"The meaning of the river flowing is not that all things are changing so that we cannot encounter them twice but that some things stay the same only by changing."[1] (Heraclitus)
There is no last word on any substantive topic.
"Everything is the same thing: you learn more who you are." (Tom Gee)
If you keep doing different things, you are doing a same thing, namely "something different from what you previously did". If you circle around to do something you have previously done before, then you are doing a same thing, namely "revisiting something you previously did".
Which would you rather repeat: (A) seeing n things at depth 1, or (B) seeing one thing at depth n? I (BMcC[18-11-46-503]) generally choose #B, becuse I've already done M A's for M > 0, but never been to level N+M for M > 0. There's something dimensionally different in revisiting the same thing than in visiting new things, although, obviously, they are extensionally different. No matter how many points you visit on the x-y plane, you will neve r encounter any point in the z ≠ 0 dimension.