"A slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant, often growing in a spiral form, that stretches out and twines around any suitable support" (Google search result)
Example tendril, jut imagine it growing straight not curving back in toward itelf, which is unusual. A tendril just keeps reaching out until it finds something — anything; tendrils re not selective — to wrap itself around and start growing on. I do not like tendrils: they are like my intrusive mother who wa always trying to burrow into me like a worm into an apple.
Here we see a tendril I like: It has found something to wrap itself around: another noxious weed. I would like all intrusive persons to intrude on each other and muuallydestroy themselves iunsead of findkin gdecent people to get in their clutches.
Detail view of same tendril s in immediately above image. Seee how it is "corkscrewing, starting to wrap itself around and around its victim in an upwrd spiral. My ideal tendril is one which end finding its own earlier growth to warp itself around and thus causes trouble only to itself. Idealliy this kind of people should find own earlier growth to warp itself around and thereby commit suicide, and in such a sway that the suvivivors not need to expend any time, energy or resuources disposing of them.
Detail view of same tendril approx. 3 days later. We can see the tendril corkscrewing up the host / target weed's stalk and tightening it embrace of it (like narcissistic people who corkscrew themsleves into positions of social power). |
![]() Unfortunate for themself, the person who lacks one; unfortunate for others, the person that is one. Don't be an a**hole! |