The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Junior ("Junior?") had a big mouth from which issued a booming voice. He famously belched out to his ass-embled mass audience that he had a dream. At home he had a Rolex wristwatch, the horological status symbol of the parvenus. The louder a person talks, the coarser the granularity of what they say. "If it makes you happy...." (Sheryl Crow)
A Southern Baptist preacher promising a pie in the sky to the downtrodden. As Karl Marx supposedly said, religion is the opiate of the masses. Of course civil rights are important, but the Fat Cats can make profits off desegregated lunch counters even if the white trash don't like it so much. A different loud mouth: Donald Trump, belches out sermons for them. The medium is the message, although quantity does change into quality, as when swarming grasshoppers become a plague of locusts.
Physiologically, I find Dr. King's body repulsive. It looks like no matter how hard one would scrub it with soap, it would emit greasy oil all over itself soon enough. A greaseball. A sleazeball. He certainly could have used to go on a diet, out of esthetic considerations, as well as as symbol of the holy martyrs of his faith who mortified their flesh, not philandered. His kind of preachers eat well. He could have remained celebate all his life and then we would not have Number Three who is even in greater need of dieting and also has a lot to say, it seems.
Going from one unpleasant man to another: Pablo Picasso (right). His paintings were loud, full of noise. Is there anything quiet and nuanced in them? Sometimes this can be constructive, as with his famous "Guernica" which rightly shrieks at the horrors of the destruction of My Lai, typo: I meant a Spanish village in the Fascist war. All Fascists are LOUD. They hype up the testosterone level of the crowd, like cheer rallies for the varsity lacrosse and tackle football teams, in the "prep" school I attended. There was nothing quiet and nuanced about that uncouth place, where boys were trained in the art of head-butting. Go team!
Let's take a lesson from all the LOUD-MOUTHS: They make an impact by being individuals. 1,000,000 Reverend Martin Luther King Juniors shoutring "I have a dream!" in unison as a huge mob like an infinity of baby birds shrieking with all their beaks wide open to receive a worm from their mother bird would not have nearly the awe-inspiring impact of the one and only Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.'s booming voice emanating from his larger than life one open maw monopoliing the news reporters' supertelephoto lenses. Dr. King should tell his "followers" to follow his example: Instead of huge mass marches of zillions, where each individual person has no value, make the "demonstration" be one person of infinite value. One person. It has been done, whether by accident of fate of by intent: here, 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, China. That one man facing all those tanks had more PR value than a mob of zillions.
To the question: What should people (aka: "I") do, there you have the answer: Be a unique individual not a particle in a sociopolitical colloidal suspension, a protester, a voter, a nobody. Of course you should vote, but while voting in the aggregate can accomplish things, you as a voter, quite literally count: an an instance in an enumeration. If 50,000,000 people vote, you count as 1 divided by 50,000,000, which is effectively: zero. You can write letters [or emails...] to the President (I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) do). Be creative, not a 2-legged sheep!
Vladimir Putin taking a shit. The Reverend Martin Luther King Junior and all his followers and Donald John Trump and all his "base" shit, and "AOC" and Deco Dog and Governor Andrew Cuomo's sexual harassment accusers shit too. All men (women, others...) are created equal.... But some have bigger fecesmouths than others.
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