
The Musician was in Bosnia, the biggest single act of ethnic cleaning I had witnessed to date.... and there was an old man who stopped to talk to us.... and he was 80 years old and he looked as though he had already died.... and I asked him do you mind if I ask you Are you a Croat or a muslim? And he said, "I'm a musician".... (BBC World Service, June 26, 2022 03:00AM-06:00AM BST, Internet Archive)

"Where words fail, music speaks" (Hans Christian Andersen)

"It was the word beyond speech." (Hermann Broch, ending of "the Death of Virgil")

Classical music

Avoid crowds: Stay away from symphonic orchestral and choral music whenever possible.

Popular (+ semi-popular) music

Popular but, remarkably, also meaningful anyway and nonetheless

Music television until the sun burus out. Video killed the radoio star.

Christian music

Christian believers are not all prigs.

Communist, workers movement, and military (i.e.: political motivation) music

The masses need to be motivated, but be careful here, like Odysseus vis-à-vis the The Sirens.


This is noise that corrupts and lays waste to every thing and every body. Listen instead to concrete buildings being demolished. Tulle, audi! (CDI)!

Bingo Crosby either being inane or pretending to be inane. The American Dream alimentary canal reversal. Tis the season to wear a dunceap!Tra, la, la, la, la! La, la, la, la!!

Why did I think Franz Josepf Haydn was an asshole?

Americans moved into Levittowns! Levels were split! Lawns were mowed! Mary Hartman saw the waxy yellow buidup on her kitschen floor! Big Macs were eaten! SUVs flourished! Americans got in their cars, and commuted (not death sentences)! We were: "Runnin' on empty, runnin' around!" (ref.: Jackson Browne song) ~ America's greatest contribution to the history of world architecture: The single family split level [or raised ranch...] suburban tract development house on 1/4 acre or more of grass lawn so why not just make it astroturf?

Because in my childhood rote piano playing pedagogification, one of the stupid things I had to learn to play was "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" which derives from something by Haydn. As a child I did not have the idea that there could be music that would deserve to exist, just like my parants' split level house's lawn had no constructive meaning for me.

Anchors away my boys

them mistaking me for (or trying to make me be...) one of them who must like what they like, or at least totally indifferent to what I was, but them getting off on being what they were.... It did not end with that ditty which in no way made me feel awe for the starry heavens. "Twinklw, twinklw little star" just made me continue to lack-of-feeling much that the whole social surround I was stuck in was not worth much (unless a person is in a stupor, the world must mean enough to said person for the person to continue to will inhaling and exhaling earth's air, or else they would pass out due to asphyxia. Go team!). It was much worse than that:

Bell bottom trousers,
Coat of navy blue.
He wore a sailor suit,
And [?s]he loved it too....

Did who were themselves gifts from God ideate they were educating their little combination toddler size doll and cat to kick, by subjecting me to that musicrap? And this particular piece of dreck was particularly repulsive to me because I had been – at leasat one of their mouths had previously emitted words informing me that: – that sailor suits were fastened with lots of buttons on them, not innocuous zippers, and I had a phobia (neurotic fear) of b-u-t-t-o-n-s. Ich! Consequently! No way did I want anything to do with a sailor suit, which had b-u-t-t-o-n-s!

"Anchors away my boys, anchors away! Sail navy down the field and beat the Army, beat the Army gray...." Really? I didn't give a shit about Navy beating Army, any more than later in my teenage years I would care about St. Paul's Illiberal Day Carcel for Pubescent Male Virgins except-for-omerta-sanitary-services-for-jocks beating Gilman: And I wasn't any domestic servant: "b-o-y", either! ~ What did those third person plurals ideate I was? Something like them only smaller? They could have got down on their hands and knees and begged forgiveness for not being better than they were and have respectfully asked what they could do for, not to, me and apolgized again for all the trouble they had caused me and, then: placed me with better parents who could have more appropriately raised up not rear ended me, and then they just have gone away forever. Taking Anchors Away and Thompson's method with them.

Political corretness 2023 in the Rock and Roll music world

The article says: "Jann Wenner, the co-founder of Rolling Stone magazine, has been removed from the board of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Foundation, which he also helped found, one day after an interview with him was published in The New York Times in which he made comments that were widely criticized as sexist and racist." I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) do not agree with such poliical correctness actions but my opinion does not matter.

Your Comment on Jann Wenner Removed From Rock Hall Board After Times Interview
The New York Times
Sep 17, 2023, 2:26 PM (19 hours ago)
Your comment has been approved!
Bradford McCormick | New York

A rolling stone needs to be careful to gather no politically incorrect thoughts.

Check out Pope Francis's favorite music

+2024.02.16 v060
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  1. Somewhere I (BMcC) read that Albert Schweitzer said that Wanda Landowska played the harpsichord better than anybody else could play anything. I would like to have been Wanda Landowska.
  2. In 2021, this music could also be used, in The United States of America, as: Threnody for the Victims of Political Correctness.
  3. How can one not honor the last castrato?
  4. In an interview, Knopfler said he wrote this song after reflecting on the cellphone messages from passengers in the "911" flights.
  5. Salvadore Dali's sometime young thing. Lucky chick!
  6. Wake up, (PO/FLOTUS №40) Ronnie and Nancy!

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