"There is more to the surface than meets the eye."(Aaron Beck)
Which side is inside and which side is outside the box? This is not always obvious. Also, sometimes a little information can go a long way (see puzzle below which, at first, it looked to me like I'd have to find the answer by guessing).
In superstitious Medieval times (like in Zelenskia today?), when all the males are busy killing each other in holy combat but they also fear for the eternal damnation of their immor[t]al souls, the best way to think outside the box and save your ass might be to get inside a box: a church or an Abbey (e.g.: here), and assure them all you are praying for their souls: "In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and more hocus-pocus.... What do they know? They don't know latin; all they know is to pummel each other.
Some naive person on Quora asked about subliminal advertising. They were probably worried they might be being brainwashed by millisecond flashes occasionally inserted into televison advertisements which the viewer doesn't notice but somehow influence the viewer "subconsciously" ("subliminally"). Very sneaky advertisers those are, indeed! This person missed the obvious that is hiding in plain sight: There's more to the surface than meets the eye: Every advertisement is subliminal. Every social custom is subliminal! Everything in the normal person's life is subliminal! The medium is the message! Sometimes all you need to do is think inside the box – or look for your glasses on your nose (Martin Heidegger).