Cover of Réalités magazine · №159 · February 1964 · The problem of unemployment in the West ~ Probably the most beautiful magazine cover I (BMcC) have ever seen. The picture does not quite do it justice . The miner's face is immensely powerful (the eyes are windows of the soul[1]). The text of the magazine's name at top left, and the title of the article at lower left seem perfectly sized, positioned and oriented. The text colors seem right. The two white – actually: ivory – areas look perfect. The whole content and layout seems perfect to me; everything is necesssary and nothing is superfluous.
There is more to this story: This is a serious article about a serious human subject. The discussion included such persons as IBM Thomas Watson. Réalités was not just selling Cadillac automobiles and American President Lines cruises, although they were doing that. (They were also selling Citroën automobiles.) Their articles went deep into many serious subjects, for instance an extended interview with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ, whom I believe was a controvertial figure in The Roman Catholic Church at the time.
The magazine was not just haute couture but also high culture. As an inmate of St. Paul's Day Carcel for Boys, in the library on a pass because as an "A" student I could spend the "period"[2] in the library instead of otherwise obligatory mass "study hall", the magazine (some rich kid's parent must have given them the subscription, along with The Illustrated London News?) "smelled" good to me. I had an innate esthetic sense of smell which was rarely intentionally cultivated by the institution or its employees whose pay my parents' money partly paid.