"They put me off at the wrong stop when I was born" (Doug Schaff, d. 2022)
"Anything that a lot of people like has to be good, because if it wasn't good they wouldn't like it." (Andy the War hole)
"At 03:14:08 UTC on Tuesday, 19 January 2038, 32-bit versions of the Unix timestamp will cease to work" (Wikipedia) ~ This page compiled: 2023-12-28 11:53:32.
αληθεια λογος πολλοι today's Ferdinand Magellans of The Office Water Cooler wmic bios get serialnumber Computer name: LAPTOP-SHVJVJ41 or: CAT ? Theodore John Kaczynski Anonymouse Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn samizdat French secularism: laïcité Make a goddamned symbolic link: mklink /D \Pictures \Users\mccor\OneDrive\Pictures https://www.wpr.org/reagans-1967-speech-changed-purpose-college-forever-says-journalist Harper's magazine, "A Letter on Justice and Open Debate" Luke 2:41-52 https://faculty.washington.edu/walter/Killing%20Cats3.html 💗 Attenborough / catastrophe: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/science-environment-56175714 the Chicxulub impactor (end of the dinosaurs) Hitono-me "The societal eye" [[File:EyeIcon.gif|Your superego is watching you.]] Israell sex therapy for injured soldiers: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-56737828 Pierre Chareau and Bernard Bijvoet, Maison de Verre Signal intelligence Gordon Welchman Prince Charles is a fop asshole like St****N P****N. Harry&Meghan,LLC are twits. FTA (Remember 'Nam?) Fuck The goddamned Army! Google translate: Warum bin ich sehr empfindlich gegenüber den kleinsten Fehlern an meinem Körper? Weil ich keinen anderen Körper habe, um mich zu beruhigen, ist dies mein letzter Ort, um es auf Erden zu versuchen. Dr. [WhatsHisName] Franco cursed me at Pensylvania State University student health department 1968 telling me my place in life was to be something other than being good with women (the jerk was supposed to be testing for albumin in urine): I hope he is burning in hell forever with God's blowtorch focused on his penis and testes and perinium and turning his anus into useless scar tissue! Remember people who have not been good to you! A tweet issued on the official page of the U.S. military command in charge of the nation's nuclear arsenal early had many on social media confused and concerned: ";l;;gmlxzssaw," ";l;;gmlxzssaw." DHS 42059608; 88054805; 63855869; 61161061; 51848759 Internet Archive: Bradford McCormick792 What are you looking here for? You will find it at the bottom of Lake Strategic. A cigar is a fire on one end and a fool on the other. 4 Green Leaf Court julia> function f1(a, b) #c = a * "=" * string(b) #return(eval(Meta.parse(c))) return(eval(Meta.parse(a * "=" * string(b)))) end f1 (generic function with 1 method) julia> println(f1("E", f1("F", 21))," ",E," ", F) # println(E = F = 21) don't work 21 21 21 Just in case you weren't let in on the secret: Marcel Duchamp's Mona Lisa's "L.H.O.O.Q." is French for "She has a hot twat." Neat, eh, priggies? I never was adept at "find the hidden meaning" in scahool: From Wikipedia: "Rrose Sélavy" means: physical love (eros) is life; Ergo: Celibates who don't get off on being celibate are dead. 08540 How can they let live who do not themselves live? Let the lady who plays hard to get keep her purity. Iron rusts. P**** B*xt*r W*b*r was a toxic bitch (Homer's Circe), who turned people into pigs – err: servile admirers P***** is great! P**** is good! P**** smiles at you! R*b*rt B*xt*r (new codename, +2022.09.30: "Boxster") is a fop. *nn* T**lm*n-R*th should have had a better man than Boxster. P**** B*xt*r W*b*r had a daughter who is an empty head happy little bluebird that flies over the rainbow without radar 24/7. Loved being pregnant. Frustrated her daughters have not produced grandkids for her to play granma with. Tweet! Tweet! Sydney Biddle Barrows. Wallace Warfield Simpson. Camilla Parker Bowles. P**** B*xt*r W*b*r . What a bunch! Remember that dead skunk in the middle of the road, stinking to high heaven? Maybe it was really Ronnie and Nancy Reagan's armpits, or their... Mr. Donald J. Trump is the anus of Western civilization Das Arschloch des Abendlandes Why hasn't Donald J. Trump long since killed himself? Howe must more damage has this piece of White Trash done to The United States than Aldrich Ames, Alger Hiss, Klaus Fuchs and Robert Hanssen combined? USPS Postmaster Louis DeJoy is one of his hemorrhoids. I have a picture of Kim Kardashian West that looks like she had surgery to replace her mouth with somebody's anus and now she(?)'s straining to defecate. Out with it, bitch! Of course I do not like Trumpies, but you gotta give the Congressman credit for telling it like ot is, who called AOC a f***ing b****. Delete word #1 and impound AOC in a tow yard with Corvairs and Pintos! The net of "TheAge of Beloveds is disgusting: The elite need to enjoy pleasures which the masses must not find out about because the masses cannot control their hormones except by being "food for powder", but if it's a choice between the masses finding out what they must not know, and throwing the elites under the bus, governments alway choose to throw the elites under the bus because they need the masses to keep being "food for powder" and not getting any rebellious idea into their heads. The existence of anything of value depends on the masses being kept ignorant of all the things they must not find out about. I was childbirthed and childreared and perp schooled among the masses. They put me off at the wrong place when I was born. It was a goddamned crime of American Levittown and tail fins society against me. Noli me tangere! Bring home the bacon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgrO5za0lSY
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+2021.04.18 09:33. A prediction. If everybody eats Joe Biden for lunch, they will be sorry,. Had Trump won, and he almost did win, everybody would be whining about Trump, and that, quite correctly, because Trump was a traitor destroying the nation. Biden is basically good. All the AOC shitheads should thank their luck stars they have him and be doing everything in their power to help him, not to jerk him around for their parochial agendae. Democratic party assholes of the left and Republican party assholes of the right! Assholes everywhere. 09:40. +2022.04.03. Joe Biden is unfit to govern. (1) His temper tantrum about Putin in a press conference. (2) Trying to pressure the Department of Justice to move on Trump. He deserves for Trump to get off due to him having influenced the investigation. ++2022.06.23. Ha! Ha! The above ws all before Mr. Biden really drank the Zelensky Kool-Ade. He is unfit to govern: w a good tep-and-fetch-it aide for President Oama. But now he is a threat to you name it he's a threat to it support for TV Commando Z's war in the Donbas.
My home computer is clean: Everything is in one directory. And all my Internet stuff is in one subdirectory of that directory. Note that symlink "ROM" uses symlink "BMcC".
C:\ROM\BO>dir \ Volume in drive C is Windows Volume Serial Number is F611-8BEE Directory of C:\ 01 Oct 2023 09:46 <DIR> backups 13 May 2021 12:39 <SYMLINKD> BMcC [\Users\mccor\bradstuff] 14 Mar 2023 02:43 <DIR> C9_CHK 01 Oct 2023 01:07 <DIR> deleted 10 Aug 2023 23:31 12,288 DumpStack.log 05 Feb 2023 16:10 <DIR> lynx_w32 16 May 2021 17:02 <SYMLINK> np.exe [\windows\System32\notepad.exe] 07 May 2022 01:24 <DIR> PerfLogs 06 Jun 2021 01:30 <SYMLINKD> Pictures [\Users\mccor\OneDrive\Pictures] 29 Sep 2023 06:49 <DIR> Program Files 19 Sep 2023 01:47 <DIR> Program Files (x86) 26 Aug 2023 01:05 <DIR> REPO 01 Oct 2023 09:27 <SYMLINKD> ROM [\BMcC\assets\ROM] 26 Sep 2023 04:49 <DIR> SAVEME 09 Sep 2022 11:06 724 StandardScanScanLog.csv 07 Oct 2022 06:10 <DIR> Users 27 Sep 2023 12:10 <DIR> Windows 3 File(s) 13,012 bytes 14 Dir(s) 406,145,810,432 bytes free C:\ROM\BO>