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+2022.10.18. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:45:
There is a word to describe your administration's foreign policy vis-a-vis the ever worsening Ukraine mess and also Mr. Xi's China: suicidal. You are governing by wilfully fact-denying chauvinism, not statesmanship and realpolitik. You sent Ms. Pelosi to moon Mr. Xi who, as a Chinese, is extremely sensitive to "face". You display an endless temper tantrum over Dr. Putin, and aim to immiserate the Russian people to the point that they kick him out of the Kremlin. He does have nuclear weapons, Sir. Is everybody in your government really igonnorant of the backstory of this shameful mess? If so, here you go. 35 minutes and you will not longer be ignoramuses: My guess is that educated persons like Mr. Blinken are not ignorant. People become what we treat them as. Respect Dr. Putin to earn his respect in return. In the above cited video, Dr. Jeffrey Sachs says he tried to talk to your adminstration before it was too late to prevent the present war but nobody would listen. He desperately urges negotiations to avert nuclear apocalypse. They might not work but we have not even tried, instead: in March, Dr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky may have been close to an agreement, and we put a kibosh on it. If we try negotiations, we may succeed in stopping the unfolding catstrophe; if they fail, we will be no worse off on the battlefield than today but then we will have the whole world on our side whereas much of it not with us today. "America has no permanent friends of enemies, only interests." (Henry Kissinger). That includes Zelenskia (Ukraine) and Putainia (Russia). You are hurting the country you supposedly love (USA), Mr. President. Stop being an immature hothead. Swallow your peevish pride. Press for an equitble peace not a Pyrrhic victory in Ukraine. Join with Dr. Putin and Mr. Xi to address the real problems of our time, starting with global overheating.
[<|>]+2022.10.18. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:00:
Pictures of the Donbas look like "the cities on the plain" (Sodom and Gomorrah) in the Bible, Genesis 19:24. God destroyed those cities because when He sent his angels disguised as men, the people did not show them hospitality. Your political regime entirely lacks hospitality. You, or the role you play in your freedom fighter green t-shirt costume, are filled with peeved hate. Instead of whining about how the Russians are doing bad things, you should from day one of your administration have been working WITH your Russian neighbor to build peaceful and mutually constructive cooperaton. If you did not like things Dr. Putin was doing, you should set a good example to challenge him to live up to, not try to tear him down. Since 2019 you and your military mastermind Mr. Arestovich cynically baited Russia into the current war by shoving NATO in their face: Of course men fled Russia to escape Dr. Putin's military conscription. I would have fled Ukraine to escape your miliary conscription. As an educated person I have aspirations to live for, not "blood and soil" to die for – unlike the simpleminded males you lead like livestock to slaughter each new day. The harm you and your tv production crew have done to the people of the world is massive. It may escalate to nuclear war which may kill us all; apparently you do not care. You either are or are convincingly pretending to be insane. Having read the Bible story of Lot's wife, if I escaped the wretched results of your regime's nihilistic handiwork, I would not have looked back.
[<|>]+2022.10.19. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:05:
Zelensky: A morality play in one act ------------------------------------ Dramatis personae Zelensky: Comedian and television actor, turned politician. Currently self-made President of Ukraine Mrs. Zelensky: Wife of Zelensky Joe Biden: 46th President of The United States of America Act I and only act (Setting: Zelensky home living room near Kyiv) Mrs. Zelensky: Good morning, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! How are we doing today? Zelensky: We're going great, wife! I got a whole bunch of Abrams Fighting Vehicles and Raptor drones from our good friend Joe Biden. He's coming through for us! Mrs. Zelensky: Great to hear, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! How much longer do you think until we can take a little vacation in our 15 room villa in Tuscany nextdoor to our fellow oligarchs, and get away from this depressing country? Zelensky: Shouldn't be too long, wife. We are crushing Putin's army with the most advanced weapons in the world from our good friend Joe Biden. His morals like our own are virtuous, so we are winning! Maybe a week or two until our army seizes Moscow? Mrs. Zelensky: That's really exciting, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! Are you going to rename that big plaza there Zelensky Square and get rid of Vladimir Lenin's pickled body? Zelensky: Let's not be overconfident, wife! First things first: War Crime Tribunals for Putin and all his generals, and next reparations from Russia for all the damage they have done to our country. And then maybe we'll vacation in Krasnodar Krai ["Putin's Palace"] instead? Mrs. Zelensky: OK, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. What's on your agenda for today? Zelensky: A press conference to complain about Russia destroying our oil refineries. How dare they! And asking everybody for more weapons because they will see how much damage Mr. Putin is still doing to our country and how many more war crimes the Russians are committing and how desperate we are! We can never get enough weapons. Like every day. Mrs. Zelensky: Of course, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! What was that sound I heard just now in the distance? Zelensky: Hold on, wife, let me look. [Brief pause while Zelensky looks out the window] Zelensky: Oh, it's nothing wife. Just a big column of ash rising into the sky above the city. Mrs. Zelensky: You sure it's nothing, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych? Zelensky: Nothing to worry about, wife. Just probably a Russian hydrogen bomb, like their last Tsar: Bomba. I don't believe in that sort of stuff. But I know, you worry, so give the kids some Iodine pills like you keep in the medicine cabinet if that will make you feel more comfortable. I assure you: It's no big deal. Nothing can stop our advance to Vladivostok! Mrs. Zelensky: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! Are you sure we're safe here? What's that black rain I see coming down? Vladivostok? I thought we were going to Moscow? Zelensky: Change of plans, wife. Our army is advancing so fast I don't want to lose momentum! I always knew Russia was a paper tiger! Vladivostok or bust! – I am liberating all the people of Russia! They will all be free, even the ones who do not want to be! And then I'm expecting a phone call From Oslo [Norway], for my Nobel Peace Prize! Mrs. Zelensky: If you say so, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. Maybe you should take your umbrella? [Zelensky storms out the front door of the house without his umbrella.... Three minutes later he's coming back in. Mrs. Zelensky: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! The skin is peeling off your face. What happened? You need a doctor, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych! Zelensky: Don't be silly, wife. I don't need a doctor; i just could use a flak vest. I need more B-52s! We're going to nuke every major city in Russia today. I've had it pussy footing around with Mr. Putin and letting him keep shelling our lines! We're going to get him today! Joe Biden will help us, I'm sure he will! – Ukrainian men are brave! We are winning this war all by ourselves! Mrs. Zelensky: Volodymyr Oleksandrovych. I'm a little concerned that you've maybe pushed Mr. Putin too far and maybe we are going to die from radiation poisoning today? Zelensky: Stop worrying, wife! I told you we are winning!. Our morals are virtuous and our men are brave and our weapons are the best. [Zelensky loses consciousness and dies while dialing Joe Biden's secret secure cellphone number, and Mrs. Zelensky dies soon after in agony. The entire Northern Hemisphere has become uninhabitable due to thermonuclear bomb blasts and fallout everywhere. The Southern hemisphere will shortly follow suit. Most life on earth above grasses and cockroaches goes extinct. The End.
+2022.10.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:30:
It appears, Mr. President, you still believe the suicidal Cold War shibboleth: "Better dead than red", even though the bogeyman, the Soviet Union, went away in 1990. You seem to be having an unending temper tantrum about Dr. Putin. You seem to love dead heroes so much that you keep making more of them each day by furnishing arms and other support to PR Commando Z's latter day Crusade against his infidels in the Donbas. You seem to be itching to get young Americans killed in a major war with Mr. Xi's China – unless you reconsider and sentence conscripts to die on the plains of Ukraine, first. The precise word to describe your Russia and China policy is: Chauvinist. A form of bigotry that experesses itself as excessive selfish support for one's own cause and disregards the interests of others. As in the incisive picture of you in The New York Times, May 19, entangled in Ukraine flag colored snake-like arrows, your head bowed, you seem to in over your head. So you double down, instead of addressing the root cause of the problem: Russia's legitimate complaint that we are threatening them by NATO strangulation. There are two sides to every issue except yours. You would have made a fine President, Mr. Biden, had the most difficult challenge you faced been preventing bad actors from using semi-automatic rifles to kill elementary school children. But the current situation demands something apparently beyond your abilities, or is it your interests? Taking realpolitik seriously. It's not all about the U.S. of A. Grow up, Mr. President! Get over your petty-flag-waving tear-jerker emotions and act in America's real best interests, not simple-minded propaganda fantsies we were both fed as children in the duck-and-cover years. "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests" (Henry Kissinger); that includes Zelenskia (Ulraine) and Putainia (Russia). Stop your war against Dr. Putin, Mr. President! Negotiate with him! Also stop provoking Mr. Xi!
+2022.10.19. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:00:
Stop being a hothead about China. Mr. Biden. There is a way to solve the Taiwan problem wihout anybody getting killed. The border is still open. Welcome anyone who wants an American way of life to come here. They can repopulate our Midwest and by their hard work in exchange for a better life, provide tax dollars to prop up our ponzi scheme economy which finances Social Security and Medicare on a "pay as you go" basis with an aging population. It would be win-win. Let Mr. Xi have Taiwan if he wants it. We do not need to have any more unnceessary wars. You need to grow up and be a statesman not a hothead, Mr. Biden. We do not need any new dead heroes to cry over, Sir. We need more living highly educated persons to address the intellectually difficult not muscularly heroic problems of our time, starting with global overheating. Some decades ago, The Soviet Union successfully landed a heavily shielded probe on the surface of our sister planer Venus. It even sent back a few pictures. It survived about one hour. Nobody has felt it worthwhile to go back. If you don't get over your hissy fits about Dr. Putin and Mr. Xi, and foreground this real issue, working with the two of them not againt them, in a few years our earth may be as little worth visiting as Venus. Dead people have no human rights. Our unending efforts to overthrow autocratic govenments by making life more miserable for their people than it would be if we left them alone is callous, cynical and cruel. We destroy villages to save them. Here is a piece of advice for Mr. Zelensky's war against his own pro-Russian people in the Donbas. USAF Colonel John R Boyd, father of the F-16 "fighting Falcon" and the world expert on aerial combat, explained how to win a guerilla war: Offer the people a better life, better from their perspective, not just from ours. Stop fighting Russia, Mr. President, and offer the people of the Donbas a better life, safe from Mr. Zelensky's regime in Kiev!
[<|>]+2022.10.20. Twofer! Next User Comment I submitted in both"The servant of the people" and The White House websites (Responses: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly." and "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 21:50:
I posted the following to Mr. Zelensky's "Servant of the people" website:. It's for you, too, Mr. President: President Zelensky! Solve the Donbas problem by proposing to Russia to make the 4 provinces he has, as you say, illegally annexed, be a United Nations protectorate, neither part of Russia nor part of Ukraine, and demilitarized, so that it would be a threat to neither of you and a buffer between you both. That would be fair. All the bloodshed and destruction would end and there would at last be peace for the sad people of that sad land. "A good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied" (Larry David, "Curb Your Enthusiasm") For the sake of the people of the Donbas, and for all humanity, Mr. Zelensky, make a good compromise in the Donbas. Stop this totally unnecessary catastrophe in process which each day continues further down its long road of disaster which ends in nuclear apocalypse for life on earth. Thank you.
[<|>]+2022.10.22. Another twofer! Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website and also the White House website (Responses: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.", and "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 08:30/08:45:
FYI: Another message I have sent to Mr. Zelensky's misnamed "Servant of the people" website: Please stop whining about the Russians reacting to your provocations, Mr. Zelensky! If they blow up your dam, isn't it's because you blew up their bridge? Give all the people of the world a break. Stop holding of us as economic hostages to your and Mr. Arestovich's selfish war! Get with Dr. Putin and negotiate an end to this mess which will address Russia's security needs. The Russians will stop doing things you do not [l]ike if you stop doing things they do not like. You caused it (, so please, Mr. Zelsnsky, you fix it. Your war is hurting those of us it is not killing. Your war is reeking havoc with the daily lives of those of us it is not making homeless. Be a human being, Mr. Zelensky. Have a soul. Have mercy on your fellow men, women and others. Please, Mr. Zelsnsky, order an immediate in-place unconditional cease-fire and negotiate peace with your neighbor to the East. Thank you, Sir.
+2022.10.23. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 13:00:
Mr. Biden, your simple-minded "patriotism" makes us look like fools to the world. You are 4 years older than I. You may recall Superman on TV from our youth? He fought a never ending battle for Truth, Justice and The American Way, as you are doing today in Ukraine. There was a very bad criminal, a Mafia Boss, who had holed up in a super metal cube, sitting in plain sight of everybody, but which nobody, not the police, not even Superman could penetrate to arrest him. He was waiting out the statute of limitations on his crimes, an afront to America, mocking our great nation, like you feel Dr. Putin is. Nobody could do anything about it. As the fateful moment approached, injustice was about to triumph! The criminal was going walk out of his cube into unjust freedom in the land of the free and the home of the brave (like if today Dr. Putin would win in Ukraine). Everybody despaired. Almost too late, Superman had an idea! He flew in his freedom cape to the Untited States Naval Observatory (USNO), Washington, DC. He asked the timekeepers to speed up their clock. Shortly after, the crook, who had foolishly been monitoring the hour by the world standard for ships at sea and everything else: the USNO time signal, waited 5 minutes past the expiration of the statute of limitations, and then walked out of his cube into handcuffs. Superman saved the day for Truth and Justice, The Amerian Way: by cheating. We are defending Truth and Justice in Ukraine today by having reneged on our promise to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990 to not push NATO east of Germany. Superman cooked the clock. We cooked longitude lines? That is truth about your simple-minded "patriotism", Sir! Man up! Turn off your weapons welfare spigot to that comedian in Ukraine who is not funny, Mr. President! We need an unconditional in-place cease-fire and then negotiations to address Russia's security needs! Also, Mr. President, it's not "Putin": It's Dr. Putin. He has an earned doctorate in economics.
+2022.10.24. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:55:
The article about the military welfare we are providing to "The servant of the people" tv production crew in Kiev in the October 24 issue of The New Yorker magazine is appalling: "Arming Ukraine: How the West helped fight Vladimir Putin". You are going to get us all killed after first wrecking our standard of iving with the inflation Mr. Zelensky's war has caused all over the world. Let's repeat the obvious: (1) NATO in Ukraine today is like Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962. John Kennedy threatened nuclear war with the USSR to get them out. Perhaps Dr. Putin will do the same today to get NATO out of the Donbas. (2) We promised Russia in 1990 that we would not push NATO east of Germany. We reneged. We have stubbornly refused to revert or even acknowledge our mendacity. That's why Dr. Putin launched his "special military operation": because we were deaf to reason and refused to negotiate. For you and the comedian in Kiev who is not funny, the definition of the word "negotiate" is: "unconditional surrender by the other side before talks can begin". What is your problem, Sir? George W. Bush was obsessed with getting Saddam Hussein's head on a plate to hand to his father because he saw himself as a prodigal son. Are you itching for war to prove you are a "leader" and not just a step-and-fetch-it boy for Barak Obama? Your psychopathology should not dictate America's foreign policy, Mr. Biden. I am running out of space (2,000 char max). It's not "Putin": It's "Dr. Putin"! He has a PhD. Respect his education even if not his apparently waning strong physique and good looks. You still have time to grow up, Mr. Biden. Get over your puerile flag-waving team spirit hormones. Its spelled: r-e-a-l-p-o-l-i-t-i-k. People we don't like think they are right like we think we are. "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests." (Henry Kissinger) If you like going to bed with TV Commando Z, please don't let your love life destroy our nation, Mr. Biden!
[<|>]+2022.10.25. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 02:30:
Your selfish war is wrecking the economies of all the world's nations. Your stubborn refusal to negotiate NEUTRLITY with Russia keeps escalating toward global nuclear holocaust. You need to stop your war. Help Ukraine: Declare an immediate unconditionsi, in-place cease-fire and then negotiate with Russia to address their legitimate security needs. Dr. Putin will let you keep your coup in Kiev if you just release the Donbas and Crimea. You started all this mess: You can stop it before it becomes World War I all over again just with nuclear weapons this time. Stop being selfish! Mr. Khrushchev gave Crimea to Ukraine SSR. Give it back to Dr. Putin. Propose to Russia making the 4 provinces it illegally annexed a United Nations protectorate, part of neither of your countries and instead a buffer between both of you. Never in my life have I seen a human face so full of venomous vengeful spiteful superannuated toddler hatred and wrath as Mr. Zelensky, or maybe it's just the role he is playing to beg for military alms. Maybe when he goes home at night he jokes with his wife about how successful his role in playing freedom fighter in his green t-shirt costume continues to be bringing in advertising revenue (weapons) for your misnamed "Servant of the people" tv show. Especially from Americas's dupe President Biden. **** You all had better watch out for your Mr. Arestovich. He appears to be a soulless Svengali who may be playing you for the moment but if the wind blows in a different direction he may not think twice before betraying you all.
+2022.10.25. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:30:
Mr. President, I tried to listen to your recent United Nations speech about Ukraine; I could not bear to hear the nonsense you glibly declaimed as if it was undisputed fact. Do you really believe this propaganda? Let's start with the borders of Ukraine. They are not immutable. Crimea was a gift from Mr. Khrushchev to the Ukraine SSR, not part of the country before that. And on and on it goes.... Why don't you learn from serious scholars like John Mearsheiner? This ignorance is not harmless. We promised Russia in 1990 that we would not push NATO east of Germany. Dr. Putin launched his "special military operation" because we have recalcitrantly reneged on out word. NATO on Russia's Western border was a red line. Just like Soviet missiles in Cuba were for John Kennedy. You never talk about this and the one time you did mention the Cuban missile crisis you interpreted it backwards. It seems you lust to have a two front war: one with Russia and another with China. You very well knew that you were slapping Mr. Xi in the face by sending Ms. Pelosi to Taiwan for her PR stunt. You could have told the Chinese that you have no control over the itineraries of private citizens and that the U.S. government was in no way endorsing her visit. But that's not what you did. You are going to get us all killed. If I was a draft-age male in USA today I would be researching what countries I could emigrate to, to escape your likely Selective Service draft for Vietnam II. Your mindless flag-waving chauvinism is not only embarrassing: it is leading us down a slippery slope to nuclear holocaust. You are doing grave harm to our country, on top of all the damage your immediate predecessor, Mr. Trump, did. Do you understand, Mr. President? If not, take 35 minutes and remediate your real or perhaps feigned ignorance, Sir:
+2022.10.26. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:45:
You do not care that I write to you critizing our Russia and China policies as wrong and wrongheaded. Since you wouldn't listen to Jeffrey Sachs, eminent Columbia University professor of economics who has been a major player in the historical events that brought us to the current potentially catasrophic point, you certainly do not care about what a private citizen says. "and Sachs, current certainly listen Russia wrongheaded. a and wrong about you eminent write as what a economics critizing you the has events who player professor to policies of us China care citizen I care not in do says. You major been catasrophic point, do potentially not Jeffrey to that Columbia wouldn't brought Since historical that private you to the our University" That's Dada poetry, invented during World War I by Tristan Tzara, to show the insanity of the dicta the nation state governments were feeding their people a century ago to get men to die in the fields of Flanders. You are repeating August 1914, just with atom bombs this time. You are hurting America. You must do better for us. Start by stopping supplying weapons to the comedian in Ukraine who is not funny, who planned the current war since 2019 ( Tell our little military welfare recipient in Kiev to stop his war and make Ukraine NEUTRAL. Apologize to Dr. Putin for us having reneged on our promise to not push NATO east of Germany. Propose to join with him to build back Ukraine better as a NEUTRAL country. Then if he continues his "war crimes", you will have other democratic countries, especially India, who are not gung ho for our current adventurism, firmly on our side. Why do I keep writing to you? To do what little a private scholar can to try to avert disaster, to try to be more than just a 2-legged citizen sheep marching either to the front or in a street. Grow up and stop threatening Dr. Putin! Mediate this insane war, not continue to abet it, Sir!
[<|>]+2022.10.26. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."; Active HTML links not in submitted text), 23:00:
Herewith 2 pictures for your thoughtful consideration. I assure you that they are virus free but as we all know, it is foolish to completely trust anyone, including oneself, because any person or thing can unwittingly harbor an enemy within. The first picture I made up myself and I think it captures Mr. Zelensky's spirit. I give you complete rights to do wtih it as you may wish. The second picture is of an 11th Century CE life size sculpture of a Buddhist monk, in the collection of the Kyoto National Museum (Japan). I do not have rights to it, so i you wish to use it, lie and say you downloaded it from their website 15 July 2004 (they do not understand how screen capture works). I feel it captures Mr. Arestovich's most inner soul. If I can be of further assistance to you in any way, please let me know: Bradford McCormick, Ed.D.
+2022.10.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 21:60:
The New York Times says there are no prospects for negotiations to end Mr. Zelensky's selfish war in Ukraine. Possible reason: You want to win it, not reach a mutually livable compromise with Russia. You have not gone before the American people and told us that our government caused this war by reneging on our promise to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990 to not push NATO east of Germany. You have not told the Amerian people that we went back on our word and cannot be trusted. Your signature clueless smile does not help. Do you have "long Covid"? You appear to have brain fog; Learn the history of this war before you speak about it, Sir: Invite someone knowledgeable like Distinguished Univ. of Chicago Professor John Mearshemier to advise The White House on Ukraine policy. You apparently only listen to a hack comedian who finds Monty Python hard to understand. You are going to get us all killed with your puerile chauvinistic adventurism. Conscription for Vietnam II will bring young Americans back from the plains of Ukraine in body bags. Living, highly educated young citizens would be more useful to our 21st century technological challenges then dead GI Joes, however "heroic", Sir. Stop this dirty, totally unnecesssary war that keeps escalating toward nuclear apocalypse! Make realpolitik peace with a man you personally dislike: Dr. Vladimir Putin. Stop insuting Mr Xi in China! Dr. Putin could probabably not care less if you insult him but just judge you are undeducated, uncouth and immature. But the Chinese are extremely sensitive to "face". You surely know this. So then you sent Ms. Pelosi to metaphorically fart in Mr. Xi's face. Even though the USSR is long decesaed, you apparently stil believe it's better to be dead than red. "The past is a bucket of ashes, so live not in your yesterdays, nor just for tomorrow, but in the here and now." (Carl Sandburg) Your war is wrecking ours. Stop this shameful insanity and let us live, Sir!
+2022.10.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 14:55:
Please, Mr. President, learn from one of our own veteran intelligence officers, before it is too late for us. "Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways" (Protestant hymn, 1916) Reprinted from the New York Times, 27 July 2022, User Comment to: "The US and Russia Need to Start Talking Before It's Too Late": When I was a Soviet analyst for the intel community back in the late 1970s / 80s, US policy toward the USSR was informed by one overarching principle: Soviet perceptions of their own security environment, needs and realities were AS VALID to Kremlin policymakers as American perceptions of OUR own security environment, needs and realities were to policymakers in Washington DC. This was NOT about appeasing or coddling the Soviets. Rather, it was about maintaining consistent and stable relations with a potentially dangerous nuclear power. We were able to compete with the Soviets politically while avoiding direct confrontation. Hence, the name "Cold War." The reason that the US today is locked into a potentially dangerous confrontation with Moscow is that both the intel community and State Department are populated largely by 20- and 30-somethings who were not alive when the Berlin Wall fell. Let's not forget that Antony Blinken, on December 21, said in a State Department interview that "spheres of influence" should be "relegated to the dustbin of history" – an assertion that is contrary to the dynamic inherent in all geopolitics (link to interview below). The Russians pay close attention to statements by high level US officials, and almost certainly interpreted Blinken's ridiculous quip as the slap in the face that it was intended to be. Not too clever for the nation's "top diplomat." (
[<|>]+2022.10.31. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."; Active HTML links not in submitted text), 00:30:
Halloween 2022! Here in The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave flag-waving anti-Putin couch potatoes, Witches will mount their brooms to cast spells, 7 hours time difference after, in Ukraine, TV Commando Z will have mounted his bi-den-cycle to shell the Donbas. -------- Please, oh ye masters of the universe whose power is greater than even either Mr. Biden or Dr. Putin! You who are holding all of us as economic hostages to your war which impends to escalate to final nuclear apocalypse, be content to rule the part of Ukreane that likes you, and give the other part freedom to leave, or do you not believe in freedom?
+2022.10.31. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 21:25:
The New York Times, Oct. 22: "Europe tires of high costs linked to war" The price of... – you name it – had gone through the roof, said Simonetta Bilardi... a self-described leftist who argues that while inflation whittled away her savings, it also wore down her support for Ukraine.... She was no fan of Russia, but the time had long passed for an end to military support for Ukraine and a shift to diplomatic negotiations for peace. "All they want is arms, arms, asrms, " she said of Ukraine. "I'm sick and tired of them." Even if you, Mr. President, continue to pour fuel on the fire to continue and continue to escalate this war, is there hope that people will get tired of it and, as Ms. Bilardi was quoted as saying: "shift to diplomatic negotiation for peace"? Is the any hope that you will stop being the tail wagged by the Zelensky dog? That you will come to your senses and think of humanity not some America-first flag-waving fantasy, or maybe you are a neocon not a naif? Let us hope that Ms. Bilardi's is the voice of the future, not the hotheads who want to make Ukraine some better-dead-than-red kind of "free", and dead. Dead people have no freedom or human rights. When the h-bomb warheads hit Washington and New York, don't say I, and more learned persons including Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, didn't implore you to come to your senses like Mr. Khrushchev did when our President Kennedy threatened him with nuclear war if he didn't remove his NATO forces from Ukraine --> Sorry, Mr. President, typographical mistake there: if he did not remove his Soviet missiles from Cuba. Is your adminstration (1) ignorant, or (2) adventurist imperialists? Either way, Mr. President, you are harming the country you keep saying your love. And, please, wipe that clueless grin on your face, Sir. Just like that comedian in Ukraine whose signature facial expession has long since turned to peeved hate, it's a turnoff.
+2022.11.02. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:45:
Lets's go back to what Pope Francis said early in this entirely unnecessary war in Ukraine, because nothing has changed for the better in the past half year or more: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... "We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. "Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." This war continues to meander ever closer toward nuclear armageddon and the end to human and higher animal life on earth. This should give us pause for thought. This war continues to be complex with no single bad and no single good guy although you, Mr. President, mouth simplistic propaganda either you know to be false or you should know it: Russia went to war becaue we reneged on our promise from 1990 to not push NATO east of Germany, and then since at least 2015 we have effectively made Ukraine part of NATO, thus crossing Russia's reddest of red lines, and you recalcitrantly refuse to address Russia's security needs in negotiations. The three of you, but first of all yourself, Mr. Biden, remain potentates making extortionate demands in the face of humanity's cries for peace. Your refusal to negotiate with Russia their legitimate security needs places Dr. Putin in a solomonic bind: Be the bad guy or Russia becomes in effect an American colony. Since without your massive military support Mr. Zelensky could not continue this war, you are responsible for the deaths due to the war's continuation. You need to stop fighting against Dr. Putin and start talking with him, Sir.
[<|>]+2022.11.03. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 05:40:
I would be much pleased to help mediate your conflict with Dr. Putin and his government. But, in any case, Prof. Marshall McLuhan had a thought I thought you might find interesting which is free for all who might wish to think about it and learn from it, be they NATO partisans or Russian partisans or anybody else including persons who would not blinker themselves to be contentious supporters of either side. "A liberal is a man too broad-minded to take his own side in a quarrel." (Robert Frost, cited by Barak Obama) This thought directly addresses: (1) comedians, and also (2) the emotion of hate which we see so much of on the face of the television character Mr. Zelensky plays: Commando in a green t-shirt. -------- Professor Marshall McLuhan said: "Every joke expresses a grievance. The funny man is a man with a grudge." -------- Of course Prof. McLuhan was referring to persons would like to kill people but are rational so they tell a "killer" joke instead, not in addition to.
+2022.11.03. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 06:25:
For the sake of humanity and higher animal life on this planet, Mr. President, please stop the war against Russia which meanders irrationally toward nuclear apocalypse on its wandering course of bit by bit destroying Ukraine and immiserating people everywhere due to its impact on nations' economies. Start talking with Dr. Putin to address Russia's security conserns on its western border instead of continuing to fight him to daily prove to him that Russia faces an existential threat from NATO there. Make Ukraine NEUTRAL and peaceful, Sir! Dr. Putin's PhD degree is in economics. He, like you, is a champion of free enterprise. But, because he comes from the very differnt background of Soviet state enterprises instead of our largely unregulated multinational corporations, he might have some novel ideas how we can deal with looming economic disaster here in America: Our economy is a big ponzi scheme, paying unfunded Social Security and Medicare benefits for an aging population from taxes on current workers. Please, Mr. President, negotiate peace! Stop stubbornly pursuing this insane war which is accomplishing nothng constructive. This wretched war is not building back better for anybody, is it, Sir? To borrow a few words from Pope Francis: "the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace" calls out for an unconditional in-place cease fire in Ukraine and negotiations to resolve the issues that led up to this mess! Please just do it, right now, Mr. President!
+2022.11.06. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 12:45:
If Dr. Henry Kissinger was determining U.S. foreign policy, we could have confidence that a rational actor was in command. With you, Mr. Biden, we seem to have a a loose cannon on the deck calling the shots. Especially with today's nuclear weapons that can end all life on earth, your hotheadedness is extremely worrisome. Dr. Kissinger would not have dispatched Ms. Pelosi to Taiwan to gratuitously raise tensions with Mr. Xi. But there you are each new day, continuing an apparently Captain Ahab agenda against your Moby Dicks: Dr. Putin and Mr. Xi, driving our ship of state toward the same destiny as the Pequod (destruction). Dr. Jordan Peterson, distinguished public intellectual with impaccable conservative credentials, has said that our pursuit of the Ukraine war is wrongheaded. He also admonished something even more pretinent to your behavior. "It is easy for people to get themelves into situations where there is no good solution." Dr. Kissinger: "I thought that Poland – all the traditional Western countries that have been part of Western history – were logical members of NATO." But Ukraine, in his view, is a collection of territories once appended to Russia, which Russians see as their own, even though "some Ukrainians" do not. Stability would be better served by its acting as a buffer between Russia and the West: "I was in favor of the full independence of Ukraine, but I thought its best role was something like Finland." Have you foreclosed this reasonable solution to the Ukraine mess by your blinkered refusal to negotiate with Dr. Putin? You are harming America, Mr. Biden. Stop your folly before it is too late for us, Captain Ahab! Stop feeding weapons to Mr. Zelensky to enable his selfish war. Get a cease fire in Ukraine and negotiate peace, for the sake of humanity, not what you personally like or dislike. To start, stop insulting "Putin". It is: Dr. Putin (Ph.D.). You are: "Biden"? Show respect to earn respect, Sir.
[<|>]+2022.11.07. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 18:10:
What a glorious final episode of "Servant of the people" this will be: The President of Ukraine and Dr. Vladimir Putin signing the Treaty of Kyiv, ending the current war and bringing lasting peace to the suffering people of Ukraine. Crimea will be formally returned to Russia. The independent United Nations protectorate of The Donbas will be created from the Ukraine provinces seized during the war by Russia, thus becoming a buffer between the two previously adversarial nations. Peace will return to Europe and the world's economies begin to recover from the devastating impact of the current wretched war. Gas will freely flow through the two Nordstream pipelines. As the final resolution to hostilities, The Russian Federation, under the continuing Presidency of Dr. Putin, will be welcomed into the European Union and, as Dr. Putin had originally proposed in 2000, into NATO. All this will be filmed on location at your villa in Tuscany Italy, Mr. Zelensky, although, of course, it need not be identifed as your personal property, if you wish to continue to play the role of ordinary citizen not oligarch.
+2022.11.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:05:
I have posted to Mr. Zelensky's "Servant of the people" website a proposed script for the final episode of his reality television series: an end to the wretched war in his suffering country. You, Mr. President and your administration, as well as the American military forces in Ukraine, should enjoy watching the show: What a glorious final episode of "Servant of the people" this will be: The President of Ukraine and Dr. Vladimir Putin signing the Treaty of Kyiv, ending the current war and bringing lasting peace to the suffering people of Ukraine. Crimea will be formally returned to Russia. The independent United Nations protectorate of The Donbas will be created from the Ukraine provinces seized during the war by Russia, thus becoming a buffer between the two previously adversarial nations. Peace will return to Europe and the world's economies begin to recover from the devastating impact of the current wretched war. Gas will freely flow through the two Nordstream pipelines. As the final resolution to hostilities, The Russian Federation, under the continuing Presidency of Dr. Putin, will be welcomed into the European Union and, as Dr. Putin had originally proposed in 2000, into NATO. All this will be filmed on location at your villa in Tuscany Italy, Mr. Zelensky, although, of course, it need not be identifed as your personal property, if you wish to continue to play the role of ordinary citizen not oligarch.
+2022.11.08. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 21:50 [I presume I sent this; I got distracted; hiliting not part of the text I submitted toThe White House]:
Mr. President, please you and your adminisration read the following user comment to The New York Times, and learn from it: "The entire pro-peace establishment, active since 1946, knew that this kind of madness could have been unleashed on Ukraine, given the convoluted and confusing history it shared with Mother Russia. The methodologies of the maintenance of international peace, both traditional and modern, tested by Gandhi and many others, are based on proven strategies by which nations can avoid the horrors of war. "The collective inability to have utilized these methods in Ukraine is deeply saddening. When the Soviet machine demanded acquiesence in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, the people chose a largely non violent response. They understood that in wars of so-called liberation, the losses outweigh the gains. "In a globalized world economy, aggressor states become pariahs and eventually will come to understand that wars of aggression are not worth it. "A united Ukraine with different goals than Russia's might have accepted a Russian coup without counter violence, but resisted their puppet government in a million ways, and with the help of the world, utilized sanctions to force the Russians out eventually." We need an in-place unconditional cease-fire in Ukraine immediately, Mr. President to stop th esuffering. This is far more important than either side winning or losing: humanity must stop losing. You and your administration are deaf to reason. You are Captain Ahab and Dr. Putin is your Moby Dick. So I will try the very last word: PAIN. WE ARE HURTING. STOP HURTING US! Sir.
[<|>]+2022.11.09. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 03:35:
Mr. Zelensky, there may never never been any human face so indescribably massively and unmitigatedly saturated with peevvish HATE as you project in your green t-shirt each day. If you are playing a role, you are a gifted actor. But for what purpose are you playing such a monster in the real world, causing real world deaths and real world destruction? If on the other hand, that visage is really you, Sir, you are clinically psychotic. For the sake of humanity, Mr. Zelensky, please stop your selfish war which keeps hurting us all. Send all your soldiers home to their loved ones. Resign from your job as President of Ukraine. Go into exile in your lovely villa in Tuscany Italy. And, please, take Mr. Alexey Arestovich with you (but you need to be on your guard because he presents to be a shapechanger who may turn on you if the wind starts blowing in a different direction).
+2022.11.09. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:20:
Mr. President! The following note from a New York Times reader is important for you and your administration to learn from. It shows how persons can strive for freedom without dying themselves, nor killing others for it in wars such as the current insanity in Ukraine. Freedom has no value for dead heroes or civiian casualties. Freedom has value only for living individual persons experiencing and⇐I remain a master of typos: "...and it in..." it in constructive endeavor to further elaborate it beyond its always imperfect current condition. Living persons always building freedom (preferably not unfortunately having to build freedom back...) better. In Ukraine, the Ukrainian people could enliven themselves and us in 2022 with the spirit of their 1921 Kronstadt sailors rebellion! "The entire pro-peace establishment, active since 1946, knew that this kind of madness could have been unleashed on Ukraine, given the convoluted and confusing history it shared with Mother Russia. The methodologies of the maintenance of international peace, both traditional and modern, tested by Gandhi and many others, are based on proven strategies by which nations can avoid the horrors of war. "The collective inability to have utilized these methods in Ukraine is deeply saddening. When the Soviet machine demanded acquiesence in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, the people chose a largely non violent response. They understood that in wars of so-called liberation, the losses outweigh the gains. "In a globalized world economy, aggressor states become pariahs and eventually will come to understand that wars of aggression are not worth it. "A united Ukraine with different goals than Russia's might have accepted a Russian coup without counter violence, but resisted their puppet government in a million ways, and with the help of the world, utilized sanctions to force the Russians out eventually." Stop the stupid killing in Ukraine! Make freedom live among a liberally educated citizery, there and here in U.S.A., too, Sir!
+2022.11.11. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:20:
Mr. President, you publicly assert Ukraine "facts" which are contested by scholarship. Have a public discussion with Univ. of Chicago Prof. John Mearsheimer about our Ukraine policy. Or Columbia Univ. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs who has been a principal since 1990. Rationally defend what you keep telling us, to show these experts are wrong. They have only many years experience at the major university full professor level studying this matter, unlike yourself who apparently are better informed by PR from a Kiev comedian. Let the better argument not the most flag-waving emotion determine America's foreign policy going forward! Dr. Kissinger: "I thought that Poland—all the traditional Western countries that have been part of Western history—were logical members of NATO," he says. But Ukraine, in his view, is a collection of territories once appended to Russia, which Russians see as their own, even though "some Ukrainians" do not. Stability would be better served by its acting as a buffer between Russia and the West: "I was in favor of the full independence of Ukraine, but I thought its best role was something like Finland." Pope Francis: "The world is at war. For me, today, World War III has been declared. This is something that should give us pause for thought.... We have to move away from the normal pattern of 'Little Red Riding Hood': Little Red Riding Hood was good and the wolf was the bad guy. Here there are no metaphysical good guys and bad guys, in an abstract sense. Something global is emerging, with elements that are very much intertwined.... Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." Until Ukraine is peaceful and NEUTRAL, and you stop treating Dr. Putin like Captain Ahab treated Moby Dick, America's road to hell, which Mr. Trump was paving with bad intentions, continues being paved with your good ones, Sir.
[<|>]+2022.11.11. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 14:40:
Here's a political cartoon for you, Mr. Zelensky. I'm sure you have to put up with a lot from some of the leaders of the countries here in The West who do not have earned doctorates. I promise you its not a trick to try to put a Russian mole into your computer, Sir.
[<|>]+2022.11.12. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 21:50:
Something is not adding up. Something seens contradictory. (1) It seems your regime is 100% determined to get Ukraine into NATO. But Russia's "red line" is that Ukraine will not become part of NATO. Three possible outcomes: (2) Mr. Putin's government is overthrown and Ukraine gets into NATO. (3) Ukraine is reduced to rubble and then it does not matter whether Ukraine gets into NATO or not. (4) Escalation of a battlefield stalemate leads to thermonuclear World War III and possible end to life on earth. Your endless psychotic PR rantings + America's Media reportage + Mr. Biden's flag-waving foreign policy + Mr. Arestovich's 2019 "smoking gun" interview + more, all confirm #1. (5) On the other hand: Dr. Putin recently said, as if telling a secret, that you had been prepared to negotiate in March but The United States prohibited you from negotiating. Now I found a U.S. NPR news story from March: Ukraine's Zelensky to offer neutrality declaration to Russia for peace 'without delay'... Mar 28, 2022 10:07 AM EST.... Ukraine could declare neutrality and offer security guarantees to Russia to secure peace "without delay," President Volodymyr Zelensky said.... While hinting at possible concessions in an interview with independent Russian media outlets, Zelensky stressed that Ukraine's priority is ensuring its sovereignty and its "territorial integrity" – preventing Russia from carving up the country, something Ukraine and the West say could now be Moscow's goal. But, Zelensky added: "Security guarantees and neutrality, non-nuclear status of our state — we are ready to go for it." #1 and #5 obviously do not fit together. I can see only two problems: (6) Would you have agreed for Russia to maintain its naval base in Crimea, and (7) Would you have allowed cultural freedom for the historically Russian Ukranians in the Donbas? If you would have agreed to #6 and $7 which do not seem necessariy inconsistent with "territorial integrity", then it seems obvious either one or two outcomes would have ensued: (8) Peace for Ukraine or (9) Russia would have demanded "carving up" Ukraine and the war would have continued on a very different basis than today. Today we have countries, especially India, which are not on your side because they perceive your side as #1. But if we had got to #9, then they would be on your side today in the war. As it is, you are presenting as #1, which intelligent, i.e.: not hothead flag-waving people, from Dr. Jordan Petterson on the right to Henry Kissinger in the center to Jeffrey Sachs on the near left and the Fourth International (Trotsykites) on the far left all oppose. [Then I add in: (10) I think it was John Mearsheimer who said you were elected President of Ukraine on a platform of peace with Russia but the ultra-nationalists/neo-Nazis physically threatened you, which led you to change to the #1 hard line position.] #5 seems to imply we do not need to have the disaster of #1 today. Everybody is suffering except that hotheads are having fun being hotheads. The only thing that seems certain is that America's General Milley estimates over 100,000 dead on each side of the war, to date, and he urges negotiations before the situation on the battlefield may stay more or less constant but the body count rises. Mr. Biden has become America's own worst enemy by his support for #1 to get #2 irrespective of the risks of #3 and #4. You may be your own worst enemy too, since #5 with #6 and #7 looks pretty good for your regime in Kiev, doesn't it? I am mystified except I think there are some other persons besides me who want to live in peace and not be either murdered or impoverished economically by this mess. In conclusion, Dr. Jordon Peterson has observed: "It is easy for people to get themselves into situations for which there is not good solution."
+2022.11.13. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 14:40:
Dear Diary, Our President Biden and his administration seem deaf to reason about Ukraine, including the human suffering there. They want more war in hopes of "winning". They apparently don't accept as it seems Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley does, that escalating on our side will be met by escalation on the other side, perhaps causing the battle field situation some months from now to be about the same as today just with a lot more corpses piled up on both sides so why not negotiate now the same situation we will have then just that now the pile of corpses is smaller? Or maybe even the Russians' position could improve, so we should secure what we've got? Isn't it curious that an old Army man cares more about human life than the civilians? Maybe he likes live soldiers better than dead ones? Dear Diary, thank you for listening. Dear Diary, Another day and our seemingly blinkered President does something else that makes no sense. WION says he's going to ask Mr. Xi in China to help restrain North Korea's bad tendencies? How can he ask a man he has gratuitously insulted, by sending Ms. Pelosi to fart in his face, to help us with anything? What do you think is going on behind our President's smiling face and in his adinistration, Dear Diary?
+2022.11.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 01:35:
Something smells bad in The White House: Dr. Putin has recently said, as if telling a secret, that Mr. Zelensky was posssibly amenable to negotiations in March but the United States pressured him to not negotiate. This was a total surprisse to me who was trying to follow the news and learn the history of the Ukraine mess. Now I find this from PBS: Mar 28, 2022 10:07 AM EST LVIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine could declare neutrality and offer security guarantees to Russia to secure peace "without delay," President Volodymyr Zelensky said ahead of another planned round of talks – though he said only a face-to-face meeting with Russia's leader could end the war. While hinting at possible concessions in an interview with independent Russian media outlets, Zelensky stressed that Ukraine's priority is ensuring its sovereignty and its "territorial integrity" – preventing Russia from carving up the country.... But, Zelensky added: "Security guarantees and neutrality, non-nuclear status of our state – we are ready to go for it." Here was Mr. Zelensky offering Russia their ever since day 1 historically legitimate RED LINE demand: "Security guarantees and neutrality". If you were sincere about ending this mess, you would have facilitated this, and then likely one of two outcomes: (1) An end to this insane war: peace for us all, or (2) Dr. Putin would have demanded "carving up" Ukraine, so no go. But then you could have had the front page headline of The New York Times: "Putin sabotages Ukraine peace by demanding territory". The whole world, including India, would have rallied to our side! It looks like suffering humanity could have peace, but you, Mr. President, have wilfully nixed it. You appear to be obsessed to overthrow Dr. Putin's government. You are captain Ahab and Dr. Putin is your Moby Dick and America is the Pequod. You have us set on a collision course with nuclear armageddon. You are going to destroy the country you say you love, Mr. Biden.
+2022.11.15. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 21:10:
In 1811, John Adams blamed the French revolutionaries for trying to force the pace of change in a way that set back human progress. "Their precipitation and temerity has, I fear retarded the progress of improvement and amelioration in the condition of mankind for at least an hundred years.... The public mind was improving in knowledge and the public heart in humanity.... the fragments of feudality,the inquisition, the rack, and the cruelty of punishment, Negro slavery were giving way.... But the philosophers must strive at perfection per saltum... they rent and tore the whole garment to pieces. They have even compelled to resort to Napoleon" (E. Eisenstein, 2011, p. 152) Mr. President, doesn't that sound like Ukraine today? By impatiently grabbing for everything have you thwarted gradual progress? There seems only one sane person in The White House: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley. In early 2020, when Vice President Pence advocated taking tough measures against Iran, Milley asked why. and when Mr. Pence replied: "Because they are evil," Milley recalled saying, "Mr. Vice-President, there's a lot of evil in the world, but we don't go to war against all of it." He publicly admitted he made a mistake by participating in Mr. Trump's Isaiah 40:3-5 photo shoot. Today he advocates negotiations with Russia in Ukraine, to avoid just increasing the body count without necessarily any battlefield gain, or even the possibility that the Russians might make gains. An old Army man, he seems less eager for war than you civilians. He also does something else none of you may do: He doesn't bad mouth our enemies, he studies their writings. Why can't you all in the Exectutive Branch become more like General Milley? He's not Noam Chomsky, but he's not a flag waver, either. He seems to be a sane patriot: a person who's looking out for what is realistically good for our country, not what feels good in a cheer rally, Sir.
+2022.11.16. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:10:
"And we also discussed the latest series of Russian missile attacks, which are continuing the brutality and inhumanity that they've demonstrated throughout this war.... And they've been totally unconscionable, what they're doing. Totally unconscionable." Something else totally unconscionable, Mr. President, is that Mr. Zelensky and his military mastermind Mr. Alexey Arestovish designed and planned this war in 2019 to get Ukraine into NATO. All the death, all the destruction and all the brutality of the Russian response is entirely due to their wilful plan. Already in 2019, they expected: "With a probability of 99.9%, our price for joining NATO is a full-scale war with Russia." This is totally unconscionable, Sir! They needed to make Ukraine NEUTRAL and to stop persecuting their own pro-Russian citizens in the Donbas. Then none of the deaths, none ot the destruction and none of the millions of refugees would have happened, nor would the worlds' economies, especially in developing nations, have been brutally harmed by this totally unnecessary war which they designed, and which they provoked Russia into "starting". This is totally unconscionable, Mr. President. You need to stop abetting this war. Press Mr. Zelensky for an in-place unconditional cease-fire, and to negotiate NEUTRALITY for Ukaaine and security guarantees for Russia's Western border. An interview Mr. Arstofvich gave in 2019 is first hand smoking gun evidence of their nconscionable culpability: We, The United States of America are the root caue of this disaster, because we reneged on our promise – went back on our word – to Mr. Gorbachev in 1990, to not push NATO east of Germany. In addition: If we had instituted a Marshall Plan for Russia at that time, Russia today would probably be a friendly liberal democracy, not Dr. Putin's autocracy. We are reaping what we sowed, Sir.
[<|>]+2022.11.20. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."), 01:10:
Ask United States Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley to resolve the Ukraine war and associated issues. He is a highly experienced, highly intelligent, highly educated, no nonsense military officer who realistically assesses situations and makes decisions based on reason not emotions, to best defend and protect The United States and our allies, especially at present, Ukraine. If you hurry, you might also beat The Grim Reaper to ask America's elder statesman former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for help. He too has all the good qualities and bases policy on realities which he incisively analyzes. Both of them not only want the best for their country but also see clearly what is possible and what needs to be done to make it happen.
+2022.11.20. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 13:25:
Chairman of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley: "One of the things people are learning is that war on paper is a whole lot different than real war. When blood is spilled, and people die, and real tanks are being blown up, things are a little bit different. There's a lot of friction and fog and death in combat." Which war are you fighing in Ukraine, Mr. President? The one on paper (or flag-cloth) or the one where "blood is spilled, and people die, and real tanks are being blown up"? You need to negotiate, Mr. President! Make America rise above the "friction, fog and death" to be The Great Mediator, The Great Peacemaker, in this wretched and entirely unnecessary war which risks escalating into thermonuclear armageddon, as we recently saw when somebody's missile crossed the Polish border thus threatening to expand the war beyond the sad and suffering people of Ukraine (as always, TV Commando Z tried to use this for his sob story shtick to get more weapons). That missile would not have landed in Poland if the Zelensky regime had not pushed to get Ukraine into NATO. All the horror will stop as soon as we get a cease-fire, which you can facilitate by turning off the weapons welfare spigot to Mr Zelensky to force him to the negotiating table. He gets away with talking big only because he has a blank check from the world's biggest superpower, not just because uneducated Ukrainian men are "brave". (Had I been in Ukraine, I would have hoped to get out, like some young Americans went to Canada during Vietnam.) Mr. President, good sense is spelled "realpolitik" not: "wave the flag" and grin for the cameras. Foreign policy is not a casino game where you take a chance in hopes of winning but it doesn't matter very much if you lose. Dead "heroes" (and dead civilians) will not benefit from "freedom" even if your gamble pays off for you, not for them. Only while the person lives and feels and thinks, as you are doing now, is there anything, Sir.
+2022.11.21. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"). Click here to see screenshot of WION text. 07:00:
Is there hope, Mr. President, that you and your administration are going to abandon your fact-denying adventurist Ukraine policy before you destroy our country and the rest of the world? I quote from text I captured from a WION (India Internet News) news report which just now gave me a glimmer of hope that you and your administation may come to your senses about Ukraine before you get us killed: -------- WION Video team | Updated: Nov 08, 2022, 04:40 PM IST The U.S. is privately encouraging Ukrainian leaders to show openness to negotiating with Russia This comes amid Kyiv's refusal to hold peace talks with Moscow unless President Putin is removed Officials in Washington have warned that "Ukraine fatigue" among allies could worsen "Ukraine fatigue is a real thing for some of our partners," said one anonymous U.S. official in a report The move shows how complex the Biden administration's position on Ukraine has become On one hand, they publicly endorse support for Kyiv While on the other hand, they worry about punishing toll on the world economy due to continuous fighting The war between Russia & Ukraine is also triggering fears of a nuclear war The officials admit that Zelensky's ban on talks has generated concern in parts of Europe, Africa & Latin America The extended war is having disruptive effects on the availability & cost of feed & fuel in these regions Rising inflation is the U.S. is also raising concerns for the Biden administration ahead of the midterms -------- Is there hope that you and your administration are not as pigheaded as your public rhetoric and Ukraine policy so far? CAN WE HOPE TO LIVE, MR. PRESIDENT? Please save us from your and your administration's blinkered suicidal Ukraine policy to date!
+2022.11.22. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:25:
Henry Kissinger: "I thought Poland – all the traditional Western countries that have been part of Western history—were logical members of NATO.". But Ukraine, in his view, is a collection of territories once appended to Russia, which Russians see as their own, even though "some Ukrainians" do not. Stability would be better served by its acting as a buffer between Russia and the West: "I was in favor of the full independence of Ukraine, but I thought its best role was something like Finland." Mr. President, everything everybody is doing in Ukraine, incuding your school child patriotism spiel, is people with partisan agendas and often grudges, forcing simplistic solutions on a complex problem. IBM instructed Field Engineers who took apart and put back together complex broken computers: If you have to force a part to fit, you are doing something wrong. Your rhetoric, Mr. Zelensky's war, Dr. Putin's "special military operation", etc. are simplistic measures being forcibly applied to an extremely complicated problem. The result is a lot of people getting hurt. There is only one rational way to address this mess: Immediate cease fire to stop the escalating catastrophe. Then: NUANCED STUDY OF THE PROBLEM GOING BACK TO 1990, THE COLD WAR ERA, WW II, AND BEFORE, AND WORKING OUT A GOOD-FAITH COMPROMISE BASED ON DEEP INSIGHTS, ADDRESSING ALL THE ISSUES OF ALL CONCERNED PARTIES (and likely fully satisfying none) including both the Pro-West and the ethnically Russian Ukrainians, Dr. Putin's Russia, and our own "liberal democracy" agenda. These negotiations might take years not days. Mr. President, you need to call in experts: Profs. Jefffrey Sachs, John Mearsheimer, Noam Chomsky, Dr. Kissinger if still available, and others. This is at least as tough a project as Dr. Kissingers's opening to China in the Nixon years. Is your administration up to handling such a tough assignment, Sir? If not, please call on someone who is. Suffering humanity is at stake.
+2022.11.23. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 23:20:
It is good that we have freedom of expression in America, as you said in August: "Today, we reaffirm our commitment to those deeply American values in solidarity with Rushdie and all those who stand for freedom of expression." That enables me to learn information you and your administration are not surfacing to the Amerifan people about the Ukraine mess. Maybe a reason we have such freedom is that most Amerians have not been formed and informed to use it. It is no problem for your foreign policy if a few scholars and others expose critical truth, if nobody listens to them. And perhaps, conveniently, you and your advisors don't, either. For if you know what you are doing it's at best shameful, and who wants to have to think badly of themself, which can interfere with adventurist zeal? I am for a second time listening on Youtube to Vladimir Pozner's presentation at my alma mater, Yale University, September 27, 2018: "How The United States created Vladimir Putin": . You and everyone in your administration must avoid listening to it, lest you become aware of the blinkered folly and tragedy of America's long standing Russia policy. You are also fortunate that citizens' opinions have no power, certainly not mine who have only a second class doctorate (Ed.D.). But Columbia University Prof. Jeffrey Sachs (Ph.D.) who has been an important player since 1990 has said that nobody in your administration will listen to him: Some Americans will pay attention when you send conscripts to Ukraine. As you said, Mr. President: "Rushdie—with his insight into humanity, with his refusal to be intimidated or silenced—stands for essential, universal ideals. Truth. Courage. Resilience. The ability to share ideas without fear. These are the building blocks of any free and open society" Let us stand for universal ideals and truth, not chauvinism in Ukraine! Cease-fire now, Sir.
+2022.11.27. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 12:10:
The most striking attribute of your administration's Ukraine policy is: it is irresponsible. Nobody can predict where the Ukraine mess is headed. You apparently hope to see Dr. Putin's government replaced by a pro-West regime. That might happen. But he could be ousted and replaced by hardliners. The war may escalate into use of nuclear weapons. Do you care? Will Washington DC be oblitereated by ICBM warheads? Will all human life on earth be destroyed? Nobody knows. The prudent thing to do when anything bad impends to get out of control, is to try to stop it, study the situation and then exercise informed prudence. Your policy is irrational. Your adminstration seems myopic: if we don't continue to push our adventurist policy in Ukraine we can be sure we won't get what we want but if we do then we might. If we fail, what's the worst the can happen? The end of the world? So what? Nothing matters if we can't get what we want. You are playing with lives other than yours of persons who do not want to gamble, too. Stop this madness, Mr. President. Turn off the weapons welfare spigot to the megalomaniac who is out of control in Kiev (Mr. Zelensky). Acknowledge the history: We promised Russia back in 1990 that we would not push NATO east of Germany. Dr. Putin is right when he says he cannot trust us because we do not keep our promises. We need to provide Russia internationally verifed assurances Ukraine will not have NATO troops or arms on its soil. Mr. President, stop being Captain Ahab obsessed with harpooning Moby Dick Putin. Captain Ahab finally met Moby Dick and Moby sank his ship. You are pursuing a course which plausibly, albeit not yet inevitably, will lead to the destruction of The United Stetes of America (and other people, too). Don't say nobody told you and your administration: (1) First do not harm, and (2) Better safe than sorry. Get an in-place unconditional cease-fire in Ukraine now, Captain Ahab Biden! God save America from itself!
+2022.11.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 00:35:
It is unbearable to watch on CNN or read in The New York Times the endless stream of anti-Putin propaganda the American people being fed to egg them on to abet Mr. Zelensky's insane war. Nobody thinks: If he stops his war, all the suffering will stop. All the deaths, all the refugees, all the harm to the world's economies and especially to vulnerable developing countries, and more, is due, at root, to America not having honored our promise to Russia in 1990 to not push NATO east of Germany. But the immediate culprit is that a television production crew in Kiev figured they can get a better economic deal from America than Russia and that we will let them continue to oppress Ukraine's ethnically Russian citizens. Mr. Zelensky's military mastermind Mr. Alexy Arestovich foretold it all in a 2019 interview: The only hope for us is that nations will (1) get tired of endlessly throwing their money away and suffering runaway inflation to prop up Mr. Zelensky's selfish war, or (2) run out of weapons to enable him to continue the war. Brainwashed by the unrelenting barrage of decontextualized sob story "news" the mainstream Amerian media are feeding gullible Americans, nothing will probably change here until you send conscripts to die on the plains of Ukraine. Please, Mr. President, turn off the weapons welfare spigot to Mr. Zelensky. Get him to negotiate NEUTRALITY with the Russians. You and your administration open mutually respectful, realpolitik negotiations with the Russian government for peaceful coexistence. Also mend fences with Mr. Xi in China, after Ms. Pelosi's Taiwan PR stunt. Then the three of you tackle our common enemies, starting with global overheating. Mr. Biden, stop being Captin Ahab chasing Moby Dick Putin. When the two finally met, Moby sank Ahab's ship. You are pursuing a policy that may sink America and take the rest of the world down with us. Please stop before it is too late for us, Sir.
+2022.11.29. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:00:
Instead of continuing strangling "Putin", coopt him. Offer to manage Ukraine with – yes! with him. The ethnically Russian Ukrainians get released from Zelensky oppression. All the Ukrainian people – repeat: the Ukrainian people, not the television production crew in Kiev, get personal freedom within limits of not threatening to attack Russia which does not help their standard of living in any case. The rest of the world gets an end to the terrible ongoing economic damage from this insane war and release from threat of nuclear apocalypse. Pope Francis, at the start of this ongoing shame: "Tragic scenarios are being reenacted, and once more reciprocal extortionate demands made by a few potentates are stifling the voice of a humanity that cries out for peace." You won't like this because you have a burr up your rear end: Grow up! All the people – the people, not you potentates, will be able to sleep peacefully each nite and live peacefully each day. America and Russia, together, can build Ukraine back better, as a NEUUTRAL country at peace with everybody. No more flag-waving. No more "heroes". To borrow from the ancient Chinese curse: let us no longer live in interesting times. Swallow your pride and open your eyes and your mind and your heart, Mr. President. The television production crew in Kiev does not matter, especially the man who seems most responsible for this mess, the military mastermind who does not have a soul: Mr. Alexy Arestovich. . Mr. Zelensky owns a lovely villa in Tuscany Italy where he can live out his days in exile. Stop cornering the bear. Embrace Dr. Putin. Surprise the bear with a bear hug. Pray he will forgive us (U.S.) 25 years of going back on our word to not push NATO east of Germany. Grin and bear it, for the sake of suffering humanity. As parents say to a toddler throwing a tantrum: "It's not all about you", Mr. Biden (nor Dr. Putin either, and for sure not TV commando Z).
+2022.11.30. Next User Comment I submitted in The White House website (Response: "THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUBMISSION!"), 22:30:
The people in Ukraine and everywhere else in varying degrees are loooking ahead but not forward to a harsh winter due to the war in Ukraine. But this can easily and quickly all be avoided if Mr. Zelensky declares an in-place unconditional cease-fire and negotiates NEUTRALITY for Ukraine and security guarantees for Russia's western border. All we have to do is stop hurting ourselves. After he has ended his war, then he needs to ask both us and Russia to help rebuild the country he has wrecked back better and NEUTRAL, including respect for his ethnically Russian fellow citizens and cleaning out the ultra-nationalist and neo-Nazi elements. We can all have a better end to this year and not have to fear nuclear holocaust in the new year, Mr. President if you will just turn off the weapons welfare spigot to the television production crew in Kiev, and engage in serious negotiations with Dr. Putin, and also with Mr. Xi in china, for peaceful coexistence. Remember: We reneged on our promise to not push NATO east of Germany from as far back as 1990. Dr. Putin finally went to war because we stubbornly for two decades refused to go for peace. People bear much suffering that cannot be prevented, including cancer and Covid-19, Sir. Please stop adding entirely preventable and unnecessary suffering by abetting Mr. Zelensky's selfish war which his regime has wilfully provoked: Persons with impeccable credentials like Scott Ritter and Colonel Douglas Macgregor (and Prof. John Mearsheimer who is a West Point graduate) tell a very different story than your administation. Your own General Mark Milley has urged negotiations. What is your administaion's problem? You appear to be out of coutrol. Please stop being Captain Ahab seeking vengeance on Moby Dick Putin, Mr. President. Remember that when Ahab finally met Moby, Moby sank his ship, Don't you sink America and maybe take the rest of the world down with us, Sir!
[<|>]+2022.12.01. Next User Comment I submitted to "The servant of the people" website (Response: "Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly."; I also sent an email of the same text to:, 05:20:
Dear Mr. Zelensky, You stand up and take the microphone in international meetings and give orders that all the nations must do this and do that to enable Ukraine to fight the Russians. This is quite presumptuous of you. You are a mouse that roars. You are a tail trying to wag a dog. The amazing thing is that the Western nations, following the Supreme Dupedship of America's President Joe Biden, largely goes along with it. So to say you are (or are playing the role of...) a megalomaniac may be psychiatrically accurate, but factually not so much, since your insane rantings often enough gain traction and become reality. Some time ago I sent you a political cartoon I cooked up, showing you escorting Britain's recent Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a gallery of photos of Ukrainians who had died defending their country against the Russian invaders, with a very stern guard standing at attention in the backgound. In the cartoon, you tell Mr. Johnson that all these persons have "Fallen for freedom". Mr. Johnson replies that he thinks one of them looks "kind of cute". Finally, the cartoon shows you thinking: "What I have to put up with to get weapons out of these idiots". Mr. Zelensky, isn't that the truth? I think you and your tv production crew in Kiev are taking advvantage of us. I feel your war is terribly wrong. I feel your military mastermind Mr. Alexy Arestovich if not yourself is a war criminal. But you are not the problem. "We" are the problem for letting "you" get away with it, and so I have to give you credit for taking advantage of our folly. Why not gobble up a free lunch when offered? No, it's far worse than that: We, i.e., The United States of America, has for two decades been on a mission to reduce Russia to the level of a big suburban housing development. We were looking for a hit man. You came along and said you'd do it. In a premeditated murder, who is the premeditator? The premeditator or the thug who happens to come along and seizes the opportunity to take the job for the money? It's not the hit man. The problem is not you but Mr. Biden and all his "fellow travellers" (do you know that term, Sir?). I beg you, Mr. Zelensky, for the sake of humanity: Stop your war. Stop the slaughter. Make Ukraine peaceful and NEUTRAL. Negotiate security for Russia's Western border and autonomy (not necessarily territorial independence) for your own ethnically Russian citizens. But recently I have read that, more or less, YOU, YOU, Mr. Zelensky, were ready to do this back in March, but guess who stopped you? The United States. Looking at the situation from your perspective, I do not see much reason for you to stop this war, which I call "your" war but it is not even Mr. Arestovich's war, or Dr. Putin's war, either, really: it's really Mr. Biden's war. I would like to see you do the right thing for humanity, but since you have no incentive to do so, that's as romantic as the people who talk about you winning and making Ukraine free, just a differnt kind of fantasy. The reality is that you should be expected to continue to continue this war so long as we let you, and the shame is on us, not on you (or Dr. Putin, either). May God save America from itself, Mr. Zelensky!
¶ Your recent Tweet has 25 views [+2022.10.17]
Bradford Robert McCormick
The Zelensky agitprop we get only tells the bad things the Russians do. He does not report how his regime coreces his pro Russian fellow citizens to either renounce their ethnicity or get out of his country. TV Commando Z is as bad as Dr. Putin. And the U.S. created them both.
2:26 AM · Oct 15, 2022
¶ Ukraine's Zelensky blames Israel for Russia-Iran 'alliance'
Brad McCormick October 25, 2022 at 03:59 AM
Beware of Mr. Zelensky! IAt the beginning of this war, he tried to get Israel to give him weapons by saying that if you did not give him weapons you were like the people who did not fight the Nazis. Some members of the Knesset took offense at this accusation, and Mr. Zelensky never tried that angle again. It proved to be a bridge too far. He will do anyting else to get more weapons for this war. According to the NYT, some Europeans are getting tired of his endless pleas for more weapons and the harm that the war is doing to their economies and think it is time for negotiations. But for him, the word "negotiate" means: "unconditional surrender and then we can talk." This war keeps escalating toward nuclear apocalypse if it is not stopped. To him that would just be collateral damage. He will use every trick in the book to sucker you into giving him more weapons to hurt us all.
¶ Your recent Tweet has 20 views [+2022.10.27]
Bradford Robert McCormick
When are we going to have military conscription back here in USA to supply the young Americans to die in Mr. Biden's new Vietnams? He abets TV Commando Z's selfish war in Ukraine and he sent Ms. Pelosi to insult Mr. Xi. There are two sides to every issue except ours.
2:59 PM · Oct 22, 2022
¶ Your Comment on Scarred by War, Ukraine's Children Face Years of Trauma
The New York Times <>
8:41 AM (1 hour ago) [+2022.10.29]
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York
The simple fact that nobody seems to see is that none of the suffering would have happened or continue to happen had (1) America not reneged on its promise in 1990 to Russia to not push NATO east of Germany, or (2) Mr. Zelensky made Ukraine NEUTRAL instead of pushing to get Ukraine into NATO, which crossed Russia's "red line" like Soviet missiles in Cuba crossed America's red line in 1962. None of this suffering needed to happen. It is all due to Mr. Zelensky's plan for which we have first hand documentation by his miliatry mastermind Mr. Alexey Aristovich that they were planning it since 2019 and expected it with "probability 99%". Repeat: None of this horror would have happened had either America not gone back on our word to Russia in 1990, or had Mr. Zelensky not selfishly pushed for Ukraine in NATO. "Putin" is not a nice guy. OK he is bad. But he is responding to provocation. He did not start ths mess. We did. We can stop it. And we shoud and we need to. Mr Biden needs to cut off the military welfare that alone kesps the war going and perhaps is leading to nuclear armageddon. Humanity needs an immediate unconditional in-place cease fire now, and then a NEUTRAL and peaceful Ukraine.
Reply 3 Recommend
¶ Russian DM says partial mobilization is over
Brad McCormick 11 hours ago [+2022.10.28]
Let me add one more thing to what I just now wrote: MacArthur wanted to solve the problem he encountered from the Red Chinese People's Liberation Army with tactical nuclear weapons. (But America's then President, former 5 star General Dwight Eisenhower, relieved him of his command and nuclear war was averted.) Sound familiar?
Brad McCormick 11 hours ago [+2022.10.28]
Dr. Putin badly estimated at the beginning of his "special military operation". (1) He thought he was going to fight the Ukraine military. Wrong: He was fighting the the world's biggest superpower still for now: The USA. And (2) even without Mr. Zelensky's masssive military welfare from the U.S., as John Mearsheimer foretold: trying to conquer Ukraine would be like trying to swallow a porcupine and the "best" thing the US. could hope for to weaken the Russian military even without Mr. Biden's punishing economic sanctions – Afghanistan on steroids. From Day 1, Dr. Putin should have lightning seized the Donbas and stopped. He would have got his buffer against the NATO existential threat, and everybody would have been better off for it. Perhaps it is not tirrelevant to recall the Korea conflict, where U.S. Genral MacArthur brilliantly reversed the North Korean invasion of the South but then failed to realize what awaited beyond the Yalu River and that mess dragged on for a couple more years. "There is no happiness but in wisdom. No wisdom but in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished and proud men learn in old age to be wise." (Sophocles)
¶ Ukraine's Zelensky accuses Russia of "energy terrorism"
Brad McCormick Nov 04, 2022
"Servant of the people" the reality television show out of Kiev that went real and is wrecking Ukraine and threatening nuclear war for the rest of us. Of course Mr. Zelensky, or the role he is playing, is complaining abou tRussian "energy terrorism". Tomrrow it will be something else. He seems not to accept that the result of his anti-Russian policy in the Donbas has had consequences and that he has an enemy there and that enemies fight you. I guess he wants Dr. Putin to send him caviar while hs sends drone to blow up Crimea? When will everybody tell Mr. Zelensky they've had enough of his troublemaking and tell him to negotiate neutrality with Russia? He has a 15 room villa in Tuscany Italy where he should go into permanent exile.
¶ Israeli envoy to Ukraine slams Kyiv for backing anti-Israeli UN resolution
Brad McCormick Nov 12, 2022
Once again, I think after I press Enter: Mr. Zelensky,with this anti-Israel vote is not just wanting to have his cake and eat it too. He is biting the hand he wants to feed him...
Pro: 2
Con: 1
Brad McCormick Nov 12, 2022
So Mr. Zelensky begs Israel to give him its most advanced most secret weapons for his war and then he doesn't have the decency, or just the good sense, to not at least abstain from an anti-Israel United Nations resolution? No matter what his feelings on the matter, he should not expect to have his cake and eat it too. Apparently he has even just a tad upset his sugar adddy, Mr. Biedn, by not even showing him appreciateion for all the weapons America has donated to his war. Mr. elensky seems to be suffering from delusions of grandeur or maybe omnipotence. Sophocles wrote about another ruler who thought he could do what he wanted: "There is no happiness but is wisdom, no wisdom but in submission to the gods. Big words are always punished and proud men learn in lold age to be wise."
Pro: 1
Con: 1
mandy Nov 12, 2022
Ukraine has votes against Israel in every UN resolution. Time for Israel to stop helping Ukraine.
Pro: 2
Con: 1
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Every night is Halloween, with TV Commando Z! |
[Mr. President: 40, Sir: 31.
Zelensky: 93. Putin: 84]