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S. Atherton Middleton. Head Master, St. Paul' Day Carcel for Pubsecent Male Virgins execpt for omerta sanitary services for jocks! Take me home to the home I never had! The Dark Ages, 1958-64,St. Paul's Illiberal Day Carcel for Pubescent Male Virgins except for omerta sanitary services for jocks The Dark Ages.

I attended preparatory school in The Dark Ages, in the tie of "in loco parentis", which tanslates as: parents are insane. The institution ws nominlly associated with the Episcopal Church bu they worshipped graven images: varsity lacrosse nd tacle football team shiny platd victory trophy cups. We were The Crusaders. We were supposed to fight the good fight, finish out course and keep the faith.

+2024.01.11 v040
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