The Clintons' new home... and mortgage

[ The Clintons' new house, Chappaqua, NY ]

Here is the new house itself -- at the end of a short cul-de-sac, with plenty of room in the turnaround for the curious to park and gawk. We read in the newspaper that the Clintons' income didn't qualify for the mortgage, but that they got help from a friend.... Next![ Take public transportation! ]

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Note: A bank eventually got smart and realized it would be good publicity to grant the soon-to-be ex-President of the United States a mortgage. In this way, The Clintons finally did "qualify for" their own mortgage, after all.

Update, 29 December 2000: "President Clinton and Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton signed a contract today to buy a five-bedroom, brick colonial-style house [in Washington, D.C.] near Embassy Row for $2.85 million. Mrs. Clinton plans to use the Washington house when the Senate is in session and as a base to write her memoirs, officials said. The Clintons have designated their home in Chappaqua, N.Y., which they bought last year for $1.7 million as their primary residence." (Christopher Marquis, "Clintons Buy $2.85 Million Washington Home", NYT on the Web, 30Dec00)

Another note: The address of the Clintons' home in Chappaqua is available in numerous places in public records. This website does not, however, provide this information, and I (BMcC) do not reply to requests for it. Thank you for your kind understanding. (Seek and ye shall find....) Update, 03 January 2002: I have reconsidered, after seeing the address again in today's New York Times on the Web: "Route 117, a busy two-lane road at the end of Old House Lane, the cul-de-sac that includes the ex-president's home."

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Copyright © 1999-2002 Brad McCormick, Ed.D. [ Email me! ]
10 April 2006

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