People — you know: people: equivocally human creatures that are not individuated but just 2-legged sheep in an ethno-herd — people are all worked up about "identity" these days, aren't they? Chimpanzees get all worked up for a banana. Feed your inner chimp!
The political correctnessers today are apparently ethically cleansing the Engliah language and turning it into Wokelish. I used to ideate that having an "identity" was a good thing — that it meant you were not just one conformist unindividual among very many conformists unindividual. But now I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) see this word differently: as naming something to be avoided at all costs. There is a very rare genetic disease where a person's flesh literally turns to bone: Franz Kafka's Gregor Samsa for real. Identity is like this: It turns a person's living, pliable spirit (soul, whatever...) into concrete. Cinderblocks have identity: they are what they are for as long as they are and that's all they can be.
But a human person can be creative and make themselves become — not be but be-come — more than they were. For instance, a brown noser student in prep school can memorize a new fact to regurgitate to his teach to get a good grade on his next exam. He has become more than he was. Unlike the cinderblock, he is now more than what he was before he added that fact to his soul. Ditto his teach (aka: one of his "masters") is now more than he was because he has enriched his life by adding the experience of having graded the brown noser's exam.
As may already be obvious to you, my reader, both the brown noser and the teach he is kissing up to differ from a cinderblock in that they can change. Unlike a staionary stone which gathers moss, these human being' internal essential being can mutate to become mossier than they were. They are not doomed to be identical with themselves. Unlike the cinderblock, they transcend themselves: they go beyond mere "identity".
"The meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice but that some things stay the same only by changing." (Heraclitus)
There are all sorts and maybe even an infinite number of "identities" out thee for a person to pick and choose from, although the person seeking an identity generally ideates he, she or other is discovering their true and innate, "authentic" identity ("inner self"), not just cooking up a mask to wear for the moment or maybe never take off again but always they could do so even though they conveniently ignorance themself and otuers of this. I am a black man. I am a transsexual woman. I am a Ukrainian patriot defending my motherland and my mother from the Russian war criminals, I am a proud American, I am the Headmanter of a disciplinarian private school, and on and on it goes. What are you, my reader? I cannot be an "n" word because I am not a "person of color" identity. I am not a chimpanzee, either. But people seem to lust to be the whats they can qualify for.
Identity social conditioning makes persons ideate of themslves and consequently behave and believe as if they were itentical physical objects — I call them "lumps" and the lumpen universe is compoesd of atomic lumps: people with identities. Oh, yes, they are diverse! They are sheep with different color wool. But all sheep are the same color in the dark and none are either goats or shepherds. Baaa!
Don't have be an identity! Have imagination! Or don't, of course. Repeat after me: "I am proud of my identity! I am proud to be a [whatever] like a cinderblock is a cinderblock! I am proud to be Proud, which is another fashionable word today among the political correctnessers and their Activists! My Activist will tell me where to follow him (her, other, industrial robot...) to The [i.e.: his, her or other's] Promised Land, where I will fit in. Nobody can be a leader unless they can recruit followers.