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Monk revealing his true self behind his public face.

I can only go by what I read in the news. Hunter Biden soulds like a real scumbag. Like he couldn't get a job except on his daddy's name, and he wasn't smart enough to keep a low profile.

His daddy was a Senator then Vice President and now President of The United States. It seems obvious the father is using his position at a minimum to try to shield his wayward son. It may be much worse. If he didn't know what his son was up to, that's gross incompetence. If he did know it's collusion.

Mr. Biden appears to be mentally limited. he may not know the difference. He may indeed be incapable of any cognitive or emotional life more mature than waving a flag and being a good little boy. In that case he should have never assued a position of high public responsibility, but maybe he is too stupid to not know how stupid he is. In any case, as Commander in Chief or at least as the person sitting on the chair and with nuclear launch codes, he needs to put the interests of the nation first, foremost and without exception.

Pesident Joe Biden, not some wayward child's loving father, needs to make a choice: (A) Not try to do anything to hlep his son which could even conceivably be ssen as making use of the public trust for personal advantage. Or: (B) Resign the office, remounce the leverage which came with it, and help his son as a private citizen with no political connections. During World War II, when the Germans took Joseph Stalin's son as a prisoner of war and wanted to do a prisoner swp, Stalin refused and the Germans executed his son. That may or may not have been the best choice, but Mr. Biden should learn from the example.

Hunter Biden appears to be toxic. The body politic must not be infected with him. Give daddy a handekrchief if he wants to cry.[1]

+2024.02.16 v054
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  1. ↑ Your Comment on Hunter Biden Charged With Evading Taxes on Millions From Foreign Firms
    The New York Times
    12:57 PM (1 hour ago) [+2023.12.08]
    Your comment has been approved!
    Bradford McCormick | New York
    Mr. Biden would have no problems with his apparently wayward son had he just given him a monthly allowance and kept him away from business dealings and other activities neither of them have apparetnly been big enough to cope with. When you put on the hat of a responsible officer in any organization, you must not left personal feelings influence you. You must be single mindedly and laser focused on the wellbeing of the organization. If you can't do that, resign the job to deal with your personsl situation without harming outsiders. Nobody would have problems with Mr. Biden being enmeshed in Hunter's life if Hunter's life was strictly private with no international or other consequential business dealings. But Mr. Biden wanted to be in the public spotlight as POTUS, so he should have expected to be "shot" at from all sides and anything he might wish to hide be exposed to unflattering public view -- especially in today's highly contentious political scene. Pride comes before a fall. May it affetc only the two principals and not also the body politic!
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