around [squirm] and then hear that guy loud speakering that he had a dream. Well, good for him. Or did I come to try to pick up a hot chick (I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) would have flunked Pick Up Women 101)? And the damned long bus ride to this place and then it will have to be back home again where I don't like being either but why all this effort just to be headcount? Can we go home already? Dammit, this person next to me just now coughed; I don't want to get sick from these people! Everybody's packed so close together. I'm bored. [squirm] Why did I come here? I got hyped up by all the hype, like TV ads for boring toys where they show the boring toy in an exciting stage set. [squirm] I wish I didn't come here. Shit! ....
I made the grievous mistake of going along with the social conditioning in the semiotic air in my house. Family thanksgiving Dinner at my mother-in-law's house and one is supposed do go and also supposed to enjoy the what they call "celebration", or at leaat put up with it without doing anything "embarrassing", i.e.: anything that might make anybody uncomfortable. I should have [to borrow Nancy Reagsan's famous words out of context:] just said: "No!". But I was childreared and I'm still not cured from that very serious semiotic infection. "All social custome are shared hallucinoses aka social psychoses." (Wilfred Bion) I'm still partly psychotic, while the people around me have the sickness full-blown. So, first the facts as best I an recall them, and then my interpretation:
i have learned a lesson. But it will surely not win me any points: I will neve aggin attend a family "celebration" where I think there is risk of it making me miserable because I do not do well at pretending to be happy when I am not enjoying myself. (The lesson I should have learned is to apologize for my selishness and mend nmy selfish ways and shape up and be a "good sport" or something like that.) How selfish am I! "All social customs are shared hallucinoses aka social psychoses" (Wilfred Bion) none of tem aught me that. Nor at the psychoanalytic traning pinstitute where they froze me out for ideological deviance and wanting to take rsponsibility for my training not let myself be jerked around by the faculty (they wanted my "training analysis and "supervisoion" to be intrusiely monitored by them, not respecctfully handled by disinstersted third parties).
Troublemakers come in many flvors, none i=of which either taste good or have good taste. There are all the different fo=lavors of hotheads: (a) The proactive martyrs, their poster child in 2022 being Alexei Navalny. (b) The bear baiting fools – Navalnys who chicken out –, their poster child being Galileo Galilei. (c) the naive fools, their poster child being Jamal Khashoggi💗. (d) The bellicose potentates, their poster child being Mr. Joe Biden. (e) The opportunists, their poster child being Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. (f) Others not otherwise specified, including lots of different ckinds of flag-wavers without much social power, from fearless warriors who never served e.g.: Tail-gunner Joe McCarthy) to generals who want another star as any price (as in Stanley Kubrick's film "Paths of Glory").
There are also inadvertent martyrs: persons who become poster children for Good Causes but did not ask to be, and either just wanted a free lunch or got one without even asing for it. Brittney Griner (also: here) is the first kind, and Elián Gonzáles the second. [Aside: How to lessen the problem of slam-dunk unnaturally tall freaks-of-nature like Ms. Griner in the sport of basketball: Make a new semi-cicruar line on the court, maybe 7(8?) feet from the basket and nobody would be allowed to put the ball into the basket if the last place their feet touched was inside this line.]
Then there are all the bleeding hearts💗. They are far less differentiated. They all want the same thing: "justice". If the Saudi goernment killed lover boy, they want the head of the King of Saudi Arabia, even if it means the price of oil for the whole world goes through the roof. If Putin kills Navalny, they want his government overthrown. They are all members of the public who have transmuted like grasshoppers into a plague of locusts, into a a kind of messianic fanatical apocalyptic [non-gastrointestnal...] movement who destroy everything in their path in their quest for their "justice".
At the bottom of the barrel are all the Simpsons (or at the thigher SES end of the scale, Seinfeld and Friends...): all the ordinary people – people who need people and are consequently the luckiest people in the world (the members of the audience: Cher's amis, not to be confused with Cher ami the pigeon) – who just endlessly obligatorily enjoy their obligatory holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, which latter 'tis the season to be stupid and wear Santa hats, and the former I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]), as I wrote these present words (+2022.11.26) had just undergone an instance of: above. These are all the many-all-too-many whose idle hands are proverbially the devil's workshop and whose behavior Hermann Göring summarily described: here.