So just what are human rights? In the land of the free and the home of the brave, I didn't even have a right to keep the natural hair on my head. In public school, nobody ever told me I didn't have to say the Pledge of Allegiance.
The New York Times (+2023.04.29) featured the story of Bend Oregon's sometime mayor who literally was living in a homeless shelter. All my life I have feared the big Or else!. America is a piece of shit country where you have the right to rot on a sidewalk if the police don't arrest you for vagrancy (which might actually be an improvement in your situation?), if you don't watch your step.
What freedom? Freedom to live in fear until you die. [I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) despise this country and how it has treated me, and yes, I am aware I have it a lot less worse than a lot of other persons, but that does not make it good. The wealthiest nation in the history of the world at the end of World War II → blew it big time and they gave it a name because a lot of them ideated it was good or maybe just good PR: "The American dream", and we even have a national symbol that not many people know about: here.]
"There s no memory which time does not efface
And no pain to which death does not bring surcease."
(Sancho Panza, from memory)
I once said to somebody that the Boy Scouts seemed to me like Hitler Youth; I learned that is not advisable to say to people. They will shun you for it. The Boy Scouts en-courage conformist loyalty (obedience) in young males who generally like to be conformists anyway: 2-legged herd animals with little weewees. Loyalty (obedience) to what? It does not matter. Loyalty (obedience) to anything, a opposed to self-accountable circumspection. Courage?
Student: "Happy the land that breeds a hero."
Galileo: "No. Unhappy the land that needs a hero."
(Bertolt Brecht)
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America is all worked up these days about LGBQWERRTY rights: the right of people, and especially children to disidentify with their genitals. I never had any weird gender issues, I was denied opportunity to know about my own body and then given no ooportunity to have a suitable loving partner. "Fuck them" is a bad idiom because sexual relations should be gentle, loving, playful and celebrated not "f*cked up" (or a Freudian brutal "primal scene").
I was childreared in the Dark Age of "in loc parentis" which I translate a: parents are insane. Jocks got omerta sanitary services. I favor the right to enjoy orgasms whatever one's biological endowment, and, of course, no medically unnecesary circumcision. My guess is htere would be fewer gender-disidentifying children if boys and girls wher encouaged to enjoy their bodies alone and together. DOn't eteach abou the birds nad th bees: teach contracsption and that vaginal coitus is the onlly sax act thta can make a womdn pregna=nt.
But even if accepting sex is a normal part of life even for children would not solve the gender dysphoria issue, there ould be on problem with public restrooms ifther ewere no pu[l]ic nudity places except gay bath-houses: no pub[l] same gender sex organ exposure locker rooms or public toilets without privacy partitions. "Locker rooms" are sick. Celibacy is sick/. Girls playing look don't touch and hard to get is sick. Boys being machos is sick. Make love not wa (nor babies eiher,since ther are already far too many people concurrently metabolizing on our small planet).
What human rights? And it goes far beyond "sex". Children should be informed about everytihng, as objects for anslytic study. But no position should be recomended for unquestioning belief (more here). Do you think yout parents' religion is any good? Do you think this counry is any good?
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America loves "human rights advocates". Some of the latter are persons who intentionlly insert themselves in harm's way in hopes that when they get what they wanted, this will arouse sympathy for for their [freely chosen] sufffering, and for them to pressure the United States government to go to war to overthrow the government of the country they don't like. Alexei Nabalny wants to overthrow the autocratic Russian government. So he goes to Russia, knowing he will likely be throw into prison for his "dissident" acivities, in hope that his [freely chosen] imprisonment will motivate the U.S. people t damand their government to go to war to overthrow the Russian government and save him from the harm is doing to himself: "I will stop hurting myself if you will overthrow the Putin government!"
Then there are occasional fools like Mr. Jamal Khashoggi who just want to get an early Valentines Day card for their true love attconsulate of the gcountry they spend their days trying to encourage its people to overthrow. Get real, folks!
When these people suffer or even die, everybody should rejoice that they are getting what they asked for. There are persons for whom the bleeding heats in The West should legitimately feel sorry and try ot help if we can: Persons who are not rich or famous enough to be able to get out but would ike to. If yu want to leave some place, any place, and can't get out, that is sincerely bad and a violation of your "human rights". If you don't like a place but want to stay or go back there to make it change, that should be your problem.
I propose the one right which every country should give to it citizens ins the right to, in Mrs, Nancy Reagan's immortal words albeit taken out of context: "Just say: 'No!'" → "Hell no, I won't go!" It's an old joke: What if they gave a war and nobody showed up to fight?
Your Comment on England Limits Youth Gender Medications, Part of Big Shift in Europe
The New York Times
3:24 AM (5 hours ago) [+2024.04.10]
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Bradford McCormick | New York
Gender dysphoria today seems like religious hysteria in the late Middle Ages.
I don't see effort to encourage young persons to enjoy the bodies they have, both by themselves and with one another. I don't see effort to deconstruct dysfunctional social patterns such as gender separation schools and bellicose "sports". Make love not war.
There are many stressors in young persons' lives today. Something some young persons having difficulties of coping can focus on is to imagine they should be the other gender.
Some people have a vested interest in stirring up trouble trying to find converts to their Woke religion. Others, of the MAGA religious persuasion, try to repress young persons' sexuality altogether. Everybody (every body) should rationally get behind cultivating each young person to maximally enjoy he body they have.
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![]() Unfortunate for themself, the person who lacks one; unfortunate for others, the person that is one. Don't be an a**hole! |