If I didn't have to submit to other people's power but wa able to defend myself, and was "well paid and well laid" or at least adequately capitalied, etcetera and so forth....
¶ If I was a manager in the work world, I would make some things clear to everybody. If I owned the place I would want eventually to makes it be a workers' cooperative: democracy at work. If I wa just a wage-slave manager, I would make it clear that I understood that al hierarchical social relations are wrong in princile but reality is what it is and we have to do the best we can with it.
• | Anybody who tries to cover up or cover over anything or tries to flatter me will be out the door immediately. | ||||
• | If you think you see something, say something, even if it's something bad about me. | ||||
• | My door is always open for sincere whistleblowers. If you are mistaken but it's reasonably understandable how you made a mistake, I may not like it but you won't be punished for it. Nobody is perfect. | ||||
• | But if you tattle about something that's nobody's business, if you exhibit priggery or prudery, or gossip, you will be invited to leave. | ||||
• | Everybody is expected to keep their personal feelings and beliefs to themself and to be civilly respectful of others even if youy do not like them. | ||||
• | If you flaunt anything or DEI or woke, you will be out the door, peranently. Homosexuals are OK; gay pride is not. Heterosexuals are OK, bragging about "scoring" is not. This includes: | ||||
• | Do not express support or lack of same for any side of any war, any religion, or any other partisan "issue", including "partiotism" for any country. | ||||
• | Do not sell Girl Scout cookies in the office. | ||||
• | Note: Dress code is: modesty. I am aware that this is a judgment call since I was presecuted all my life to submit to coerced haircuts, to keep from offending everybody. Head scarfs, yarmulkes, small crossses on necklaces are aceptable provided the wearer is tolerant of others. Let him who is without sin throw the first stone. | ||||
• | The only things we endorse are business and professional ethics. | ||||
• | What you say or do outside the office is your business, provided it in no way indicates any connection to our business. | ||||
• | Anything you say or do outside the office that does in any way indicate connection to our business must be spcifically pre-approved except in unforeseealbe emergencies and then it must be promptly reported for retroactive examination. | ||||
• | I don't care if you show up for work as long as you got your work done in a timely manner to a high standerd of quality. | ||||
• | Execption: If your job is time or interection dependent then punctuality and showing up is non-negotiable. Customer support phones need to be manned and heart attack victims given CPR 24/7/365.25, and a surgeon about to peform an operation needs the surgical nurse to be present with him (her, other) in the OR. No exceptions. | ||||
• | Edge case: You need to be in the office for some reason but not at the current moment. You can bring a personally owed computer and do things on it that are not business related provided nobody else can hear or see what you are doing and that it is disconnected from our work, like public wi-fi in Starbucks. | ||||
• | There will be no office parties or celebrations. Obviously perons are — at least mostly — social animals but do not offend fellow workers by chatting on about last nite's New York Yankees game at the water cooler. You can smoke cigarettes in the parking lot. | ||||
• | It is understaood that emloyees are people and that business assets will be used for inconsequential personal purposes at times. But you are not allowed to keep your stock portfolio on the "personal computer" we provide. We can audit everything you do on that computer at any time, or tke it back without notice. Also, it you lose it there must not be unencrypted "sensiive" business information. | ||||
• | The foregoing as just general suggestions. Loopholes and exception cases apply to every or almos every rule. Use your disrteion and be prepared to rationally defend your actions if they do not follow these guidelines, but also if they do follow them (Got that?). Don't "just follow orders". Keep an audit log. | ||||
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¶ Freedom of speech? If somebody advocated killing jews in concentration camps, or forced conversion of nonbeliever to The True Faith and burning them at the stake if thei do not convert, to save their souls, that seems unacceptable. But some persons would want to object to advocacy of abortions and otherw want to object to the Biden war against Russia, arguing that one or the other of thoe two thing are in the same league as the first two. If a woman need an abortion and abortion is illegal, do the anti-abortionists have fun and and wrek the woman's life, or does the woman get to be free who=ile in those other persons view premeditated murder has been committed againt an innoent victim (presuming thoe people are sinere and not just looking for a free lunch)?
I think people should be able to say any thing they ant, no matter how horrible, but not do anything they want but that does not solve the problem, does it? For abortions I have a solution that probably nobody would like: First clear the slate and accept that any currently pregnant woman be allowed to get an abortion if she wantss one. Then in exchange for prohibiting abortions encourage all the forms of sexual gratifiation from masturbation to anal penetration that don't run the risk of conception and, make it clear to everybody that the only condition under which you should have intravaginal penile penetration if you are fertile is if you want to get pregnant because you won'e be able to change your mind when it's too late. An exception should be made for rape, but rape itself should be reclassified as assault with a deadly weapon (ther should be only crimes, not "sex crimes"). Can everybody agree to that? NIMBY.
¶ If I was a teacher, I would not pretend that I was a some kind of suerior beig and tha tstudents were lower life forms whose proper role i the classroom wa to obey my orders. Similar to the manager problem (see above. I would start each clas by bowing repetfully to the students and to the worthiness of the material to be studied, and expect the students to respectfully bow in return. If the students deserved respet I would be acknowledgeing this; if they did not deserve respect I would be setting an example for that they are not but might improve themselves to become.
If I had to grade the students that's just what I would have to do. If a student was juse occupying time and sapec f=but not making an effort, I would ask them why they wer here, and if thy had good reason such as to escape poverty I'd give them, within reason the grade they needed and told them they didn't need to show up for class. Plagiarists would be shown no mercy. If you sincerely tried you would at least ge a "C-". You could not get a "D" or "F" for answering too few questions correctly in an enumerated test; "D" means dunc (or that you were being a brown-noser) and "F" means don't-give-a-shit. My ideal students would, instead of doing the assignments, RYO better their own, like I did in the one course I took from Prof. Maxine Greene at TC.
¶ All persons who have a universalizable skill or who are educated would be internationalized as citizens ofthe whle world and protected a living assets for humanity. This would include obviously persons such as great scientists and humanities professors, and of course myself (BMcC[18-11-46-503]), but also plumbers and electricians. Any person who is not just cannon fodder or a 2 legged munitions factory (fertile woman of childbearing age). There should be no wars at al but if there have to be then all perons who can add value not just contribute to bodycount need to be exempted and protected, and, correlatively, made available to assist humanitarian efforts only all sides. A physician can treat a wounded soldier from any army. A plumber can fix the water and seqage pipes in a house on anybodys side. See: here.
Lemma: Thinking more about this leads to something some giftd persons who are frittering away their lies or who get off on doing risky things may not like: If you are a living asset of humanity, it is incombent upon you to protect the self or which you have been given fiduciary responsibility from harm and to make good use of it. It's not yours to waste, just like if you inherited a Patek Phiippe Grand Complicaitons wristwatch and decided you wanted to cook it in a pot of boiling water. You cannot be an NFL football player because playing football is a known risk of brain damage. You cannot waste your mind in mindless activities ike bing a fooball fan or cultivating skin cancer as a "sun worshipper" on the beach. You cannot risk climbing dangerous mountains where you might hurt yourself. You should not be allowed to waste a valuable resource for humanity. If you want to be a Yankees fan, enlist with the rest of the meatloafs who have no choice about it. Enjoy your leisure time studying more and contributin to the arts and sciences, not watching HBO or playing video games or mowing a lawn.... You may decide you'd rather not be a exempt from military service, that the game of being a living asset of humanity is not worth the canle of not having fun: See here. I am not proposing that anybody get a free lunch just because they happen to have been born with certain secondary attributes.
"From thoe to whom much ha been given, much should be epected." (Source unknown, maybe me, BMcC[18-11-46-503]?)