
Log of my (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) postings
Page #14

I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) may have bit off more than I can chew here. Logging each Quora posting much increases the pain and effort over just writing it and being done with it, which I have been sloppily doing for who knows how many months now? (I have automated this new process but it's still not easy since selecting the text in a Quora posting does not capture image information, etc.)

Don't follow the leader (except a firefighter in a burning building...); follow the audit trail. I must try harder to live up to my standards which, in living up to them, raise themselves and myself further up. Crescit eundo!

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+2024.04.03 v072
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The Judas goats sending the sheep to slaughter. The seductive Sirens singing their femme fatal-e song, luring men to their death....
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