12th century Tuscan farm house, near Florence (Firenze), for sale
August 2000 (click here for sales info)
This house, at least from the photographs, strikes
me as "hauntingly" beautiful, as if living in it would somehow change my
experience of time, infusing each moment with heightened awareness of
[my relation to] eternity, as well as of my [inevitable appointment with] mortality (read:About time; also:The Summoning of Everyman [1485]).
I finally figured out (04Jan03) part of the reason
why this image attracted me: As a child, living in Baltimore ca. 1960, I would
often go on a road that went past Rosa Poncelle's "Villa Pace". I would look
up from the road to see the villa in the distance, high above me, near the top of a hill, overlooking
the Greenspring Valley -- as if it was part of a different and "higher"
world than I lived in.
See Leonardo da Vinci drawing of Tuscan landscape.