Just how ideologically "conservative" was/is this smiling face in an educational place[1]?
For many years (1995-2019) he was "Vice President, Student Affairs, Admission, and Financial Aid" of Clarmont McKenna College (CMC), concerning which Wikipedia says: "CMC is known for its faculty's conservative political orientation relative to comparable liberal arts colleges".[3] His doctoral disseration's title is: "The Ethical Lives of College Students in the Digital Age". The ERIC synposis of it says:
"I conducted original research projects and discovered the following: (1) Piracy and plagiarism are commonplace."
So Dr. Huang was a latter day member of the pedagogico-colonial regime in that educational Saigon (St. Paul's Illiberal Day Carcel for Pubescent Male Virgins except-for-omerta-sanitary-services-for-jocks), where I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) had been a one-student insurgency against such things as "the cult of school spirit"?
Instead of ferreting out how students can cheat on often just busy-work / meaningless-to-themselves ass—ignments[2], couldn't you have been verifying how it is highly unlikely for anyone, student, parent, faculty member or other, to cheat on original creative endeavor in which they have an autchthonous passionate insterest, Dr. Huang? (More here)
"No one should expect an honest answer to a question which no one is entitled to ask.... In this instance, a lot of things matter more than the truth." (Matt Miller (Senior Writer, U.S. News and World Report), National Public Radio Morning Edition (31Jul98), "Halting the Lewinsky Madness".) Dr. Huang: How old will Mary be when Jerry is half the age that Sally was when she was three and a half times as old as Maury will be a year before....? (Clue: If I can figure out how to sneak a peek at the Teacher's Guide, I will parrot back to you the correct answer, Sir.)
If we eliminate temptations for students to cheat and offer them learning opportunities that will straightforwardly appeal to them (virtue as its own reward), then there should be little need to suppress them doing bad things like cheating → to try to avoid bad things they don't want, such as "bad grades", or to try to get badgood things they would want, such as "honors". Or am I wrong here, Sir?