Forgive yourself! Heal yourself! Ask for help if it seems safe to do so! Try!"They put me off at the wrong stop when I was born" (Doug Schaff) Dr. Don Holmes Nix struggled to keep from being born into a family where he was destined to be fed with a silver spoon. They finally extracted him with forceps, fighting desperately to prevent being dragged out of paradise into the cold cruel world of upper middle class Oklahoma City (or wherver) with a father who for all I know may have been a small-time Fred Trump. I seem to have heard I weighed over 9 pounds at birth so it may have been hard to extract me from the bomb bay of the woman who carried me, but I don't think I fought againt it, whereas, unlike Dr. Nix, had I known what was coming I would have had good reason to not look forward to it. I need to forgive myself for having been born into a social surroud which chronically failed me, hurt me, retraded me, deprived me.... It's not m fault that they made me be so much less and much worse than I could have been with more suitable parents, and better teachers. My parents were victims of The Americnn Dream. My teachers at St. Paul's Illiberal Day Carcel for pubsecent male virgins except-for-omerta-sanitary-services-for-jocks were all members of the forces of occupation, lead by a commssioned officer: Headmaster [yes I had masters even though it wa after 1863 in USA] S. Atherton Middleton. It's not my fault that my parents did not get thet mole removed from my chest, or that they had let me be circumcised, that they cut off flesh that could have provided me pleaseure while leaving flesh that could have killed me. (They were probably as passive dialtone(☏) lumps about me being circumcised as about Nurse Ratched violating the vulnerable back of my arm when I was about 8 years old. The lumpenparentariat.) It's not my fault that they failed to foster in me the self-confidence to demand them to get that damned mole removed before it messed up my mind. It's not my fault that they were my parents, that my father was clueness and my mother may never have mentally or emotionally got beyond 5.5th grade (biologically, she must have menstruated?).
I am a dysfunctional product of dysfunctional world. I'm not my fault. If it is nobody's fault it still needs to be replaced. I would like to help but I have not been made an accepable offer for an appropriate position, and I will not willingly be anybody's free lunch until two physicians certify I am dead; then then they may all eat my corpse any wan they like, raw or cooked or do whatevver else they may want with it.Please digress here to read one paragraph and then use your browser's back button to return here. You should be able to do that: Read this now. Now let us critically study famous men and our fathers who were before usConcerned parent or other peraon who can't mind their own business: "There's a hole in th sleeve of your shirt." Or: "There's a stain on your pants." Or something else that bothers them about me. Proper response: "I didn't notice that but now that you mention it, it sounds like a fine opportunity to practice not making a big deal about things, and learning to live with them. I really appreciate your concern." Ever again i.e.:ever anew. . |
Not tears but important, too: L'esprit d'escalier+2023.11.02. Due to my childrearing which wrecked my reflexes, I am often "missing the boat". But not only in replying to persons who disrespect me. Also: in reading a book I see something that tinterests me and I do not immediately mark it to be able to find it later and then I can never find it again. This is happening to me now in reading "Storm of steel". Somewhere near the start of the text Jünger says he is writing something no other writer has said about the war, or something like that. I try and try and try to find the text again to mark it, and and I fail and fail and fail again to find it. Damn it! Damn "me" (i.e.: the me I don't deserve but my defective childrearing made me be)! I hereby resolve to [try to ← eee, I am already doubting my self] mark all these pieces of text immediately when I see them and not realize I should have marked them when I am many pages further along in the book its too late. No more me making any more of this kind of esprit d'escalier failures which don't run any risk of anybody harming me for having hurt their precious feelings! But I doubt I will succeed, just like I doubt I woill be able to cry about it all. Footnotes