

"Three things are not possible:
"The desire of the rich to have more.
"The desire of the sickc for something different.
"And the desire of the traeler to be any place but here." (Arthus Appel)

People seem to always want more. More kids. More square feet. More this, more that. More everything. They only stop if they can't afford it and then they are not happy, not just about being cashs strapped, but also about not being able ot have more as a good in itself. Institutions keep gettin bigger. Ciies keep getting bigger. Everything keeps getting bigger.

I am fairly confident, keeping in mind thatone must be careful in wishing for things becuaseyou jus tmight get them and regret it like King Midas, that I have never wanted more. That is different for not havving had enough which I definite had had a lot of and I have always wanted more of my needs to be met, starting with learning wht my needs were which my childreareres ignoranced me of. So yes, in tha sense I hae alwasws wanted more. Bu thtat' not what people mean. When people want to move, they don.\'t aean they are living in a tent without indoor plumbing in a refugee camp, and they don't mean they are tunning our of space for their personal archives, either; they mean they want 4 bedrooms instead of 3.

+2024.01.15 v017
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Unfortunate for themself, the person who lacks one; unfortunate for others, the person that is one. Don't be an a**hole!
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